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Issue Starting up Auth and world server after Migration to V4 MoP


Veteran Member
Verified Member
Getting this error when i start up my auth server


Using configuration file authserver.conf.
OpenSSL 1.1.1n 15 Mar 2022 (Library: OpenSSL 1.1.1s 1 Nov 2022)
Opening DatabasePool 'mop_auth'. Asynchronous connections: 1, synchronous connections: 1.
MySQL client library: 5.6.17
MySQL server ver: 5.5.9-log
Connected to MySQL database at
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 71, sql: "SELECT ba.id, UPPER(ba.email), ba.last_ip, ba.failed_logins, bab.unbandate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() OR bab.unbandate = bab.bandate, bab.unbandate = bab.bandate, ba.sha_pass_hash, ba.v, ba.s, a.id, a.username, ab.unbandate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() OR ab.unbandate = ab.bandate, ab.unbandate = ab.bandate, aa.gmlevel FROM battlenet_accounts ba LEFT JOIN battlenet_account_bans bab ON ba.id = bab.id LEFT JOIN account a ON ba.member_id = a.member_id LEFT JOIN account_banned ab ON a.id = ab.id AND ab.active = 1 LEFT JOIN account_access aa ON a.id = aa.id AND aa.RealmID = -1 WHERE ba.email = ?"
Unknown column 'ba.member_id' in 'on clause'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 74, sql: "SELECT ba.id, UPPER(ba.email), ba.last_ip, ba.failed_logins, bab.unbandate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() OR bab.unbandate = bab.bandate, bab.unbandate = bab.bandate, ba.sessionKey, a.id, a.username, ab.unbandate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() OR ab.unbandate = ab.bandate, ab.unbandate = ab.bandate, aa.gmlevel FROM battlenet_accounts ba LEFT JOIN battlenet_account_bans bab ON ba.id = bab.id LEFT JOIN account a ON ba.member_id = a.member_id LEFT JOIN account_banned ab ON a.id = ab.id AND ab.active = 1 LEFT JOIN account_access aa ON a.id = aa.id AND aa.RealmID = -1 WHERE ba.email = ? AND a.username = ?"
Unknown column 'ba.member_id' in 'on clause'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 89, sql: "REPLACE INTO member_settings (member_id, setting, value) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"
Table 'mop_auth.member_settings' doesn't exist
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 90, sql: "DELETE FROM member_settings WHERE member_id = ? AND setting = ?"
Table 'mop_auth.member_settings' doesn't exist
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 92, sql: "INSERT INTO member_rewards (member_id, character_guid, account_id, realmid, source_type, source_id, reward_amount, reward_date, reward_day) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
Table 'mop_auth.member_rewards' doesn't exist
MySQL client library: 5.6.17
MySQL server ver: 5.5.9-log
Connected to MySQL database at
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 0, sql: "SELECT id, shortname, address, port, icon, flag, timezone, allowedSecurityLevel, population, gamebuild FROM realmlist WHERE flag <> 3 ORDER BY name"
Unknown column 'shortname' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 1, sql: "SELECT shortname FROM realmlist WHERE id = ?"
Unknown column 'shortname' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 21, sql: "SELECT id, username FROM account WHERE hwid = ?"
Unknown column 'hwid' in 'where clause'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 56, sql: "SELECT a.username, aa.gmlevel, a.email, a.last_ip, DATE_FORMAT(a.last_login, '%Y-%m-%d %T'), a.mutetime, a.failed_logins, a.locked, a.OS, a.hwid, ba.email, a.online_mute_timer, a.active_mute_id FROM account a LEFT JOIN account_access aa ON (a.id = aa.id AND (aa.RealmID = ? OR aa.RealmID = -1)) LEFT JOIN battlenet_accounts ba ON a.member_id = ba.member_id WHERE a.id = ?"
Unknown column 'a.hwid' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 67, sql: "SELECT id, weight, text FROM autobroadcast WHERE realmid = ? OR realmid = -1"
Unknown column 'weight' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 86, sql: "SELECT unsetdate FROM member_premiums WHERE (member_id = ? OR member_id = 0) AND active = 1 ORDER BY unsetdate DESC"
Table 'mop_auth.member_premiums' doesn't exist
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 87, sql: "SELECT 1 FROM account WHERE member_id = ? AND verified LIMIT 1"
Unknown column 'member_id' in 'where clause'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 88, sql: "SELECT setting, value FROM member_settings WHERE member_id = ?"
Table 'mop_auth.member_settings' doesn't exist
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 91, sql: "SELECT source_id FROM member_rewards WHERE member_id = ? AND source_type = ? AND reward_day = ? AND realmid = ?"
Table 'mop_auth.member_rewards' doesn't exist
DatabasePool mop_auth NOT opened. There were errors opening the MySQL connections. Check your SQLDriverLogFile for specific errors.
Cannot connect to database
Last edited:


Gold Supporter
MoP Premium
Veteran Member
Hi there, I am having this same issue.
Does anyone have any information on this?

Starting up EmuCoach MoP Repack - Authserver
Support, Updates & Information can get found at - www.emucoach.com
Currently running: EmuCoach MoP Repack v3 - PAID VERSION
EmuCoach - World of Warcraft Emulation Forum, providing MoP and Cataclysm repacks!
Using configuration file authserver.conf.
OpenSSL 1.1.1n 15 Mar 2022 (Library: OpenSSL 1.1.0k 28 May 2019)
Opening DatabasePool 'mop_auth'. Asynchronous connections: 1, synchronous connections: 1.
MySQL client library: 5.6.17
MySQL server ver: 5.5.9-log
Connected to MySQL database at
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 71, sql: "SELECT ba.id, UPPER(ba.email), ba.last_ip, ba.failed_logins, bab.unbandate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() OR bab.unbandate = bab.bandate, bab.unbandate = bab.bandate, ba.sha_pass_hash, ba.v, ba.s, a.id, a.username, ab.unbandate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() OR ab.unbandate = ab.bandate, ab.unbandate = ab.bandate, aa.gmlevel FROM battlenet_accounts ba LEFT JOIN battlenet_account_bans bab ON ba.id = bab.id LEFT JOIN account a ON ba.emucoach_member_id = a.emucoach_member_id LEFT JOIN account_banned ab ON a.id = ab.id AND ab.active = 1 LEFT JOIN account_access aa ON a.id = aa.id AND aa.RealmID = -1 WHERE ba.email = ?"
Unknown column 'ba.emucoach_member_id' in 'on clause'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 74, sql: "SELECT ba.id, UPPER(ba.email), ba.last_ip, ba.failed_logins, bab.unbandate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() OR bab.unbandate = bab.bandate, bab.unbandate = bab.bandate, ba.sessionKey, a.id, a.username, ab.unbandate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() OR ab.unbandate = ab.bandate, ab.unbandate = ab.bandate, aa.gmlevel FROM battlenet_accounts ba LEFT JOIN battlenet_account_bans bab ON ba.id = bab.id LEFT JOIN account a ON ba.emucoach_member_id = a.emucoach_member_id LEFT JOIN account_banned ab ON a.id = ab.id AND ab.active = 1 LEFT JOIN account_access aa ON a.id = aa.id AND aa.RealmID = -1 WHERE ba.email = ? AND a.username = ?"
Unknown column 'ba.emucoach_member_id' in 'on clause'
MySQL client library: 5.6.17
MySQL server ver: 5.5.9-log
Connected to MySQL database at
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 0, sql: "SELECT id, emucoach_shortname, address, port, icon, flag, timezone, allowedSecurityLevel, population, gamebuild FROM realmlist WHERE flag <> 3 ORDER BY name"
Unknown column 'emucoach_shortname' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 1, sql: "SELECT emucoach_shortname FROM realmlist WHERE id = ?"
Unknown column 'emucoach_shortname' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 21, sql: "SELECT id, username FROM account WHERE emucoach_hwid = ?"
Unknown column 'emucoach_hwid' in 'where clause'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 56, sql: "SELECT a.username, aa.gmlevel, a.email, a.last_ip, DATE_FORMAT(a.last_login, '%Y-%m-%d %T'), a.mutetime, a.failed_logins, a.locked, a.OS, a.emucoach_hwid, ba.email, a.online_mute_timer, a.active_mute_id FROM account a LEFT JOIN account_access aa ON (a.id = aa.id AND (aa.RealmID = ? OR aa.RealmID = -1)) LEFT JOIN battlenet_accounts ba ON a.emucoach_member_id = ba.emucoach_member_id WHERE a.id = ?"
Unknown column 'a.emucoach_hwid' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 67, sql: "SELECT id, schedule, text FROM autobroadcast WHERE realmid = ? OR realmid = -1"
Unknown column 'schedule' in 'field list'
DatabasePool mop_auth NOT opened. There were errors opening the MySQL connections. Check your SQLDriverLogFile for specific errors.
Cannot connect to database


Verified Member


Yeap, Step 12 and 13 are necessary to save the chars and accounts.

@reptargx97 - You paste the SQL into the editor and play on the "Play" icon at the top left

The one that is greyed out