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Instructors (where the character is born) do not teach powers for class missions. (v13.1)


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Veteran Member
EYE: only class instructors who give missions, in the places of birth of the characters.

1.- Troll Druida:

Mission bug: https://www.wowhead.com/quest=24766/the-arts-of-a-druid
The Npc: Zen'tabra does not give you the [Rejuvenation] power to complete the mission.
and the instructor doesn't work.
Troll Hunter Instructor (Npc Entry: 38247.)
Mission bug : The arts of the hunter
The NPC: "Ortezza" Does not give you the [Steady Shot] power to complete the mission.
also the Hunter Instructor is not working properly.
2.- all the blood elf trainers are wrong (they teach some powers)
Rogue Instructor (Npc Entry: 15519) He does not learn all the powers he would have.
Hunter Trainer (Npc Entry: 15513) He does not learn all the powers he would need.
Paladin Trainer (Npc Entry: 15280) He does not learn all the powers he would need.
Warrior Trainer (Npc Entry: 43010) He does not learn all the powers he would need.
Priest Trainer (Npc Entry: 15284) He does not learn all the powers he would need.
Wizard Trainer (Npc Entry: 15283) He does not learn all the powers he would need.
Warlock Instructor No (Npc Entry: 15494) He does not learn all the powers he would need.
3.- other from instructor bugs
Rogue Orc Trainer (Npc Entry: Rogue 3155)
Orc Shaman Trainer (Npc Entry: Shaman 3157)
Orc Trainer (Npc Entry: Warlock 3156)
Orc Trainer (Npc Entry: Mage 39206)
Undead Trainer (Npc Entry: Hunter 38911)
Undead Trainer (Npc Entry: Picaro 2122)
Undead Trainer (Npc Entry: Warlock 2126)
Undead Trainer (Npc Entry: Wizard 2124)
Tauren Instructor (Npc Entry: Bazador 3061)
Tauren Instructor (Npc Entry: Shaman 3062)
Tauren Trainer (Npc Entry: Druid 3060)
Goblin Trainer (Npc Entry: Warrior 34697)
Goblin Trainer (Npc Entry: Hunter 34673)
Goblin Trainer (Npc Entry: Cicaro 34693)
Goblin Trainer (Npc Entry: Cacerdote 34692)
Goblin Trainer (Npc Entry: Shaman 34695)
Goblin Trainer (Npc Entry: Wizard 34689)
Goblin Trainer (Npc Entry: Warlock 34696)
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Fixed bug #1 for druids - for V14.

The hunter instruction issue (first report) worked for me just fine. Please try again in V14..

Will check the instructor bugs soon, thanks


I'm pretty sure your report about trainers not training all spells is wrong
- starting trainers aren't supposed to train more spells than these

Would need proof and more info.