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I'm stupid but need help with license


Gold Supporter
MoP Premium
I have a MOP license but did not understand the whole install process.
I think I activated the license didn't get the client to work and after trying a lot of fixes messed up so bad I decided to reinstall my system.
now whent I try to reactivate I get

Invalid license key.
Emucoach: License validation failed. Would you like to try to retry? (Y/N)

When I go to https://www.emucoach.com/forums/members/licensemop I see the following

You can request a new license on: Jun 6, 2024.

Is there a way to reactivate before jun6?

I realize it is my own fault so if the answer is yes, I will just have to wait but would like to know what the situation is.

Thanks in advance