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ICC Gunship + Valithira Skip for 3.3.5a Repacks


Veteran Member
Verified Member
ICC Gunship is a mess in every repack, but i sorted out a solution for at least Trinitycore repacks (3.3.5a in this case)
the solution is easy you have just to learn the cannon spell and bind it to a key and then once the ship is near you have just to spam the spell if you have solocraft or vas module active the spell will produce enough damage to destroy the ship.

Just do .learn 69402 for Incinerating Blast

Valithira cannot be done from every classes so the only solution i sorted out is to .learn 17233 and use it only when you encounter Valithira.

Those soultions are made for the Solo players using the repack with the GM/Admin priviledges, the repack i used to fix this is Trinitycore R2 Repack.

Sorry for the bad english i hope this will help someone during ICC.
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Silver Supporter
MoP Premium
Superior Member
Hmm interesting. Good share, thanks. Will try it on the 3.3.5 Wotlk repack here :)