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[Hunter's Bot] 4.3.4 WoW Advanced Tele/Speedhack Program


Verified Member
Edit: Update - New DL Link added speedhack for flying.
http://www.freewebs.com/smurf-job/Hunters 3.21.rar

I'd appreciate it if you at least posted a "Thanks" after downloading/using the hack.


Unzip the HuntersBotRelease.rar
Run Hunters.exe

Enter the # of games in the # of games input box. (Default is 1.)
Select "Sync Games" and press "F8" to attach the open process to the program.

Example: If I have 1 WoW open, I will press "Sync Games" then I will open World of Warcraft and press F8.

After the hack is attached, most of the rest is self explanatory. Some teleports are already premade in the dropdown menu at the top left of the program. For "Click to Teleport" to work, you must first enable Click To Move under interface in your game options.

Under the Coordinates tab, you can save waypoints, and under the "Teleport" tab you can type in a waypoint to teleport to.

Speedhack tab is for speedhack.

Target Teleport Options: To teleport directly on the target, leave x/y/z at 0.
To teleport above the target, set z to 10 or so and leave x/y at 0. This is pretty self explanatory.

Keybinds are just for saving new keyibnds. Read the readme if you don't understand. Default keybinds are Shift+F9 teleports to target. Shift+F10 enables/disables speedhack.

Chat teleport options - You can save a waypoint for where you are located using chat so you don't have to minimize. To do so, you will use the following format
"Save WP Begin String" + "WPNAME" + "Save WP End String"

Default Save WP Begin String = \s
Default Save WP End String = \w

So if I wanted to save the location my character was at as "TestWP" I would type the following line
"\s TestWP \w" and after I type the w in "\w" my chat box will clear and a sound will play indicating that the waypoint was saved.

For custom teleport keybinds, please read the Info button. The "Remove Keybinds" button was never actually put into function so it doesn't work, but if you need to remove a custom keybind, open up your "Setup.ini" file in notepad and erase everything after "[CustomWaypointKeybinds]".


Edit: Receiving an error that bot has been disabled? Try this link: http://www.freewebs.com/smurf-job/HuntersBotFix.rar
- Credits pinny