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How to make your Emucoach server public.


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Hello Emucoach'ians. Today I'd like to release a guide on how to, "Make your server public".

This will be really straight forward and simple.


Step 1
1. Head to your router's configuration page, Enter: in your address bar of your favorite browser.
once you've logged into your router find something along the lines of, "Port Forwarding/Port Triggering", Not all routers are the same so it might be something else. That you'll have to find, I can't. You'll either need to turn your Firewall off or put exceptions which I will not explain, if you're hosting a server you shouldn't be watching porn on it. So just turn that firewall off..... unless your afraid of computer aids.

These are the following ports you need to forward.
80 - 80 TCP UDP
3036 - 3036 TCP UDP
3306 - 3306 TCP UDP
6112 - 6112 TCP UDP
6881 - 6999 TCP UDP
8129 - 8129 TCP UDP
8085 - 8085 TCP UDP
8093 - 8093 TCP UDP
7878 - 7878 TCP UDP
3724 - 3724 TCP UDP
3443 - 3443 TCP UDP
8050 - 8050 TCP UDP

If given the option to make the ports protocol both TCP/UDP DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is a screen shot of port forwarding on a Netgear router.

Step 2
2. Second you'll need to open up your host file. Located: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc

Drag your host file to the desktop. Once there right click and open with your favorite text editor.

Go to the last line that has nothing written on it. Press Enter 2 times. You will type "", press tab twice and type your No-IP hostname. Example, "turkeygobbler.servegame.com" (Don't put turkeygobbler.servegame.com LOL)

Now google, "What's my IP", The number that pops up is your external IP, copy it. Go back into your host file and press enter after the hostname.

You'll be on a new line. Press Paste, then press Tab twice, then put your hostname again.

Now save it and put it back into "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc"

Here's a screenshot of how it should look like

Step 3
3. Now launch the No-IP DUC program, login using the account you made, click, "Edit Hosts", check the host you made. Close it and forget about it.

You're officially online now.

To make your server accessible by other's you need to open HeidiSQL. Once you've logged in, (Default login is root/ascent). You'll head to your, "Auth", database, in the, "Realmlist", table you'll want to find the column, "address", copy and paste your External IP address in there. Now exit.

Step 4
4. Now google something like, "Is this website down", type in your hostname and see if it's up, (It should be, if you followed directions)

*Notes: If your router, (Like my netgear) Offer No-IP services through your router, you can enter your info for No-IP in your router and it will stay synced with No-IP.com so you don't have to worry about your DUC being up.... ever....
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I did exactly like this, and it doesn't work. All firewalls and antivirus ae turned off - and still, my noip is offline and server won't connect.

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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I did exactly like this, and it doesn't work. All firewalls and antivirus ae turned off - and still, my noip is offline and server won't connect.

Seems more like an issue with No-IP, than the server itself. I haven't dealt with no-ip in ages, so I can't help there.

Plus, I believe there needs to be changes to IP's in the authserver.conf and worldserver.conf, so both Auth/World know where to connect to, allowing players to then connect.


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
Seems more like an issue with No-IP, than the server itself. I haven't dealt with no-ip in ages, so I can't help there.

Plus, I believe there needs to be changes to IP's in the authserver.conf and worldserver.conf, so both Auth/World know where to connect to, allowing players to then connect.

So, I found the core of the problem - in my router's port settings I should have put the correct last number of ip address from ipconfig, for all ports opened for WoW.

NoIP was working fne, and no, there was no need to change addresses in authserver or worldserver - it seems they don't need to be changed at all.

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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World Martial Arts Championships
So, I found the core of the problem - in my router's port settings I should have put the correct last number of ip address from ipconfig, for all ports opened for WoW.

NoIP was working fne, and no, there was no need to change addresses in authserver or worldserver - it seems they don't need to be changed at all.

So I'm assuming it's all working now? If so, glad to hear you found the problem and got it fixed. Thanks for posting the solution as well, as this might help any others with the same problem in the future.


Trial Member
Setting up an EmuCoach server to be public can be tricky, especially if you’re new to hosting and port forwarding. I remember struggling with the same thing when I first started—firewall issues, router settings, and making sure everything was configured properly. One thing that really helped me during my research was diving into well-structured literature reviews on server hosting and networking. If you're ever in need of a solid literature review writer, I’ve had a great experience with one who really knows how to break down technical topics in a clear and concise way. Understanding the fundamentals makes troubleshooting so much easier!
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