- 112
- 2021
- 91
- [Location, Faction, Race] Hour of Twilight Dungeon, Alliance Draenei Paladin
- [Name, Type] Archbishop Benedictus/Thrall, scripting
- [Problem Description] At the end of the Hour of Twilight Dungeon at the final section of the dungeon (After the Asira Dawnslayer fight and subsequent dragon ride) after escorting Thrall a bit, the scripting will not progress. Thrall will stand still, usually after the third wave of mobs during this section, and Archbishop Benedictus remains inside as a non-hostile NPC. This problem does not occur when using my test character and immediately killing the mobs with GM commands, but has occurred in both of my attempts of this dungeon using legitimate methods. I have tried removing the knockback attack from the Faceless Brutes under the assumption that may be related, but the same issue still occurred. Archbishop Benedictus can be engaged with GM commands by setting him to a hostile faction, but the dungeon will otherwise not be able to be progressed. Thrall will also not aid in the fight as he usually does if this method is used since he will still be stuck outside.
- [How it should work] After escorting Thrall for a bit, Archbishop Benedictus should lead him, and the player or players, inside, after which he will reveal himself to be a traitor and turn hostile.
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