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Zul the Akbar

Verified Member
I am interested in a LAN Cata server for 2 players.

I suppose the solocraft repack is best for this smallscale?

I am looking information on setting up LAN, minimum/suggested PC specs (windows 10 ok?)
RAM, CPU? other recomended specs?

Which forum should I start in once I finish building the server PC?

Thank you for the help!

Zul the Akbar

Verified Member
You can use this guide for online access : https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/making-your-server-public.208/
The blizzlike V13.1 is working just fine for for two people, this is ofcourse because of the npcbots.
However if you want Solocraft, you gotta get the fun/solo repack.

What are your current PC specs ?

I'm only wanting to do LAN, not online public... am I following the same process for that here?

So bots on the v13.1 allow two people to have a "blizzlike" experience with the ability to do dungeons and raids?

I am thinking of using an old PC i have, Win10, 2600K @4.4ghz and 16gb RAM.
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