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Hello all! New here and have some questions


Gold Supporter
Hi all! I've been looking for for a Cata server for me and my wife to play together found this site. Running our own server looks promising since none of the current ones really appeal to us.

Our goal is a server that we can duo at least all the normal dungeon content and possibly raids so I'm very interested in the solocraft and bot features with the VIP gold repack.

I had a few questions as I have have never setup a WoW server before.

1. Can I run the server off the same PC I play the client on or would I need a dedicated server machine? (CPU Intel i7 3.7ghz, 16MB Ram, SSD)

2. How easy is it to manage bots if we want to use them? Do they really heal/tank/dps well in all dungeons/raids on their own or is there a lot of bot management that will take my attention away from playing my own character?

3. Can I adjust overall xp gain to say half (we really enjoy leveling the most and I remember a problem with cata was out-leveling zones/quests)

4. Can I easily increase the difficulty of quest mobs (hp/dmg dealt etc?)

Any info/help is greatly appreciated :)


Veteran Member
For the first question you can run the server off the same pc but if you want to play with friends then you need to portforward or use hamachi.
The other 3 questions I'm not qualified to answer


Verified Member
Bots are super easy to deal with, I love them. The exp isnt really an issue as you can easily GM command down to any level and continue the area. The mob hp/dmg is configurable in the worldserver config file but that is beyond my scope, i have not played with those settings but they are there.