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[GUIDE] How to migrate accounts & characters to latest VIP Version /Save accs & chars


Veteran Member
Verified Member
I hate to be THAT noob but how to i execute steps 12 and 13 in hedi SQL?

(EDIT) Nevermind Figured it out :D


Gold Supporter
MoP Premium
Veteran Member
Hello, NOOB here,
How do I "12) Execute this into your Char DB:" ?
Pretty sure you click to select the MOP_Characters table on the left, then execute the SQL queries by clicking the blue play button and running.


Gold Supporter
Verified Member

i was asking myself, why don`t just create a new world.db. Therefor u only have to do the Dump & Import once.
In the worldserver.conf, you can simply change the world db connection like:

# Default: ";3306;root;ascent;emucoach_v12_vip_auth" - (LoginDatabaseInfo)
# ";3306;root;ascent;emucoach_v12_vip_world" - (WorldDatabaseInfo)
# ";3306;root;ascent;emucoach_v12_vip_char" - (CharacterDatabaseInfo)

LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;ascent;emucoach_v12_vip_auth"
WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;ascent;emucoach_v17_vip_world" <-- simply edit the world db connection string
CharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;ascent;emucoach_v12_vip_char"

In the DB Tool, you will then have both worlds. The new and the old version ~ my 2 cent


MoP Premium
Verified Member

i was asking myself, why don`t just create a new world.db. Therefor u only have to do the Dump & Import once.
In the worldserver.conf, you can simply change the world db connection like:

# Default: ";3306;root;ascent;emucoach_v12_vip_auth" - (LoginDatabaseInfo)
# ";3306;root;ascent;emucoach_v12_vip_world" - (WorldDatabaseInfo)
# ";3306;root;ascent;emucoach_v12_vip_char" - (CharacterDatabaseInfo)

LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;ascent;emucoach_v12_vip_auth"
WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;ascent;emucoach_v17_vip_world" <-- simply edit the world db connection string
CharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;ascent;emucoach_v12_vip_char"

In the DB Tool, you will then have both worlds. The new and the old version ~ my 2 cent
View attachment 2826
looking at the auth-db scripts, there are certain changes made to the structure, so you'll need to apply these as well.
BUT i'd rather dump to a file, instead create a new named DB and export directly to this. the steps for the scripts will remain the same of course.


Gold Supporter
Silver Supporter
So this database migration method no longer works with the addition of playerbots to v17 as the bots add lines to the character database. If you try to drop the v17 database and import your own you will have errors that prevent your world server from starting as shown in the attached image. Hock posted a fix in this thread but it requires going through the database and manually adding stuff. Is there a kind soul that could make a tutorial for that to help those of us that are tech challenged?


  • Untidtled.png
    49.7 KB · Views: 166


Gold Supporter
So this database migration method no longer works with the addition of playerbots to v17 as the bots add lines to the character database. If you try to drop the v17 database and import your own you will have errors that prevent your world server from starting as shown in the attached image. Hock posted a fix in this thread but it requires going through the database and manually adding stuff. Is there a kind soul that could make a tutorial for that to help those of us that are tech challenged?
I join you in your question. Same problem.

DatabasePool emucoach_v17_vip_gold_char NOT opened. There were errors opening the MySQL connections. Check your SQLDriverLogFile for specific errors.
Cannot connect to Character database;3306;root;ascent;emucoach_v17_vip_gold_char

I am absolutely confused about how to transfer everything from version 16 to version 17.
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Gold Supporter
Has anyone come up with a reliable solution for migrating character tables from the free version (v7) to the latest VIP v17 gold? I'm following this workflow and others have mentioned that the database structure is different in v17. Following the provided workflow, I'm getting this error:

Using configuration file authserver.conf.
OpenSSL 1.1.1n  15 Mar 2022 (Library: OpenSSL 1.1.1u  30 May 2023)
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 13, sql: "SELECT a.sha_pass_hash, a.id, a.locked, a.last_ip, aa.gmlevel, a.v, a.s, a.token_key FROM account a LEFT JOIN account_access aa ON (a.id = aa.id) WHERE a.username = ?"
Unknown column 'a.token_key' in 'field list'
DatabasePool emucoach_v17_vip_gold_auth NOT opened. There were errors opening the MySQL connections. Check your SQLDriverLogFile for specific errors.
Cannot connect to database

Looks related to the restructure given some missing column.
I successfully setup and ran v17 without any issues using a brand new database, so I know my server setup is good, including logging in and seeing bots run around etc.

I'm guessing we'd want to drop the table data, while leaving the schema format intact so the original instructions of dropping the entire character and auth databases seems like it may no longer be appropriate? Or we need the commands to create all the necessary columns for all tables so we can then import old character data. I'm going to try this and see if I can make any progress with it by just pulling the DB/table creation SQL commands and then importing my old data.

Edit: Doing a graceful data transfer between the two databases (auth and char) seems to have worked because it ignored the extra columns and left them with default values.

Edit edit: However this appears to have broken playerbots.
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Verified Member
[GUIDE] How to migrate accounts & characters to latest VIP Version /Save accs & chars

This guide shows you the exact steps to save your characters and accounts from a previous version of Emucoach Cataclysm Repack, for example the free version or an older VIP version, to the newest offered VIP version.

1) Download a database client by clicking here and setup the program.
2) Launch your existing _Server folder (Portable database server), where you have the current accounts and characters you would like to save.
3) Open HeidiSQL, and as hostname use, username: root, password: ascent, and port 3306

View attachment 1445

4) Export the auth database
You can do so by right clicking on the auth database name (like mine is emucoach_v14_vip_auth), and press.
After doing so, this window will appear:

View attachment 1446
5) Your settings should now look like this ^^, and then you should press Export. Now note down where you exported the sql data file to.

6) Now do the exact same thing, just with the character database.

7) Now close the _Server folder (Portable database server), where you have the current accounts and chars, AND then open the new _Server folder and MySQL you downloaded from the newest VIP version, where they are not saved.
8) Open up the database client (HeidiSQL) again. Now drop the auth database, and press OK.

You can do so, by right clicking on the auth database.
View attachment 1447

9) Now create a new database called the same as the new auth and char databases you downloaded and dropped (version 14 auth = emucoach_v14_vip_auth), by right clicking on the white space in the left side and press Create new -> Database and enter the name (emucoach_v14_vip_auth)
View attachment 1448
10) Select the auth database you just created, by clicking on it, and press on the Explore button (CTRL+ O), and find the auth database sql file that we backed up at step 6-7 and import it.

11) Do the exact same thing starting from Step 4.


12) Execute this into your Char DB:

13) Execute this into your Auth DB:

Your auth and character databases are now running from the earlier version is now running on the VIP version!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the thread below!
Can you please consider releasing also the SQL files to create/fill the databases? That would make things so much easier. Thanks!


Gold Supporter
The auth migration seems to work fine from V17 to V18 however the character database errors. I think they added a new guild add on table. Tried to add that but still getting errors. Anyone know a solution? Thanks.


Trial Member
Since the pictures are broken, I figured I would throw in how I got this to work for me.

I'm a total newbie to MySQL and HeidiSQL, but I figured this out through some trial and error.

I'm upgrading from VIP 12 to VIP 13.1 in this tutorial. I'm using HeidiSQL version

Back up your old server before attempting! Better safe than sorry!

1) Run the MySQL batch file that you have your characters on. This is the old server that you want to move your characters away from.

2) Run HeidiSQL and log in accordingly.

3) Right click on the emucoach_v12_vip_auth and select 'Export database as SQL' (your db might have a number different from v12 here if you've been running a different server release)

4) In this new window:

•Check only the 'auth' database on the left.
•On the right, check 'Create' for both Databases and Tables.
•In the 'Data' dropdown, select 'Insert'
•In the 'Output' dropdown, select Single .sql file
•Select a destination and file name in the 'Filename' line.
-What you name it shouldn't matter very much here. I kept the original name in mine.
•Finally, click export, and let it process.

5) The export window should remain open. From here you can uncheck the '...vip_auth' database and select the '...vip_char'. Change the Filename accordingly as well so as not to overwrite the auth database. Click Export once more.

We're done exporting. Now we need to put these into the version 13.1 server. Close HeidiSQL as well as your MySQL.bat files.

6) Run the MySQL file for the new server and login with HeidiSQL. Here, you can right click on your v131_auth database and select 'Drop'. Do the same for the v131_char database Click 'OK' when prompted. This will remove them.

7) go to 'File > Load SQL file'

8) Navigate to wherever you exported your vip_auth and vip_char databases in steps 3-5. Select the vip_auth and vip_char and click Open. If prompted with 'Really auto-detect file encoding?', select 'Yes'

9) This will open 2 new tabs over the main window. Click on the first tab (auth or char), and click the blue arrow (Circled in Red - "Execute SQL" or F9); then select the second tab and execute. (I don't know for certain that you need to execute on both tabs individually, but I believe you do)

View attachment 1274

*DIsregard the fact that I have an auth and char database listed on the left here. You shouldn't see those yet.

10) After executing the SQL scripts, you should see your imported files listed on the left. Right click your imported file, and select Edit. Rename your auth and char databases to match your current version. In this case, emucoach_v131_vip_auth and emucoach_v131_vip_char, respectively.

You should be left with this.

I hope this helps! If there is anybody that knows what they're doing that can help me make this more accurate, please let me know.
For mop, I was able to transfer characters from free to latest VIP version by following this tutorial despite some minor adjustments. Instead of selecting "Insert" at step 4 I selected "insert ignore (do not update existing)". Also at step 6 I did not drop, I went ahead and loaded the SQL files right away. The last thing I did different was going into the world.config and searching (DBC.EnforceItemAttributes = 1) change it from a default of 1 to 0 (disabled).


Verified Member
[GUIDE] How to migrate accounts & characters to latest VIP Version /Save accs & chars

This guide shows you the exact steps to save your characters and accounts from a previous version of Emucoach Cataclysm Repack, for example the free version or an older VIP version, to the newest offered VIP version.

1) Download a database client by clicking here and setup the program.
2) Launch your existing _Server folder (Portable database server), where you have the current accounts and characters you would like to save.
3) Open HeidiSQL, and as hostname use, username: root, password: ascent, and port 3306

View attachment 1445

4) Export the auth database
You can do so by right clicking on the auth database name (like mine is emucoach_v14_vip_auth), and press.
After doing so, this window will appear:

View attachment 1446
5) Your settings should now look like this ^^, and then you should press Export. Now note down where you exported the sql data file to.

6) Now do the exact same thing, just with the character database.

7) Now close the _Server folder (Portable database server), where you have the current accounts and chars, AND then open the new _Server folder and MySQL you downloaded from the newest VIP version, where they are not saved.
8) Open up the database client (HeidiSQL) again. Now drop the auth database, and press OK.

You can do so, by right clicking on the auth database.
View attachment 1447

9) Now create a new database called the same as the new auth and char databases you downloaded and dropped (version 14 auth = emucoach_v14_vip_auth), by right clicking on the white space in the left side and press Create new -> Database and enter the name (emucoach_v14_vip_auth)
View attachment 1448
10) Select the auth database you just created, by clicking on it, and press on the Explore button (CTRL+ O), and find the auth database sql file that we backed up at step 6-7 and import it.

11) Do the exact same thing starting from Step 4.


12) Execute this into your Char DB:

13) Execute this into your Auth DB:

Your auth and character databases are now running from the earlier version is now running on the VIP version!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the thread below!
Thank you!


Verified Member
[GUIDE] How to migrate accounts & characters to latest VIP Version /Save accs & chars

This guide shows you the exact steps to save your characters and accounts from a previous version of Emucoach Cataclysm Repack, for example the free version or an older VIP version, to the newest offered VIP version.

1) Download a database client by clicking here and setup the program.
2) Launch your existing _Server folder (Portable database server), where you have the current accounts and characters you would like to save.
3) Open HeidiSQL, and as hostname use, username: root, password: ascent, and port 3306

View attachment 1445

4) Export the auth database
You can do so by right clicking on the auth database name (like mine is emucoach_v14_vip_auth), and press.
After doing so, this window will appear:

View attachment 1446
5) Your settings should now look like this ^^, and then you should press Export. Now note down where you exported the sql data file to.

6) Now do the exact same thing, just with the character database.

7) Now close the _Server folder (Portable database server), where you have the current accounts and chars, AND then open the new _Server folder and MySQL you downloaded from the newest VIP version, where they are not saved.
8) Open up the database client (HeidiSQL) again. Now drop the auth database, and press OK.

You can do so, by right clicking on the auth database.
View attachment 1447

9) Now create a new database called the same as the new auth and char databases you downloaded and dropped (version 14 auth = emucoach_v14_vip_auth), by right clicking on the white space in the left side and press Create new -> Database and enter the name (emucoach_v14_vip_auth)
View attachment 1448
10) Select the auth database you just created, by clicking on it, and press on the Explore button (CTRL+ O), and find the auth database sql file that we backed up at step 6-7 and import it.

11) Do the exact same thing starting from Step 4.


12) Execute this into your Char DB:

13) Execute this into your Auth DB:

Your auth and character databases are now running from the earlier version is now running on the VIP version!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the thread below!