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Fun Server Release Haste - High Stats


Senior User
Superior Member
Hello Ac-Web.

Here by the latest Project i worked on called project-reborn.
i barly have time with development so thats why i release it.

i have the source pm me and we can discuss about it.

Patch 3.3.5a support.
Trinity Eluna Core.
Trinity Eluna Database.

Most spells and talents are working.
Estimate percentage of working classes

Death Knights are working 97% as intended.
Druids are working 97% as intended.
Hunters are working 97% as intended.
Mages are working 97% as intended.
Paladins are working 97% as intended.
Priests are working 97% as intended.
Rogues are working 97% as intended.
Shamans are working 97% as intended.
Warlocks are working 97% as intended.
Warriors are working 97% as intended.

Working Battlegrounds.

⦁ Random Battlegrounds are available.
⦁ Warsong Gulch is available.
⦁ Arathi Basin is available.
⦁ Eye of the Storm is available.
⦁ Alterac Valley is available.
⦁ Strand of the Ancients is available. ( under development)
⦁ Isle of Conquest is available.
⦁ Wintergrasp is not tested)

Working Arenas.

⦁ Blade's Edge Arena is available.
⦁ Nagrand Arena is available.
⦁ Ruins of Lordaeron is available.
⦁ The Ring of Valor is available.
⦁ The Dalaran Arena is available.

Realm Information


Realm Information
*Guild House system
*Instant 80
*allot of custom items & Quests
*Haste Cap
*High Stats
*World chat
*MOP / CATA Transmogrification
*Transmog NPC
*1v1 Arena
*Crossfaction BG
*All race all class totems working
*Custom upgrade system
*Artifacts Weapons
*Custom tiers/Honor/Arena Sets
*Legion Raids
*World Bosses
*PvP title system
*PvP Strongboxes
*Custom currency
*Custom Quests
*Duel Zone
*Enchanting NPC
*Profession NPC
*Login Announcer
*Donation Items
*Vote Items
*Duel Reset
*Player Tool NPC
*Tons of custom spells
*Gold cap to Gold Bar
*Revive Above Corpse
*Portable Teleporter

Instances / Raids Health / Damage corrected.
Items Buffed / corrected most weapon Damage.
Added Haste Item Vendor in Mall
Site Have Filled Items in Store.

as an example if you want to have it AMD WOW like you can use the complete vip system of Eluna-Grumboz_VIP_System-Complete. so you have Magic Gold & Vip ranks 1-6 and also weapons / items / vendors that require vip Level. ( if you need help with install feel free to PM me)
tested the vip system on local host and work like a charm.

(LINK of vip system)

No accounts stored Yet. type this as an example in the worldserver.exe.
(.account create admin admin 10 -1)
yes there are 10 Ranks.

Download it Here (included Patches / Website / World / Logon)

Download WOW.EXE

Some Pictures.


Login Screen

Start Area

Teleport NPC

Haste Item Vendor
Last edited:


Senior User
Superior Member
Sorry that the Links are down i am currently unable to reupload the files again. Since my old backup on the external drive dont work anymore. And i replaced the desktop for an newer one :(


Trial Member
Hello Ac-Web.

Here by the latest Project i worked on called project-reborn.
i barly have time with development so thats why i release it.

i have the source pm me and we can discuss about it.

Patch 3.3.5a support.
Trinity Eluna Core.
Trinity Eluna Database.

Most spells and talents are working.
Estimate percentage of working classes

Death Knights are working 97% as intended.
Druids are working 97% as intended.
Hunters are working 97% as intended.
Mages are working 97% as intended.
Paladins are working 97% as intended.
Priests are working 97% as intended.
Rogues are working 97% as intended.
Shamans are working 97% as intended.
Warlocks are working 97% as intended.
Warriors are working 97% as intended.

Working Battlegrounds.

⦁ Random Battlegrounds are available.
⦁ Warsong Gulch is available.
⦁ Arathi Basin is available.
⦁ Eye of the Storm is available.
⦁ Alterac Valley is available.
⦁ Strand of the Ancients is available. ( under development)
⦁ Isle of Conquest is available.
⦁ Wintergrasp is not tested)

Working Arenas.

⦁ Blade's Edge Arena is available.
⦁ Nagrand Arena is available.
⦁ Ruins of Lordaeron is available.
⦁ The Ring of Valor is available.
⦁ The Dalaran Arena is available.

Realm Information


Realm Information
*Guild House system
*Instant 80
*allot of custom items & Quests
*Haste Cap
*High Stats
*World chat
*MOP / CATA Transmogrification
*Transmog NPC
*1v1 Arena
*Crossfaction BG
*All race all class totems working
*Custom upgrade system
*Artifacts Weapons
*Custom tiers/Honor/Arena Sets
*Legion Raids
*World Bosses
*PvP title system
*PvP Strongboxes
*Custom currency
*Custom Quests
*Duel Zone
*Enchanting NPC
*Profession NPC
*Login Announcer
*Donation Items
*Vote Items
*Duel Reset
*Player Tool NPC
*Tons of custom spells
*Gold cap to Gold Bar
*Revive Above Corpse
*Portable Teleporter

Instances / Raids Health / Damage corrected.
Items Buffed / corrected most weapon Damage.
Added Haste Item Vendor in Mall
Site Have Filled Items in Store.

as an example if you want to have it AMD WOW like you can use the complete vip system of Eluna-Grumboz_VIP_System-Complete. so you have Magic Gold & Vip ranks 1-6 and also weapons / items / vendors that require vip Level. ( if you need help with install feel free to PM me)
tested the vip system on local host and work like a charm.

(LINK of vip system)

No accounts stored Yet. type this as an example in the worldserver.exe.
(.account create admin admin 10 -1)
yes there are 10 Ranks.

Download it Here (included Patches / Website / World / Logon)

Download WOW.EXE
Some Pictures.


Login Screen

Start Area

Teleport NPC

Haste Item Vendor
repost downloads pls :D