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Flameshot - Emulation Services


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Hello everyone. I will not deviate too much from the main subject. I am student and my country offers low posibilities to work in I.T domain while being a student and I want to make little money for now till I finish my other projects where I'm working for my personal development. I am in World of Warcraft Emulation community from 4-5 years and I know how things works. So I am here to help people who want to open a private server if they don't have time to learn or any other reason in exchange of a little charge. I am a developer of TrinityCore 4.3.4 and till now I had 2 projects (3.3.5a and 4.3.4).

Emulation Services:
- Core compiling. (TrinityCore - 3.3.5/4.3.4, ArkCORE-NG - 4.3.4, SkyFire - 548, OregonCore - 2.4.3, CMangos - 1.12.1/2.4.3 and any other cores cuz I worked with most of them. The database installing is included too.
- Website Setup (Azer-CMS, Fusion-CMS or any other CMS).
- Know to edit PHP/HTML and CSS basic things.
- Outdated Scripts? I can help you to update them for your core
- Keep your core and database updated
- If I can find a solution to your bugs I will gladly help you.
- This is everything that comes in my mind for now but if you have things which comes in your mind related to main topic you can simply contact.

In time I will update the thread with more information so if you are interested or need more information you can contact me on skype: wowb-zone