Sup friendly people.
It's about time to give a fucking working tutorial how to convert a DBC patch with CSVed. Since I've seen 3 tutorials and all of them were wrong.
It's simple tho.
Step 1:
Download this .
Get your servers' item.dbc and drag and drop it on the DBCUtil.exe.
*a wild item.dbc.csv appeared*
Now use: Navicat, HeidiSQL or some other programs to connect to your database.
Navigate to your world database and enter:
SELECT entry, class, subclass, SoundOverrideSubclass, material, displayid, InventoryType, sheath FROM item_template WHERE entry > 58000;
After then right click on the summary of the query and select >Export grid rows<
Copy to Clipboard
Delimited Text
Field separator [ , ]
Include column names
Step 2.1(Excel users):
Open item.dbc.csv with excel, select 1 column and paste.
Save file, (optional) -> Open the file with CSVed (drag and drop into the CSVed launcher) and check if everything is right.
Step 2.2 (CSVed users):
Drag and drop the item.dbc.csv into your CSVed launcher, scroll to the bottom of the file, right click the last row and select:
"Paste below cursor pos"
Step 2.3 (Notepad++ users):
I don't know why I didn't write the tutorial for Notepad++ in the first place, as its much easier and faster. Just open the Item.dbc.csv with notepad++ and paste at the bottom of the file.
Attention: If its an already edited Item.dbc, you'll most likely duplicate entries and add unnecessary size to the file, what I do: Have a default Item.dbc as Item2.dbc.csv in the folder and just copy/paste it to Item.dbc.csv each time I'm going to add new entries.
Step 3, last step:
warning: Make sure theres no other item.dbc in the folder, else it'll abort.
Save your file, drag and drop the item.dbc.csv again on the DBCUtil.exe and done
*a wild item.dbc appeared*
Hope it was useful.
Since I've seen many problems and I had many problems with the converting, don't hesitate to write ur problems below.
Tip: works also gr8 if you have to import custom spells from an enUS/GB spell.dbc into another language based spell.dbc
It's about time to give a fucking working tutorial how to convert a DBC patch with CSVed. Since I've seen 3 tutorials and all of them were wrong.
It's simple tho.
Step 1:
Download this .
Get your servers' item.dbc and drag and drop it on the DBCUtil.exe.
*a wild item.dbc.csv appeared*
Now use: Navicat, HeidiSQL or some other programs to connect to your database.
Navigate to your world database and enter:
SELECT entry, class, subclass, SoundOverrideSubclass, material, displayid, InventoryType, sheath FROM item_template WHERE entry > 58000;
After then right click on the summary of the query and select >Export grid rows<
Copy to Clipboard
Delimited Text
Field separator [ , ]
Include column names
Step 2.1(Excel users):
Open item.dbc.csv with excel, select 1 column and paste.
Save file, (optional) -> Open the file with CSVed (drag and drop into the CSVed launcher) and check if everything is right.
Step 2.2 (CSVed users):
Drag and drop the item.dbc.csv into your CSVed launcher, scroll to the bottom of the file, right click the last row and select:
"Paste below cursor pos"
Step 2.3 (Notepad++ users):
I don't know why I didn't write the tutorial for Notepad++ in the first place, as its much easier and faster. Just open the Item.dbc.csv with notepad++ and paste at the bottom of the file.
Attention: If its an already edited Item.dbc, you'll most likely duplicate entries and add unnecessary size to the file, what I do: Have a default Item.dbc as Item2.dbc.csv in the folder and just copy/paste it to Item.dbc.csv each time I'm going to add new entries.
Step 3, last step:
warning: Make sure theres no other item.dbc in the folder, else it'll abort.
Save your file, drag and drop the item.dbc.csv again on the DBCUtil.exe and done
*a wild item.dbc appeared*
Hope it was useful.
Since I've seen many problems and I had many problems with the converting, don't hesitate to write ur problems below.
Tip: works also gr8 if you have to import custom spells from an enUS/GB spell.dbc into another language based spell.dbc