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Escape From Durnholde Keep Fix


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Escape From Durnholde Keep/Old Hillsbrad Foothills doesn't seem to work, as none of the bosses will become hostile. I'm not sure how to fix the scripting on this, but I was able to make all of the bosses hostile immediately. It's not a perfect fix obviously, but I was able to complete the dungeon without having to use GM commands which I'd consider an improvement over the whole thing just getting stuck.

UPDATE creature_template SET unit_flags=32832 WHERE entry=17848; -- Makes Lieutenant Drake hostile immediately
UPDATE creature_template SET unit_flags=32832 WHERE entry=17862; -- Makes Captain Skarloc hostile immediately
UPDATE creature_template SET unit_flags=32832 WHERE entry=18096; -- Makes Epoch Hunter hostile immediately

There were a few delays with Thrall still, mainly I had to wait a minute or so after killing Captain Skarloc because I could talk to him to continue, and Epoch Hunter claimed to be out of range for 15 seconds or so after spawning, but I was able to kill all three bosses and complete the dungeon, at least in my test run of it.