Hello and good day.
I used v.6 years ago, and I wanted to upgrade to the current free version, which is v.7. I have created the template file (.ciu) using CharImport for the characters and accounts I wanted to transfer. After that, I upgraded the repack. The way I did it was : I downloaded the Database (mysql) and Repack (server), then Copy and Replaced everything to the respective folders. However, when I tried to transfer the accounts/characters using CharImport, I was unable to do it. It showed the character overview (albeit it has "Error loading itemname), but when I tried to choose "Transfer", and fill in the following
Database address : localhost
Port : 3306
User-Id : root
Password : ascent
Realm/Auth database name : auth
Character database name : characters
and click the "Connect", it showed an error message which reads "The database could not be associated with an emulation. Please check your specification!".
Is there something I did wrong? Any kind of help would be appreciated.
I used v.6 years ago, and I wanted to upgrade to the current free version, which is v.7. I have created the template file (.ciu) using CharImport for the characters and accounts I wanted to transfer. After that, I upgraded the repack. The way I did it was : I downloaded the Database (mysql) and Repack (server), then Copy and Replaced everything to the respective folders. However, when I tried to transfer the accounts/characters using CharImport, I was unable to do it. It showed the character overview (albeit it has "Error loading itemname), but when I tried to choose "Transfer", and fill in the following
Database address : localhost
Port : 3306
User-Id : root
Password : ascent
Realm/Auth database name : auth
Character database name : characters
and click the "Connect", it showed an error message which reads "The database could not be associated with an emulation. Please check your specification!".
Is there something I did wrong? Any kind of help would be appreciated.