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EmuCoreCraft Official 85 Fun Repack


Veteran Member
Verified Member


News : Yesterday 2015 - 11 - 20 Tkrokli helped me to make it online as preview and everyone can play too, big thanks for him also this is the website : EmuCoreCraft.No-Ip.Org You can register and play ( Realmlist : set realmlist emucorecraft.no-ip.org ) hope you enjoy testing it before downloading the repack.
Developers : JadaDev

Repack Info :

Realm Info :

All Rates :

Stats Limits


Login Info

Repack more info :

Epic Custom Commands :

VIP System :

World Chat :-

Teleporter NPC :

Buffer NPC :
Have no gossip, you need just to click on it and he will give you the buffs + Message.
Visual NPC :
I can say this NPC is really amazing he also helped me to keep working on this repack the visual NPC created by mthsena ^^
This npc can make your weapons looks really nice and cool but when you logout and login again you'll lose your visual but it's free and can be used so easy.
Character Change NPC :

Titles :
There is 6 NPC's who have quests for all titles ingame, also there is 2 free titles.. titles required killing players.
Donor / Vote NPC :
they're not really done yet since i didn't created Vote / Donor gear but he have Tokens section which there is some tokens with custom extendedcost. also the Donor Token is added to the vendor.
Custom Instances :
For now there is 5 custom instances with a lot of custom gears and also every instance require the key to enter it.
PVP Quests :
For Now the PVP quests are only giving Honor points which needed the the Mega gear ( best gear for now ).
Honorable NPC's :
There is 2 NPC's 1 for Horde and 1 for Alliance which sell the best gear ( Mega Gear ) for different extenededcost'honor' also need 200 kills to be able to use the npc.
Mount Vendor :
Sell all the ingame Mounts for a custom exteneded cost you can farm the tokens from the Leveling place or by killing world
bosses etc..
World Bosses:
There is 2 Epic World bosses scripted SmartAI. it's hard to kill them alone you will need a team to get them !

How to run this repack :

Creature ID's - Special Items ID's
Creature :
Beatmaster - 100000
Teleporter Tools - 100001
Character Change - 100003
Buffer - 100004
Honorable 200 Kills Horde - 10005
Honorable 200 Kills Alliance - 100013
Support NPC - 100006
Transmogrifier - 100007
Profession NPC - 100008
Ground, Flying, Epic Mounts - 100009
Starter Vendor - 100010
85 Starter Gear - 100011
VIP Vendor - 100012
Vote Shop - 100014
Donor Shop - 100019
Instance Vendor - 100017
Welcome NPC - 100020
Your Welcome Reward - 100021
Instances Quests - 100022
PVP-Exchange Quests - 100023
Titles Master - 100025
PVP Master - 100026
Arena Titles - 100027
Dungeon and Raiding Titles - 100028
Profession Quests - 100029
Reputation Titles - 100030
World Event Titles - 100031
Quest Titles - 100032
Server Teleporter - 190000
Jukebox - 190001
Visual NPC - 190030
Leveling Gear - 200000
Boss DOOM - [URL="tel:1000000"]1000000[/URL]
BOSS CATOS - 1000001
Items :
Server Mini Teleporter - 22235
Faction Change Token - 59980
Race Change Token - 59981
Name Change Token - 59982
Customize Token - 59983
Donor Token - 59988
Gold Bar - 59998
Gold Bar - 60500
V.I.P Rank - 59999
Emblem of Voting - 65000
Emblem of Donating - 65001
Event Reward Tokens - 65002
Mounts Tokens - 65003
Boss Tokens - 65004
Upgrade Token-1- - 5000001
Upgrade Token-2- - 5000002
Upgrade Token-3- - 5000003
Upgrade Token-4- - 5000004
Heroes Tier 1 Token - 5000005
Volorous Tier 2 Token - 5000006
Dark Tier 3 Token - 5000007
Conqueror Tier 4 Token - 5000008
Beyon Tier 5 Token - 5000009
Heroes Key Token - 5100001
Volorous Key Token - 5100002
Dark Key Token - 5100003
Conqueror Key Token - 5100004
Beyon Key Token - 5100005

Questions :

Download Links From MediaUploads.NET
EmuCoreCraft 85 Fun Repack

JadaDev, Rochet2, Jeutie, Ghostcrawler, chocochaos, AddeDev, Treetree, SymbolixDEV
drgrpl, encrypted, mthsena, Kolin, Tok124, IKESTER, Rekt, Sleepingz,Zeraax, Darksoke, Eloawyth
My Video :
2015 / 11 / 20 Fixes/Add :

Welcome Quest Reward changed to give you level 57, gold bar and 10 Mounts Token.
Added a new Quest after you finish the Welcome one that send you to leveling zone and finishing the quest will give you level 60.
Spawned a Few Trainers / Vendors in Leveling Zone.
Added a new creature for leveling 60 - 85.
Added a new quests for getting Voting Emblems and Mount Tokens by killing monsters.
Leveling Zone Been Fixed and ready to be used.
Server Teleporter and Teleporter/Tools NPC Level and DisplayID Fixed.
Hast Cap for Melee / Ranged / Spell Fixed.
Fixed 600 Custom item ( Soulbound / Binds When Equipped etc.. ) to SOULBOUND.
Fixed HP - Damage of creature in dungeons.
Fixed Loot and added a new Loot for Bosses.
Fixed Keys / Token Discription, Stackable and Type.
Fixed World Bosses Damage.
Added New (85) Arrows for Hunters.
XP Rate inscared/Fixed.
New Gear Added called Special Gear ( There is HP one and DG one "DG is better and HP not working for now ) which can be dropped from ( World Boss : Doom / All Tier Dungeon Bosses with 1% chance & World Boss : Catos with 1.5% Chance ).
Patch-A rework.

Run MySQL than open database using HeidiSQL or Navicat than go to Auth DB and open Realmlist Table and than change Addess to
You can upload it again your beautiful repack friend please better if you have source more thanks in advance


Veteran Member
Verified Member


News : Yesterday 2015 - 11 - 20 Tkrokli helped me to make it online as preview and everyone can play too, big thanks for him also this is the website : EmuCoreCraft.No-Ip.Org You can register and play ( Realmlist : set realmlist emucorecraft.no-ip.org ) hope you enjoy testing it before downloading the repack.
Developers : JadaDev

Repack Info :

Realm Info :

All Rates :

Stats Limits


Login Info

Repack more info :

Epic Custom Commands :

VIP System :

World Chat :-

Teleporter NPC :

Buffer NPC :
Have no gossip, you need just to click on it and he will give you the buffs + Message.
Visual NPC :
I can say this NPC is really amazing he also helped me to keep working on this repack the visual NPC created by mthsena ^^
This npc can make your weapons looks really nice and cool but when you logout and login again you'll lose your visual but it's free and can be used so easy.
Character Change NPC :

Titles :
There is 6 NPC's who have quests for all titles ingame, also there is 2 free titles.. titles required killing players.
Donor / Vote NPC :
they're not really done yet since i didn't created Vote / Donor gear but he have Tokens section which there is some tokens with custom extendedcost. also the Donor Token is added to the vendor.
Custom Instances :
For now there is 5 custom instances with a lot of custom gears and also every instance require the key to enter it.
PVP Quests :
For Now the PVP quests are only giving Honor points which needed the the Mega gear ( best gear for now ).
Honorable NPC's :
There is 2 NPC's 1 for Horde and 1 for Alliance which sell the best gear ( Mega Gear ) for different extenededcost'honor' also need 200 kills to be able to use the npc.
Mount Vendor :
Sell all the ingame Mounts for a custom exteneded cost you can farm the tokens from the Leveling place or by killing world
bosses etc..
World Bosses:
There is 2 Epic World bosses scripted SmartAI. it's hard to kill them alone you will need a team to get them !

How to run this repack :

Creature ID's - Special Items ID's
Creature :
Beatmaster - 100000
Teleporter Tools - 100001
Character Change - 100003
Buffer - 100004
Honorable 200 Kills Horde - 10005
Honorable 200 Kills Alliance - 100013
Support NPC - 100006
Transmogrifier - 100007
Profession NPC - 100008
Ground, Flying, Epic Mounts - 100009
Starter Vendor - 100010
85 Starter Gear - 100011
VIP Vendor - 100012
Vote Shop - 100014
Donor Shop - 100019
Instance Vendor - 100017
Welcome NPC - 100020
Your Welcome Reward - 100021
Instances Quests - 100022
PVP-Exchange Quests - 100023
Titles Master - 100025
PVP Master - 100026
Arena Titles - 100027
Dungeon and Raiding Titles - 100028
Profession Quests - 100029
Reputation Titles - 100030
World Event Titles - 100031
Quest Titles - 100032
Server Teleporter - 190000
Jukebox - 190001
Visual NPC - 190030
Leveling Gear - 200000
Boss DOOM - [URL="tel:1000000"]1000000[/URL]
BOSS CATOS - 1000001
Items :
Server Mini Teleporter - 22235
Faction Change Token - 59980
Race Change Token - 59981
Name Change Token - 59982
Customize Token - 59983
Donor Token - 59988
Gold Bar - 59998
Gold Bar - 60500
V.I.P Rank - 59999
Emblem of Voting - 65000
Emblem of Donating - 65001
Event Reward Tokens - 65002
Mounts Tokens - 65003
Boss Tokens - 65004
Upgrade Token-1- - 5000001
Upgrade Token-2- - 5000002
Upgrade Token-3- - 5000003
Upgrade Token-4- - 5000004
Heroes Tier 1 Token - 5000005
Volorous Tier 2 Token - 5000006
Dark Tier 3 Token - 5000007
Conqueror Tier 4 Token - 5000008
Beyon Tier 5 Token - 5000009
Heroes Key Token - 5100001
Volorous Key Token - 5100002
Dark Key Token - 5100003
Conqueror Key Token - 5100004
Beyon Key Token - 5100005

Questions :

Download Links From MediaUploads.NET
EmuCoreCraft 85 Fun Repack

JadaDev, Rochet2, Jeutie, Ghostcrawler, chocochaos, AddeDev, Treetree, SymbolixDEV
drgrpl, encrypted, mthsena, Kolin, Tok124, IKESTER, Rekt, Sleepingz,Zeraax, Darksoke, Eloawyth
My Video :
2015 / 11 / 20 Fixes/Add :

Welcome Quest Reward changed to give you level 57, gold bar and 10 Mounts Token.
Added a new Quest after you finish the Welcome one that send you to leveling zone and finishing the quest will give you level 60.
Spawned a Few Trainers / Vendors in Leveling Zone.
Added a new creature for leveling 60 - 85.
Added a new quests for getting Voting Emblems and Mount Tokens by killing monsters.
Leveling Zone Been Fixed and ready to be used.
Server Teleporter and Teleporter/Tools NPC Level and DisplayID Fixed.
Hast Cap for Melee / Ranged / Spell Fixed.
Fixed 600 Custom item ( Soulbound / Binds When Equipped etc.. ) to SOULBOUND.
Fixed HP - Damage of creature in dungeons.
Fixed Loot and added a new Loot for Bosses.
Fixed Keys / Token Discription, Stackable and Type.
Fixed World Bosses Damage.
Added New (85) Arrows for Hunters.
XP Rate inscared/Fixed.
New Gear Added called Special Gear ( There is HP one and DG one "DG is better and HP not working for now ) which can be dropped from ( World Boss : Doom / All Tier Dungeon Bosses with 1% chance & World Boss : Catos with 1.5% Chance ).
Patch-A rework.

Run MySQL than open database using HeidiSQL or Navicat than go to Auth DB and open Realmlist Table and than change Addess to
error amigo

Using configuration file worldserver.conf.
Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.2d 9 Jul 2015 (library: OpenSSL 1.0.2d 9 Jul 2015)
Using Boost version: 1.57.0
Realm running as realm ID 1
Using World DB: TDB 335.56
Will clear `logs` table of entries older than 1209600 seconds every 10 minutes.
Using DataDir ./
WORLD: MMap data directory is: ./mmaps
VMap support included. LineOfSight: 1, getHeight: 1, indoorCheck: 1
VMap data directory is: ./vmaps
Map file './maps/0004331.map': does not exist!
Correct *.map files not found in path './maps' or *.vmtree/*.vmtile files in './vmaps'. Please place *.map/*.vmtree/*.vmtile files in appropriate directories or correct the DataDir value in the worldserver.conf file.


Veteran Member
link is down


Veteran Member
Links Has been Updated

Fixed an issue in authserver that causes anyone to login to anyone account using dll injection.