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Emucoach WebTools V2


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Hello all. I bring to you version two with updates and features as requested. There is still more to come, but why not let everyone enjoy a goal that was set and accomplished. This feature as far as I have tested works 100%. The feature being Character Management. We both know using the console, and or using a SQL Editor can be frustrating. So I bring to you easy identifiable classes, races, gender, factions, and info about individual characters on your private server database. Along with that is the original weapon creator which ive added the option to upload directly kr download an SQL of that weapon similar to wow-v. The weapon creator will be updated as soon as I am able to figure out how to modify damage range (DBC?) the correct sheath as I have tested some work the way I want and others don't. Remember as well, if you plan to add 9999999999 agility. It will not work as this repack has a stat cap. Again this is a Blizzlike repack. I feel things such as my weapon creator helps prolong the life of a repack. We all know it can get boring especially if you have limited players. Finally, do not, I repeat DO NOT set a race to a class that can't be that combination. You will crash your WoW every time. It is not allowed in this repack. If you do feel like you want to have a crashing WoW then go ahead. But be thankful you have your WebTools to change it back to a realistic class/race combo. Thank you for your time. Keep the suggestions coming. The more suggestions, opinions, and help I get the better WebTool and user friendliness it will acquire.

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Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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I see some nice improvements! This definitely looks interesting. So you're able to manage/change your characters without having to go into the dbc yourself, using this?

Also, there's no download. Is this just an update thread, or are you currently getting it uploaded?

Either way, good job on the progress so far, I look forward to seeing what this can become.
My only suggestion is error checking the 99999999 values into the max stat allowed, along with if a race and class don't mix, then it will automatically be changed into a class that is allowed by that race, or at least a default race/class. This could really perfect this, as it would allow users, who have no idea how this stuff works, or the limitations on it, to use this without worrying about any kind of user errors.


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My apologies if forgot the download link. The 999999999 issue I believe isn't that much to worry about. In the database that number shrinks down to 30k+. You're right a restriction on class/race combos would be nice. A few if statements later. Thanks!

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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My apologies if forgot the download link. The 999999999 issue I believe isn't that much to worry about. In the database that number shrinks down to 30k+. You're right a restriction on class/race combos would be nice. A few if statements later. Thanks!

Any possible chance on getting this, or a version of it, to make a SQL file? As I suggested last time, and ExO agreed, we'd love to have a version of it on EmuCoach, similar to wow-v.
It's understandable if you don't want to do it, but it would be greatly appreciated. That way, the people who use the repack and want custom items and whatnot can finally use a tool to do it, since wow-v doesn't work for this repack.


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My apologies I forgot to mention due to lack of sleep. I added that. You can choose to download the SQL or upload directly.