- 5,119
- 2014
- 1,645
The Playerbot system is currently running on the Premium MoP Repack.
The free version does not contain the Playerbot System so if you want that, you'll have to donate to the MoP repack.
Let the showcase begin!
- This is by far one of the most innovative projects in the World of Warcraft Emulation history (documented publicly), and the great news is that we're just getting started.
We have hired skilled developers who works only on this system, to improve the AI, the scripting, the bugs, and expand the system with more features!
Video with the Playerbots in practice. (More videos coming up, I plan to make it a series):
How does the system work?
- The bots login upon loading the game, and are spread across the world. Ingame, they have several responsibilities:
1) Killing NPCS in an area - just like real players
2) Duelling in front of Main Cities or
3) Moving around inside the capital cities.
4) Queue for Battlegrounds and fight!
5) Queue for LFG and support the real player.
6) Assist and follow you in a group, for example to kill mobs together with you, and help you with questing etc, on your leveling journey!
Video showcase (to see it live):
- Coming soon!
Coding wise, the system is custom coded, with more than 90% of the code being completely written from stratch, with no additional source. The bots contain instructions in many different scenarios, and include many many thousands of lines, written in C++.
In worldserver.conf, you can configure the bots, for example decide how many bots that should appear ingame:
PlayerBots.PlayerbotAmount = 250
- You can also enable/disable the bots in BGs/LFG:
PlayerBots.PlayerbotEnableLfg = 1
PlayerBots.PlayerbotEnableBg = 1
- And configure item levels for LFG and Battlegrounds:
PlayerBots.90MinItemLevelLfg = 550
PlayerBots.90MaxItemLevelLfg = 565
PlayerBots.90MinItemLevelBG = 450
PlayerBots.90MaxItemLevelBG = 480
Optional Commands:
- .bots attack makes them attack your current target
- .bots role (Role param (1 heal, 2 dps, 3 tank) ) inits bot with spec and gear for that role for the players level
- .bots addRoleBotsToGroup (role) (amount) adds amount bots of role to the group of the player or creates one
.bot add (1 for heal, 2 for dps, 3 for tank) (amount)
Playerbots system screenshots:
- Play against bots in most of the Battlegrounds:
- PvP & fight against the Bots! They are scripted:
- Fight against the enemies, and feel the gameplay!:
- Use the Bots for dungeons/raids/scenarios! Just queue through the LFG system, and you will connect with other players (bots):
The free version does not contain the Playerbot System so if you want that, you'll have to donate to the MoP repack.
Let the showcase begin!
- This is by far one of the most innovative projects in the World of Warcraft Emulation history (documented publicly), and the great news is that we're just getting started.
We have hired skilled developers who works only on this system, to improve the AI, the scripting, the bugs, and expand the system with more features!
Video with the Playerbots in practice. (More videos coming up, I plan to make it a series):
How does the system work?
- The bots login upon loading the game, and are spread across the world. Ingame, they have several responsibilities:
1) Killing NPCS in an area - just like real players
2) Duelling in front of Main Cities or
3) Moving around inside the capital cities.
4) Queue for Battlegrounds and fight!
5) Queue for LFG and support the real player.
6) Assist and follow you in a group, for example to kill mobs together with you, and help you with questing etc, on your leveling journey!
Video showcase (to see it live):
- Coming soon!
Coding wise, the system is custom coded, with more than 90% of the code being completely written from stratch, with no additional source. The bots contain instructions in many different scenarios, and include many many thousands of lines, written in C++.
In worldserver.conf, you can configure the bots, for example decide how many bots that should appear ingame:
PlayerBots.PlayerbotAmount = 250
- You can also enable/disable the bots in BGs/LFG:
PlayerBots.PlayerbotEnableLfg = 1
PlayerBots.PlayerbotEnableBg = 1
- And configure item levels for LFG and Battlegrounds:
PlayerBots.90MinItemLevelLfg = 550
PlayerBots.90MaxItemLevelLfg = 565
PlayerBots.90MinItemLevelBG = 450
PlayerBots.90MaxItemLevelBG = 480
Optional Commands:
- .bots attack makes them attack your current target
- .bots role (Role param (1 heal, 2 dps, 3 tank) ) inits bot with spec and gear for that role for the players level
- .bots addRoleBotsToGroup (role) (amount) adds amount bots of role to the group of the player or creates one
.bot add (1 for heal, 2 for dps, 3 for tank) (amount)
Playerbots system screenshots:
- Play against bots in most of the Battlegrounds:

- PvP & fight against the Bots! They are scripted:

- Fight against the enemies, and feel the gameplay!:

- Use the Bots for dungeons/raids/scenarios! Just queue through the LFG system, and you will connect with other players (bots):

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