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Death Knight Macros 4.3.4 Cataclysm


There are 2 versions, 1 of them is for DK’s with talent points on Crimson Scourge and 1 for those who does not have this talent.

Version 1 – This one is for Blood spec that has points in Crimson Scourge talent with a modifier for free undefined proc:

/castsequence [mod]Blood Boil;reset=target/5 Icy Touch,Plague Strike,null
/castsequence Heart Strike,Death Strike,Festering Strike,Rune Strike
/castsequence reset=20 Horn of Winter,Blood Tap,Outbreak,Dancing Rune Weapon
/cast Empower Rune Weapon

Version 2 – This one is for Blood spec that does NOT have any points in Crimson Scourge talent with a modifier for dump runic power with undefined:

/castsequence [mod]Rune Strike;reset=target/5 Icy Touch,Plague Strike,null
/castsequence Heart Strike,Death Strike,Festering Strike
/castsequence reset=20 Horn of Winter,Blood Tap,Outbreak,Dancing Rune Weapon
/cast Empower Rune Weapon

Self Heal Macro:

Just a couple of useful self-healing macros to use while tanking on your Death Knight! Helps the healer out, and keeps you alive longer.

This uses Raise Dead to summon the ghoul, then Death Pact on the pet to heal the tank himself. Works every 3 minutes!

/castsequence reset=60 Raise Dead, Death Pact

This uses Lichborne so you are able to spam Death Coil on yourself, to also aid in healing.

#showtooltip Lichborne
/cast Lichborne;
/cast [@player] Death Coil

Unholy Macro:

Make sure Self Casting is enable in the Interface Options to make the undefined to work, and Don't forget to hold a modifier key to dump the runic power.

/castsequence [mod]Death Coil;reset=target Icy Touch,Plague Strike,null
/castsequence Scourge Strike,Festering Strike
/castsequence Horn of Winter,Blood Tap,Outbreak,Dark Transformation
/cast [@player] Unholy Frenzy
/cast Empower Rune Weapon

Frost Macro:

This macro consists of a simple rotation and a modifier that has to be used at any time you want to burn runic power (Frost Strike) or whenever the macro abilities are in cooldown.

/castsequence [mod]Frost Strike;reset=10 Howling Blast,Plague Strike,Obliterate
/castsequence reset=60 Horn of Winter,Pillar of Frost,Blood Tap,Outbreak,Horn of Winter,Horn of Winter
/cast Empower Rune Weapon

cj garcia

Banned User
thanks for the macros but really plenty of them will crash out
#showtooltip Lichborne
/cast Lichborne;
/cast [@player] Death Coil
won't work in the same macro so i recomend to make a castsequence like

/castsequence [@player] reset=11 Lichborne, Death Coil, Death Coil, Death Coil, Death Coil, Death Coil, Death Coil, Death Coil, Death Coil

btw if someone is going to play a dk in arena must forgot all in one macros, and focus to deal damage, as well take control of mele classes slowing them to stand away from your healers or partners


Verified Member
There are 2 versions, 1 of them is for DK’s with talent points on Crimson Scourge and 1 for those who does not have this talent.

Version 1 – This one is for Blood spec that has points in Crimson Scourge talent with a modifier for free undefined proc:

/castsequence [mod]Blood Boil;reset=target/5 Icy Touch,Plague Strike,null
/castsequence Heart Strike,Death Strike,Festering Strike,Rune Strike
/castsequence reset=20 Horn of Winter,Blood Tap,Outbreak,Dancing Rune Weapon
/cast Empower Rune Weapon

Version 2 – This one is for Blood spec that does NOT have any points in Crimson Scourge talent with a modifier for dump runic power with undefined:

/castsequence [mod]Rune Strike;reset=target/5 Icy Touch,Plague Strike,null
/ castsequence Heart Strike , Death Strike , Festering Strike
/ castsequence reset = 20 Chifre do Inverno , Blood Tap , Outbreak , Dancing Rune Weapon
/ cast Empower Runa Arma

Macro de autocura:

Apenas algumas macros úteis de autocura para usar enquanto vasculha o seu Cavaleiro da Morte! Ajuda o curador e o mantém vivo por mais tempo.

Isso usa Raise Dead para invocar o ghoul, então Death Pact no animal de estimação para curar o tanque. Funciona a cada 3 minutos!

/ castsequence reset = 60 Raise Dead , Death Pact

Isso usa Lichborne para que você seja capaz de espalhar Death Coil em si mesmo, para também ajudar na cura.

#showtooltip Lichborne
/ cast Lichborne ;
cast [ @player ] Death Coil

Macro Profano:

Certifique-se de que o Self Casting esteja habilitado nas Opções de Interface para fazer o indefinido funcionar e não se esqueça de segurar uma tecla modificadora para descarregar o poder rúnico.

/ castsequence [ mod ] Death Coil ; redefinir = alvo Toque Gelado , Ataque da Peste , nulo
/ castsequence Scourge Strike , Festering Strike
/ castsequence Horn of Winter , Blood Tap , Outbreak , Dark Transformation
/ cast [ @player ] Unholy Frenzy
/ cast Empower Runa Arma

Macro Frost:

Esta macro consiste em uma rotação simples e um modificador que deve ser usado a qualquer momento que você quiser queimar poder rúnico ( Frost Strike ) ou sempre que as habilidades macro estiverem em resfriamento.

/ castsequence [ mod ] Frost Strike ; reset = 10 Explosão Uivante , Ataque da Peste , Obliterar
/ castsequence reset = 60 Chifre do Inverno , Pilar do Gelo , Torneira de Sangue , Surto , Chifre do Inverno , Chifre do Inverno
/ cast Empower Runa Arma
/ startattack
Obrigado por esta ajuda.