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DBC 6xx Class: Create a new branch of specialty


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Each class has several specialties such as for example for the warrior: Weapons, Fury and Protection.
You have the possibility with this tutorial to create one more branch that you will fill with spell custom. In this tutorial I will detail only the creation of this specialty and not the creation of spells.

It should be noted that for the choice of branch normally offers 4 icons of spells to indicate what it brings but I have not found an entry to activate this and will therefore remain empty, as visible to him the right part of the picture above. There is a list of these 4 icons in MinorTalent.dbc, but no link with the rest.

For this creation you will need to edit the following dbc with for example the WDBX utility.

ChrSpecialization.dbc: Allows you to create the specialty itself.

m_ID: Unique ID which will be used for example in SpecializationSpells.db2 → (SpellID)
m_backgroundfile: not used in 6x, use a name already existing in another specialty.
m_class: player's class: Warrior = 1, Paladin = 2, Hunter = 3, Thief = 4, Priest = 5, DK = 6, Shaman = 7, Mage = 8, Warlock = 9, Monk = 10, Druid = 11
m_masterySpellID_1: Generally not apparent in the grimoire, this aura is used to recognize in the game the specialty of the class and at the same time add bonuses like more armor,% critical, etc.
m_orderIndex: by default from 0 to 2, indicates the id of the specialty and the position of the specialty selection icon on the right of the book as visible on the left part of the image if above.
m_role: this branch is recommended to play a role (display) of Tank = 0, Healer = 1, DPS = 2
m_spellIconID: icon displayed on the right of the grimoire, the id points to SpellIcon.dbc

0x02 ranged
0x04 melee
0x08 se spirit as hit
0x10 can dual wield two handed
0x20 pet spec
0x40 starting / recommended spec

Description_Lang: description appearing in the choice of the branch
PrimaryStatOrder_2: Skill recommended for the talent branch (display): Intelligence = 1, Agility = 2, Strength = 4

SpecializationSpells.db2: Assigns spells to various specialties

SpecID: The m_ID defined in ChrSpecialization.dbc
OrderIndex: a priority number that you can leave at 0
OverridesSpellID: Then replace another spell, useful for different ranks or effects depending on the branch [/ u]


m_ID: Unique ID
m_specID: If 0 valid for all branches, otherwise enter with m_ID from ChrSpecialization.dbc
m_tierID: from 0 = lvl15, 1 = lvl30, 2 = lvl45, 3 = lvl60, 4 = lvl75, 5 = lvl90, 6 = lvl100
m_columnIndex: column 0,1 or 2 in the talent selection window
m_spellID: the spell that will be taken
m_flag: 1 if the talent has several points, otherwise 0. Doesn't seem to work in 6x
m_classID: Warrior = 1, Paladin = 2, Hunter = 3, Thief = 4, Priest = 5, DK = 6, Shaman = 7, Mage = 8, Warlock = 9, Monk = 10, Druid = 11
m-overridesSpellID: will replace an already learned spell

Credit to : Stitch from Aquayoup
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