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Database Fixes for Version 16 VIP


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1. Thx for UPD!
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `gossip_menu_id`=NULL WHERE (`entry`='38517');
cannot be null
The mysql client cursed, did not go deep, filled it without this line.

Edit by Worgeng:
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `gossip_menu_id`=0 WHERE (`entry`='38517');

Hi there.

Thankyou for the feedback, My sql editor didn't have a problem with it, so thank you for letting me know that others will.

I have edited the main SQL post with your update.

Sorry it took me a few days to get to it, my work schedule didn't give me time.


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More Changes

I have some more updates to drop, here is the change log.

The changes have been added to the SQL Queries Post

Note the Master Change Log Post Has also been updated


Aedan Moran (30433)
Added missing spawn

Archdruid Lilliandra (30630)
Added missing spawn

Crusade Architect Silas (30686)
Removed duplicate spawn

Crusade Engineer Spitzpatrick (30714)
Removed duplicate spawn

Sky-Reaver Korm Blackscar (30824)
Removed two quests that he shouldn't give

Salranax the Flesh Render (30829)
Added spawn in Phase 128 for quest The Air Stands Still

Underking Talonox (30830)
Added spawn in Phase 128 for quest The Air Stands Still

High Priest Yath'amon (30831)
Added spawn in Phase 128 for quest The Air Stands Still

Warlord Hork Strongbrow (31240)
Now lying down on bed instead of standing

Ymirjar Element Shaper (31267)
One spawn no longer looks like a pile of bones

Rio Duran (39434)
Fixed gossip texts

Kristoff Manaheim (39640)
Removed duplicated Spawn.

Tyrus Blackhorn (39933)
Gossip now changes on quest finish
Fixed gossip when talking to him for quest
Fixed spelling and added voice acting for speech after quest Black Heart of Flame.

Mysterious Winged Spirit (41068)
Now gives proper chats when finishing quest An Offering for Aviana (25663)
Now gives chat when accepting quest A Plea From Beyond (25665)

Lost Warden (41499)
Fixed spelling error in gossip option


The Keeper's Favor (13073)
Players can now get a portal to Moonglade when talking to Arch Druid Lilliandra

Get me Outta Here! (25332)
Kristoff will now follow the player immediatly, not needing a gossip selected.
Fixed Kristoff talking when you leave the cave.

The Hatchery Must Burn (25810)
Can no longer be gotten by Aviana


Stolen Hyjal Egg (203143)
Increased respawn time.
(might not be blizzlike, but atleast isn't instant anymore)