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Database Fixes for Version 16 VIP


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Hi Everyone,

I have been playing V16 and have made some fixes for the World Database.

The next two posts on this thread will be the SQL queries and then the change log.

Post 1: These queries can run as many times as you like and you shouldn't get any problems.

Post 2: Will be a the master change log of what all these queries do

Every time that I post an update I will update these two posts, AND each new update will have it's own post as well

Also all the fixes were for/in English only, I haven't touched the locales tables as I don't speak any other language.


- It is suggested that you clear your game client's cache after running these queries.

LAST UPDATE: 1st December 2022
Last edited:


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SQL Queries

The queries has gotten to be a little TOO long to be put in a single post.

I have attached them in a text file.

Current lines of SQL: 885
Lines added since last update: 41

Last Update: 1st December 2022


  • Database Fixes for Version 16 VIP SQL.txt
    110.5 KB · Views: 277
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Master Change Log

See below for the Master Change Log.

This post will be updated each update.

Note: I have updated how I display the changes so it is all grouped.
If you are interested here is my count of how many fixes have been done:

NPC'S: 116
Quests: 45
Objects: 30
Items: 3


Hidden triggers from players x 20
Deleted duplicate spawns x 3
Mount removed from creature that shouldn't be mounted x 1

Fen Dweller (1039)
Deleted all spawns as mob was removed in patch 4.0.3a

Brother Anton (1182)
Npc now appears as dead as it should.

Jesse Halloran(1445)
Spawned and equipment fixed

Regina Halloran(1446)
Spawned and equipment fixed

Gimlok Rumdnul(1447)
Spawned and equipment fixed

Nethergarde Miner (5996)
Some spawns no longer appears dead

Nethergarde Engineer (5997)
No longer gives a speech from Eitrigg when fleeing

Homing Chicken 00X-17/TN (7784)
Fixed Spelling error

Jangdor Swiftstrider (7854)
Fixed gossip menu

Lantresor of the Blade (18261)
Fixed Gossip Menus

Pathaleon the Calculator (19220)
Fixed Spelling Error

Beruden Keysworn (19246)
Banker no longer standing ready to fight.

L'lura Goldspun (19338)
Banker no longer standing inside shelf.

Unending Voidwraith (19568)
Will no longer fall through the tubes they spawn in

Irradiated Manager (19612)
Fixed spelling error in speech

Coilskar Siren (19768)
Removed two spawned in incorrect place.

Wind Trader Marid (20071)
Added a space in Gossip Text

Parched Hydra (20324)
Added Item (Withered Basidium) to loot

Arcatraz Sentinal (20869)
Creature No longer shows as dead even though it is at full health (Not sure why it still walks like it's dead)

Warden Millichar (20904)
No longer moves around.

Vurtok Axebreaker (21256)
No longer sometimes appears as a Tauren instead of an Orc

Infernal Attacker (21419)
Removed background error for dungeon difficulty as creature is not in a dungeon

Death's Might (21519)
No longer holds a mug instead of a sword. (note, sword isn't EXACTLY blizzlike one, but closest I could find)

Shadowmoon Scout (21749)
No longer sometimes appears as a dwarf

Timeon (21782)
No longer sometimes appears as a Female Nightelf

Skulloc Soulgrinder (22910)
Removed spawn. Is spawned by script.

Talonpriest Ishaal (23006)
Removed the duplicated spawn

Blackwind Warp Chaser (23219)
Some Warp Chasers no longer spawn as Sabercats instead.

Bat Handler Camille (23816)
Gossip options now only appear when you have the quests.

Gjalorbron Prisoner (24035)
Added missing spawn x 2

Annie Bonn (24741)
Now shows the correct gossips for before and after quest The Jig is Up (11471)

Warsong Honor Guard(25243)
Spawn now lying down like the others instead of standing

Nerub'ar Victim (25284)
Added some missing spawns

Alliance Deserter (25361)
Added missing spawns in Warsong Hold

Imprisoned Beryl Sorcerer(25478)
Fixed some grammatical errors.

Fizzcrank Mechagnome (25814)
Fixed some grammer errors.

Fallen Earthen Warrior (26335)
Now laying down as should be

Drenk Spannerspark (26540)
Fixed Spelling Error

Cosmetic Drakkari Bat [PH] (27490)
No longer attackable or selectable by players. (GM's still can select and attack)

Kor'kron Windrage (27559)
Now mounted and not running on air

Prophet of Sseratus (28068)
Added missing broadcast text

Brann Bronzebeard (28070)
Fixed incorrect yell in Halls of Stone

Crusader Jonathan (28133)
Now laying down as should be

Crusader Lamoof (28141)
Now laying down as should be

Crusader Josephine (28143)
Now laying down as should be

Muddled Prophet of Sseratus (28151)
Muddled Prophet will now call out in death.

Archmage Pentarus (28160)
Removed duplicated gossip
Fixed gossip condition to only appear when on quest

Defeated Argent Footman (28260)
Will no longer try to attack enemies

Grand Apothecary Putriss (28318)
Removed from Shattrath

Prophet of Rhunok (28442)
Removed duplicated spawn

Stefan Vadu (28518)
Can no longer spawn Nass unless on the quest

Heb'Jin (28636)
Now wields mace instead of two tankards

Heb'jin's Bat (28639)
Removed spawn, as spawned by script

Spirit of Quetz'lun (28785)
Removed duplicated spawn

Aidan Steeleye (28800)
Vendor flags removed as no longer sells anything

Loken (28923)
Now sits in his chair waiting instead of wandering

Malmortis (28948)
Fixed spelling error
Added missing Broadcast TextId's

Titanium Siegebreaker (28961)
Now stands still in Halls of Lightning as should

Titanium Thunderer (28965)
Now stands still in Halls of Lightning as should

Ravenous Jormungar (30291)
Added everything with atleast .2% chance of drop to loot template

Aedan Moran (30433)
Added missing spawn

Nofal (30572)
Vendor flags removed as no longer sells anything

Archdruid Lilliandra (30630)
Added missing spawn

Crusade Architect Silas (30686)
Removed duplicate spawn

Crusade Engineer Spitzpatrick (30714)
Removed duplicate spawn

Sky-Reaver Korm Blackscar (30824)
Removed two quests that he shouldn't give

Salranax the Flesh Render (30829)
Added spawn in Phase 128 for quest The Air Stands Still

Underking Talonox (30830)
Added spawn in Phase 128 for quest The Air Stands Still

High Priest Yath'amon (30831)
Added spawn in Phase 128 for quest The Air Stands Still

Warlord Hork Strongbrow (31240)
Now lying down on bed instead of standing

Warlord Hork Strongbrow (31240)
Now lying down on bed instead of standing

Ymirjar Element Shaper (31267)
One spawn no longer looks like a pile of bones

Krom'gar Logger (35160)
No longer sometimes appears as a Human instead of a Goblin

Research Intern (36061)
Fixed creature text grammer

Slinky Sharpshiv (38517)
Remove Gossip menu from npc that doesn't gossip

Dr Dealwell (39034)
Fixed spelling errors
Added gender specifics to yell

Lethlas (39394)
Fixed aggro text. (added spaces as required)

Lethlas (39394)
Fixed aggro text. (added spaces as required)

Rio Duran (39434)
Fixed gossip texts

Kristoff Manaheim (39640)
Removed duplicated Spawn.

Tyrus Blackhorn (39933)
Gossip now changes on quest finish
Fixed gossip when talking to him for quest
Fixed spelling and added voice acting for speech after quest Black Heart of Flame.

Mysterious Winged Spirit (41068)
Now gives proper chats when finishing quest An Offering for Aviana (25663)
Now gives chat when accepting quest A Plea From Beyond (25665)

Slavering Ooze (41147)
Is now proper leveled and hostile to all

Lost Warden (41499)
Fixed spelling error in gossip option

Furgus Warpwood (44969)
Spawned in Diremaul for questline

Estulun (44991)
Spawned in Diremaul for questline

Darnell (49141)
Fixed spelling error

Silky Moth (49844)
Moth no longer mounted on a Dragonhawk

Kurzel (55677)
Added missing spawn in Drak'Tharon Keep

Chronicler Bah'Kini (55737)
Added missing spawn


Clues in the Thicket (9971)
Fixed Spelling error in quest text

The Horros of Pollution (10413)
Now available to all races

The Final Code (10446) (10447)
The required quest item will now drop

Missing Friends (10852)
There are now the correct amount of children in the cages

The Shadow Tomb (10881)
Cabal Chests now drop the correct item per chest.

Terokk's Downfall (11073)
You will no longer get a prompt of 0 with Accept and Cancel options when summoning Terokk

To Skettis (11098)
Now available to all races

Street Cred (11509)
You can now talk to Lou the Cabin Boy after accepting the quest
NOTE: he still doesn't actually take you anywhere

Succulent Orca Stew (11564)
Is now available after the correct quest

Boiling Point (11627)
Can now be done by Goblins

Magic Carpet Ride (11636)
No longer just auto completes
Players now able to talk to NPC for carpet ride when they have the quest

Neutralizing the Cauldrons (11647)
Trigger moved to allow quest item to be used all around east cauldron

Stop the Plague (11677)
Will now work at either cauldron

There's Something Going On In Those Caves (11694)
Will now work at either cauldron

Springing the Trap (11969)
Keristraza's sayings and yells now happen instead of being blank.
(NOTE: Quest is still bugged and doesn't finish properly)

Harp on This (12052)
Fixed minor error in quest text

Stiff Negotiations (12112)
Added previous quest

Torture the Torturer (12252)
Torturer LeCraft will now say things when using the branding rod.
(NOTE: Targeting is off, all sayings should be whispers and $r=race and $c=Character Name, If someone could tell me how the targeting for this is handled I'll fix it more)

The Denouncement (12273)
Using the rod and killing the mobs will now give credit.
(Note: They still don't say what they should when they die.)

The Conquest Pit: Bear Wrestling! (12427)
Required mobs now spawn
Grennix Shivwiggle now yells as he is supposed to

The Conquest Pit: Mad Furbolg Fighting (12428)
Required mobs now spawn
Grennix Shivwiggle now yells as he is supposed to

The Conquest Pit: Blood and Metal (12429)
Required mobs now spawn
Grennix Shivwiggle now yells as he is supposed to

The Conquest Pit: Death Is Likely (12430)
Required mobs now spawn
Grennix Shivwiggle now yells as he is supposed to

The Conquest Pit: Final Showdown (12431)
Required mobs now spawn
Grennix Shivwiggle now yells as he is supposed to

Welcome to Sholazar Basin (12489)
Fixed small grammar error in quest text

Where in the World is Hemet Nesingwary? (12521)
Talking to the Archmage will now send you to Sholazar Basin via flying machine
NOTE: Not 100% blizzlike

Lab Work (12557)
Now gives credits when collecting the items

Scalps! (12659)
Heb'Drakkar Striker can now be scalped as well for quest

The Magical Kingdom of Dalaran (12791,12794,12796)
9/10 quest givers can now be spoken to for the teleport to Dalaran (NPCS: 23729, 26471, 27158, 29158, 29159, 29155, 29160, 19162, 29161)
Note: No idea why NPC: Image of Archmage Modera (26673) won't do it when the others will.

The Drakkensryd (12886)
Fixed completed text

The Keeper's Favor (13073)
Players can now get a portal to Moonglade when talking to Arch Druid Lilliandra

Head Games (13129)
Now has correct text when asking for quest item

The Blackmaw Doublecross (14435)
Added gossip texts for npc Ungal (NPC 36618)
Inserted missing gossip text options for conversation with Ungal (NPC: 36618)
NOT FIXED: Final gossip option should make Ungal hostile and give Negotiations Sabotaged credit for quest The Blackmaw Doublecross

Crystal Force (24694)
Added required previous quest

The Shaper's Terrace (24694)
Added required previous quest

Ever Watching from Above (24695)
Fixed Un'goro Gorilla/Stomper/Thunderer Gossips

Crystal Spire (24727)
Added required previous quest

Crystal Ward (24728)
Added required previous quest

Crystal Yield (24729)
Added required previous quest

A Little Help From My Friends (24735)
Added required previous quest

Sandsorrow Watch (25091)
Removed incorrect space in quest text

Get me Outta Here! (25332)
Kristoff will now follow the player immediatly, not needing a gossip selected.
Fixed Kristoff talking when you leave the cave.

Invading the Citadel (29542)
Fixed quest text

Invading the Citadel (29542)
Fixed quest text

Lost Treasure (29659)
Added Completed text


The Hatchery Must Burn (25810)
Can no longer be gotten by Aviana

Stolen Hyjal Egg (203143)
Increased respawn time.
(might not be blizzlike, but atleast isn't instant anymore)

Heart of Arkkoroc (200298)
Added missing spawn

Bonfire (194438)
Added missing spawn x 2

Zul'Drak - Zol'Maz Stronghold Cache Trap (190857)
Will now despawn when the cache is used

Brazier (188633)
Added missing spawn x 6

Scourge Cage (187866)
Added missing spawn x 7

Cage (187373)
Added missing spawn x 2

Tall/Thin Medium - Xmas (187234)
Christmas Wreath in Dreadmaul Hold now linked to holiday

Bonfire (181481)
Added missing spawn

Warm Fire (49486)
Added missing spawn

Campfire (1864)
Added missing spawn

Incdendicite Mineral Vein (1610 1667)
Replaced with current Cataclysm veins


Item: Vekh'nir Crystal (30561)
Will now drop for quest

Item: The Diary of High General Abbendis (37540)
Now displays all pages properly.

Item: Writhing Choker (38673)
Will now stop dropping after you have accepted the quest


Game Teleports:
Added teleports to Venomspite, Conquest Hold and Stars Rest in Dragonblight for .tele command
Game Teleport cleanup x 10

NOTE FOR ExO (or anyone who compiles the server themselves) - script npc_taxi.cpp needs fixing, the database has the right info but the script directly defines gossip options. These definitions need to be replaced with the definitions below.

#define GOSSIP_AFRASASTRASZ1    "Can I get a ride back to ground level, Lord Afrasastrasz?"
#define GOSSIP_AFRASASTRASZ2    "My lord, I need to get to the top of the temple."
#define GOSSIP_TARIOLSTRASZ1    "Steward, please allow me to ride one of the drakes to the queen's chamber at the top of the temple."
#define GOSSIP_TARIOLSTRASZ2    "Can you spare a drake to take me to Lord Afrasastrasz in the middle of the temple?"
#define GOSSIP_TORASTRASZA1     "I would like to go to Lord Afrasastrasz in the middle of the temple"
#define GOSSIP_TORASTRASZA2     "Yes, Please. I would like to return to the ground level of the temple."

Last Update: 1st December 2022
Last edited:


Gold Supporter
Verified Member
Are these queries supposed to get rid of duplicate spawns for the whole world or is it limited to MOP content areas? I'm trying to find a way to make the MOP repack playable for myself solo, but the spawns being doubled everywhere and the mob repawn times being 30-60 seconds is making it impossible, and these queries haven't changed any of the spawns in the starting alliance zones for me. Eastvale is particularly bad. Unless, I'm doing something wrong executing them. Thanks anyone for the help.

I'd be happy to go through the entire DB manually myself if I knew which value to change for creature mob spawns and spawn timers.


Mythical User
Super Moderator
Gold Supporter
Are these queries supposed to get rid of duplicate spawns for the whole world or is it limited to MOP content areas? I'm trying to find a way to make the MOP repack playable for myself solo, but the spawns being doubled everywhere and the mob repawn times being 30-60 seconds is making it impossible, and these queries haven't changed any of the spawns in the starting alliance zones for me. Eastvale is particularly bad. Unless, I'm doing something wrong executing them. Thanks anyone for the help.

I'd be happy to go through the entire DB manually myself if I knew which value to change for creature mob spawns and spawn timers.
I think that this is for 434 only :)


Gold Supporter
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@dolgan Glad to see you again mate :)

Cheers. Should hopefully be around more often now that work life has settled a little.

Are these queries supposed to get rid of duplicate spawns for the whole world or is it limited to MOP content areas? I'm trying to find a way to make the MOP repack playable for myself solo, but the spawns being doubled everywhere and the mob repawn times being 30-60 seconds is making it impossible, and these queries haven't changed any of the spawns in the starting alliance zones for me. Eastvale is particularly bad. Unless, I'm doing something wrong executing them. Thanks anyone for the help.

I'd be happy to go through the entire DB manually myself if I knew which value to change for creature mob spawns and spawn timers.

This are intended for Cataclysm V16 repack only. They will probably only work for that one.
"Also when I say remove duplicate spawns" it generally means specific ones not all.

In regards to respawn time on the look in your database under the table "creature" and then the column "spawntimesecs" This is the one that tells the client how long to wait to respawn. (at least on the cataclysm server it is.)


Gold Supporter
Verified Member
Cheers. Should hopefully be around more often now that work life has settled a little.

This are intended for Cataclysm V16 repack only. They will probably only work for that one.
"Also when I say remove duplicate spawns" it generally means specific ones not all.

In regards to respawn time on the look in your database under the table "creature" and then the column "spawntimesecs" This is the one that tells the client how long to wait to respawn. (at least on the cataclysm server it is.)
Appreciate it. I got it all sorted by using a database that doesn't have the duplicate spawn issue and setting the entire column of creature spawns to 420 seconds. I'm sure that may prove troublesome for the rare spawns with high timers later on but the easiest query I could come up with set the entire column. At least the 20-60 second spawns are all gone now.

I touched mysql for the first time 3 days ago but I imagine if I knew only a tiny bit more you could easily create a query string to replace the set spawn value times for 25, 30, 60, 120 and 180 a little higher and not mess with the already higher spawn values but I'm an absolute novice still. Anyway, thanks for pointing me in the right direction.


Gold Supporter
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Veteran Member
Appreciate it. I got it all sorted by using a database that doesn't have the duplicate spawn issue and setting the entire column of creature spawns to 420 seconds. I'm sure that may prove troublesome for the rare spawns with high timers later on but the easiest query I could come up with set the entire column. At least the 20-60 second spawns are all gone now.

I touched mysql for the first time 3 days ago but I imagine if I knew only a tiny bit more you could easily create a query string to replace the set spawn value times for 25, 30, 60, 120 and 180 a little higher and not mess with the already higher spawn values but I'm an absolute novice still. Anyway, thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

Keep at it.
I am not overly great at SQL myself. Google is your friend.


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More Changes

I have some more updates to drop, here is the change log.
The changes have been added to the SQL Queries Post

Note the Master Change Log Post Has also been updated

NPC: Darnell (49141)
Fixed spelling error

NPC: Parched Hydra (20324)
Added Item (Withered Basidium) to loot

Item: Vekh'nir Crystal (30561)
Will now drop for quest

NPC: Triggers
Hidden triggers from players x 18

NPC: Timeon (21782)
No longer sometimes appears as a Female Nightelf

NPC: Death's Might (21519)
No longer holds a mug instead of a sword. (note, sword isn't EXACTLY blizzlike one, but closest I could find)

NPC Pathaleon the Calculator (19220)
Fixed Spelling Error

NPC: Arcatraz Sentinal (20869)
Creature No longer shows as dead even though it is at full health (Not sure why it still walks like it's dead)

NPC: Warden Millichar (20904)
No longer moves around.

NPC: Wind Trader Marid (20071)
Added a space in Gossip Text

NPC: Unending Voidwrait (19568)
Will no longer fall through the tubes they spawn in

Quest: The Horros of Pollution (10413)
Now available to all races

Quest: Clues in the Thicket (9971)
Fixed Spelling error in quest text

NPC: Beruden Keysworn (19246)
Banker no longer standing ready to fight.

NPC: L'lura Goldspun (19338)
Banker no longer standing inside shelf.

NPC: Grand Apothecary Putriss (28318)
Removed from Shattrath

NPC: Irradiated Manager (19612)
Fixed spelling error in speech

Quest: To Skettis (11098)
Now available to all races

NPC: Blackwind Warp Chaser (23219)
Some Warp Chasers nolonger spawn as Sabercats instead.


Gold Supporter
Silver Supporter
Veteran Member
More Changes

I have some more updates to drop, here is the change log.
The changes have been added to the SQL Queries Post

Note the Master Change Log Post Has also been updated

NPC: Talonpriest Ishaal
Removed the duplicated spawn

Hidden Triggers from players x 4
Mount removed from creature that shouldn't be mounted x 1

Quest: Terokk's Downfall (11073)
You will no longer get a prompt of "0" with Accept and Cancel options when summoning Terokk

Quest: The Final Code (Both Versions)
The required quest item will now drop

Quest: Missing Friends (10852)
There are now the correct amount of children in the cages

Quest: The Shadow Tomb (10881)
Cabal Chests now drop the correct item per chest.

NPC: Skulloc Soulgrinder (22910)
Removed spawn. Is spawned by script.

Quest: Lost Treasure (29659)
Added Completed text

NPC: Shadowmoon Scout (21749)
No longer sometimes appears as a dwarf

NPC: Infernal Attacker (21419)
Removed background error for dungeon difficulty as creature is not in a dungeon

NPC: Coilskar Siren (19768)
Removed two spawned in incorrect place.

Objects: Incdendicite Mineral Vein (1610 1667)
Replaced with current Cataclysm veins

NPC: Fen Dweller (1039)
Deleted all spawns as mob was removed in patch 4.0.3a

NPC: Slavering Ooze (41147)
Is now proper leveled and hostile to all

NPC: Jesse Halloran, Regina Halloran, Gimlok Rumdnul (1445, 1446, 1447)
Spawned and equipment fixed

NPC: Lantresor of the Blade (18261)
Fixed Gossip Menus

NPC: Alliance Deserter (25361)
Added missing spawns in Warsong Hold
Last edited:


Gold Supporter
Silver Supporter
Veteran Member
More Changes

I have some more updates to drop, here is the change log.
The changes have been added to the SQL Queries Post

Note the Master Change Log Post Has also been updated

NPC: Nerub'ar Victim (25284)
Added some missing spawns

Quest: Magic Carpet Ride (11636)
No longer just auto completes
Players now able to talk to NPC for carpet ride when they have the quest

NPC: Warsong Honor Guard
Spawn now lying down like the others instead of standing

Gameobject: Scourge Cage (187866)
Added missing spawn x 7

Quest: Boiling Point (11627)
Can now be done by Goblins

Quest: Succulent Orca Stew (11564)
Is now available after the correct quest

Gameobject: Cage (187373)
Added missing spawn x 2

Gameobject: Bonfire (194438)
Added missing spawn

NPC: Imprisoned Beryl Sorcerer(25478)
Fixed some grammatical errors.

Quest: Springing the Trap (11969)
Keristraza's sayings and yells now happen instead of being blank.
(NOTE: Quest is still bugged and doesn't finish properly)

NPC: Fizzcrank Mechagnome (25814)
Fixed some grammar errors.

Quest: Stop the Plague (11677) & There's Something Going On In Those Caves (11694)
Will now work at either cauldron

Quest: Neutralizing the Cauldrons (11647)
Trigger moved to allow quest item to be used all around east cauldron

Creature: Drenk Spannerspark (26540)
Fixed Spelling Error

NPC: Bat Handler Camille (23816)
Gossip options now only appear when you have the quests.


Mythical User
Super Moderator
Gold Supporter
@dolgan You're such a big asset to the community and the cata core.
You've done so much.

Love seeing the passion for the game still


Gold Supporter
Silver Supporter
Veteran Member
More Changes

I have some more updates to drop, here is the change log.
The changes have been added to the SQL Queries Post

Note the Master Change Log Post Has also been updated

NPC: Gjalorbron Prisoner (24035)
Added missing spawn x 2

Delete duplicate spawn x 1

Quest: The Magical Kingdom of Dalaran (12791,12794,12796)
9/10 quest givers can now be spoken to for the teleport to Dalaran (NPCS: 23729, 26471, 27158, 29158, 29159, 29155, 29160, 19162, 29161)
Note: No idea why NPC: Image of Archmage Modera (26673) won't do it when the others will.

Game Teleport
Added teleports to Venomspite, Conquest Hold and Stars Rest in Dragonblight for .tele command
Game Teleport cleanup x 10

Gameobject: Bonfire
Added missing spawn x 1

Gameobject: Brazier (188633)
Added missing spawn x 5

Hidden triggers from players x 8

NOTE FOR ExO (or anyone who compiles the server themselves) - script npc_taxi.cpp needs fixing, the database has the right info but the
script directly defines gossip options. These definitions need to be replaced with the definitions below.

#define GOSSIP_AFRASASTRASZ1    "Can I get a ride back to ground level, Lord Afrasastrasz?"
#define GOSSIP_AFRASASTRASZ2    "My lord, I need to get to the top of the temple."
#define GOSSIP_TARIOLSTRASZ1    "Steward, please allow me to ride one of the drakes to the queen's chamber at the top of the temple."
#define GOSSIP_TARIOLSTRASZ2    "Can you spare a drake to take me to Lord Afrasastrasz in the middle of the temple?"
#define GOSSIP_TORASTRASZA1     "I would like to go to Lord Afrasastrasz in the middle of the temple"
#define GOSSIP_TORASTRASZA2     "Yes, Please. I would like to return to the ground level of the temple."


Gold Supporter
Silver Supporter
Veteran Member
More Changes

I have some more updates to drop, here is the change log.
The changes have been added to the SQL Queries Post

Note the Master Change Log Post Has also been updated

Quest: Torture the Torturer (12252)
Torturer LeCraft will now say things when using the branding rod.
(NOTE: Targeting is off, all sayings should be whispers and $r=race and $c=Character Name, If someone could tell me how the targeting for this is handled I'll fix it more)

Quest: The Denouncement (12273)
Using the rod and killing the mobs will now give credit.
(Note: They still don't say what they should when they die.)

NPC: Kor'kron Windrage (27559)
Now mounted and not running on air

Quest: Stiff Negotiations (12112)
Added previous quest

Quest: Harp on This (12052)
Fixed minor error in quest text

Gameobject: Brazier (188633)
Added missing spawn

Fixed 7 x Phase masks

NPC: Cosmetic Drakkari Bat [PH] (27490)
No longer attackable or selectable by players. (GM's still can select and attack)

Quests: The Conquest Pit: Bear Wrestling! (12427), The Conquest Pit: Mad Furbolg Fighting (12428), The Conquest Pit: Blood and Metal (12429), The Conquest Pit: Death Is Likely (12430), The Conquest Pit: Final Showdown (12431)
Required mobs now spawn
Grennix Shivwiggle now yells as he is supposed to


@dolgan Welcome back buddy! Awesome to see you are contributing with fixes again. It's wonderful for the Cataclysm project.

As always, I will include your fixes for the upcoming Cataclysm release, and include the changelog + credits :)

72 members (with a majority being VIP gold/VIP Regular with cataclysm access) have read your topic. I'm sure a lot appreciate all the work you are doing!


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@dolgan Welcome back buddy! Awesome to see you are contributing with fixes again. It's wonderful for the Cataclysm project.

As always, I will include your fixes for the upcoming Cataclysm release, and include the changelog + credits :)

72 members (with a majority being VIP gold/VIP Regular with cataclysm access) have read your topic. I'm sure a lot appreciate all the work you are doing!

Happy to be back mate.


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More Changes

I have some more updates to drop, here is the change log.

The changes have been added to the SQL Queries Post

Note the Master Change Log Post Has also been updated

Gamobject: Campfire
Added missing spawn

NPC: Fallen Earthen Warrior (26335)
Now laying down as should be

NPC: Kurzel (55677)
Added missing spawn in Drak'Tharon Keep

Quest: Head Games (13129)
Now has correct text when asking for quest item

Item: Writhing Choker (38673)
Will now stop dropping after you have accepted the quest

NPC: Stefan Vadu (28518)
Can no longer spawn Nass unless on the quest

NPC: Malmortis (28948)
Fixed spelling error
Added missing Broadcast TextId's

NPC: Crusader Jonathan (28133)
Now laying down as should be

NPC: Crusader Lamoof (28141)
Now laying down as should be

NPC: Crusader Josephine (28143)
Now laying down as should be

NPC: Defeated Argent Footman (28260)
Will no longer try to attack enemies

Quest: Lab Work (12557)
Now gives credits when collecting the items

NPC: Aidan Steeleye (28800)
Vendor flags removed as no longer sells anything

NPC: Prophet of Sseratus (28068), Muddled Prophet of Sseratus (28151)
Added missing broadcast text
Muddled Prophet will now call out in death.

Item: The Diary of High General Abbendis (37540)
Now displays all pages properly.

NPC: Heb'Jin (28636)
Now wields mace instead of two tankards

NPC: Heb'jin's Bat (28639)
Removed spawn, as spawned by script

NPC: Prophet of Rhunok (28442)
Removed duplicated spawn 

NPC: Spirit of Quetz'lun (28785)
Removed duplicated spawn 

NPC: Chronicler Bah'Kini (55737)
Added missing spawn

Object: Zul'Drak - Zol'Maz Stronghold Cache Trap (190857)
Will now despawn when the cache is used

Quest: Scalps! (12659)
Heb'Drakkar Striker can now be scalped as well for quest

NPC: Nofal (30572)
Vendor flags removed as no longer sells anything

Quest: Street "Cred" (11509)
You can now talk to Lou the Cabin Boy after accepting the quest
NOTE: he still doesn't actually take you anywhere

NPC: Annie Bonn (24741)
Now shows the correct gossips for before and after quest The Jig is Up (11471)

NPC: Archmage Pentarus (28160)
Removed duplicated gossip
Fixed gossip condition to only appear when on quest

Quest: Where in the World is Hemet Nesingwary? (12521)
Talking to the Archmage will now send you to Sholazar Basin via flying machine
NOTE: Not 100% blizzlike and will throw an error for SmartScript

Quest: Welcome to Sholazar Basin (12489)
Fixed small grammar error in quest text


Gold Supporter
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Veteran Member
More Changes

I have some more updates to drop.
The changes have been added to the SQL Queries Post

In this update there was some behind the scenes work on my end on how I keep track of changes.
Unfortunately this means I can't put in here exactly which changes were made with this update.
Future updates will have a them posted separately as well as in the Master Logs.

Please see the Master Change Log Post which has also been updated for a full organized list of what changes are posted on this thread.