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Database Fixes for Version 13.1 VIP


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Hi Everyone,

With the release of Version 13.1 for VIP members, I have continued to make database fixes and am sharing them all with you.

The next two posts on this thread will be the SQL queries and then the change log.

Post 1: These queries can run as many times as you like and you shouldn't get any problems. (these are just updates)

Post 2: Will be a the master change log of what all these queries do

Every time that I post an update I will update these two posts, AND each new update will have it's own post as well

Also all the fixes were for/in English only, I haven't touched the locales tables as I don't speak any other language.

- It is suggested that you clear your game client's cache after running these queries.

LAST UPDATE: 29 November 2020


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SQL Queries

The following listed queries can be run as many times as you like.

UPDATE `creature_template_addon` SET `auras`='' WHERE (`entry`='36578');
UPDATE `creature_template_addon` SET `auras`='' WHERE (`entry`='36681');
UPDATE `creature_template_addon` SET `auras`='' WHERE (`entry`='38515');
UPDATE `creature_template_addon` SET `auras`='' WHERE (`entry`='38518');
UPDATE `creature_template_addon` SET `auras`='' WHERE (`entry`='42473');
UPDATE `creature_template_addon` SET `auras`='' WHERE (`entry`='38574');
UPDATE `creature_template_addon` SET `auras`='' WHERE (`entry`='30');
UPDATE `creature_template_addon` SET `auras`='' WHERE (`entry`='41146');
DELETE FROM `command` WHERE (`name`='guildhouse');
DELETE FROM `command` WHERE (`name`='guildhouse add');
INSERT INTO `creature_text` (`entry`,`groupid`,`id`,`text`,`type`,`probability`,`BroadcastTextId`,`comment`) VALUES ('23622','2','0','%s thanks you with a special dance.','16','100','22070','kyle EMOTE_DANCE');
DELETE FROM `creature_text` WHERE (`entry`='23616') AND (`groupid`='2') AND (`id`='0');
DELETE FROM `creature_text` WHERE (`entry`='23622') AND (`groupid`='0') AND (`id`='0');
UPDATE `smart_scripts` SET `action_param2`='0' WHERE (`entryorguid`='23622') AND (`source_type`='0') AND (`id`='0') AND (`link`='0');
UPDATE `event_scripts` SET `datalong`='2911' WHERE (`id`='467') AND (`delay`='0') AND (`command`='9') AND (`datalong`='46425') AND (`datalong2`='0') AND (`dataint`='0') AND (`x`='0') AND (`y`='0') AND (`z`='0') AND (`o`='0') LIMIT 1;
DELETE FROM `smart_scripts` WHERE (`entryorguid`='38282') AND (`id`='0');
UPDATE `smart_scripts` SET `target_type`='19',`target_param2`='25' WHERE (`entryorguid`='38282') AND (`source_type`='0') AND (`id`='1') AND (`link`='0');
UPDATE `smart_scripts` SET `event_param1`='0',`event_param2`='0',`event_param3`='2000',`event_param4`='2000' WHERE (`entryorguid`='38282') AND (`source_type`='0') AND (`id`='1') AND (`link`='0');
UPDATE `npc_text` SET `text0_0`='How may I help you?',`text0_1`='How may I help you?' WHERE (`ID`='14126');
UPDATE `creature_text` SET `type`='14' WHERE (`entry`='36161') AND (`groupid`='1');
UPDATE `page_text` SET `text`='Below is the list of students who obtained a Platinum Star grade at Gremlock''s School of Caterers, earning them an Honorary Chef''s Cleaver:\r\n\r\nMelia Stoneshaker\r\nBardin Ironband\r\nUmi Togglevolt\r\nRumi Togglevolt\r\nVorel Steelspire' WHERE (`entry`='2514');  
UPDATE `smart_scripts` SET `id`='16' WHERE (`entryorguid`='4157800') AND (`source_type`='9') AND (`id`='9');
UPDATE `smart_scripts` SET `id`='15' WHERE (`entryorguid`='4157800') AND (`source_type`='9') AND (`id`='8');
UPDATE `smart_scripts` SET `id`='14' WHERE (`entryorguid`='4157800') AND (`source_type`='9') AND (`id`='7');
UPDATE `smart_scripts` SET `id`='13' WHERE (`entryorguid`='4157800') AND (`source_type`='9') AND (`id`='6');
UPDATE `smart_scripts` SET `id`='12' WHERE (`entryorguid`='4157800') AND (`source_type`='9') AND (`id`='5');
UPDATE `smart_scripts` SET `id`='11' WHERE (`entryorguid`='4157800') AND (`source_type`='9') AND (`id`='4');
UPDATE `smart_scripts` SET `id`='10' WHERE (`entryorguid`='4157800') AND (`source_type`='9') AND (`id`='3');
UPDATE `smart_scripts` SET `id`='9' WHERE (`entryorguid`='4157800') AND (`source_type`='9') AND (`id`='2');
UPDATE `smart_scripts` SET `id`='8' WHERE (`entryorguid`='4157800') AND (`source_type`='9') AND (`id`='1');
UPDATE `smart_scripts` SET `id`='7' WHERE (`entryorguid`='4157800') AND (`source_type`='9') AND (`id`='0');
INSERT INTO `smart_scripts` VALUES ('4157800','9','0','0','0','0','100','0','0','0','0','0','0','1','0','0','0','0','0','0','1','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','On Quest Accept - Say Line 1');
INSERT INTO `smart_scripts` VALUES ('4157800','9','1','0','52','0','100','0','0','41578','0','0','0','1','0','0','0','0','0','0','10','25569','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','On Quest Accept - Say Line 2');
INSERT INTO `smart_scripts` VALUES ('4157800','9','2','0','52','0','100','0','0','25569','0','0','0','1','1','0','0','0','0','0','1','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','On Quest Accept - Say Line 3');
INSERT INTO `smart_scripts` VALUES ('4157800','9','3','0','52','0','100','0','0','41578','1','0','0','1','1','0','0','0','0','0','10','25569','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','On Quest Accept - Say Line 4');
INSERT INTO `smart_scripts` VALUES ('4157800','9','4','0','52','0','100','0','0','25569','1','0','0','1','3','0','0','0','0','0','1','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','On Quest Accept - Say Line 5');
INSERT INTO `smart_scripts` VALUES ('4157800','9','5','0','52','0','100','0','0','41578','3','0','0','1','2','0','0','0','0','0','10','25569','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','On Quest Accept - Say Line 6');
INSERT INTO `smart_scripts` VALUES ('4157800','9','6','0','52','0','100','0','0','25569','2','0','0','1','3','0','0','0','0','0','10','25569','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','On Quest Accept - Say Line 7');
INSERT INTO `game_event_gameobject` (`eventEntry`,`guid`) VALUES ('2','255062');
UPDATE `page_text` SET `text`='Nyoma,\r\n\r\nYou can''t imagine how surprised I was to receive the recipe book! Everything you included is just as I remember from home. I can''t wait to try out the new recipes.\r\n\r\nWhen you have some time, you should come visit me in Darnassus. I''ll even cook for you!\r\n\r\nYour friend,\r\nAquinne' WHERE (`entry`='2513');
DELETE FROM `creature_questender` WHERE (`id`='16554') AND (`quest`='9314');
DELETE FROM `creature` WHERE (`guid`='111830');
DELETE FROM `creature` WHERE (`guid`='111831');
UPDATE `broadcast_text` SET `MaleText`='You do not mess with my kitty you son of a mongrel!' WHERE (`ID`='36421');
DELETE FROM `smart_scripts` WHERE (`entryorguid` = '36461') AND (`id` = '8');
INSERT INTO `smart_scripts` (`entryorguid`,`source_type`,`id`,`link`,`event_type`,`action_type`,`comment`) VALUES ('36461','0','8','0','54','1','Lucius the Cruel - On Spawn - Say Line');
UPDATE `creature_addon` SET `mount`='0',`bytes2`='0' WHERE (`guid`='159730');


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Master Change Log

See below for the Master Change Log.

This post will be updated each update.

Removed duplicated Auras x 8
Removed GM commands that don't exist x 2

Quest: Kyle's Gone Missing! (ID: 11129)
Moved Kyle the Friendly's (ID: 23622) thank message to correct npc
Removed non existing enrage text
Updated script

Quest: Thunderhorn Cleansing (ID: 24456)
Quest will no longer try to respawn non existing game object

Quest: It's Raid Night Every Night (ID: 25932)
Quest Giver and Mountaineer will now say their lines before Troll attack.
(Not completely Blizz-like, but closer than it was.)

Quest: Word from Azure Watch (ID: 9314)
Can no longer be handed in to quest giver, only to correct quest ender

Quest: Grandma's Cat (ID: 14401)
Lucius the Cruel now says his line
Grandma Wahl now says her line

NPC: Novice Darkspear Hunter (ID: 38282)
No longer spams attack at rediculous speed

NPC: Grimtak (ID: 3881)
Removed quote marks from gossip

NPC: Thrall (ID: 36161)
Fixed all talkings to be Yells

NPC: Stillpine Ancestor Coo (ID: 17391)
Removed spawn of creature that only spawns on quest accept.

NPC: Stillpine Ancestor Tiki (ID: 17392)
Removed spawn of creature that only spawns on quest accept.

Mob Spawn: Scarlet Captain (GUID: 159730)
spawn no longer mounted.

Item: Gremlock's List (ID: 16310)
Item now shows correct page text

Item: Sister Aquinne's Note (ID: 16263)
Item now shows the correct message when read

Game Object: Christmas Wreath
Wreath at Gol'Bolar quarry now only shows during event.


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Awesome work, perfect until the next V14 :D (y)

Thx mate !!! :p

You're quite welcome

And he is back ! :D Good to see you again @dolgan

Guess who's back.
Back again.
Dolgan's Back!
Thank you friend.

(Too be fair never actually left, but I am an essential worker during these pandemic times, so just been busy IRL)


I collect profile flairs.
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Senior User
Hooray! Your patches are always awesome, thanks for all the work Dolgan!


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
@dolgan Hi m8, can you explain me how to add this updates to my client? Sorry man but I'm a fucking noob of this....
These updates are good for the V13.1 "single player/fun" version too?
Tnx for your work!


Gold Supporter
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Hooray! Your patches are always awesome, thanks for all the work Dolgan!

Thanks @Jenniy it's always nice to be appreciated.

@dolgan Hi m8, can you explain me how to add this updates to my client? Sorry man but I'm a fucking noob of this....
These updates are good for the V13.1 "single player/fun" version too?
Tnx for your work!

To start with you need an sql editor program like Navicat or HeidiSQL. I personally use Navicat.

Once you have the program downloaded and installed:
- Turn on the MySQL server for the repack
- Open the program
- Make a new connection using: username: root password: ascent (most repacks around use that username and password, it is changeable but not really worth it)

- Open the connection and you should see, each database listed (Auth Char World information_schema mysql and performance_schema) feel ignore most of these.
- Open the one called world (note it may say something like emucoach_v131_vip_world not just world)
- Once open go to Query
- New query
- Copy and paste my fixes to the query editor
- Choose run query

Remember to delete the folder called "Cache" in your World of Warcraft folder, as some of the fixes will not change on your server straight away unless you clear that.

You CAN run these fixes while your server is up and running, but they will not take effect until you restart the worldserver, the authserver can be up at all times and not affect it.

These should work on both versions, however I have not checked myself, only with the regular VIP V13.1

Please do not hesitate to ask if you have questions.


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
Thanks @Jenniy it's always nice to be appreciated.

To start with you need an sql editor program like Navicat or HeidiSQL. I personally use Navicat.

Once you have the program downloaded and installed:
- Turn on the MySQL server for the repack
- Open the program
- Make a new connection using: username: root password: ascent (most repacks around use that username and password, it is changeable but not really worth it)

- Open the connection and you should see, each database listed (Auth Char World information_schema mysql and performance_schema) feel ignore most of these.
- Open the one called world (note it may say something like emucoach_v131_vip_world not just world)
- Once open go to Query
- New query
- Copy and paste my fixes to the query editor
- Choose run query

Remember to delete the folder called "Cache" in your World of Warcraft folder, as some of the fixes will not change on your server straight away unless you clear that.

You CAN run these fixes while your server is up and running, but they will not take effect until you restart the worldserver, the authserver can be up at all times and not affect it.

These should work on both versions, however I have not checked myself, only with the regular VIP V13.1

Please do not hesitate to ask if you have questions.

Great and clear tutorial Dolgan!
I followed your words steps by steps, all done ( I think, it say: 51 new lines...so..),
at the end it ask me if I want to save but that it will be save in any case, so i can ignore it or is better manually save?
Many thanks man!


Gold Supporter
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Veteran Member
Great and clear tutorial Dolgan!
I followed your words steps by steps, all done ( I think, it say: 51 new lines...so..),
at the end it ask me if I want to save but that it will be save in any case, so i can ignore it or is better manually save?
Many thanks man!

As soon as you press run, the changes are made.
You do not need to save the query at all.


I collect profile flairs.
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MoP Premium
Senior User
Where did Dolgan go :p
Maybe Dolgan died!
It could also conceivably be that there hasn't been enough time recently to find bugs and script these database changes.
Or, Maybe, he just hates you - and DIED!

(PSA: My sarcastic use of 'death' is meant in good faith to be light-hearted satire. I openly apologize to anyone whom may take offence to such humor.)


Mythical User
Super Moderator
Gold Supporter
Maybe Dolgan died!
It could also conceivably be that there hasn't been enough time recently to find bugs and script these database changes.
Or, Maybe, he just hates you - and DIED!

(PSA: My sarcastic use of 'death' is meant in good faith to be light-hearted satire. I openly apologize to anyone whom may take offence to such humor.)
Dolgan can't be hating me :) I'm his greatest fan xD


Gold Supporter
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Where did Dolgan go :p
No where. They rarely let me leave work. Am sure if they could legally do it they would chain me up over night there.

Maybe Dolgan died!
It could also conceivably be that there hasn't been enough time recently to find bugs and script these database changes.
Or, Maybe, he just hates you - and DIED!

Not dead. Read the PSA below

Dolgan can't be hating me :) I'm his greatest fan xD

As long as you don't become a stalker we should be fine.

PSA: I am an essential worker and a single parent. I get very little time to myself, so I apologise that there is not as many db fixes.

Executed to the official 13.1 DB. As always, thanks a lot @dolgan! :)

Woot! Awesome.

Now if only I had time to do more.
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