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Cruel-WoW Instant 80 PvP & PvE, Custom Quest-Lines and More!


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Hello everyone! The long awaited New Duel Zone is NOW available!

What does this New Duel Zone bring?
- It brings a completely redone game design, Both regarding the Duel Scenarios aswell as within the Environmental Design

First of all, When entering the area you'll see a Game Design which should feel very alive, Creatures are doing things and walking around

Vendors which previously was in the earlier Duel Zone (Quel'Thalas) Have been Re Modeled and have been given a Model which correlates to a more belongable model
which should overall fit the zone you are in.

We've also taken other things into effect to further improve the Area's overall feeling.
We hope this Duel Zone is of enjoyment and wish you all best of luck to becoming the best duelists!

Thank you!

Kind Regards
Cruel-WoW Staff


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Epic Member

Hello everyone! The long awaited New Duel Zone is NOW available!

What does this New Duel Zone bring?
- It brings a completely redone game design, Both regarding the Duel Scenarios aswell as within the Environmental Design

First of all, When entering the area you'll see a Game Design which should feel very alive, Creatures are doing things and walking around

Vendors which previously was in the earlier Duel Zone (Quel'Thalas) Have been Re Modeled and have been given a Model which correlates to a more belongable model
which should overall fit the zone you are in.

We've also taken other things into effect to further improve the Area's overall feeling.

We hope this Duel Zone is of enjoyment and wish you all best of luck to becoming the best duelists!

Thank you!

Kind Regards
Cruel-WoW Staff

It's been a long and fun journey we've had throughout this year here at Cruel-WoW

We've improved in ways we never could've imagined even. You our community have provided us with Feedback, Reports, Suggestions, Approvals and Disapprovals.
Which has made Cruel-WoW what it is today. And for that i'd like to thank each and everyone of you. You the community mean everything to us, We value your presence because without you. We wouldn't be here.

Throughout this year we have together formed a Private Server many of us would like to call Home.
We are reliving the glory of a game we all grew up with and loved. Some may agree or disagree with me entirely for specific or unspecific reasons

But i myself is having a good time here, and i personally could never have asked for a better Server, Community or Realm to be a part of!


In total we have carried out over 80 Updates on our realm. (45 have been recorded under the so named "Patchnote - Hotfixes [threads]"
We have also commited over 400 Bugfixes (Logged) - We have commited more but do not have records of that anymore.
We have updated our Website 4 Times
We have changed our Mall 5 Times
We have changed our Duel Zone 3 Times
We have served over 720 Tickets
We have spawned nearly 30.000 Creatures
Revamped 4 Zones
Made nearly 40 Quests (including dailies)
There have been made over 18.000 Characters and 8000 Accounts were registered

However, we are far from done. This is only the beginning. For the year to come we shall continue regularly updating our realm
and continue to bring new brilliant ideas and suggestions provided by the community to life, We are forever thankful for the things you guys do for us and we appreciate each and everyone of you!

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Yours Truly, Cruel-WoW Staff :)

Again, Thank you for playing at Cruel-WoW <3



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Campfire V2 is on the way!

Get ready, we open our gates on V2 at 16th February 18:00/6:00PM GMT+1


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Cruel-WoW is releasing it's first World Boss on the Latest Version of Campfire!
Stand ready to fight this epic battle.

Kyra drops the following items

- Honor Token 25x

- Wrathful Gloves 1x
for a random class

- Tier 10.5 Gloves 1x
for a random class

She has unique mechanics, abilities and phases. A more detailed Forum Post will be made to explain this topic

- Registration -
- Website -
- Forum -
- Discord -


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Epic Member

Flex Raiding is now reworked and is being queued for the upcoming maintenance at 9:00 PM (23.02.2019)

Crossfaction Battleground System is now reowrked and is being queued for the upcoming maintenance 9:00 PM (23.02.2019)

With this update comes also stronger security! We recently added several things within our authentication system which will improve your experience here in terms of getting rid of people taking use any form of client modifications which are violating the rules, naturally.

Patches that modify your visual experience, in terms of Graphics updates or Game optimization stuff. This is not violating any rule.

-- We do however encourage every member to lookout for bugs and or issues and would love if you could Submit spotted errors at https://www.cruel-wow.net/bugtracker

Thank you!
Yours Truly, Cruel-WoW Staf


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Epic Member

Kyra, The Angel of Death

The time has come and we're proud to release our latest World Boss creation, Kyra the Angel of Death!

This is our first World Boss on a new core also known as Campfire V2. New core allowed us to create much better World Bosses with better script handling which allows us to make better and more enjoyable content.

A lot of work is put into making this World Boss which makes it one of the most complete World Bosses ever made and consists of multiple fight phases,anti-exploit systems,sound effects,amazing area and fight design and much more!

To teleport to the Boss use a portal located in "Portal Area".

Boss Overview:

Respawn Time:
24 Hours / 1 Day
Health: 20666k / 20.6M
Mana: 6666k / 6.6M
Class: Multiclass
Race: Undead
Number of Phases: 3
Location: Temple of Order, The Storm Peaks, Northrend

Loot Overview:

Currency / Tokens
x25 [Honor Token] for everyone who participated in the fight.

Set Items
1x [Wrathful Gladiator's Gloves] for a random class and spec.
1x [Sanctified Gloves] (T10.5) for a random class and spec.

Exclusive Rare Loot:
10% chance to drop exclusive tabard [Tabard of Brilliance].
7% chance to drop exclusive pet [Tyrael's Hilt].
5% chance to drop exclusive mount [Celestial Steed].

We hope you will enjoy this World Boss and our upcoming World Bosses!

Kind Regards,
Cruel-WoW Staff

Forum Thread


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Epic Member

Campfire 3.3.5a
Has recieved an update!

- All gear is now made free (s8 and tier 10.5[hc])

- Forums has been removed and all communication has been entitled to our official Discord Server

- Removed Reputation Requirement for Ashen Verdict Rings

- Players can now sell any item (Except Hearthstone)

- Users will now spawn with 100.000g upon Character Creation

- Flex-Raiding was Reverted because of bugs and will be reworked and reapplied at a later state

- Shadowmourne Recievd its Original Spell again and is available in-game for VotePoints / DonationPoints


set realmlist wotlk.cruel-wow.net

Regards Cruel-WoW Staff


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Epic Member
this server sounds really fun.

Glad to hear you think so :)

Consider joining! We have a lot of awesome features coming up.

A tiny teaser would be these which are gonna be released soon. (it is estimated to release in 2 weeks time)

We also have a Legion Blizzlike x10 Realm if you are interested in trying it out

can be tried out at https://legion.cruel-wow.net
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