Hello everyone! The long awaited New Duel Zone is NOW available!
What does this New Duel Zone bring?
- It brings a completely redone game design, Both regarding the Duel Scenarios aswell as within the Environmental Design
First of all, When entering the area you'll see a Game Design which should feel very alive, Creatures are doing things and walking around
Vendors which previously was in the earlier Duel Zone (Quel'Thalas) Have been Re Modeled and have been given a Model which correlates to a more belongable model
which should overall fit the zone you are in.
We've also taken other things into effect to further improve the Area's overall feeling.
We hope this Duel Zone is of enjoyment and wish you all best of luck to becoming the best duelists!
Thank you!
Kind Regards
Cruel-WoW Staff
It's been a long and fun journey we've had throughout this year here at Cruel-WoW
We've improved in ways we never could've imagined even. You our community have provided us with Feedback, Reports, Suggestions, Approvals and Disapprovals.
Which has made Cruel-WoW what it is today. And for that i'd like to thank each and everyone of you. You the community mean everything to us, We value your presence because without you. We wouldn't be here.
Throughout this year we have together formed a Private Server many of us would like to call Home.
We are reliving the glory of a game we all grew up with and loved. Some may agree or disagree with me entirely for specific or unspecific reasons
But i myself is having a good time here, and i personally could never have asked for a better Server, Community or Realm to be a part of!
In total we have carried out over 80 Updates on our realm. (45 have been recorded under the so named "Patchnote - Hotfixes [threads]"
We have also commited over 400 Bugfixes (Logged) - We have commited more but do not have records of that anymore.
We have updated our Website 4 Times
We have changed our Mall 5 Times
We have changed our Duel Zone 3 Times
We have served over 720 Tickets
We have spawned nearly 30.000 Creatures
Revamped 4 Zones
Made nearly 40 Quests (including dailies)
There have been made over 18.000 Characters and 8000 Accounts were registered
However, we are far from done. This is only the beginning. For the year to come we shall continue regularly updating our realm
and continue to bring new brilliant ideas and suggestions provided by the community to life, We are forever thankful for the things you guys do for us and we appreciate each and everyone of you!
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Yours Truly, Cruel-WoW Staff
Again, Thank you for playing at Cruel-WoW <3