ThanksThe Burning Crusade 2.4.3 CMaNGOS
Supports Windows x64 only atm
This repack supports the current build of cmangos pulled from GitHub and will receive updates every now-and-then.
Thank everyone there for putting such a well developed source together.
The purpose of this repack is for anyone who enjoys The Burning Crusade, but wants a solo excursion for themselves.
Repack Info:
Database: TBCDB_1.7.0_ANewHope.sql
Newest Release: 5/11/2019
Windows Version: x64
Source: Found Here
Database Login Info
User: root
Password: ascent
Port: 3306
Included Repack Features
ScriptDev2, ACID
Events, Quests, Dungeons, Raids: Scripted and Available
Auction House Bot
Player Mall (GM Island)
- Accounts
- Chat
- Channel
- Party
- Guild
- Auction
- Who List
- Add Friends
- Group Not Needed For Raid
- Max Skills Every Level
- 5x Exploration XP Rate
- Crafting Doubled
- Gathering Doubled
- No Resurrection Sickness
- Increased skill chance on greys to 25%
- Increased skill chance on greens to 50%
- Non-raid quests can be completed in raids
- Creature aggro rate reduced by 25%
- Creature assistance radius reduced by 25%
- Minimum Petition signs to 0 from 9
[Hidden content]
world & authsever
[Hidden content]
[Hidden content]
Report any bugs to:
amazingThe Burning Crusade 2.4.3 CMaNGOS
Supports Windows x64 only atm
This repack supports the current build of cmangos pulled from GitHub and will receive updates every now-and-then.
Thank everyone there for putting such a well developed source together.
The purpose of this repack is for anyone who enjoys The Burning Crusade, but wants a solo excursion for themselves.
Repack Info:
Database: TBCDB_1.7.0_ANewHope.sql
Newest Release: 5/11/2019
Windows Version: x64
Source: Found Here
Database Login Info
User: root
Password: ascent
Port: 3306
Included Repack Features
ScriptDev2, ACID
Events, Quests, Dungeons, Raids: Scripted and Available
Auction House Bot
Player Mall (GM Island)
- Accounts
- Chat
- Channel
- Party
- Guild
- Auction
- Who List
- Add Friends
- Group Not Needed For Raid
- Max Skills Every Level
- 5x Exploration XP Rate
- Crafting Doubled
- Gathering Doubled
- No Resurrection Sickness
- Increased skill chance on greys to 25%
- Increased skill chance on greens to 50%
- Non-raid quests can be completed in raids
- Creature aggro rate reduced by 25%
- Creature assistance radius reduced by 25%
- Minimum Petition signs to 0 from 9
[Hidden content]
world & authsever
[Hidden content]
[Hidden content]
Report any bugs to:
The Burning Crusade 2.4.3 CMaNGOS
Supports Windows x64 only atm
This repack supports the current build of cmangos pulled from GitHub and will receive updates every now-and-then.
Thank everyone there for putting such a well developed source together.
The purpose of this repack is for anyone who enjoys The Burning Crusade, but wants a solo excursion for themselves.
Repack Info:
Database: TBCDB_1.7.0_ANewHope.sql
Newest Release: 5/11/2019
Windows Version: x64
Source: Found Here
Database Login Info
User: root
Password: ascent
Port: 3306
Included Repack Features
ScriptDev2, ACID
Events, Quests, Dungeons, Raids: Scripted and Available
Auction House Bot
Player Mall (GM Island)
- Accounts
- Chat
- Channel
- Party
- Guild
- Auction
- Who List
- Add Friends
- Group Not Needed For Raid
- Max Skills Every Level
- 5x Exploration XP Rate
- Crafting Doubled
- Gathering Doubled
- No Resurrection Sickness
- Increased skill chance on greys to 25%
- Increased skill chance on greens to 50%
- Non-raid quests can be completed in raids
- Creature aggro rate reduced by 25%
- Creature assistance radius reduced by 25%
- Minimum Petition signs to 0 from 9
[Hidden content]
world & authsever
[Hidden content]
[Hidden content]
Report any bugs to:
I will test it outThe Burning Crusade 2.4.3 CMaNGOS
Supports Windows x64 only atm
This repack supports the current build of cmangos pulled from GitHub and will receive updates every now-and-then.
Thank everyone there for putting such a well developed source together.
The purpose of this repack is for anyone who enjoys The Burning Crusade, but wants a solo excursion for themselves.
Repack Info:
Database: TBCDB_1.7.0_ANewHope.sql
Newest Release: 5/11/2019
Windows Version: x64
Source: Found Here
Database Login Info
User: root
Password: ascent
Port: 3306
Included Repack Features
ScriptDev2, ACID
Events, Quests, Dungeons, Raids: Scripted and Available
Auction House Bot
Player Mall (GM Island)
- Accounts
- Chat
- Channel
- Party
- Guild
- Auction
- Who List
- Add Friends
- Group Not Needed For Raid
- Max Skills Every Level
- 5x Exploration XP Rate
- Crafting Doubled
- Gathering Doubled
- No Resurrection Sickness
- Increased skill chance on greys to 25%
- Increased skill chance on greens to 50%
- Non-raid quests can be completed in raids
- Creature aggro rate reduced by 25%
- Creature assistance radius reduced by 25%
- Minimum Petition signs to 0 from 9
[Hidden content]
world & authsever
[Hidden content]
[Hidden content]
Report any bugs to:
Burning Crusade 2.4.3 CMaNGOS
Поддерживает только банкомат Windows x64.
Этот репак поддерживает текущую сборку cmangos , полученную с GitHub, и время от времени будет получать обновления.
Спасибо всем за то, что собрали воедино такой хорошо разработанный источник.
Цель этого репака — для всех, кто любит The Burning Crusade, но хочет совершить одиночную экскурсию для себя.
Информация о репаке:
База данных: TBCDB_1.7.0_ANewHope.sql
Новейший выпуск: 11 мая 2019 г.
Версия для Windows: x64
Источник: Найдено здесь
Информация для входа в базу данных
Имя хоста/IP:
Пользователь: root
Пароль: восхождение
Порт: 3306
Включенные функции репака
ScriptDev2, ACID
События, квесты, подземелья, рейды: заскриптованы и доступны.
Бот аукционного дома
Торговый центр Player (Остров GM)
- Счета
- Чат
- Канал
- Вечеринка
- Гильдия
- Аукцион
- Почта
- Кто список
- Добавить друзей
- Группа не нужна для рейда
- Максимальные навыки на каждом уровне
- В 5 раз больше опыта исследования
- Крафт удвоен
- Сбор удвоен
- Никакой болезни воскресения
- Шанс умения на серых увеличен до 25%.
- Шанс умения на зелени увеличен до 50%.
- Нерейдовые квесты можно выполнять в рейдах.
- Скорость агро существ снижена на 25%.
- Радиус помощи существ уменьшен на 25%.
- Минимальное количество знаков петиции: от 0 до 9.
[Скрытый контент]
мир и авторизация
[Скрытый контент]
[Скрытый контент]
Сообщайте о любых ошибках по адресу:г
good, thank youThe Burning Crusade 2.4.3 CMaNGOS
Supports Windows x64 only atm
This repack supports the current build of cmangos pulled from GitHub and will receive updates every now-and-then.
Thank everyone there for putting such a well developed source together.
The purpose of this repack is for anyone who enjoys The Burning Crusade, but wants a solo excursion for themselves.
Repack Info:
Database: TBCDB_1.7.0_ANewHope.sql
Newest Release: 5/11/2019
Windows Version: x64
Source: Found Here
Database Login Info
User: root
Password: ascent
Port: 3306
Included Repack Features
ScriptDev2, ACID
Events, Quests, Dungeons, Raids: Scripted and Available
Auction House Bot
Player Mall (GM Island)
- Accounts
- Chat
- Channel
- Party
- Guild
- Auction
- Who List
- Add Friends
- Group Not Needed For Raid
- Max Skills Every Level
- 5x Exploration XP Rate
- Crafting Doubled
- Gathering Doubled
- No Resurrection Sickness
- Increased skill chance on greys to 25%
- Increased skill chance on greens to 50%
- Non-raid quests can be completed in raids
- Creature aggro rate reduced by 25%
- Creature assistance radius reduced by 25%
- Minimum Petition signs to 0 from 9
[Hidden content]
world & authsever
[Hidden content]
[Hidden content]
Report any bugs to:
will test everything in this after i test 5 other clients with bropacks for TBC and Vanilla. found 2 that work he didn't listed in the read me file. Tryinh to trick a a classic browser to work with his vanilla pack. got real close with it one time. made it too the login and selected server but then server blanked out and could not select it. I really want a classic play through. people paying wow think they are on vanilla but are on the next client after vanilla. that is in the classic era.Repack Info:
Database: TBCDB_1.7.0_ANewHope.sql
Newest Release: 5/11/2019
Windows Version: x64
Source: Found Here