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CLOSED 5.4.8 Blizzlike Mists of Pandaria - v1.7 - [EmuCoach's Official Repack]

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Verified Member
Some erros on initializing. How to fix it?

Validating spell scripts...
Spell `172` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 3` of script `spell_warl_nightfall` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `172` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 3` of script `spell_warl_nightfall` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectPeriodic` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `635` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pal_beacon_of_light` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `635` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pal_beacon_of_light` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `15407` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pri_glyph_of_holy_nova` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `15407` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pri_glyph_of_holy_nova` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `18562` Effect `Index: EFFECT_1 AuraName: 226` of script `spell_dru_swiftmend` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectPeriodic` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `19750` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pal_beacon_of_light` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `19750` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pal_beacon_of_light` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `20711` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 69` of script `spell_pri_spirit_of_redemption` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `DoEffectCalcAmount` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `20711` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 69` of script `spell_pri_spirit_of_redemption` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectAbsorb` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `41055` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Name: 77` of script `spell_generic_clone_weapon` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `45206` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Name: 77` of script `spell_generic_clone_weapon` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `57755` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 226` of script `spell_warr_glyph_of_impaling_throws` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectPeriodic` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `63416` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Name: 77` of script `spell_generic_clone_weapon` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `65917` Effect `Index: EFFECT_2 Name: 77` of script `spell_gen_magic_rooster` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `69891` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Name: 77` of script `spell_generic_clone_weapon` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `69892` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Name: 77` of script `spell_generic_clone_weapon` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `82326` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pal_beacon_of_light` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `82326` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pal_beacon_of_light` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `82327` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pal_beacon_of_light` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `82327` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pal_beacon_of_light` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `82854` Effect `Index: EFFECT_1 AuraName: 18` of script `spell_item_field_disruption` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `82854` Effect `Index: EFFECT_2 AuraName: 23` of script `spell_item_field_disruption` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectPeriodic` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `85222` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pal_beacon_of_light` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `85222` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pal_beacon_of_light` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `98229` Effect `Index: EFFECT_2 AuraName: 10` of script `spell_concentration` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectProc` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `98399` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 126` of script `spell_clump_check` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `98493` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 8` of script `spell_heated_volcano` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `98649` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 16` of script `spell_fragment_of_rhyolith_fusion` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `99172` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Name: 77` of script `spell_fl_world_in_flames` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `99262` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 226` of script `spell_vital_spark` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectProc` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `99461` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 7` of script `spell_alysrazor_blazing_power` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `99461` Effect `Index: EFFECT_1 Target: 7` of script `spell_alysrazor_blazing_power` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `100415` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 128` of script `spell_shannox_rage` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `100745` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 7` of script `spell_alysrazor_firestorm_damage` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `111757` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 105` of script `spell_pri_path_of_devout` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `111757` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 105` of script `spell_pri_path_of_devout` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `AfterEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `113286` Effect `Index: EFFECT_2 AuraName: 226` of script `spell_sha_solar_beam` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectPeriodic` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `114154` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pal_unbreakable_spirit` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `AfterEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `114871` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pal_beacon_of_light` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `114871` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pal_beacon_of_light` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `116556` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_energizing_visual` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `116556` Effect `Index: EFFECT_1 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_energizing_visual` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `116784` Effect `Index: EFFECT_1 AuraName: 3` of script `spell_wildfire_spark` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `116968` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 12` of script `spell_arc_visual` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `116968` Effect `Index: EFFECT_1 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_arc_visual` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `117006` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_devastating_arc` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `118162` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_sleight_of_hand` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `118162` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_sleight_of_hand` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `119311` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 22` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `119311` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 7` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `119311` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 15` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `119314` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 22` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `119314` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 15` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `119314` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 104` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `119337` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 22` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `119337` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 15` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `119337` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 104` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `119338` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 22` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `119338` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 7` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `119338` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 15` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `119338` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 104` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `119952` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pal_beacon_of_light` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `119952` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pal_beacon_of_light` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `120027` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 129` of script `spell_instructor_chillheart_burn` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `120142` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 22` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `120142` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 7` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `120142` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 104` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `121411` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 3` of script `spell_rog_sanguinary_vein` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `121411` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 3` of script `spell_rog_sanguinary_vein` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `AfterEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `122336` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_sonic_ring` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `122336` Effect `Index: EFFECT_1 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_sonic_ring` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `122760` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 129` of script `spell_zorlok_exhale_damage` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `122982` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_unseen_strike_aura` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `123032` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 23` of script `spell_carrying_explosives` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `AfterEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `123032` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 23` of script `spell_carrying_explosives` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `AfterEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `123127` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 22` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `123127` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 15` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `123127` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 104` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `123128` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 22` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `123128` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 15` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `123128` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 104` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `123600` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_su_dummy` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `123616` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_su_dumaura` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `123818` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Name: 164` of script `spell_garalon_damaged` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `124081` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 31` of script `spell_monk_zen_sphere_heal` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `124320` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 22` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `124320` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 15` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `124320` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 104` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `124321` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 22` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `124321` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 15` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `124321` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 104` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `124673` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_sonic_pulse` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `124673` Effect `Index: EFFECT_1 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_sonic_pulse` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `127911` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 7` of script `spell_total_annihilation` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `130551` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pal_beacon_of_light` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `130551` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pal_beacon_of_light` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `131523` Effect `Index: EFFECT_2 AuraName: 69` of script `spell_monk_stance_of_the_sturdy_ox` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectAbsorb` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `132222` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_destabilizing_energies` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `134732` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 118` of script `spell_gen_battle_fatigue` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `AfterEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `138118` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 7` of script `spell_dark_animus_transfusion_aoe` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `138378` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 7` of script `spell_dark_animus_transfusion_searcher` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `138652` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Name: 140` of script `spell_throne_of_thunder_eruption` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `144385` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_gen_crane_wings_starting_knockback` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `AfterEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `147157` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_dk_glyph_of_the_skeleton` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `147157` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_dk_glyph_of_the_skeleton` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `AfterEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `147779` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Name: 3` of script `spell_pri_glyph_of_shifted_appearances` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
>> Validated 3051 scripts in 37 ms

No npc entry for species 1475
No npc entry for species 1476
No npc entry for species 1477
No npc entry for species 1665
No npc entry for species 1441
No npc entry for species 1583
No npc entry for species 1595
No npc entry for species 1593
No npc entry for species 1599
No npc entry for species 1455
No npc entry for species 1447
No npc entry for species 1582
No npc entry for species 1593
No npc entry for species 1464
No npc entry for species 1457
No npc entry for species 1578
No npc entry for species 1579
No npc entry for species 1427
No npc entry for species 1464
No npc entry for species 1463
No npc entry for species 1615
No npc entry for species 1594
No npc entry for species 1465
No npc entry for species 1470
No npc entry for species 1469
No npc entry for species 1441
No npc entry for species 1462
No npc entry for species 1456
No npc entry for species 1582
No npc entry for species 1590
No npc entry for species 1593
No npc entry for species 1435
No npc entry for species 1441
No npc entry for species 1587
No npc entry for species 1572
No npc entry for species 1587
No npc entry for species 1587

Could not initialize OutdoorPvP object for type ID 1; got NULL pointer from script.
Could not initialize OutdoorPvP object for type ID 2; got NULL pointer from script.
Could not initialize OutdoorPvP object for type ID 3; got NULL pointer from script.
Could not initialize OutdoorPvP object for type ID 4; got NULL pointer from script.
Could not initialize OutdoorPvP object for type ID 5; got NULL pointer from script.

Spell 20895 listed in `spell_pet_auras` does not have dummy aura or dummy effect
Spell 28757 listed in `spell_pet_auras` does not have dummy aura or dummy effect
Spell 56315 listed in `spell_pet_auras` does not have dummy aura or dummy effect
Spell 56315 listed in `spell_pet_auras` does not have dummy aura or dummy effect
Last edited:


Verified Member
The pack Mist of Pandaria has bug when we set character level higher than 85 and if we click on character info then game client will be crashed


Silver Supporter
Gonna try this, Cataclysm Repack is looking good so far, I hope this one will progress fast. :)


Verified Member
Which O.S is recommended?
What files should I have installed for the correct execution of the server?

From now on, thanks to all the collaborators who make this project a reality


Veteran Member
Verified Member
Links to the forums for bug reports aren't working for me - say "Invalid Forum".

I have many I want to report.


Verified Member
Looking forward on trying this one out, since this is the expansion that i didn't really got to play. Many thanks for the time and effort on bringing this to us :)


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
Hi, Sparrow/ExO! You looking for developmental help with this one? I don't really care much about Cata, but I love MoP and I'm a pretty intermediate level developer! Just PM me if you want.
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