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CLOSED 5.4.8 Blizzlike Mists of Pandaria - v1.7 - [EmuCoach's Official Repack]

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Verified Member
Thanks everyone involved!

Came up with a question. Everything loads fine on my game rig, just extracted per the instructions, can log in an play no issues as at. Following the same instructions on my server box (both copied the working files straight across from gaming PC to the server as well as new extract of the rar files) and the server won't start. It gives me a gigantic error file full of "call stacks" but starts with:
Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION
Fault address: 00007FF7F311744B 01:000000000092644B C:\Users\Media PC\Desktop\MoP\Core\worldserver.exe

SQL and auth both start up fine, firewall is allowing access, etc. Any suggestions or more information I should post?
Last edited:


Verified Member
Hello Friends! , i have error

ERROR [sql.sql] Creature (Entry: 91986) lists non-existing Modelid1 id (62148), this can crash the client.
ERROR [sql.sql] No model data exist for `Modelid1` = 0 listed by creature (Entry: 91986).
ERROR [sql.sql] Creature (Entry: 91986) does not have any existing display id in Modelid1/Modelid2/Modelid3/Modelid4.
INFO [server.loading] >> Loaded 62827 creature definitions in 1664 ms
INFO [server.loading] Loading Creature difficulty templates...
ERROR [sql.sql] [1054] Unknown column 'flags_extra' in 'field list'
ERROR [sql.sql] Your database structure is not up to date. Please make sure you've executed all queries in the sql/updates folders.

how fixed?? thanks you

Jack Sparrow

Gold Supporter
Senior User
You must have downloaded wrong _Server database

Add flags_extra as int in world.creature_difficulty_template


Verified Member
ERROR [sql.sql] Creature (Entry: 91986) lists non-existing Modelid1 id (62148), this can crash the client.
ERROR [sql.sql] No model data exist for `Modelid1` = 0 listed by creature (Entry: 91986).
ERROR [sql.sql] Creature (Entry: 91986) does not have any existing display id in Modelid1/Modelid2/Modelid3/Modelid4.
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `gameobject` has gameobject (GUID: 291100) with non existing gameobject entry 248887, skipped.
ERROR [server.loading] >> Loaded 0 linked respawns. DB table `linked_respawn` is empty.
ERROR [server.loading] >> Loaded 0 Quest Objective visual effects. DB table `quest_objective_effects` is empty.
ERROR [server.loading] Table quest_poi references unknown quest points for quest 31035 POI id 0
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `instance_encounters` specified encounter 1418 (Wise Mari) as last encounter but 1439 (Sha of Doubt) is already marked as one, skipped!
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `game_graveyard_zone` has a record for subzone id (4755) instead of zone, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `game_graveyard_zone` has a record for subzone id (4755) instead of zone, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `game_graveyard_zone` has a record for subzone id (4755) instead of zone, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `game_graveyard_zone` has a record for subzone id (4755) instead of zone, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `game_graveyard_zone` has a record for subzone id (4755) instead of zone, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `game_graveyard_zone` has a record for not existing graveyard (WorldSafeLocs.dbc id) 2

ERROR [spells.auras] Spell 20895 listed in `spell_pet_auras` does not have dummy aura or dummy effect
ERROR [spells.auras] Spell 28757 listed in `spell_pet_auras` does not have dummy aura or dummy effect
ERROR [spells.auras] Spell 56315 listed in `spell_pet_auras` does not have dummy aura or dummy effect
ERROR [spells.auras] Spell 56315 listed in `spell_pet_auras` does not have dummy aura or dummy effect

ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 138022, effIndex: 0) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 138024, effIndex: 0) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 72597, effIndex: 1) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 70860, effIndex: 1) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 70861, effIndex: 1) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 70857, effIndex: 1) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 84463, effIndex: 0) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 88345, effIndex: 0) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 88346, effIndex: 0) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 88775, effIndex: 0) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 70859, effIndex: 1) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 70858, effIndex: 1) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 72597, effIndex: 0) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 26373, effIndex: 0) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 70856, effIndex: 1) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 70781, effIndex: 1) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 70446, effIndex: 0) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 100679, effIndex: 0) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 71284, effIndex: 0) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 72340, effIndex: 0) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 123811, effIndex: 0) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 132627, effIndex: 1) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 102499, effIndex: 0) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 118499, effIndex: 0) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 118500, effIndex: 0) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 116190, effIndex: 0) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 116191, effIndex: 0) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 108786, effIndex: 0) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 108827, effIndex: 0) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 104450, effIndex: 0) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 108847, effIndex: 0) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 108858, effIndex: 0) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 104571, effIndex: 0) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 126040, effIndex: 0) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 115334, effIndex: 0) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 115336, effIndex: 0) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 115338, effIndex: 0) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 115493, effIndex: 0) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 115494, effIndex: 0) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 115495, effIndex: 0) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (Id: 117597, effIndex: 0) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).

ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (ID: 140040) not have MECHANIC_DISCOVERY (28) value in Mechanic field in spell.dbc and not 100% chance random discovery ability but listed for spellId 137855 (and maybe more) in `skill_discovery_template` table
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (ID: 115063) is 100% chance random discovery ability but not have data in `skill_discovery_template` table
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (ID: 123516) is 100% chance random discovery ability but not have data in `skill_discovery_template` table
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (ID: 123548) is 100% chance random discovery ability but not have data in `skill_discovery_template` table
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (ID: 123549) is 100% chance random discovery ability but not have data in `skill_discovery_template` table
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (ID: 129673) is 100% chance random discovery ability but not have data in `skill_discovery_template` table
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (ID: 129674) is 100% chance random discovery ability but not have data in `skill_discovery_template` table
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (ID: 129675) is 100% chance random discovery ability but not have data in `skill_discovery_template` table
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (ID: 129676) is 100% chance random discovery ability but not have data in `skill_discovery_template` table
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (ID: 129687) is 100% chance random discovery ability but not have data in `skill_discovery_template` table
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (ID: 129705) is 100% chance random discovery ability but not have data in `skill_discovery_template` table
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (ID: 129757) is 100% chance random discovery ability but not have data in `skill_discovery_template` table
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (ID: 129796) is 100% chance random discovery ability but not have data in `skill_discovery_template` table
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (ID: 129814) is 100% chance random discovery ability but not have data in `skill_discovery_template` table
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (ID: 129843) is 100% chance random discovery ability but not have data in `skill_discovery_template` table
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (ID: 129887) is 100% chance random discovery ability but not have data in `skill_discovery_template` table
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (ID: 130025) is 100% chance random discovery ability but not have data in `skill_discovery_template` table
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (ID: 130026) is 100% chance random discovery ability but not have data in `skill_discovery_template` table
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (ID: 130109) is 100% chance random discovery ability but not have data in `skill_discovery_template` table
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (ID: 130140) is 100% chance random discovery ability but not have data in `skill_discovery_template` table
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (ID: 130168) is 100% chance random discovery ability but not have data in `skill_discovery_template` table
ERROR [sql.sql] Spell (ID: 133106) is 100% chance random discovery ability but not have data in `skill_discovery_template` table

ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 239415) for TrainerId 27, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 239414) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 239413) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 163220) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 163218) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 163216) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 226106) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 226107) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 226105) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 226120) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 226116) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 226125) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 226119) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 226112) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 226117) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 226111) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 226121) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 226114) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 226108) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 226118) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 226113) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 226123) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 226122) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 226110) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 226124) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 226109) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 226115) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 226126) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 226129) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 226134) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 226128) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 226127) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 226137) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 226132) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 226130) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 226131) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 226135) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 226133) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 226136) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 163232) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 163231) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 163230) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 163229) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 163228) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 163226) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 163225) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 163224) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 163223) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 163222) for TrainerId 56, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 239412) for TrainerId 163, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 158744) for TrainerId 10, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 226106) for TrainerId 103, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 226107) for TrainerId 103, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 226105) for TrainerId 103, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 201710) for TrainerId 136, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 210653) for TrainerId 786, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 217650) for TrainerId 62, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 217645) for TrainerId 62, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 217637) for TrainerId 62, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 217641) for TrainerId 62, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 217644) for TrainerId 62, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 158763) for TrainerId 373, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 221690) for TrainerId 160, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 211926) for TrainerId 160, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 212067) for TrainerId 160, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 211696) for TrainerId 160, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 211353) for TrainerId 160, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 202853) for TrainerId 160, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 201701) for TrainerId 160, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 202854) for TrainerId 160, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 210829) for TrainerId 10, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 210656) for TrainerId 789, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 201709) for TrainerId 783, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 158763) for TrainerId 783, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 223940) for TrainerId 790, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 224869) for TrainerId 24, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 224871) for TrainerId 24, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 176244) for TrainerId 24, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 176242) for TrainerId 24, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 224869) for TrainerId 148, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 224871) for TrainerId 148, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 176248) for TrainerId 148, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 176246) for TrainerId 148, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 223941) for TrainerId 791, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 186091) for TrainerId 774, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 186094) for TrainerId 774, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 186097) for TrainerId 774, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `trainer_spell` references non-existing spell (SpellId: 186100) for TrainerId 774, ignoring
INFO  [server.loading] >> Loaded 48 Trainers in 128 ms
INFO  [server.loading] Loading Gossip menu...
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 8206 are using non-existing text_id 10201
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 11507 are using non-existing text_id 16059
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 11740 are using non-existing text_id 16434
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 11947 are using non-existing text_id 16774
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 11953 are using non-existing text_id 16780
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 12027 are using non-existing text_id 16859
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 12028 are using non-existing text_id 16860
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 12119 are using non-existing text_id 17019
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 12243 are using non-existing text_id 31505
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 12472 are using non-existing text_id 17546
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 12473 are using non-existing text_id 17547
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 12474 are using non-existing text_id 17548
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 12643 are using non-existing text_id 16486
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 12643 are using non-existing text_id 16500
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 12956 are using non-existing text_id 18228
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 12957 are using non-existing text_id 18228
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 12958 are using non-existing text_id 18228
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 12959 are using non-existing text_id 18228
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 12960 are using non-existing text_id 18228
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 13818 are using non-existing text_id 19944
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 13819 are using non-existing text_id 19945
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 13949 are using non-existing text_id 17801
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 15399 are using non-existing text_id 18228
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 15723 are using non-existing text_id 22582
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 16129 are using non-existing text_id 23246
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 16139 are using non-existing text_id 23265
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 16140 are using non-existing text_id 23264
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 16141 are using non-existing text_id 23266
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 16142 are using non-existing text_id 23267
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 16164 are using non-existing text_id 23349
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 16166 are using non-existing text_id 23359
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 16888 are using non-existing text_id 24563
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 16888 are using non-existing text_id 24855
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 18697 are using non-existing text_id 27180
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 18698 are using non-existing text_id 27181
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 18878 are using non-existing text_id 27495
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 19332 are using non-existing text_id 28480
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 19508 are using non-existing text_id 28823
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 20188 are using non-existing text_id 30055
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 20288 are using non-existing text_id 30344
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 20590 are using non-existing text_id 30863
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 20599 are using non-existing text_id 30880
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 20690 are using non-existing text_id 31032
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 20871 are using non-existing text_id 31364
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 20921 are using non-existing text_id 31501
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 20923 are using non-existing text_id 31504
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 20942 are using non-existing text_id 31553
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 20944 are using non-existing text_id 31556
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 21043 are using non-existing text_id 31799
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 21355 are using non-existing text_id 32480
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 21979 are using non-existing text_id 33654
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 22081 are using non-existing text_id 34010
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 22082 are using non-existing text_id 34006
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 22083 are using non-existing text_id 33814
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 22177 are using non-existing text_id 33979
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 22198 are using non-existing text_id 34007
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 22199 are using non-existing text_id 34008
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 22200 are using non-existing text_id 34009
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 22201 are using non-existing text_id 34011
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 22202 are using non-existing text_id 34012
ERROR [sql.sql] Table gossip_menu entry 22203 are using non-existing text_id 34013ct for type ID 5; got NULL pointer from script.

ERROR [sql.sql] Table `gossip_menu_option` for MenuId 12243, OptionIndex 1 has non-existing or incompatible OptionBroadcastTextID 129109, ignoring.
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `gossip_menu_option` for MenuId 13918, OptionIndex 9 has non-existing or incompatible OptionBroadcastTextID 125293, ignoring.
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `gossip_menu_option` for MenuId 13919, OptionIndex 9 has non-existing or incompatible OptionBroadcastTextID 125293, ignoring.
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `gossip_menu_option` for MenuId 13920, OptionIndex 9 has non-existing or incompatible OptionBroadcastTextID 125293, ignoring.
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `gossip_menu_option` for MenuId 13949, OptionIndex 9 has non-existing or incompatible OptionBroadcastTextID 125293, ignoring.
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `gossip_menu_option` for MenuId 14079, OptionIndex 9 has non-existing or incompatible OptionBroadcastTextID 125293, ignoring.
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `gossip_menu_option` for MenuId 14080, OptionIndex 9 has non-existing or incompatible OptionBroadcastTextID 125293, ignoring.
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `gossip_menu_option` for MenuId 14081, OptionIndex 9 has non-existing or incompatible OptionBroadcastTextID 125293, ignoring.
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `gossip_menu_option` for MenuId 14099, OptionIndex 9 has non-existing or incompatible OptionBroadcastTextID 125293, ignoring.
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `gossip_menu_option` for MenuId 14100, OptionIndex 9 has non-existing or incompatible OptionBroadcastTextID 125293, ignoring.
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `gossip_menu_option` for MenuId 14119, OptionIndex 9 has non-existing or incompatible OptionBroadcastTextID 125293, ignoring.
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `gossip_menu_option` for MenuId 14136, OptionIndex 9 has non-existing or incompatible OptionBroadcastTextID 125293, ignoring.
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `gossip_menu_option` for MenuId 14146, OptionIndex 9 has non-existing or incompatible OptionBroadcastTextID 125293, ignoring.
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `gossip_menu_option` for MenuId 14163, OptionIndex 9 has non-existing or incompatible OptionBroadcastTextID 125293, ignoring.
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `gossip_menu_option` for MenuId 14179, OptionIndex 9 has non-existing or incompatible OptionBroadcastTextID 125293, ignoring.
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `gossip_menu_option` for MenuId 14194, OptionIndex 9 has non-existing or incompatible OptionBroadcastTextID 125293, ignoring.
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `gossip_menu_option` for MenuId 14238, OptionIndex 9 has non-existing or incompatible OptionBroadcastTextID 125293, ignoring.
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `gossip_menu_option` for MenuId 14243, OptionIndex 9 has non-existing or incompatible OptionBroadcastTextID 125293, ignoring.
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `gossip_menu_option` for MenuId 16139, OptionIndex 0 has non-existing or incompatible OptionBroadcastTextID 78069, ignoring.
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `gossip_menu_option` for MenuId 16140, OptionIndex 0 has non-existing or incompatible OptionBroadcastTextID 78067, ignoring.
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `gossip_menu_option` for MenuId 16141, OptionIndex 0 has non-existing or incompatible OptionBroadcastTextID 78071, ignoring.
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `gossip_menu_option` for MenuId 16888, OptionIndex 0 has non-existing or incompatible OptionBroadcastTextID 87671, ignoring.
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `gossip_menu_option` for MenuId 19508, OptionIndex 0 has non-existing or incompatible OptionBroadcastTextID 108442, ignoring.
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `gossip_menu_option` for MenuId 20690, OptionIndex 0 has non-existing or incompatible OptionBroadcastTextID 125288, ignoring.
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `gossip_menu_option` for MenuId 20690, OptionIndex 1 has non-existing or incompatible OptionBroadcastTextID 125289, ignoring.
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `gossip_menu_option` for MenuId 20871, OptionIndex 1 has non-existing or incompatible OptionBroadcastTextID 122362, ignoring.
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `gossip_menu_option` for MenuId 20944, OptionIndex 0 has non-existing or incompatible OptionBroadcastTextID 129211, ignoring.
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `gossip_menu_option` for MenuId 20944, OptionIndex 1 has non-existing or incompatible OptionBroadcastTextID 129387, ignoring.
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `gossip_menu_option` for MenuId 21043, OptionIndex 0 has unknown icon id 34. Replacing with GOSSIP_ICON_CHAT
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `gossip_menu_option` for MenuId 21043, OptionIndex 0 has non-existing or incompatible OptionBroadcastTextID 130510, ignoring.
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `gossip_menu_option` for MenuId 21979, OptionIndex 0 has non-existing or incompatible OptionBroadcastTextID 137786, ignoring.
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `creature_default_trainer` references non-existing trainer (TrainerId: 406) for CreatureId 29514, ignoring
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `event_scripts` have gameobject type (192377) unsupported by command SCRIPT_COMMAND_RESPAWN_GAMEOBJECT for script id 11206
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `event_scripts` have gameobject type (146084) unsupported by command SCRIPT_COMMAND_RESPAWN_GAMEOBJECT for script id 11424
ERROR [sql.sql] Table `event_scripts` have gameobject type (192052) unsupported by command SCRIPT_COMMAND_RESPAWN_GAMEOBJECT for script id 13666
ERROR [sql.sql] Script named 'npc_PetBattleTrainer' does not have a script name assigned in database.
ERROR [tscr] Spell `172` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 3` of script `spell_warl_nightfall` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `172` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 3` of script `spell_warl_nightfall` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectPeriodic` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `635` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pal_beacon_of_light` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `635` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pal_beacon_of_light` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `15407` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pri_glyph_of_holy_nova` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `15407` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pri_glyph_of_holy_nova` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `18562` Effect `Index: EFFECT_1 AuraName: 226` of script `spell_dru_swiftmend` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectPeriodic` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `19750` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pal_beacon_of_light` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `19750` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pal_beacon_of_light` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `20711` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 69` of script `spell_pri_spirit_of_redemption` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `DoEffectCalcAmount` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `20711` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 69` of script `spell_pri_spirit_of_redemption` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectAbsorb` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `41055` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Name: 77` of script `spell_generic_clone_weapon` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `45206` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Name: 77` of script `spell_generic_clone_weapon` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `57755` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 226` of script `spell_warr_glyph_of_impaling_throws` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectPeriodic` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `63416` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Name: 77` of script `spell_generic_clone_weapon` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `65917` Effect `Index: EFFECT_2 Name: 77` of script `spell_gen_magic_rooster` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `69891` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Name: 77` of script `spell_generic_clone_weapon` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `69892` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Name: 77` of script `spell_generic_clone_weapon` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `82326` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pal_beacon_of_light` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `82326` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pal_beacon_of_light` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `82327` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pal_beacon_of_light` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `82327` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pal_beacon_of_light` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `82854` Effect `Index: EFFECT_1 AuraName: 18` of script `spell_item_field_disruption` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `82854` Effect `Index: EFFECT_2 AuraName: 23` of script `spell_item_field_disruption` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectPeriodic` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `85222` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pal_beacon_of_light` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `85222` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pal_beacon_of_light` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `111757` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 105` of script `spell_pri_path_of_devout` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `111757` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 105` of script `spell_pri_path_of_devout` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `AfterEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `113286` Effect `Index: EFFECT_2 AuraName: 226` of script `spell_sha_solar_beam` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectPeriodic` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `114154` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pal_unbreakable_spirit` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `AfterEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `114871` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pal_beacon_of_light` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `114871` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pal_beacon_of_light` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `116556` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_energizing_visual` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `116556` Effect `Index: EFFECT_1 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_energizing_visual` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `116784` Effect `Index: EFFECT_1 AuraName: 3` of script `spell_wildfire_spark` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `116968` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 12` of script `spell_arc_visual` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `116968` Effect `Index: EFFECT_1 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_arc_visual` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `117006` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_devastating_arc` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `118162` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_sleight_of_hand` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `118162` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_sleight_of_hand` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `119311` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 22` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `119311` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 7` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `119311` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 15` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `119314` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 22` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `119314` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 15` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `119314` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 104` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `119337` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 22` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `119337` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 15` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `119337` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 104` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `119338` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 22` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `119338` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 7` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `119338` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 15` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `119338` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 104` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `119952` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pal_beacon_of_light` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `119952` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pal_beacon_of_light` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `120027` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 129` of script `spell_instructor_chillheart_burn` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `120142` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 22` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `120142` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 7` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `120142` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 104` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `121411` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 3` of script `spell_rog_sanguinary_vein` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `121411` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 3` of script `spell_rog_sanguinary_vein` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `AfterEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `123032` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 23` of script `spell_carrying_explosives` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `AfterEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `123032` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 23` of script `spell_carrying_explosives` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `AfterEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `123127` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 22` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `123127` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 15` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `123127` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 104` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `123128` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 22` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `123128` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 15` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `123128` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 104` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `124081` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 31` of script `spell_monk_zen_sphere_heal` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `124320` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 22` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `124320` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 15` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `124320` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 104` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `124321` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 22` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `124321` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 15` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `124321` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 104` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `127911` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 7` of script `spell_total_annihilation` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `130551` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pal_beacon_of_light` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `130551` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pal_beacon_of_light` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `131523` Effect `Index: EFFECT_2 AuraName: 69` of script `spell_monk_stance_of_the_sturdy_ox` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectAbsorb` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `132222` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_destabilizing_energies` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `134732` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 118` of script `spell_gen_battle_fatigue` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `AfterEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `144385` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_gen_crane_wings_starting_knockback` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `AfterEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `147157` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_dk_glyph_of_the_skeleton` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `147157` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_dk_glyph_of_the_skeleton` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `AfterEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
ERROR [tscr] Spell `147779` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Name: 3` of script `spell_pri_glyph_of_shifted_appearances` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed

ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry -218776 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 75 uses non-existent Spell entry 98606, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry -218775 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 75 uses non-existent Spell entry 98607, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry -158978 SourceType 0 Event 5 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97962, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry -124520 SourceType 0 Event 5 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97962, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry -124519 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97481, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry -124519 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97480, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry -124517 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97481, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry -124517 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97480, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry -67383 SourceType 0 Event 5 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97962, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry -67368 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97479, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry -67365 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97479, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry -67358 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97479, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry -67348 SourceType 0 Event 5 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97962, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry -67205 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97489, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry -67204 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97489, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry -67182 SourceType 0 Event 5 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97962, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry -67157 SourceType 0 Event 5 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97962, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry -67074 SourceType 0 Event 5 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97962, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry -67069 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97485, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry -67069 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97464, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry -67069 SourceType 0 Event 4 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97465, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry -67065 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97489, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry -18973 SourceType 0 Event 5 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97962, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 1121 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 467, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 1843 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 5000, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 2011 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 702, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 2377 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 1225, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 2545, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 2726 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 49 uses non-existent Spell entry 87009, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4368 SourceType 2 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 33121, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4368 SourceType 2 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 33121, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4369 SourceType 2 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 33121, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4369 SourceType 2 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 33121, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4371 SourceType 2 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 33121, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4371 SourceType 2 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 33121, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4372 SourceType 2 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 33121, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4372 SourceType 2 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 33121, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 5697, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 5697, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 5697, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 5697, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 5808 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 0, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 6194 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 2000, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 6489 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 702, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 6585 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 2000, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 6630 SourceType 2 Event 1 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 87523, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 6721 SourceType 3 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 94716, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 6721 SourceType 3 Event 3 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 94716, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 10824 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 5000, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 11441 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 2000, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 11443 SourceType 0 Event 9 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 62205, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 11486 SourceType 0 Event 5 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 2000, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 13884 SourceType 5 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 65167, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 13980 SourceType 5 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 94710, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 14471 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 2000, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 14496, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 14499, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 14636 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 23408, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 15277 SourceType 0 Event 7 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 14202, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 17146 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 2000, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 17360 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 30426, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 17361 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 30429, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 17362 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 30432, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 17364 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 30453, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 17725 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 34151, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 17765 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 2000, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 17766 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 2000, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 18249 SourceType 3 Event 1 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 29050, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 18249 SourceType 3 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 29052, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 18309 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 2000, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 18725 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 32892, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 19188 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 33903, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 19188 SourceType 0 Event 4 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 33903, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 19188 SourceType 0 Event 5 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 33903, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 19305 SourceType 0 Event 8 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 35469, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 19305 SourceType 0 Event 11 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 35469, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 19623, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 19723 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 34521, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 19724 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 34521, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 20501 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 35687, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 20601 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 35737, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 20609 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 35737, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 20614 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 35737, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 20617 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 35469, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 20778 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 35688, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 20903 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 35731, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 21027 SourceType 0 Event 15 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 35937, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 21050 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 36026, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 21059 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 36168, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 21060 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 36180, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 21061 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 36112, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 21074 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 36024, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 21178 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 39137, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 21332 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 36615, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 21419 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 37791, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 21419 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 37794, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 21419 SourceType 0 Event 5 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 37791, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 21419 SourceType 0 Event 10 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 37794, skipped.

ERROR [sql.sql] SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 21751, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 21814 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 37639, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 22260 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 38679, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 22357 SourceType 0 Event 4 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 41288, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 22505 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 39302, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 23052, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 23053, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 23342 SourceType 0 Event 21 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 40988, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 23344 SourceType 0 Event 21 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 40996, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 23345 SourceType 0 Event 21 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 41012, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 23346 SourceType 0 Event 21 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 41018, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 23348 SourceType 0 Event 22 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 41025, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 23581 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97476, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 23581 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97477, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 23581 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97475, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 23596 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97485, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 23596 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97464, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 23596 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97465, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 23597 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97489, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 23637 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 2000, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 23834 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97488, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 24043 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97479, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 24047 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97482, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 24047 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97483, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 24065 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97481, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 24065 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97480, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 24138 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97482, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 24138 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97483, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 24179 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97471, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 24179 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97469, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 24179 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97475, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 24502 SourceType 5 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 70031, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 24530 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97479, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 25258, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 25258, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 25258, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 25704 SourceType 5 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 77019, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 25717 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 25717, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 25730, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 26105 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 29050, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 26209 SourceType 5 Event 0 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 79165, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 26250 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 3617, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 26437, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 27064 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 37814, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 27233 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 48526, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 27372 SourceType 5 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 94998, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 27455, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 27657 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 49382, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 27657 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 49382, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 27657 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 49382, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 27658 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 49450, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 27658 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 49450, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 27658 SourceType 0 Event 4 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 49450, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 27659 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 49447, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 27659 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 49447, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 27659 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 49447, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 27770 SourceType 5 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 81040, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 28034 SourceType 5 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 88469, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 28598 SourceType 5 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 81040, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 28752 SourceType 0 Event 8 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 43388, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 29087 SourceType 5 Event 0 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 96481, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 29087 SourceType 5 Event 1 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 96481, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 29087 SourceType 5 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 96481, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 29147 SourceType 5 Event 0 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 98075, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 29147 SourceType 5 Event 1 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 98076, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 29147 SourceType 5 Event 2 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 98077, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 29195 SourceType 5 Event 1 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 97958, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 29195 SourceType 5 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 81040, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 29197 SourceType 5 Event 0 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 98606, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 29197 SourceType 5 Event 1 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 98607, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 29197 SourceType 5 Event 2 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 98608, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 29197 SourceType 5 Event 3 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 98650, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 29197 SourceType 5 Event 4 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 98651, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 29197 SourceType 5 Event 5 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 98652, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 29475 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 54543, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 30093 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 58546, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 31283 SourceType 0 Event 9 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 68766, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 31404 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 2817, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 32239, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 32377 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 50271, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 33236 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 65387, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 33572 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 65387, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 33736 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 41935, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 34816 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 68517, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 34957 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 1 uses non-existent Spell entry 66144, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 34959 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 1 uses non-existent Spell entry 66144, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 35035 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 68518, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 35175, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 35175, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 35175, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 35175, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 35186, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 35186, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 35186, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 35186, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 35526, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 35566 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 85 uses non-existent Quest entry 14222, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 35609 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 10 uses non-existent Spell entry 70467, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 35766 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 68519, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 35770 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 68520, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 35771 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 68521, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 35909 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 68517, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 36499 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 70209, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 36516 SourceType 0 Event 5 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 70208, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 36522 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 70211, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 36551 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 70212, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 36564 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 70206, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 36564 SourceType 0 Event 5 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 70207, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 36620 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 70208, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 36620 SourceType 0 Event 5 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 70213, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 36620 SourceType 0 Event 7 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 70205, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 36688 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 5000, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 36840 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 70285, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 36842 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 70277, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 36842 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 70276, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 36879 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 70273, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 36892 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 70281, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 36896 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 70275, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 37107 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 70400, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 37107 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 73046, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 37161 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 4500, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 37179 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 69983, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 37179 SourceType 0 Event 4 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 70031, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 37659, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 37659, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 37712 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 70387, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 37728 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 75331, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 37828, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 37852 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 70000, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 38149 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 81040, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 38149 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 81040, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 38155 SourceType 6 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 22788, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 38531 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 54 uses non-existent Spell entry 83641, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 39040, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 39040, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 39366 SourceType 0 Event 4 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 43388, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 39369 SourceType 0 Event 5 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 43388, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 39958 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 2000, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 40008 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 93666, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 40008 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 93667, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 40011 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 93666, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 40011 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 93667, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 40013 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 93666, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 40013 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 93667, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 40250 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 97429, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Not handled action_type(16), event_type(61), Entry 40375 SourceType 0 Event 3, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 40475 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 81040, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 40475 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 81040, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 40475 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 81040, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 40487 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 81040, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 40487 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 81040, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 40487 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 81040, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 40550 SourceType 0 Event 4 Action 41 uses non-existent Spell entry 89888, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 40592 SourceType 0 Event 4 Action 41 uses non-existent Spell entry 89888, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 41082 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 2000, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 41097 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 83 uses non-existent Spell entry 76849, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 41099 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 83 uses non-existent Spell entry 76849, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 41100 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 83 uses non-existent Spell entry 76849, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 41103 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 83 uses non-existent Spell entry 76849, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 41104 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 83 uses non-existent Spell entry 76849, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 41109 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 83 uses non-existent Spell entry 76849, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 41114 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 1 uses non-existent Spell entry 78890, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 41158 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 2000, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 41196 SourceType 0 Event 13 Action 56 uses non-existent Spell entry 77210, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 41199 SourceType 0 Event 13 Action 56 uses non-existent Spell entry 77210, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 41257 SourceType 0 Event 4 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 91158, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 41257 SourceType 0 Event 5 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 91158, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 41283 SourceType 0, Event 3, Link Event is linking self (infinite loop), skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 41311 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 2000, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 41407 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 5000, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 41666 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 78586, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 41666 SourceType 0 Event 11 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 77983, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 41669 SourceType 0 Event 10 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 78586, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 41669 SourceType 0 Event 11 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 77983, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 41814 SourceType 0 Event 4 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 77992, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 41814 SourceType 0 Event 8 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 77992, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 41935 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 2000, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 42128 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 78601, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 42195 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 78876, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 42195 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 78877, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 42195 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 78880, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 42195 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 78878, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 42195 SourceType 0 Event 4 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 78879, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 42195 SourceType 0 Event 5 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 78884, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 42195 SourceType 0 Event 6 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 78885, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 42195 SourceType 0 Event 7 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 78888, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 42204 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 78886, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 42205 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 78886, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 42206 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 78886, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 42213 SourceType 0 Event 27 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 78769, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 42214 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 78769, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 42225 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 22 uses non-existent Spell entry 78800, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 42234 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 22 uses non-existent Spell entry 78821, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 42243 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 78882, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 42243 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 69 uses non-existent Spell entry 78883, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 42243 SourceType 0 Event 5 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 78884, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 42243 SourceType 0 Event 6 Action 69 uses non-existent Spell entry 78888, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 42250 SourceType 0 Event 20 Action 157 uses non-existent Spell entry 78769, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 42268 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 78887, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 42277 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 78881, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 42277 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 78884, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 42277 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 78887, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 42300 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 78881, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 42300 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 78882, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 42300 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 78883, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 42300 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 78884, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 42300 SourceType 0 Event 4 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 78885, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 42300 SourceType 0 Event 5 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 78887, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 42314 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 22 uses non-existent Spell entry 78885, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 42576 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 78888, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 42777, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 42777, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 42835 SourceType 0 Event 5 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 31691, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 42881 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 79979, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 42882 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 79980, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 42883 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 79981, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 43098 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 80988, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 43098 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 80990, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 43098 SourceType 0 Event 4 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 80991, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 43098 SourceType 0 Event 6 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 80992, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 43286 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 92079, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 43511 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 22788, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 43868 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 78888, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 43869 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 78888, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 43869 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 78889, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 43984 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 82359, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 44084 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 80988, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 44084 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 80990, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 44084 SourceType 0 Event 4 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 80991, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 44084 SourceType 0 Event 6 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 80992, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 45031 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 2000, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 45172 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 85420, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Spell entry (45367) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Spell entry (45370) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 45417 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 94998, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 45620 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 91430, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 45965 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 85661, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 46022 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 85811, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 46032 SourceType 0 Event 8 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 77315, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 46033 SourceType 0 Event 8 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 77315, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 46034 SourceType 0 Event 9 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 77315, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 46245 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 86203, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Spell entry (46409) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Spell entry (46409) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 46503 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 87210, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 46591 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 95769, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 47052, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 47060 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 5000, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 47206 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 78876, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 47273 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 89492, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 47273 SourceType 0 Event 4 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 88243, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 47281 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 1 uses non-existent Spell entry 88584, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 47333 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 1 uses non-existent Spell entry 88584, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 47434 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 88462, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 47583 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 2000, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 48032 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 69 uses non-existent Spell entry 89374, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 48032 SourceType 0 Event 4 Action 86 uses non-existent Spell entry 89669, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 48042 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 69 uses non-existent Spell entry 89572, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 48042 SourceType 0 Event 4 Action 86 uses non-existent Spell entry 89669, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 48044 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 69 uses non-existent Spell entry 89669, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 48046 SourceType 6 Event 0 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 48040, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 48047 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 92953, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 48048 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 92953, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 48049 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 92953, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 48050 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 92953, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 48117 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 89492, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 48117 SourceType 0 Event 4 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 88243, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 48147 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 83 uses non-existent Spell entry 76849, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 48148 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 83 uses non-existent Spell entry 76849, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 48201 SourceType 6 Event 2 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 3617, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 48268 SourceType 6 Event 6 Action 75 uses non-existent Spell entry 62093, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 48307 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 90382, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 48366 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 90770, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 48366 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 90773, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 48366 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 90776, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 48366 SourceType 0 Event 4 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 90771, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 48366 SourceType 0 Event 5 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 90774, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 48366 SourceType 0 Event 6 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 90777, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 48366 SourceType 0 Event 7 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 90772, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 48366 SourceType 0 Event 8 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 90775, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 48366 SourceType 0 Event 9 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 90778, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 48368 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 91620, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 48569 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 90382, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 48854 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 93283, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 48854 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 93284, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 48854 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 93285, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 48855 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 93283, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 48855 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 93284, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 48855 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 93285, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 48891 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 91167, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 48948 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 91330, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 48974 SourceType 6 Event 0 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 62093, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Spell entry (49076) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Spell entry (49076) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Spell entry (49076) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Spell entry (49076) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Spell entry (49076) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 49267 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 92079, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Spell entry (49382) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Spell entry (49382) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Spell entry (49382) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Spell entry (49447) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Spell entry (49447) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Spell entry (49447) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Spell entry (49450) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Spell entry (49450) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Spell entry (49450) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 49548 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 84904, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 49825 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 93384, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 49850 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 90931, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 49850 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 90930, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 49852 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 90959, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 49852 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 90957, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 49852 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 90952, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 49852 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 90961, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 49852 SourceType 0 Event 4 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 90955, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 49854 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 90939, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 49854 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 90947, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 49854 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 90933, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 50369 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 78885, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 51033 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 78885, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 51137 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 78877, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 51137 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 78888, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 51346 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 90033, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 51552 SourceType 0 Event 5 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 88674, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 51552 SourceType 0 Event 15 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 88674, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 52134 SourceType 0 Event 20 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 101173, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 52135 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 101174, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 52135 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 101174, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 52135 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 101174, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 52135 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 101174, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 52171 SourceType 0 Event 7 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 96481, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Event SMART_EVENT_DISTANCE_CREATURE using invalid creature guid 6333407, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Event SMART_EVENT_DISTANCE_CREATURE using invalid creature guid 6333412, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Event SMART_EVENT_DISTANCE_CREATURE using invalid creature guid 6333408, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Event SMART_EVENT_DISTANCE_CREATURE using invalid creature guid 6333411, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Event SMART_EVENT_DISTANCE_CREATURE using invalid creature guid 6333413, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 52244 SourceType 0 Event 4 Action 11 uses invalid target_type 23, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 52245 SourceType 0 Event 4 Action 11 uses invalid target_type 23, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 52348 SourceType 0 Event 4 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 96837, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 52444 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 101176, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 52531 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 98160, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 52556 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 75 uses non-existent Spell entry 98608, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 52557 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 98650, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 52557 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 98651, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 52557 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 98652, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 52594 SourceType 0 Event 11 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97245, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 52595 SourceType 0 Event 11 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97245, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 52596 SourceType 0 Event 11 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97245, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 52669 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 101175, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 52682 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 97429, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 52682 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 101181, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 52824 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 101182, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 52921 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 101179, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 52958 SourceType 0 Event 5 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97962, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 52972 SourceType 0 Event 5 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 97962, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 52986 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 101170, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 52986 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 101170, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 52988 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 98102, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 53109 SourceType 0 Event 5 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 98686, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 53193 SourceType 0 Event 6 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 98526, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 53193 SourceType 0 Event 7 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 98526, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 53193 SourceType 0 Event 8 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 98526, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 53193 SourceType 0 Event 9 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 98526, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 53259 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 101177, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 53262 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 98685, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 53262 SourceType 0 Event 4 Action 153 uses non-existent Spell entry 98685, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 53262 SourceType 0 Event 5 Action 153 uses non-existent Spell entry 98685, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 53262 SourceType 0 Event 6 Action 153 uses non-existent Spell entry 98685, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 53262 SourceType 0 Event 7 Action 153 uses non-existent Spell entry 98685, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 53540 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 41 uses non-existent Spell entry 99428, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 53635 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 100833, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 53635 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 100125, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 53642 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 100127, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 53642 SourceType 0 Event 6 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 43388, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 53701, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 53716, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 53926 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 100449, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 53926 SourceType 0 Event 4 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 100450, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 53926 SourceType 0 Event 5 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 100451, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 53926 SourceType 0 Event 6 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 100452, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 53951 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 102307, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 53951 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 102308, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 53951 SourceType 0 Event 4 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 102309, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 53963 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 100736, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 53963 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 100737, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 53963 SourceType 0 Event 4 Action 80 uses non-existent Spell entry 100738, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Not handled action_type(128), event_type(1), Entry 54130 SourceType 0 Event 10, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Not handled action_type(128), event_type(1), Entry 54130 SourceType 0 Event 11, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 54252 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 101098, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 54253 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 101097, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 54254 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 101099, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 54255 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 101100, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 54256 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 101101, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 54257 SourceType 0 Event 1 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 101103, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Not handled action_type(128), event_type(34), Entry 57692 SourceType 0 Event 1, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Not handled action_type(128), event_type(34), Entry 59989 SourceType 0 Event 8, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Not handled action_type(128), event_type(1), Entry 60411 SourceType 0 Event 0, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 62092 SourceType 6 Event 0 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 62093, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Spell entry (62183) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Spell entry (62183) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 64306 SourceType 6 Event 0 Action 75 uses non-existent Spell entry 64322, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Not handled action_type(128), event_type(61), Entry 64507 SourceType 0 Event 1, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Spell entry (65167) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 65193 SourceType 6 Event 0 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 62093, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 65373 SourceType 6 Event 4 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 62093, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 66205 SourceType 6 Event 0 Action 75 uses non-existent Spell entry 66202, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Spell entry (66998) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 77598 SourceType 6 Event 0 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 81040, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 78598 SourceType 6 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 78591, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 78598 SourceType 6 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 78592, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 78598 SourceType 6 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 78593, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 78598 SourceType 6 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 78595, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 78598 SourceType 6 Event 4 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 78597, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 78598 SourceType 6 Event 5 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 78600, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 88983 SourceType 6 Event 0 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 3617, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 97605 SourceType 6 Event 0 Action 75 uses non-existent Spell entry 97610, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 101898 SourceType 6 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 102114, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 201707 SourceType 1 Event 0 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 78088, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 201708 SourceType 1 Event 0 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 78096, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 202996 SourceType 1 Event 0 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 94453, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 203461 SourceType 1 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 78586, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 203461 SourceType 1 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 78600, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 203461 SourceType 1 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 78600, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 203461 SourceType 1 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 78600, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 203461 SourceType 1 Event 4 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 78600, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 203461 SourceType 1 Event 5 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 78600, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 203461 SourceType 1 Event 6 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 78588, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 203461 SourceType 1 Event 7 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 78588, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 203461 SourceType 1 Event 8 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 78588, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 203461 SourceType 1 Event 9 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 78588, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 203461 SourceType 1 Event 10 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 78588, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 203461 SourceType 1 Event 11 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 78589, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 203461 SourceType 1 Event 12 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 78589, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 203461 SourceType 1 Event 13 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 78589, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 203461 SourceType 1 Event 14 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 78589, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 203461 SourceType 1 Event 15 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 78589, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 203461 SourceType 1 Event 16 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 78590, skipped.

TC>ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 203461 SourceType 1 Event 17 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 78590, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 203461 SourceType 1 Event 18 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 78590, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 203461 SourceType 1 Event 19 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 78590, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 203461 SourceType 1 Event 20 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 78590, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 203461 SourceType 1 Event 21 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 78602, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 206320 SourceType 1 Event 0 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 87009, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 812260 SourceType 9 Event 0 Action 12 uses non-existent Creature entry 812268, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 812261 SourceType 9 Event 0 Action 12 uses non-existent Creature entry 812269, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 2098502 SourceType 9 Event 2 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 35939, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 2102702 SourceType 9 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 35937, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 2150401 SourceType 9 Event 0 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 35469, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 2225800 SourceType 9 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 38681, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 2225800 SourceType 9 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 38675, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 2225800 SourceType 9 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 38676, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 2225800 SourceType 9 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 38709, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 2225800 SourceType 9 Event 4 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 38677, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 2225800 SourceType 9 Event 5 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 38678, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 2229300 SourceType 9 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 38758, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 2242401 SourceType 9 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 39167, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 2746300 SourceType 9 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 62093, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 2809200 SourceType 9 Event 1 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 25900, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 2809200 SourceType 9 Event 4 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 25900, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 2825600 SourceType 9 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 39983, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 2875200 SourceType 9 Event 8 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 43388, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 3304100 SourceType 9 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 41935, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 3304100 SourceType 9 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 41935, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 3304100 SourceType 9 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 41935, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 3304600 SourceType 9 Event 1 Action 75 uses non-existent Spell entry 62205, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 3516200 SourceType 9 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 3617, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 3844800 SourceType 9 Event 9 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 72075, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 3963500 SourceType 9 Event 0 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 59632, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4062000 SourceType 9 Event 1 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 59632, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4083500 SourceType 9 Event 0 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 59632, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4092700 SourceType 9 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 89877, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4105500 SourceType 9 Event 1 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 77272, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4105500 SourceType 9 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 77271, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4105500 SourceType 9 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 77242, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4114800 SourceType 9 Event 0 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 59632, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4120800 SourceType 9 Event 0 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 59632, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4121200 SourceType 9 Event 0 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 59632, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4238600 SourceType 9 Event 8 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 79165, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4294500 SourceType 9 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 3617, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4311605 SourceType 9 Event 0 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 84157, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4421800 SourceType 9 Event 4 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 84276, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4421800 SourceType 9 Event 5 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 84276, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4421800 SourceType 9 Event 6 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 84276, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4421800 SourceType 9 Event 7 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 84276, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4421800 SourceType 9 Event 8 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 84276, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4494101 SourceType 9 Event 0 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 83922, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4494102 SourceType 9 Event 0 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 83923, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4494103 SourceType 9 Event 0 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 83924, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4611200 SourceType 9 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 85922, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4611201 SourceType 9 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 85922, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4611202 SourceType 9 Event 8 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 85922, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4618504 SourceType 9 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 3617, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4727300 SourceType 9 Event 1 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 88130, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4727300 SourceType 9 Event 2 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 88134, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4727300 SourceType 9 Event 3 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 88131, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4727300 SourceType 9 Event 4 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 88135, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4727300 SourceType 9 Event 5 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 88137, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4727300 SourceType 9 Event 6 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 95646, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4727300 SourceType 9 Event 40 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 88242, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4727300 SourceType 9 Event 88 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 88243, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4727300 SourceType 9 Event 95 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 89480, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4727300 SourceType 9 Event 96 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 89492, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4811700 SourceType 9 Event 1 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 89504, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4811700 SourceType 9 Event 2 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 88134, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4811700 SourceType 9 Event 3 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 89505, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4811700 SourceType 9 Event 4 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 88135, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4811700 SourceType 9 Event 5 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 88137, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4811700 SourceType 9 Event 6 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 95645, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4811700 SourceType 9 Event 40 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 88242, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4811700 SourceType 9 Event 88 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 88243, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4811700 SourceType 9 Event 95 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 89480, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4811700 SourceType 9 Event 96 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 89492, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4836600 SourceType 9 Event 0 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 90770, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4836600 SourceType 9 Event 1 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 90771, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4836600 SourceType 9 Event 2 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 90772, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4836600 SourceType 9 Event 3 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 90773, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4836600 SourceType 9 Event 4 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 90774, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4836600 SourceType 9 Event 5 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 90775, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4836600 SourceType 9 Event 6 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 90776, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4836600 SourceType 9 Event 7 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 90777, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4836600 SourceType 9 Event 8 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 90778, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4837300 SourceType 9 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 89945, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4837300 SourceType 9 Event 5 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 89945, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4849900 SourceType 9 Event 8 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 90177, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4875800 SourceType 9 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 91265, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4916300 SourceType 9 Event 2 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 91612, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4916300 SourceType 9 Event 4 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 91610, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 4916300 SourceType 9 Event 5 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 91665, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 5006201 SourceType 9 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 43388, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 5155200 SourceType 9 Event 4 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 88674, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 5155201 SourceType 9 Event 3 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 88670, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 5155201 SourceType 9 Event 4 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 88671, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 5155201 SourceType 9 Event 5 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 88672, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 5155201 SourceType 9 Event 6 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 88673, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 5155201 SourceType 9 Event 48 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 88674, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 5259700 SourceType 9 Event 0 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 98075, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 5259701 SourceType 9 Event 0 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 98076, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 5259702 SourceType 9 Event 0 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 98077, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 5293901 SourceType 9 Event 7 Action 12 uses non-existent Creature entry 52940, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 5294101 SourceType 9 Event 7 Action 12 uses non-existent Creature entry 52942, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 5294301 SourceType 9 Event 7 Action 12 uses non-existent Creature entry 52944, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 5294505 SourceType 9 Event 7 Action 12 uses non-existent Creature entry 52946, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 5301400 SourceType 9 Event 15 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 98060, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 5329200 SourceType 9 Event 11 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 84904, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 5365503 SourceType 9 Event 6 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 99684, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 5367001 SourceType 9 Event 0 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 99685, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 5374403 SourceType 9 Event 7 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 99981, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 5392602 SourceType 9 Event 3 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 100449, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 5392603 SourceType 9 Event 3 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 100450, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 5392604 SourceType 9 Event 0 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 100451, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 5392604 SourceType 9 Event 10 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 100452, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Entry 5392604 SourceType 9 Event 11 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 100453, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Not handled action_type(128), event_type(1), Entry 5763800 SourceType 9 Event 1, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Not handled action_type(128), event_type(1), Entry 5766900 SourceType 9 Event 1, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Not handled action_type(128), event_type(1), Entry 5767000 SourceType 9 Event 1, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Not handled action_type(128), event_type(1), Entry 5769200 SourceType 9 Event 1, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Not handled action_type(128), event_type(1), Entry 5769200 SourceType 9 Event 5, skipped.
ERROR [sql.sql] SmartAIMgr: Not handled action_type(128), event_type(1), Entry 5998800 SourceType 9 Event 3, skipped.
ERROR [server.loading] Cinematic camera 'data/models/cameras/palantirofazora.m2': does not exist!
ERROR [server.loading] Cinematic camera 'data/models/cameras/flybyundead.m2': does not exist!
ERROR [server.loading] Cinematic camera 'data/models/cameras/flybyorc.m2': does not exist!
ERROR [server.loading] Cinematic camera 'data/models/cameras/flybydwarf.m2': does not exist!
ERROR [server.loading] Cinematic camera 'data/models/cameras/flybynightelf.m2': does not exist!
ERROR [server.loading] Cinematic camera 'data/models/cameras/flybyhuman.m2': does not exist!
ERROR [server.loading] Cinematic camera 'data/models/cameras/flybygnome.m2': does not exist!
ERROR [server.loading] Cinematic camera 'data/models/cameras/flybytroll.m2': does not exist!
ERROR [server.loading] Cinematic camera 'data/models/cameras/flybytauren.m2': does not exist!
ERROR [server.loading] Cinematic camera 'data/models/cameras/scry_cam.m2': does not exist!
ERROR [server.loading] Cinematic camera 'data/models/cameras/flybybloodelf.m2': does not exist!
ERROR [server.loading] Cinematic camera 'data/models/cameras/flybydraenei.m2': does not exist!
ERROR [server.loading] Cinematic camera 'data/models/cameras/flybysunwell5man.m2': does not exist!
ERROR [server.loading] Cinematic camera 'data/models/cameras/flybydeathknight.m2': does not exist!
ERROR [server.loading] Cinematic camera 'data/models/cameras/flybygilneas_telescope.m2': does not exist!
ERROR [server.loading] Cinematic camera 'data/models/cameras/flybygilneasshort.m2': does not exist!
ERROR [server.loading] Cinematic camera 'data/models/cameras/abyssal_maw_camerafly_01.m2': does not exist!
ERROR [server.loading] Cinematic camera 'data/models/cameras/flybyworgen.m2': does not exist!
ERROR [server.loading] Cinematic camera 'data/models/cameras/flybygoblin.m2': does not exist!
ERROR [server.loading] Cinematic camera 'data/models/cameras/flyby_maelstrom.m2': does not exist!
ERROR [server.loading] Cinematic camera 'data/models/cameras/firelands_bridge_camera_01.m2': does not exist!
ERROR [server.loading] Cinematic camera 'data/models/cameras/flybypandaren.m2': does not exist!
ERROR [server.loading] Cinematic camera 'data/models/cameras/flybygateofthesettingsun.m2': does not exist!
ERROR [server.loading] Cinematic camera 'data/models/cameras/flyby_mogubridge_collapse.m2': does not exist!
ERROR [server.loading] Cinematic camera 'data/models/cameras/flyby_mogusecret_door.m2': does not exist!
ERROR [outdoorpvp] Could not initialize OutdoorPvP object for type ID 1; got NULL pointer from script.
ERROR [outdoorpvp] Could not initialize OutdoorPvP object for type ID 2; got NULL pointer from script.
ERROR [outdoorpvp] Could not initialize OutdoorPvP object for type ID 3; got NULL pointer from script.
ERROR [outdoorpvp] Could not initialize OutdoorPvP object for type ID 4; got NULL pointer from script.
ERROR [outdoorpvp] Could not initialize OutdoorPvP object for type ID 5; got NULL pointer from script.

Errors V4 Repack...
Last edited by a moderator:


Verified Member
I have the same errors and after a few lines the world server crashes like 99% of the time.
I downloaded everything new multipile times, searched for it but never found anything.
could anyone help?


Silver Supporter
Veteran Member
my world server always crashes at this:

>> Loaded 2696 Script Waypoint nodes in 10 ms
Loading C++ scripts
Script 'npc_jubeka_shadowbreaker_scene' has same memory pointer as 'npc_jubeka_shadowbreaker_scene'.
Script 'npc_jubeka_shadowbreaker_trader' has same memory pointer as 'npc_jubeka_shadowbreaker_trader'.
Script 'npc_wrathion_64822' has same memory pointer as 'npc_wrathion_64822'.
Script 'npc_wrathion_70438' has same memory pointer as 'npc_wrathion_70438'.

is there something i missed doing? or is my comp to shit to run this? any ideas are appreciated

so no one has any insight into this issue? crashes everytime world server reaches this point...


Silver Supporter
Veteran Member
I'm not a dev so I can't really answer the question.
But have you tried a fresh install of the repack, using a fresh server and core, etc?

Thanks for your reply,

i did a fresh install on a faster computer which produced the same problem.... When i get home later, I thought of starting from v1.0 to see if that works then update to v1.4.
If that still doesn't work then perhaps I could be missing one of those MS redistributable downloads?
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