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Client Won't Start


Verified Member
Coastal Oregon
I'm not brand new to this stuff. I have a WotLK server / client running on different machines. But I'd like to start a Cata system and this one looked like the most complete instructions.


I used this repack for the server and got this client:
World of Warcraft - Cataclysm 4.3.4 (15595) - downloaded it with uTorrent.

Server is working, although I have yet to update it to version 1. I'm downloading that stuff now. But I don't think that would keep the client from starting.

View attachment A90_01337.jpg

The client crashes saying something about a missing file called signaturefile.

Anybody have any ideas what's going on?
Thanks a bunch,


Verified Member
Coastal Oregon
Progress, sort of...

Progress, sort of:
For Realmlist.wtf I've tried a few things:

set realmlist
set patchlist

With the second line either missing, or pointing to logon.warmane.com the way it came or pointing to my server. But with the second line in place I now get:

View attachment A90_01341.jpg

"Cannot stream required archive data. Please check network connection."

The firewall is open for the program, so at least it could reach my server.

I thought that we had clients that don't require updates. Is there a better client for me to run with this server?
The WotLK client I found was tied off and just connected to the server.

Thanks a bunch,
- wg


Verified Member
Coastal Oregon
Ok. That works better. That did download very quickly and I was able to get a connection and log in, and it said success, and then the client stopped. Still on the login screen with a [SUCCESS] box covering up the username / password boxes. But stopped there. Not crashed, but stopped.

My Realmlist is :
set realmlist
set patchlist localhost

Is this a problem. I'm using a server on another machine. I've opened up the Resource manager and the client and Authserver have a connection, but the worldserver does not have a connection to the client. There are other connections from the client to other IPs on other networks

View attachment A90_01344.jpg

Oh, I see these are port 80, so this is probably not an issue.

Anyway, it's stuck. Looks like progress. But not there yet.
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Verified Member
Coastal Oregon
Well whatever is wrong is pretty severe. Twice now I tried to quit the client out of this state with the QUIT button at the lower right, and I had to reboot the machine. The client hangs the system and I can CTRL / ALT / DELETE to get a task manager, but I can't stop the client even from there. This is Windows 10 btw. 16GB, 512GB SSD lots of space. Core I 7 2600K. This last time I was able to hammer the client by ALT TAB and CLOSE from the task bar without using the QUIT button, but that Quit button is really TOXIC.

So things look like they might work with this client, but something is severely wrong at this point.



Verified Member
Coastal Oregon
Holy Priceless Collection of Etruscan Snoods, Batman!!!
It looks like it works!!
I guess it needs some program data\ battle.net or program data\blizzard entertainment folders in place. Along the way I renamed these since I have Wow installed on this system. And when I renamed them back, the client started and I'm looking at a character creation screen.

Well let's see if it work!
- wg

Well, uh. I guess I spoke too soon. Everything was fine right up until I killed the first mana wurm, and then the server crashed. So I'm installing Version 1 and We'll see how that goes. But the client looks good. Although there was a long delay when entering the world for the first time, like it was going off to download things. But it did go in, and I could accept a quest and then it crashed on the first kill.

We'll see how V1 goes.
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Verified Member
Coastal Oregon
Ok So when the V1 server failed, I tried the one listed here - V2? Or V5 or something.

But the problem with that one is that it's missing the vmap.zar file. So I used the one from the previous version. Not sure what you intended.

Then when I started the Auth server, it failed with a missing MSVCR71.DLL, which I found in the previous install and put it in the Release folder.
Thanks for putting the OpenSSL DLLs in the distribution. Saves time and mistakes.

Then I tried to run the client against it and I didn't get as far as with the previous one.

I got this during start up:
View attachment A90_01349.jpg
Messages about some of the maps being created with the wrong version of the map creator or something.

And then when I tried to log in, I got this:
View attachment A90_01355.jpg

Something about a malformed packet and more errors about the version of the map creator.

I thought it might be something left over in the client from the previous trial, so I made a new account and tried the new account on the server and got the same thing.

So the server runs, but the map files look like they aren't right, and something in the server is not expecting the packets it's getting from the client.

I'll watch for another version to try. Would it be less confusing if each release started a new thread in the forum? I didn't search the 200 replies to see if way way down in the thread there was a later version.



It's fine sir.
However I'd recommend you to download the latest available version, v5 for free. It contains more fixes and things like that are fixed as well :)

Your map error is because you use an old version with new maps. Fix; Use v.5 :)


Verified Member
Coastal Oregon
ok. I see that the top post is V5 not V.5 or V.0.

So I'm so confused that I'm downloading it all again and starting from scratch.
Just a suggestion. If the forum post list of names matched the file names of the files after download, then it would be easy to check to see that I have them all. As it is, I have to start the download of each one again to check the file names. Just a thought.

So I think I have them all now and I'll install from scratch and see if this works.



Verified Member
Coastal Oregon
Well, I downloaded new copies, and reinstalled V5 - the first files at the top of the post - from scratch. I'm using the Fast Way client that you mentioned above. There were some glitches, but it comes up now that I have some blizzard files left in C:\Program Data\ When those were removed, the client wouldn't even launch. So now the client launches. I made my account previously using the TC> account create command and set gmlevel 3 -1 for all realms.

I don't get map error messages as the world server starts.

But, I still get the malformed packet message. Just no map error message. The text is:
WorldSocket::handle_input_header(): client(account: 2, char [GUID: 0, name: <none>]) sent malformed packet
(size: 54519, cmd: 1940359317)

So we are getting there. I guess this is progress. I'm sorry for all the trouble. Let me know if there is some way to get more info that can help us solve this.

Thanks for all your help. I'm eager to run Cata soon.
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Verified Member
Coastal Oregon
Starting over with the client

Starting over, and First removed all of the blizz products - Wow and Wow PTR - and all "Program Data" files - which were left after the uninstall btw. Not sure if these are a problem. Just being safe. Then completely reinstalled the client [Fast Way] mentioned above. Observing that it takes a long time to download the game so waiting patiently with client up doing that. The client connected with the the local server, but was disconnected. Suspect that not enough of the game was present to allow it to connect. The client is getting the game from what WHOIS says is an AKAMAI server.

Research indicates that things should settle down upwards of 25GB or so of HD space used for the 4.3.4 client.
At least WotLK works while the download proceeds.


Verified Member
Coastal Oregon
Thanks. That's it I think. I'm in and have created a character. Looks like the client is doing Load On Demand for stuff that isn't there yet.

Thanks again.


Verified Member
Coastal Oregon
Ok. Looks very promising. I've run into some issues with my worldserver.conf changes. Maybe I should start a separate thread for those.
Looks like the server is working with the [Need to 343] Client. So I'll assume I have a working V5 <-> Need setup and comment on that.

Thanks for your patience and help.
