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children of goldshire


Trial Member
so i recently made my account and this is a little creepy just because of this. i got the emu coach repack of a 4.3.4 cata private server and i saw the children of goldshire. my friend is on my server and he says die and we all die at the exact same time he says that. it was really strange so we decided to contact a gm and he said that we should try removing the children. we did and the server shut down and the world server and auth refused to open. it would give an error message just saying error. at this point i was fucking scared. the server opened the next day and the children we back and our characters my character was renamed to 666. we went to goldshire and there was tons of npcs and a npc named akma'hat level skull and its model was human child npc. everyone was shitting themself because we got a whisper from a npc named "cameron" and he said let the summoning begin backwards and we were kicked. we came back and everything was quiet accept for the dead bodies at goldshire. we go inside the tavern and there is bodies fucking hanging everywhere. we decided we've had enough because they started saying stuff in the game and i checked the console / world server and nobody was doing any commands. this was creepy because we assumed someone was hacking the server and whenever we go near the children's house now the game just crashes. i need help please. i dont know what to fucking do anymore


Trial Member
bandicam 2018-05-03 17-59-06-553.jpg
here is the picture of the bodies from the ceiling

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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There's 3 things that could have happened, in the most likely order.
1) You are joking, in which case, good job on the creativity.
2) The server owner or host or whoever is messing with you, or someone with similar permissions, or someone has some script running.
3) You were hacked.

Jack Sparrow

Gold Supporter
Senior User
same thing on my server. i even tested this on a server with nobody on it. as satan said above, i have run multiple virus scans and have found nothing that would have gotten me hacked. also, it couldn't be a script because i JUST got the server. and the same thing happens to me

Its blizzlike


Verified Member
Sounds a lot like a photo-realistic blast-processing skeletons problem to me


Veteran Member
Verified Member
That's Creepy i suggets you to see a YT video called the top 10 creepy stuff in WoW or something liek this, Ashbringer give me chills everytime!