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- Changelog V3 VIP | MoP VIP 3.0 Version Repack - CHANGELOG LIST | Current Mists of Pandaria VIP Release | Emucoach



This includes the changelog for the Mists of Pandaria VIP 3.0 repack that is available for the Mop premium members.
You can obtain access for 22 by clicking here.

Changelog (Note, this is from version 3.0 - the latest MoP VIP version)

Get access to the release by becoming a VIP here:


VIP Repack Version 3.0 - MoP Changelog list:




-- In Version 3, we have done a lot of optimizations to the Playerbots system. This includes a lot of stability improvements regarding crashes, validations, and last but not least - a ton of new features and fixes regarding scripting on the bots. Below, you will find concrete implementations applied to them:​

- Fix multiple crashes with playerbots​

- Fix taxi crash​

- Fix spell system crash​

- Increased maximum playerbots support from 500 to 5000​

- Fix occasions where rogue bots used stealth at the wrong time​

- Implement bot command .bots aggressive 1(on)/0(off)​

- Implement bot commands .bots follow 1(on)/0(off)​

- Implement new system to login characters as bots (.bots login "name")​

- Add level variety to dueling bots​

- Fix low level hunter bots being naked​

- Add a logger for playerbot stuff​

- Add playerbot strategies for https://www.wowhead.com/npc=69465/jinrokh-the-breaker

- Add some more configuration options for playerbots​

- Implement strand of the ancients strategies for bots​

- Rework playerbot path selection algorithm​

- Add new system for dynamically populating the world with bots, loading data from the database​

Implement bot paths for following zones:​

- Durotar​

- The Barrens​

- Shadowmoon Valley​

- Northshire​

- Coldridge Valley​

- Shadowglen​

- Valley of Trials​

- New Tinkertown​

- Implement commands to easily generate sql data for the new world population system​

- Implement bot idleing for when there is no real players around​

- Automatically fill battlegrounds with bots till they are full 30 seconds before they start​

Improve bot ai for specs of following classes:​

- Death Knight​

- Druid​

- Monk​

- Paladin​

- Rogue​

- Shaman​

- Warrior​

- Hunter​

- Mage​

- Warlock​

With the V3, here are a total of the configuration possibilities for Playerbots. (We have tried to make them more flexibility, hence more options):

# PlayerBots.PlayerbotAmount
# Set amount of playerbots logged in
# Default - 150
# Max 5000
# 0 - disable
PlayerBots.PlayerbotAmount = 200
PlayerBots.PlayerbotEnableLfg = 1
PlayerBots.PlayerbotEnableBg = 1
PlayerBots.90MinItemLevelLfg = 480
PlayerBots.90MaxItemLevelLfg = 588
PlayerBots.90MinItemLevelBG = 480
PlayerBots.90MaxItemLevelBG = 588

PlayerBots.IdleAssignDelay = 125
PlayerBots.LoginDelay = 100

PlayerBots.DuelingAmount = 30
PlayerBots.CityAmount = 20
PlayerBots.ZoneAmount = 25

PlayerBots.DuelingMinLevel = 10
PlayerBots.DuelingMaxLevel = 90

PlayerBots.CityMinLevel = 1
PlayerBots.CityMinLevel = 90

PlayerBots.OldOpenWorldBots = 0


Quest, Zone, Misc and database fixes:

In this section, a lot of improvements have been made related to: zones, quests, misc related things around the world. Below, you will find a snippet of them:​

- Additions to Valley Of The Four Winds Quest "Great Minds Drink Alike"​

- Cosmetics to Valley Of The Four Winds Npc Mudmug​

- Disable movement for Turnip creature​

- Further cosmetic changes to Valley Of The Four Wind (Mudmug's Place)​

- Added Rigor Mortis to Undeads (starting area)​

- Added creature_text to Skyfire Admiral Rogers & text on "Touching Ground"​

- Fixed some DB errors upon loading​

- Adjusted damage for Theramore Fall Npc's​

- Adjusted Mogu'shan Vault's melee combat range for "Feng the Accursed"​

- Updated dmg multiplier for Dread Waste's Npc "Krol The Blade​

- Fixed Orgrimmar Phasing for "The Art Of War" Quest​

- Adjusted maxcount for Mists Of Pandaria Herb's (Drop amount)​

- Adjusted maxcount for Mists Of Pandaria Ore's (Drop amount) - only Kyparite and Ghost Iron Ore​

- Fixed correct questender npc for "Face To Face With Consequences"​

- Corrected respawntimer for Hozen Groundpounder in Jade Forest​

Many zone reworks, including:

- Booty Bay rework​

- Reworked Jade Forest Alliance starting area (The Skyfire & Garrosh'ar Point)​

- Fixed Reworked Valley Of The Four Winds Area "New Cifera" (Including Ashyo's Vision Questline)​

- Reworked Valley Of The Four Winds Area "Halfhill Market"​

- Huge rework to Valley Of The Four Winds Area "Halfhill Market"​

- Cosmetic rework to Valley Of The Four Winds Area "Firsty Alley"​

- Added several pathing to creatures in Jade Forest Area "Garrosh Ar Point"​

- Tol Barad Rework: *Removes wrong spawns in Tol'barad and adds the corrected version WITH waypoints. (Thanks to @flamehawk147)​

- Fixed/improved the quest: "An Ancient Enemy". Big thanks to X?​


Core main fixes (spells, mechanics, instances/raids etc):

In this section, several work related to spells, general mechanics etc, have been added.​

- Remove Shaman spec-bound weapon enchantments upon spec swapping or upon equipping the weapon without having the proper spec for it's enchant.​

- Blood Boil should now properly generate runic power.​

- Fix Windfury Shaman enhancement​

- Hand of Gul'Dan (Non-glyphed) animation should now follow the target.​

- Fixed Shaman Glyph "Glyph of Spirit Raptors"​

- Fixed Demonic Fury regen system for warlocks​

- Spinning Fire Blossom should now fire a dummy visual missile if it fails to search for any target.​

- GateOfTheSettingSun: Fixes munition explosion trail from saboteur kiptilak and the trash mobs prior to the boss encounter.​

- Glyph of Death's Embrace should not refund runic power when used trough lichborne selfheal​

- Fix Glyph of Mirror Image​

- Glyph of Death coil should no longer allow the DK to auto shield himself while using lichborne​

Implements Glyph of Barkskin​

- SPELL_AURA_MOD_MINIMUM_SPEED auras should also benefit from SPELL_AURA_MOD_SPEED_ALWAYS speed increase.​

- Correctly fixed AoELoot now stacking up the same items dropped my multiple npc's in the AoeLoot range​

- Fixes guild leader promoting trough the guild interface.​

- Introduced a Leveling NPC that you can add into the game.​

-- Added level npc - can be added ingame by adding ".npc add 224276".​


Big thanks to all the supporters, who help with the goal of making the repack become as blizzlike as possible.​

Best Regards,
ExO & Emucoach team,
Last edited:


Heir to the Emucoach
Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
good job, even tho I wished we would have gotten more strategies for several bosses, but atleast we got some more commands, I wonder why we still haven't gotten any auctionhouse bot, that should be an easy task for someone who can make playerbots this impressive.

Looking forward to the new update!
Last edited:


Single Player
Silver Supporter
MoP Premium
Verified Member
good job, even tho I wished we would have gotten more strategies for several bosses, but atleast we got some more commands, I wonder why we still haven't gotten any auctionhouse bot, that should be an easy task for someone who can make playerbots this impressive.

Looking forward to the new update!
I dont think the problem is it being hard, im quite sure its because it will take alot of time to implement a ah bot.


Thanks for the feedback guys!

good job, even tho I wished we would have gotten more strategies for several bosses, but atleast we got some more commands, I wonder why we still haven't gotten any auctionhouse bot, that should be an easy task for someone who can make playerbots this impressive.

Looking forward to the new update!
Cheers. Will try to include it in V4 (which will be major).


Verified Member

This includes the changelog for the Mists of Pandaria VIP 3.0 repack that is available for the Mop premium members.
You can obtain access for 22 by clicking here.

Changelog (Note, this is from version 3.0 - the latest MoP VIP version)

Get access to the release by becoming a VIP here:

View attachment 2449

VIP Repack Version 3.0 - MoP Changelog list:




-- In Version 3, we have done a lot of optimizations to the Playerbots system. This includes a lot of stability improvements regarding crashes, validations, and last but not least - a ton of new features and fixes regarding scripting on the bots. Below, you will find concrete implementations applied to them:​

- Fix multiple crashes with playerbots​

- Fix taxi crash​

- Fix spell system crash​

- Increased maximum playerbots support from 500 to 5000​

- Fix occasions where rogue bots used stealth at the wrong time​

- Implement bot command .bots aggressive 1(on)/0(off)​

- Implement bot commands .bots follow 1(on)/0(off)​

- Implement new system to login characters as bots (.bots login "name")​

- Add level variety to dueling bots​

- Fix low level hunter bots being naked​

- Add a logger for playerbot stuff​

- Add playerbot strategies for https://www.wowhead.com/npc=69465/jinrokh-the-breaker

- Add some more configuration options for playerbots​

- Implement strand of the ancients strategies for bots​

- Rework playerbot path selection algorithm​

- Add new system for dynamically populating the world with bots, loading data from the database​

Implement bot paths for following zones:​

- Durotar​

- The Barrens​

- Shadowmoon Valley​

- Northshire​

- Coldridge Valley​

- Shadowglen​

- Valley of Trials​

- New Tinkertown​

- Implement commands to easily generate sql data for the new world population system​

- Implement bot idleing for when there is no real players around​

- Automatically fill battlegrounds with bots till they are full 30 seconds before they start​

Improve bot ai for specs of following classes:​

- Death Knight​

- Druid​

- Monk​

- Paladin​

- Rogue​

- Shaman​

- Warrior​

- Hunter​

- Mage​

- Warlock​

With the V3, here are a total of the configuration possibilities for Playerbots. (We have tried to make them more flexibility, hence more options):​

# PlayerBots.PlayerbotAmount
# Set amount of playerbots logged in
# Default - 150
# Max 5000
# 0 - disable
PlayerBots.PlayerbotAmount = 200
PlayerBots.PlayerbotEnableLfg = 1
PlayerBots.PlayerbotEnableBg = 1
PlayerBots.90MinItemLevelLfg = 480
PlayerBots.90MaxItemLevelLfg = 588
PlayerBots.90MinItemLevelBG = 480
PlayerBots.90MaxItemLevelBG = 588

PlayerBots.IdleAssignDelay = 125
PlayerBots.LoginDelay = 100

PlayerBots.DuelingAmount = 30
PlayerBots.CityAmount = 20
PlayerBots.ZoneAmount = 25

PlayerBots.DuelingMinLevel = 10
PlayerBots.DuelingMaxLevel = 90

PlayerBots.CityMinLevel = 1
PlayerBots.CityMinLevel = 90

PlayerBots.OldOpenWorldBots = 0


Quest, Zone, Misc and database fixes:

In this section, a lot of improvements have been made related to: zones, quests, misc related things around the world. Below, you will find a snippet of them:​

- Additions to Valley Of The Four Winds Quest "Great Minds Drink Alike"​

- Cosmetics to Valley Of The Four Winds Npc Mudmug​

- Disable movement for Turnip creature​

- Further cosmetic changes to Valley Of The Four Wind (Mudmug's Place)​

- Added Rigor Mortis to Undeads (starting area)​

- Added creature_text to Skyfire Admiral Rogers & text on "Touching Ground"​

- Fixed some DB errors upon loading​

- Adjusted damage for Theramore Fall Npc's​

- Adjusted Mogu'shan Vault's melee combat range for "Feng the Accursed"​

- Updated dmg multiplier for Dread Waste's Npc "Krol The Blade​

- Fixed Orgrimmar Phasing for "The Art Of War" Quest​

- Adjusted maxcount for Mists Of Pandaria Herb's (Drop amount)​

- Adjusted maxcount for Mists Of Pandaria Ore's (Drop amount) - only Kyparite and Ghost Iron Ore​

- Fixed correct questender npc for "Face To Face With Consequences"​

- Corrected respawntimer for Hozen Groundpounder in Jade Forest​

Many zone reworks, including:

- Booty Bay rework​

- Reworked Jade Forest Alliance starting area (The Skyfire & Garrosh'ar Point)​

- Fixed Reworked Valley Of The Four Winds Area "New Cifera" (Including Ashyo's Vision Questline)​

- Reworked Valley Of The Four Winds Area "Halfhill Market"​

- Huge rework to Valley Of The Four Winds Area "Halfhill Market"​

- Cosmetic rework to Valley Of The Four Winds Area "Firsty Alley"​

- Added several pathing to creatures in Jade Forest Area "Garrosh Ar Point"​

- Tol Barad Rework: *Removes wrong spawns in Tol'barad and adds the corrected version WITH waypoints. (Thanks to @flamehawk147)​

- Fixed/improved the quest: "An Ancient Enemy". Big thanks to X?​


Core main fixes (spells, mechanics, instances/raids etc):

In this section, several work related to spells, general mechanics etc, have been added.​

- Remove Shaman spec-bound weapon enchantments upon spec swapping or upon equipping the weapon without having the proper spec for it's enchant.​

- Blood Boil should now properly generate runic power.​

- Fix Windfury Shaman enhancement​

- Hand of Gul'Dan (Non-glyphed) animation should now follow the target.​

- Fixed Shaman Glyph "Glyph of Spirit Raptors"​

- Fixed Demonic Fury regen system for warlocks​

- Spinning Fire Blossom should now fire a dummy visual missile if it fails to search for any target.​

- GateOfTheSettingSun: Fixes munition explosion trail from saboteur kiptilak and the trash mobs prior to the boss encounter.​

- Glyph of Death's Embrace should not refund runic power when used trough lichborne selfheal​

- Fix Glyph of Mirror Image​

- Glyph of Death coil should no longer allow the DK to auto shield himself while using lichborne​

Implements Glyph of Barkskin​

- SPELL_AURA_MOD_MINIMUM_SPEED auras should also benefit from SPELL_AURA_MOD_SPEED_ALWAYS speed increase.​

- Correctly fixed AoELoot now stacking up the same items dropped my multiple npc's in the AoeLoot range​

- Fixes guild leader promoting trough the guild interface.​

- Introduced a Leveling NPC that you can add into the game.​

-- Added level npc - can be added ingame by adding ".npc add 224276".​


Big thanks to all the supporters, who help with the goal of making the repack become as blizzlike as possible.​

Best Regards,
ExO & Emucoach team,
very nice