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- Changelog V16 VIP | Cataclysm VIP 16.0 Version Repack - CHANGELOG LIST



This includes the changelog for VIP 16.0 that is available for regular VIPS and VIP Gold.
You can obtain access for 18.95 by clicking here.

Changelog (Note, this is from version 16.0 - the latest Cataclsm VIP version)

Get access to the release by becoming a VIP here:


VIP Repack Version 16.0 - Cataclysm Changelog list:


Dungeon/Raid related fixes:

LFG System Fixes:

- Lfg: Remove dungeons from random dungeon queue that are "orange" leveled for the player. Players can still cherry-pick queue for them.​

Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/v15-random-dungeon-finder-queues-wrong-dungeons.9070/

- Lfg: Use access requirement data (if available) to show the actual required ilvl for the dungeons, default back to DBC data if no entry in DB exists for that dungeon.​

Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/forums/thr...t-be-queued-for-in-rdf-workaround-found.8958/



-- Fixes void of the unmaking movement and trash spawns in Warlord Zan'ozz encounter.​

-- Fixes Warlord ZanOzz's Void of The unmaking bouncing angle.​


End Time:

-- Fixes Baine Pulverize Z speed and Z home position.​

Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/v15-boss-bug-echo-of-baine-npc-54431.8982/

-- Add some safety nets for Sylvannas's Call of the Highborne mechanic, make sure the ghouls always go towards her initial teleport position, and not current position, and force sylvannas to teleport back to the fight in case she bugs out.​

Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/v15-boss-bug-echo-of-sylvanas-npc-54123.8981/

-- Give a bit more room to maneuver sylvannas around the combat area. Also improves the movement sync of the ghouls durin Call of The Highborne.​

-- Add a proper workaround to make sylvannas not dissapear when doing her blighted arrow event.​


Hour Of Twilight:

-- General Cleanup and fixes a possible bug with escorting waypoints.​

Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/forums/thr...ctus-and-thrall-scripting-breaks-easily.8162/


Well of Eternity

-- Servant of the queen and total obedience will no longer be cast when there is only 1 player lefts in the azshara's threatlist.​

Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/well-of-eternity-azshara-fight.8423/


Shadowfang Keep:

-- Fixes Baron Ashbury's cell handlers after encounter completion. Need info on how the outro event for it should be handled tho.​

Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/shadowfang-keep-missing-doorhandles.8227/

-- Siamat Wailing Winds should no longer AoE aggro the entire instance towards the players.​



-- Admiral Ripsnarl's summoned Vapors should no longer use their condensation mechanic in the low level, normal mode dungeon.​

Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/v15-deadmines-admiral-ripsnarl-fight.8900/

-- Fixed Captain Cookie spawning​



-- Stonecore Sentry will now properly run to alert Stonecore Warbringers of player presence, and are now also immune to taunts.​

-- Devout followers pre-adds on last boss are now kneeling.​


Lost City of the Tol'vir:

-- Fixed the instance position at the entrance, and the .teleport command.​

-- Fixes related to Lost City of the Tolvir. Before, they were only auto attacking - now they use their potential spells in combat. Big thanks to Jivani for this!​

-- Fixes creature spawning in Lost City of the Tolvir. Big thanks to Jivani​



-- Fixes illucia barov spell ids.​

Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/v14-lady-illucia-barov.8031/


Throne of the Four Winds:

--Fix a crash in the raid.​

-- Improve the misc entrance mobs in the raid.​


Grim Batol:

-- Fixes creature spawning in Grim Batol. Big thanks to Jivani.​



-- Improved some spells on NPCs in Firelands. Big thanks to Jivani.​

Mainly related to the mechanics to improve the AI fight.​


Spell fixes:

Fixed spell queue system:

-- The Spell queue system had a lot of improvements to be working much more retail-like now in the V16 VIP version.​

-- It includes a configuration in the Worldserver.conf where you can also enable/disable the Spell queue system yourself, depending on whether you want the Spell queue system to be running on your server or not.​


Misc Spell Fixes:

-- Don't double check LoS for instant cast spells, server update time diff spikes might make those fails.​

* Note: This fixes a lot of Line of Sight issues with spell casting throughout the entire world!​

-- Prevent parabolic splines and pet AI commands from interrupting pet's own MOTION_SLOT_CONTROLLED movements.​

Fixes #3 from https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/some-issues-and-bugs-v15-solo-vip-gold.8238/

-- Fix cases like ghoul leap being interrupt and stuff like that.​

- Implements SpellGroup stacking rules for SPELL_AURA_MOD_SPELL_POWER_PCT. fixes an issue regarding flametongue totem + totemic wrath incorrectly stacking.​

-- Fixes misc pet engage behavior on PetHandler and fixes Felguard Pursuit Spell.​

-- Rework GetAuraEffectOfRankedSpell: Will fix a lot of different spells/talents using this effect.​


Hunter Fixes:

-- Silencing shot and scatter shot should no longer ignore deterrence. Fixes #1 of https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/some-issues-and-bugs-v15-solo-vip-gold.8238/

-- Hunter pets should no longer cancel fear/distracted movement generators upon entering combat by auras that apply these effects.​

Fixes #2 of https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/some-issues-and-bugs-v15-solo-vip-gold.8238/

-- Hand of Salvation should no longer break Hunter's Camouflage.​

Fixes #4 of https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/some-issues-and-bugs-v15-solo-vip-gold.8238/

-- Hunter talent Entrapment should no longer ignore line of sight for activation.​

-- Hunter traps should now prioritize the target distance from the trap when choosing between multiple targets for activation (closest > farthest)​


Paladin Fixes:

-- Guardian Of Ancient Kings (Retribution) Should no longer attack targets under the effects of breakable by crowd control effects auras.​

Fixes #5 of https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/some-issues-and-bugs-v15-solo-vip-gold.8238/


Priest Fixes:

-- Glyph of Shadow should be able to be gained from minor inscription research. Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/glyph-of-shadow.8309/

-- Mind Control should not allow the target to freely move if it has a root or stun unit state.​

-- Shadow Orbs should once again proc properly from SWP and Mind Flay.​

-- Fixes Sin and Punishment cooldown reduction for Shadowfiend.​

-- Improvements to Echo of Light calcs, avoid some possible divisions by 0.​

-- Fixed Glyph of Shadow properly​

-- Fixed Strength of Soul​


Druid Fixes:

-- Using moonfire while Lunar Shower is active will now give lunar energy instead of solar energy if the lunar eclipse marker is active.​


Death Knight Fixes:

-- Death Rune-Converting spells should keep the death rune conversion even if they consume death runes in order to be casted.​

-- Fixed Magic Suppression​


Mage Fixes:

-- Improve ring of frost collision detection.​

-- Fixed Incanters Absorption​


Shaman & Totem Fixes:

-- Totemic Reach and Elemental Reach range/radius effects should now properly impact totems.​

-- Remove range and radius workaround for totems and just properly fix a fungal growth specific case that was breaking a bunch of other Radius related mods.​

-- Clean up a bit of the targetting logic of Searing Totem.​

-- Add familyflag fixes to grounding totem and totemic reach so that it can be properly affected by totemic reach.​


Core misc fixes:

- Item: Fixes item stack buy price in vendors.​

Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/buying-item-stacks-costs-you-x-times-the-actual-cost.8650/

- Implemented Currency Reset command​

- Fixed issues with being stuck - to prevent it from occuring.​

- Fixes Threat generation logic on tauntApply.
Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/taunt-bug-aggro-threat.8547/


- Maps: Added some areaboundary structures.​

- Fixed possible crash related to charming​

- Maps: Fixes a crash when OnPlayerLeave hooks are called with while the players is logging out.​


- Fixed some arena bugs​

- Fixed some antispam abuse​

- Fixed some issues with arena teams & arena team members​

- Fixed some arena interface issues​

- Fixed an arena crash fix​


Quest fixes:

Legendary quests:

- Implemented the first part of the legendary questline for Daggers​

- Implemented the second part of the legendary questline for Daggers questlines​

- Implemented all the remaining chapters of the legendary questline for Daggers questlines​

- Added Firelands legendary staff trigger, proper quest_templates for Alliance & Horde version, and phasing for Ziradormi in Orgrimmar​


Goblin quests:

- The zone had a lot of improvements, both related to quests, misc related things such as cosmetic events, texts and more. Big thanks to Benja.​

Worgen quests:

- The same: The zone had a lot of improvements, both related to quests, misc related things such as cosmetic events, texts and more. Big thanks to Benja.​

Death Knight Zone:

- Had cosmetic fixes, some phasing and quest fixes. Big thanks to Benja.​


- Fixed Darkshore Quest (Timely Arrival) Damien​

- Fixed Darkshore quest (Ritual Materials) (Damien)​

- Fixed Darkshore quest (The Final Flame of Bashal'Aran) (Damien)​

- Fixed Sethekk Halls Quest (Brother Against Brother) (Damien)​


- Fixed Mount Hyjal quest (Flamebreaker) (Damien)​

- Added missing Poi for Hyjal Quest "Guardians of Hyjal: Firelands Invasion!" damien​

- Fixed Stormwind Quest "A Villain Unmasked" - Damien:​

- Fixed missing quests in Hinterlands (Summit of Fate) -- Alliance​


- Hyjal quest fix (Graduation Speech). Big thanks to Banni:​

- Fixes related to Quest ID 12644. Big thanks to Banni:​

- Fix quest ID 11570. Big thanks to Banni:​


Misc and NPC fixes:

- Fixed Darkshore NPC: "Kyndri" missing - Damien​

- Added cosmetic text event for Ysera in Mount Hyjal - Damien​

- Fixed some npcflags for npcs which should not have gossip - Damien​

- Handle Miasma of Terror remove via spell_area (mount hyjal) - Damien​


- Added missing sql part for the Hyjal Achievement "King Of The Spider Hill" - Damien​

- Some emote cleanup in Stonetalon Mountain - Damien​

- Fixed wrong emote from Darkshopre Npc: Tharnariun Treetender - Damien​

- A lot of npcflag creature corrections - Damien​


- Emote cleanup in Stonetalon Mountain - Damien​

- Adjusted phasing for Bann Bronzebeard in Uldum - Damien​

- Fixed duplicate spawn of Spirit Healers in Ashenvale (near Astranaar) - Damien​


- Creatures of the Eco Dome fix. Big thanks to Orangefire:​

- Heroic SFK Frantic Geist Fix. Big thanks to Orangefire:​

- Mob Level Fixes through dungeons. Big thanks to Orangefire:​


Big thanks to all the contributors, who helps the goal of making the repack become as blizzlike as possible.​

Best Regards,
ExO & Emucoach team,
Last edited:


I collect profile flairs.
Gold Supporter
Silver Supporter
MoP Premium
Senior User
Hooray! More updates!! Thank you very much as always ExO!! :D


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
where can i doanload it it tels me i need vip but i have buy vip 2 times 1 mop and 1 gold


Verified Member

This includes the changelog for VIP 16.0 that is available for regular VIPS and VIP Gold.
You can obtain access for 18.95 by clicking here.

Changelog (Note, this is from version 16.0 - the latest Cataclsm VIP version)

Get access to the release by becoming a VIP here:

View attachment 2353

VIP Repack Version 16.0 - Cataclysm Changelog list:


Dungeon/Raid related fixes:

LFG System Fixes:

- Lfg: Remove dungeons from random dungeon queue that are "orange" leveled for the player. Players can still cherry-pick queue for them.​

Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/v15-random-dungeon-finder-queues-wrong-dungeons.9070/

- Lfg: Use access requirement data (if available) to show the actual required ilvl for the dungeons, default back to DBC data if no entry in DB exists for that dungeon.​

Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/forums/thr...t-be-queued-for-in-rdf-workaround-found.8958/



-- Fixes void of the unmaking movement and trash spawns in Warlord Zan'ozz encounter.​

-- Fixes Warlord ZanOzz's Void of The unmaking bouncing angle.​


End Time:

-- Fixes Baine Pulverize Z speed and Z home position.​

Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/v15-boss-bug-echo-of-baine-npc-54431.8982/

-- Add some safety nets for Sylvannas's Call of the Highborne mechanic, make sure the ghouls always go towards her initial teleport position, and not current position, and force sylvannas to teleport back to the fight in case she bugs out.​

Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/v15-boss-bug-echo-of-sylvanas-npc-54123.8981/

-- Give a bit more room to maneuver sylvannas around the combat area. Also improves the movement sync of the ghouls durin Call of The Highborne.​

-- Add a proper workaround to make sylvannas not dissapear when doing her blighted arrow event.​


Hour Of Twilight:

-- General Cleanup and fixes a possible bug with escorting waypoints.​

Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/forums/thr...ctus-and-thrall-scripting-breaks-easily.8162/


Well of Eternity

-- Servant of the queen and total obedience will no longer be cast when there is only 1 player lefts in the azshara's threatlist.​

Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/well-of-eternity-azshara-fight.8423/


Shadowfang Keep:

-- Fixes Baron Ashbury's cell handlers after encounter completion. Need info on how the outro event for it should be handled tho.​

Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/shadowfang-keep-missing-doorhandles.8227/

-- Siamat Wailing Winds should no longer AoE aggro the entire instance towards the players.​



-- Admiral Ripsnarl's summoned Vapors should no longer use their condensation mechanic in the low level, normal mode dungeon.​

Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/v15-deadmines-admiral-ripsnarl-fight.8900/

-- Fixed Captain Cookie spawning​



-- Stonecore Sentry will now properly run to alert Stonecore Warbringers of player presence, and are now also immune to taunts.​

-- Devout followers pre-adds on last boss are now kneeling.​


Lost City of the Tol'vir:

-- Fixed the instance position at the entrance, and the .teleport command.​

-- Fixes related to Lost City of the Tolvir. Before, they were only auto attacking - now they use their potential spells in combat. Big thanks to Jivani for this!​

-- Fixes creature spawning in Lost City of the Tolvir. Big thanks to Jivani​



-- Fixes illucia barov spell ids.​

Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/v14-lady-illucia-barov.8031/


Throne of the Four Winds:

--Fix a crash in the raid.​

-- Improve the misc entrance mobs in the raid.​


Grim Batol:

-- Fixes creature spawning in Grim Batol. Big thanks to Jivani.​



-- Improved some spells on NPCs in Firelands. Big thanks to Jivani.​

Mainly related to the mechanics to improve the AI fight.​


Spell fixes:

Fixed spell queue system:

-- The Spell queue system had a lot of improvements to be working much more retail-like now in the V16 VIP version.​

-- It includes a configuration in the Worldserver.conf where you can also enable/disable the Spell queue system yourself, depending on whether you want the Spell queue system to be running on your server or not.​


Misc Spell Fixes:

-- Don't double check LoS for instant cast spells, server update time diff spikes might make those fails.​

* Note: This fixes a lot of Line of Sight issues with spell casting throughout the entire world!​

-- Prevent parabolic splines and pet AI commands from interrupting pet's own MOTION_SLOT_CONTROLLED movements.​

Fixes #3 from https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/some-issues-and-bugs-v15-solo-vip-gold.8238/

-- Fix cases like ghoul leap being interrupt and stuff like that.​

- Implements SpellGroup stacking rules for SPELL_AURA_MOD_SPELL_POWER_PCT. fixes an issue regarding flametongue totem + totemic wrath incorrectly stacking.​

-- Fixes misc pet engage behavior on PetHandler and fixes Felguard Pursuit Spell.​

-- Rework GetAuraEffectOfRankedSpell: Will fix a lot of different spells/talents using this effect.​


Hunter Fixes:

-- Silencing shot and scatter shot should no longer ignore deterrence. Fixes #1 of https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/some-issues-and-bugs-v15-solo-vip-gold.8238/

-- Hunter pets should no longer cancel fear/distracted movement generators upon entering combat by auras that apply these effects.​

Fixes #2 of https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/some-issues-and-bugs-v15-solo-vip-gold.8238/

-- Hand of Salvation should no longer break Hunter's Camouflage.​

Fixes #4 of https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/some-issues-and-bugs-v15-solo-vip-gold.8238/

-- Hunter talent Entrapment should no longer ignore line of sight for activation.​

-- Hunter traps should now prioritize the target distance from the trap when choosing between multiple targets for activation (closest > farthest)​


Paladin Fixes:

-- Guardian Of Ancient Kings (Retribution) Should no longer attack targets under the effects of breakable by crowd control effects auras.​

Fixes #5 of https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/some-issues-and-bugs-v15-solo-vip-gold.8238/


Priest Fixes:

-- Glyph of Shadow should be able to be gained from minor inscription research. Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/glyph-of-shadow.8309/

-- Mind Control should not allow the target to freely move if it has a root or stun unit state.​

-- Shadow Orbs should once again proc properly from SWP and Mind Flay.​

-- Fixes Sin and Punishment cooldown reduction for Shadowfiend.​

-- Improvements to Echo of Light calcs, avoid some possible divisions by 0.​

-- Fixed Glyph of Shadow properly​

-- Fixed Strength of Soul​


Druid Fixes:

-- Using moonfire while Lunar Shower is active will now give lunar energy instead of solar energy if the lunar eclipse marker is active.​


Death Knight Fixes:

-- Death Rune-Converting spells should keep the death rune conversion even if they consume death runes in order to be casted.​

-- Fixed Magic Suppression​


Mage Fixes:

-- Improve ring of frost collision detection.​

-- Fixed Incanters Absorption​


Shaman & Totem Fixes:

-- Totemic Reach and Elemental Reach range/radius effects should now properly impact totems.​

-- Remove range and radius workaround for totems and just properly fix a fungal growth specific case that was breaking a bunch of other Radius related mods.​

-- Clean up a bit of the targetting logic of Searing Totem.​

-- Add familyflag fixes to grounding totem and totemic reach so that it can be properly affected by totemic reach.​


Core misc fixes:

- Item: Fixes item stack buy price in vendors.​

Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/buying-item-stacks-costs-you-x-times-the-actual-cost.8650/

- Implemented Currency Reset command​

- Fixed issues with being stuck - to prevent it from occuring.​

- Fixes Threat generation logic on tauntApply.​

Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/taunt-bug-aggro-threat.8547/


- Maps: Added some areaboundary structures.​

- Fixed possible crash related to charming​

- Maps: Fixes a crash when OnPlayerLeave hooks are called with while the players is logging out.​


- Fixed some arena bugs​

- Fixed some antispam abuse​

- Fixed some issues with arena teams & arena team members​

- Fixed some arena interface issues​

- Fixed an arena crash fix​


Quest fixes:

Legendary quests:

- Implemented the first part of the legendary questline for Daggers​

- Implemented the second part of the legendary questline for Daggers questlines​

- Implemented all the remaining chapters of the legendary questline for Daggers questlines​

- Added Firelands legendary staff trigger, proper quest_templates for Alliance & Horde version, and phasing for Ziradormi in Orgrimmar​


Goblin quests:

- The zone had a lot of improvements, both related to quests, misc related things such as cosmetic events, texts and more. Big thanks to Benja.​

Worgen quests:

- The same: The zone had a lot of improvements, both related to quests, misc related things such as cosmetic events, texts and more. Big thanks to Benja.​

Death Knight Zone:

- Had cosmetic fixes, some phasing and quest fixes. Big thanks to Benja.​


- Fixed Darkshore Quest (Timely Arrival) Damien​

- Fixed Darkshore quest (Ritual Materials) (Damien)​

- Fixed Darkshore quest (The Final Flame of Bashal'Aran) (Damien)​

- Fixed Sethekk Halls Quest (Brother Against Brother) (Damien)​


- Fixed Mount Hyjal quest (Flamebreaker) (Damien)​

- Added missing Poi for Hyjal Quest "Guardians of Hyjal: Firelands Invasion!" damien​

- Fixed Stormwind Quest "A Villain Unmasked" - Damien:​

- Fixed missing quests in Hinterlands (Summit of Fate) -- Alliance​


- Hyjal quest fix (Graduation Speech). Big thanks to Banni:​

- Fixes related to Quest ID 12644. Big thanks to Banni:​

- Fix quest ID 11570. Big thanks to Banni:​


Misc and NPC fixes:

- Fixed Darkshore NPC: "Kyndri" missing - Damien​

- Added cosmetic text event for Ysera in Mount Hyjal - Damien​

- Fixed some npcflags for npcs which should not have gossip - Damien​

- Handle Miasma of Terror remove via spell_area (mount hyjal) - Damien​


- Added missing sql part for the Hyjal Achievement "King Of The Spider Hill" - Damien​

- Some emote cleanup in Stonetalon Mountain - Damien​

- Fixed wrong emote from Darkshopre Npc: Tharnariun Treetender - Damien​

- A lot of npcflag creature corrections - Damien​


- Emote cleanup in Stonetalon Mountain - Damien​

- Adjusted phasing for Bann Bronzebeard in Uldum - Damien​

- Fixed duplicate spawn of Spirit Healers in Ashenvale (near Astranaar) - Damien​


- Creatures of the Eco Dome fix. Big thanks to Orangefire:​

- Heroic SFK Frantic Geist Fix. Big thanks to Orangefire:​

- Mob Level Fixes through dungeons. Big thanks to Orangefire:​


Big thanks to all the contributors, who helps the goal of making the repack become as blizzlike as possible.​

Best Regards,
ExO & Emucoach team,
Thank you!