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Changelog MoP VIP 5 Version Repack - CHANGELOG LIST | Mists of Pandaria VIP Release | Emucoach



This includes the changelog for the Mists of Pandaria VIP 5.0 repack that just got released.

You can prepare for the release, and obtain access for 22 USD by clicking here.

Changelog (Note, this is from version 5.0 - the latest MoP VIP version)

Get access to the release by becoming Premium here:


MoP VIP Repack Version 5.0 - Changelog list:



-- Version 5.0 includes a major amount of important Playerbot improvements and rewrites, as well as certain blizzlike fixes.​

Playerbot related (most important ones):

- Fix multiple crashes resulting in the server being unstable when setting a high amount of bots.​

- Fix some issues with bots ending up without gear.​

- Fix bots adding gems to their equipment that they lack the requirements for.​

- Fix health regeneration being too slow.​

- Fix an issue where bots would lose their specialization on leveling up.​

- Added bot paths to Ragefire Chasm​

- Improved stability by improvements on server diff (latency/lag) and memory leaks​

- Fix some issues with bot casting and caster combat movement​

For the last few weeks, we have been working on Playerbots version 2. It consists of multiple implemented, in progress, and potential future changes:​

- Bot Configuration:​

* Simpler bot management through gossip menus (Future)​

* Porting bot city, dueling, BG related configurations into the database to allow manual configuration (WIP)​

* More complex bot database rotations, including control over bot movement and many other things (WIP)​

- Bot Movement:​

* Creating paths across zones through a single request (Done)​

* Allow the caching of bot path connections to avoid high diff when bots calculate path connections every server launch (Done)​

* Traveling nodes like flight masters/portals/transports to allow traveling faster and between maps (Future)​

- Bot objective management:​

* New bot objective management system that allows the implementation of more complex behavior for dungeons, BGs, and potentially open-world bots doing more than simply farming mobs. (Done)​

- Better BG strategies (WIP)​

- Better dungeon/raid strategies (WIP)​

Blizzlike related:

- Fixed a possible crash during Aura update​

- Removed wrong keristrasza spawn on razorfen downs. The dragon event where she helps to battle against death speaker blackthorne wasnt added until WoD.​

- Ignite should not benefit from done pct damage mods as to not double dip on the calcs.
* Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/fire-mages-are-broken.13062/

- Fix an issue with ignite formula wrongfully counting the amount of remaining ticks after a refresh.​

- Fix ragefire chasm and deadmine dungeons not rewarding players at the end of the random dungeon finder. Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/forums/thr...ungeons-as-finished-and-giving-rewards.10315/

- Major update to Cataclysm creatures:
* Fixed damage value of most cataclysm creatures.​

* Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/cataclysm-scaling-is-way-too-messed-up.13134/

* And
* https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/cataclysm-npcs-very-powerful.10216/

- Fix some creatures spawning with 1 hp due to missing or mismatching creature_class_level_stats data.
* Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/alterac-valley-broken-all-npcs-have-1-hp.12999/

- Fixes Enduring Elixir of Wisdom
* https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/enduring-elixir-of-wisdom.10336/

- Fixed an issue with East asian strings at character creation​


As always - Big thanks to all the supporters, who help with the goal of making the repack become as blizzlike as possible.​

Best Regards,
ExO & Emucoach team,


Verified Member

Porting bot city, dueling, BG related configurations into the database to allow manual configuration (WIP)

How to do that one?



Trial Member
Is there a limit on the number of online players? How many players can log in at most?

real player

This includes the changelog for the Mists of Pandaria VIP 5.0 repack that just got released.

You can prepare for the release, and obtain access for 22 USD by clicking here.

Changelog (Note, this is from version 5.0 - the latest MoP VIP version)

Get access to the release by becoming Premium here:

View attachment 3251

MoP VIP Repack Version 5.0 - Changelog list:



-- Version 5.0 includes a major amount of important Playerbot improvements and rewrites, as well as certain blizzlike fixes.​

Playerbot related (most important ones):

- Fix multiple crashes resulting in the server being unstable when setting a high amount of bots.​

- Fix some issues with bots ending up without gear.​

- Fix bots adding gems to their equipment that they lack the requirements for.​

- Fix health regeneration being too slow.​

- Fix an issue where bots would lose their specialization on leveling up.​

- Added bot paths to Ragefire Chasm​

- Improved stability by improvements on server diff (latency/lag) and memory leaks​

- Fix some issues with bot casting and caster combat movement​

For the last few weeks, we have been working on Playerbots version 2. It consists of multiple implemented, in progress, and potential future changes:​

- Bot Configuration:​

* Simpler bot management through gossip menus (Future)​

* Porting bot city, dueling, BG related configurations into the database to allow manual configuration (WIP)​

* More complex bot database rotations, including control over bot movement and many other things (WIP)​

- Bot Movement:​

* Creating paths across zones through a single request (Done)​

* Allow the caching of bot path connections to avoid high diff when bots calculate path connections every server launch (Done)​

* Traveling nodes like flight masters/portals/transports to allow traveling faster and between maps (Future)​

- Bot objective management:​

* New bot objective management system that allows the implementation of more complex behavior for dungeons, BGs, and potentially open-world bots doing more than simply farming mobs. (Done)​

- Better BG strategies (WIP)​

- Better dungeon/raid strategies (WIP)​

Blizzlike related:

- Fixed a possible crash during Aura update​

- Removed wrong keristrasza spawn on razorfen downs. The dragon event where she helps to battle against death speaker blackthorne wasnt added until WoD.​

- Ignite should not benefit from done pct damage mods as to not double dip on the calcs.​

* Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/fire-mages-are-broken.13062/

- Fix an issue with ignite formula wrongfully counting the amount of remaining ticks after a refresh.​

- Fix ragefire chasm and deadmine dungeons not rewarding players at the end of the random dungeon finder. Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/forums/thr...ungeons-as-finished-and-giving-rewards.10315/

- Major update to Cataclysm creatures:​

* Fixed damage value of most cataclysm creatures.​

* Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/cataclysm-scaling-is-way-too-messed-up.13134/

* And​

* https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/cataclysm-npcs-very-powerful.10216/

- Fix some creatures spawning with 1 hp due to missing or mismatching creature_class_level_stats data.​

* Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/alterac-valley-broken-all-npcs-have-1-hp.12999/

- Fixes Enduring Elixir of Wisdom​

* https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/enduring-elixir-of-wisdom.10336/

- Fixed an issue with East asian strings at character creation​


As always - Big thanks to all the supporters, who help with the goal of making the repack become as blizzlike as possible.​

Best Regards,
ExO & Emucoach team,

Password is incorrect.


Verified Member

Cela inclut le journal des modifications du repack Mists of Pandaria VIP 5.0 qui vient de sortir.

Vous pouvez préparer la sortie et obtenir un accès pour 22 USD en cliquant ici.

Journal des modifications (Remarque, il s'agit de la version 5.0 - la dernière version de MoP VIP )

Accédez à la version en devenant Premium ici :

View attachment 3251

MoP VIP Repack Version 5.0 - Liste du journal des modifications :


Joueurs de bots :

-- La version 5.0 inclut un grand nombre d'améliorations et de réécritures importantes de Playerbot, ainsi que certains correctifs de type blizzlike.​

Concernant le Playerbot (les plus importants) :

- Correction de plusieurs crashs entraînant une instabilité du serveur lors de la configuration d'un grand nombre de robots.​

- Correction de quelques problèmes avec les robots se rétrouvant sans équipement.​

- Correction des robots ajoutant des gemmes à leur équipement pour lesquels ils ne répondent pas aux exigences.​

- Correction d'une régénération de santé trop lente.​

- Correction d'un problème où les robots perdaient leur spécialisation en passant au niveau supérieur.​

- Ajout de chemins de robots vers Ragefire Chasm​

- Stabilité améliorée grâce à des améliorations sur les différences du serveur (latence/lag) et les fuites de mémoire​

- Correction de quelques problèmes avec le lancement des robots et les mouvements de combat des lanceurs de sortes​

Depuis quelques semaines, nous travaillons sur la version 2 de Playerbots. Elle comprend de multiples modifications implémentées, en cours et potentielles futures :​

-Configuration du robot :​

* Gestion des robots plus simple via des menus de potins (Futur)​

* Portage des configurations liées à Bot City, Dueling et BG dans la base de données pour permettre une configuration manuelle (WIP)​

* Rotations de bases de données de robots plus complexes, y compris le contrôle des mouvements des robots et bien d'autres choses (WIP)​

- Mouvement des robots :​

* Création de chemins à travers les zones via une seule requête (Terminé)​

* Autoriser la mise en cache des connexions des chemins des robots pour éviter des différences élevées lorsque les robots calculent les connexions des chemins à chaque lancement du serveur (Terminé)​

* Nœuds de voyage comme les maîtres de vol/portails/transports pour permettre de voyager plus rapidement et entre les cartes (Futur)​

- Gestion des objectifs du Bot :​

* Nouveau système de gestion des objectifs des robots qui permet la mise en œuvre d'un comportement plus complexe pour les donjons, les BG et vraisemblablement les robots du monde ouvert faisant plus que simplement cultiver des foules. (Fait)​

- Meilleures stratégies BG (WIP)​

- De meilleures stratégies de donjon/raid (WIP)​

En rapport avec Blizzlike :

- Correction d'un éventuel crash lors de la mise à jour d'Aura​

- Suppression du mauvais spawn de keristrasza sur les bas de Razorfen. L'événement dragon où elle aide à lutter contre la mort, le haut-parleur Blackthorne, n'a été ajouté qu'à WoD.​

- Ignite ne devrait pas bénéficier des mods de dégâts PCT effectués afin de ne pas doubler les calculs.​

* Correctifs https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/fire-mages-are-broken.13062/

- Correction d'un problème avec la formule d'allumage comptant à tort le nombre de ticks restants après une actualisation.​

- Correction du gouffre de ragefire et des donjons morts-vivants qui ne récompensaient pas les joueurs à la fin de l'outil de recherche de donjon aléatoire. Correctifs https://www.emucoach.com/forums/thr...ungeons-as-finished-and-giving-rewards.10315/

- Mise à jour majeure des créatures de Cataclysm :​

* Correction de la valeur des dégâts de la plupart des créatures du cataclysme.​

* Correctifs https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/cataclysm-scaling-is-way-too-messed-up.13134/


* https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/cataclysm-npcs-very-powerful.10216/

- Correction de certaines créatures apparaissant avec 1 HP en raison de données de créature_class_level_stats manquantes ou incompatibles.​

* Correctifs https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/alterac-valley-broken-all-npcs-have-1-hp.12999/

- Corrige l'élixir de sagesse durable​

* https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/enduring-elixir-of-wisdom.10336/

- Correction d'un problème avec les chaînes d'Asie de l'Est lors de la création du personnage​


Comme toujours - Un grand merci à tous les supporters, qui contribuent à rendre le repack aussi blizzly que possible.​

L'équipe ExO & Emucoach,
Commande télécharger ?


Veteran Member
Here are the reasons I renewed:

- Fix multiple crashes resulting in the server being unstable when setting a high amount of bots.​

- Improved stability by improvements on server diff (latency/lag) and memory leaks​

- Fix some issues with bot casting and caster combat movement​



Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
I can't believe how well everything works it is amazing how much work you (the team) put in it these projects cate and mop are absolutly no word for this. just thank you please live forever


Gold Supporter
Thank you very much for this repack!
I have only a question: can you put all wild battle pet in the world? And, if possible, activate the quests por battle pet trainers?


MoP Premium
Verified Member

This includes the changelog for the Mists of Pandaria VIP 5.0 repack that just got released.

You can prepare for the release, and obtain access for 22 USD by clicking here.

Changelog (Note, this is from version 5.0 - the latest MoP VIP version)

Get access to the release by becoming Premium here:

View attachment 3251

MoP VIP Repack Version 5.0 - Changelog list:



-- Version 5.0 includes a major amount of important Playerbot improvements and rewrites, as well as certain blizzlike fixes.​

Playerbot related (most important ones):

- Fix multiple crashes resulting in the server being unstable when setting a high amount of bots.​

- Fix some issues with bots ending up without gear.​

- Fix bots adding gems to their equipment that they lack the requirements for.​

- Fix health regeneration being too slow.​

- Fix an issue where bots would lose their specialization on leveling up.​

- Added bot paths to Ragefire Chasm​

- Improved stability by improvements on server diff (latency/lag) and memory leaks​

- Fix some issues with bot casting and caster combat movement​

For the last few weeks, we have been working on Playerbots version 2. It consists of multiple implemented, in progress, and potential future changes:​

- Bot Configuration:​

* Simpler bot management through gossip menus (Future)​

* Porting bot city, dueling, BG related configurations into the database to allow manual configuration (WIP)​

* More complex bot database rotations, including control over bot movement and many other things (WIP)​

- Bot Movement:​

* Creating paths across zones through a single request (Done)​

* Allow the caching of bot path connections to avoid high diff when bots calculate path connections every server launch (Done)​

* Traveling nodes like flight masters/portals/transports to allow traveling faster and between maps (Future)​

- Bot objective management:​

* New bot objective management system that allows the implementation of more complex behavior for dungeons, BGs, and potentially open-world bots doing more than simply farming mobs. (Done)​

- Better BG strategies (WIP)​

- Better dungeon/raid strategies (WIP)​

Blizzlike related:

- Fixed a possible crash during Aura update​

- Removed wrong keristrasza spawn on razorfen downs. The dragon event where she helps to battle against death speaker blackthorne wasnt added until WoD.​

- Ignite should not benefit from done pct damage mods as to not double dip on the calcs.​

* Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/fire-mages-are-broken.13062/

- Fix an issue with ignite formula wrongfully counting the amount of remaining ticks after a refresh.​

- Fix ragefire chasm and deadmine dungeons not rewarding players at the end of the random dungeon finder. Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/forums/thr...ungeons-as-finished-and-giving-rewards.10315/

- Major update to Cataclysm creatures:​

* Fixed damage value of most cataclysm creatures.​

* Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/cataclysm-scaling-is-way-too-messed-up.13134/

* And​

* https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/cataclysm-npcs-very-powerful.10216/

- Fix some creatures spawning with 1 hp due to missing or mismatching creature_class_level_stats data.​

* Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/alterac-valley-broken-all-npcs-have-1-hp.12999/

- Fixes Enduring Elixir of Wisdom​

* https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/enduring-elixir-of-wisdom.10336/

- Fixed an issue with East asian strings at character creation​


As always - Big thanks to all the supporters, who help with the goal of making the repack become as blizzlike as possible.​

Best Regards,
ExO & Emucoach team,


Verified Member
Does anyone know if someone is running any of these MoP repacks on a public server so I can see what it is all about? I would like to give it a try.


MoP Premium
I bought vip /mop How long does it takes to get the key for the repack ? I thought it was handeled right away ?