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Changelog MoP VIP 4 Version Repack - CHANGELOG LIST | Mists of Pandaria VIP Release | Emucoach



This includes the changelog for the Mists of Pandaria VIP 4.0 repack that coming shortly. See the countdown by clicking

You can prepare for the release, and obtain access for 22 USD by clicking here.

Changelog (Note, this is from version 4.0 - the latest MoP VIP version)

Get access to the release by becoming Premium here:


MoP VIP Repack Version 4.0 - Changelog list:



-- In Version 4, the Emucoach team has really done a lot of updates in order to improve the Playerbots, so that you can get the highest amount of quality gameplay. The specific updates can be found down below:​

- Added Pathing to the Playerbots for Open World in the following zones:​

-- Jade Forest​

-- Valley of the Four Winds​

-- Isle of Thunder​

-- Kun-Lai Summit​

-- Valley of Eternal Blossoms​

-- Dread Wastes​

-- Townlong Steppes​

-- Timeless Isle​

-- Draenei starting sone​

-- Blood Elf starting zone​

-- Tauren staring zone​

-- Mulgore (Level 5-10)​

-- Ghostlands​

-- Southern Barrens​

-- Redridge Mountains​

-- Westfall​

-- Duskwood​

- Increased the maximum Playerbots support from 500 to 5000.​

This means that you can now have 5000 active Playerbots ingame, instead of only 500!​

- Added a new system for dynamically populating the world with bots, loading the data from the database​

- Implemented a few bot dungeon strategies for Pandaria dungeon bosses, to prevent them from wiping as much as before, and to play more authentic now.​

- Fixed issues with alt bots being stuck out of the world after completing a dungeon​

- Fixed an issue with bots queuing for LFG not being considered as in use​

- Improve the way bots are spread around the player when following​

- Fix Playerbots keeping their XP bar when being set to a different level​

- Fix Death Knight bots being set to a level below their starting level​

- Fix Hunter Pets for the Hunter Bots​

- Implemented new arena bots strategies, so they will focus on the player with the lowest health on the opposite team​

- Fix issues caused by bots casting spells differently to regular players​

- Fix brawlgar arena blat summons speed​

- Added missing class race combinations for bots​

- Fixed an issue with bots interrupting their out-of-combat spells​

- Fixed issues with players being able to make bots inside of arenas and BGs logout​

- Fixed a path issue on Playerbots​

- Added console output for bot system setup on startup​

- Fixed a bug with bots being filled too much into BGs​

- Converted some errors upon load-up to warnings.​

- Fixed an issue with bots having spells of higher levels than they actually are​

- Made a lot of Bot AI Spec reworks based on the following topic:​

-- https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/★-playerbots-missing-spells-rotation-updated-to-v3-★.9947/.​

* This includes the following spell rotation changes:​

- SPECS COMBAT + SUBTETLY (assassination is actually using it correctly)​

- Rogues have to use poison which is their principal damage source​

- Should use Deadly Poison. - (actually, it's not used)​

- Should use Preparation - (actually it's not used)​


-- Should use Vendetta on CD - (actually it's not used)​


-- Should not use dagger only mace and axe due to Combat Potency - (actually it's not used)​

-- should use Blade Flurry while fighting 3+ enemy - (actually it's not used)​


-- Should use Renewing Mist (id : 115151) on CD - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Revival (id 115310) - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Chi Wave (id 115098) on CD - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Surging Mist (id 116694) while casting Soothing Mist (id 115175) for greater heal on mono target - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Life Cocoon (id 116849) on PV < 30% - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Thunder Focus Tea (id 116680) on CD - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Chi Brew (id 115399) on CD - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Expel Harm (id 115072) on CD - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Blackout Kick (id 100787) to maintain 100% uptime on the Serpent's Zeal self-buff that it applies - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use (id 100887) Tiger Palm (which costs 1 Chi), to maintain 100% uptime on the Tiger Power self-buff; - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Rushing jade wind on tier 6 talents since Chi torpedo is too complex to use for bots Rushing Jade Wind (id 116847) - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Rushing jade wind on aoe healing Rushing Jade Wind (116847) - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use tea of mana when mana < 50% or mana tea stack > 15 Mana Tea (id 115294) - (actually it's not used)​

-- Take maximum advantage of Eminence and Serpent's Zeal bystaying in melee range of the boss for as long as possible, dealing damage. - (actually it's not used)​


-- Should use Fists of Fury on cooldown (133656) - (actually it's not used on CD)​

-- Should use Tiger Power, refresh every 20 sec - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Tigereye Brew (116740) should be used whenever you have 10 or more stacks - (actually it's used with 5 stacks)​

-- Should use Touch of Karma (122470) on target in critical life moments - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Fortifying Brew (115203) for increase life in critical life moments like 20% pv - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Storm, Earth, and Fire (137639) on AOE- (actually it's not used)​

-- Should Use Expel Harm on CD - (actually it's not used)​


-- Should use Tiger Power, refresh every 20 sec - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Purifying Brew for remove aura "HEAVY STAGGER" on self (spell id 124273) - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Fortifying Brew (115203) for increase life in critical life moments like 20% pv - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Elusive Brew should be used with 8+ stack- (actually it's not used)​

-- Should Use Expel Harm on CD - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should Use Breath of Fire DoT up on 3+targets - (actually it's not used)​


-- Should change for talent Incarnation: Chosen of Elune instead of Soul of the Forest on tier 4 since is too complex to perform for bot​

-- Should use Incarnation: Chosen of Elune on CD - (actually it's not used on CD)​

-- Should use Celestial Alignment on CD - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Nature's Vigil on CD - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should useTranquility as raid cooldown if raid pv down to < 30% - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Rejuvenation on self when health < 50% and debuff missing - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Healing Touch on self if health < 30% - (actually it's not used)​


-- Should use Mangle (id 33878) on CD / PRINCIPAL ABILITIES - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Thrash on CD / PRINCIPAL ABILITIES - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Swipe on cooldown on 3+ targets - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Survival Instincts for reduce damage in critical life moments < 20% pv - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Savage Defense if rage > 80 (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Berserk on cd - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Healing Touch with proc of Dream of Cenarius (id 145162)​


-- Should use ALWAYS DOT PLAYERS WITH rejuvenation Rejuvenation (id 774) on < 90% pv (! IMPORTANT)​

-- Should use Ironbark on target or self when health down to -40%​


-- Should use Guardian of Ancient Kings Icon Guardian of Ancient Kings when life < 50 % (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Ardent Defender Icon Ardent Defender when life < 20% pv (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Avenging Wrath Icon Avenging Wrath on CD (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Eternal Flame Icon Eternal Flame when life < 70 % or with 3+ stacks of Bastion of Glory Icon Bastion of Glory (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Lay on Hands Icon Lay on Hands in critical life moments like 10% pv if Divine Shield Icon Divine Shield is on cooldown​

-- Should use Hammer of Wrath Icon Hammer of Wrath on CD (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Seal of Insight Icon Seal of Insight (actually seal of truth is used and it's bad for tanking)​

-- Should use Holy Avenger Icon Holy Avenger on cd (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Hammer of the Righteous Icon Hammer of the Righteous instead of Crusader Strike Icon Crusader Strike for 3+ ennemy​


-- Should use Lay on Hands Icon Lay on Hands in critical life moments like 10% pv if Divine Shield Icon Divine Shield is on cooldown - (actually it's not used on CD)​

-- Should use Flash of Light Icon Flash of Light if life < 20% - (actually it's not used on CD)​


-- Should use a pet​

-- Should use Deterrence when health < 30% (actually it's not used)​


-- Should use Stampede on cd - (actually it's not used on CD)​

-- Should use Deterrence when health < 30% (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use a pet​


-- Should use Stampede on cd (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use a pet​

-- Should use Deterrence when health < 30% (actually it's not used)​


-- Cast Pyroblast when Pyroblast! and Heating Up are up.​

-- Cast Inferno Blast when Heating Upprocs and Inferno Blast is off cooldown.​

-- When moving, cast Scorch instead of Fireball.​

-- Cast Evocation (spell id 12051) for Refresh Invoker's Energy every 60 secs​


-- Should use Frost Armor Icon Frost Armor​

-- Should use Ice Lance Icon Ice Lance with 1 or 2 charges of Fingers of Frost Icon Fingers of Frost (! IMPORTANT)​

-- Should use Evocation Icon Evocation (spell id 12051) for Refresh Invoker's Energy Icon Invoker's Energy every 60 secs (! IMPORTANT)​


-- Should use Mage Armor Icon Mage Armor​

-- Should use Arcane Explosion Icon Arcane Explosion' instead of blizzard on 3+ targets​

-- Should use Evocation (spell id 12051) for Refresh Invoker's Energy every 60 secs (! IMPORTANT)​

Frost DK

-- Should use Army of the Dead on CD​

-- Should use Anti-Magic Shell on CD​

-- Should use Death Grip when ennemy is out of melee range​

-- Should use Death Strike when life < 30 %​

-- Should use Icebound Fortitude when life < 30%​

-- Should use Strangulate for decast ennemy spell​


-- Should use Unholy Frenzy Icon Unholy Frenzy on CD​

-- Should use Summon Gargoyle Icon Summon Gargoyle on CD​

-- Should use Army of the Dead Icon Army of the Dead on CD​

-- Should use Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell on CD​

-- Should use Death Grip Icon Death Grip when ennemy is out of melee range​

-- Should use Death Strike Icon Death Strike when life < 30 %​

-- Should use Icebound Fortitude Icon Icebound Fortitude when life < 30%​

-- Should use Strangulate Icon Strangulate for decast ennemy spell​

-- Should use Death and Decay Icon Death and Decay for AOE​


-- Should use Rune Tap when life < 50%.​

-- Should use Vampiric Blood when life <40%​

-- Should use Icebound Fortitude when life < 30%​

-- Should use Strangulate for decast ennemy spell​

-- Should use Death and Decay for AOE​

-- Should use Army of the Dead on CD​

-- Should use Anti-Magic Shell on CD​

-- Should use Death Grip when ennemy is out of melee range​

-- Should use Blood Boil with procs of Crimson Scourge​


-- Should use Lightning Shield Icon Lightning Shield instead of water shied​

-- Should use Earth Shock Icon Earth Shock with 6 or 7 charges of Lightning Shield​

-- Should use Healing Surge Icon Healing Surge for critical life < 30%​


-- Should use Lightning Shield instead of water shied​

-- Should use Feral Spirit Icon Feral Spirit on CD​

-- Should use Fire Nova on 2+ ennemy​

-- Should use Stormblast Icon Stormblast during Ascendance Icon Ascendance​


-- Should use Curse of the Elements against any new target​

-- Should use Unending Resolve when life < 40%​

-- Should use with procs of Molten Core.​


-- Should use Curse of the Elements against any new target​

-- Should use Shadowburn on CD​

-- Should use Rain of Fire on aoe​

-- Should use Fire and Brimstone against 5+ ennemy​

-- Should use Unending Resolve when life < 40%​


-- Use Drain Soul instead of Malefic Grasp on target below 20% pv​

-- Should use Curse of the Elements against any new target​

-- Should use Unending Resolve when life < 40%​


-- Should use Chakra: Sanctuary Icon Chakra: Sanctuary​

-- Should use Circle of Healing Icon Circle of Healing on CD​

-- Should use Holy Word: Sanctuary Icon Holy Word: Sanctuary on CD​

-- Should use Lightwell on CD​

-- Should use Shadowfiend on CD​

-- Should use Hymn of Hope if mana < 20 %​


-- Should use Shadowfiend on CD​

-- Should use Dispersion Icon Dispersion on critical life < 10% pv​

-- Should Use Vampiric Embrace Icon Vampiric Embrace on critical life moments < 40% pv​

-- Should use Power Word: Shield when life < 60%​

-- Should use Prayer of Mending when life < 30%​

-- Should Use Renew when life < 30%​


-- Should Use Archangel Icon Archangel with 5 stack of Evangelism Icon Evangelism​

-- Should use Penance Icon Penance on cooldown (dps rotation+ heal)​

-- Should use Power Word: Barrier Icon Power Word: Barrier when life < 30%​

-- Should use Pain Suppression Icon Pain Suppression when life < 20%​

-- Should use Inner Focus Icon Inner Focus on CD​

-- Should use Shadowfiend on CD​

-- Should use Hymn of Hope if mana < 20 %​

-- Should use Flash Heal instead of Heal. (He does when target is on low hp)​


With the V3, here are a total of the configuration possibilities for Playerbots and AHBot. (We have tried to make them more flexible, hence more options):​

#     PlayerBots.PlayerbotAmount
#     Set amount of playerbots logged in
#     Default - 500
#     Max 5000
#     0 - disable

PlayerBots.PlayerbotAmount = 500
PlayerBots.PlayerbotEnableAlts = 1
PlayerBots.PlayerbotEnableLfg = 1
PlayerBots.PlayerbotEnableBg = 1
PlayerBots.90MinItemLevelLfg = 480
PlayerBots.90MaxItemLevelLfg = 588
PlayerBots.90MinItemLevelBG = 480
PlayerBots.90MaxItemLevelBG = 588

PlayerBots.IdleAssignDelay = 125
PlayerBots.LoginDelay = 100

PlayerBots.DuelingAmount = 15
PlayerBots.CityAmount = 25
PlayerBots.ZoneAmount = 25

PlayerBots.DuelingMinLevel = 10
PlayerBots.DuelingMaxLevel = 90

PlayerBots.CityMinLevel = 1
PlayerBots.CityMaxLevel = 90

PlayerBots.OldOpenWorldBots = 0

PlayerBots.CopyMount = 0

#    AuctionHouseBot.DEBUG
#        Enable/Disable Debugging output
#    Default 0 (disabled)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DEBUG_FILTERS
#        Enable/Disable Debugging output from Filters
#    Default 0 (disabled)
#    AuctionHouseBot.EnableSeller
#        Enable/Disable the part of AHBot that puts items up for auction
#    Default 0 (disabled)
#    AuctionHouseBot.EnableBuyer
#        Enable/Disable the part of AHBot that buys items from players
#    Default 0 (disabled)
#    AuctionHouseBot.EnableBuyerNeutral
#        Wether or not the AHBot should buy auctions at the neutral auctionhouses. Allows players to transfer items
#        between factions (which is what the neutral auctionhouse is for) without the bot getting involved
#        NOTE: Only works if EnableBuyer is enabled
#    Default 0 (disabled - do not allow buying at neutral auctionhouse)
#    AuctionHouseBot.UseBuyPriceForSeller
#        Should the Seller use BuyPrice or SellPrice to determine Bid Prices
#    Default 0 (use SellPrice)
#    AuctionHouseBot.UseBuyPriceForBuyer
#        Should the Buyer use BuyPrice or SellPrice to determine Bid Prices
#    Default 0 (use SellPrice)
#    Auction House Bot character data
#        AuctionHouseBot.Account is the account number
#         (in realmd->account table) of the player you want to run
#         as the auction bot.
#        AuctionHouseBot.GUID is the GUID (in characters->characters table)
#         of the player you want to run as the auction bot.
#    Default: 0 (Auction House Bot disabled)
#    AuctionHouseBot.ItemsPerCycle
#        Number of Items to Add/Remove from the AH during mass operations
#    Default 200

AuctionHouseBot.DEBUG = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DEBUG_FILTERS = 0
AuctionHouseBot.EnableSeller = 1
AuctionHouseBot.EnableBuyer = 1
AuctionHouseBot.EnableBuyerNeutral = 0
AuctionHouseBot.UseBuyPriceForSeller = 0
AuctionHouseBot.UseBuyPriceForBuyer = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Account = 1
AuctionHouseBot.GUID = 279
AuctionHouseBot.ItemsPerCycle = 200

#    AuctionHouseBot.VendorItems
#        Include items that can be bought from vendors.
#    Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.VendorTradeGoods
#        Include Trade Goods that can be bought from vendors.
#    Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.LootItems
#        Include items that can be looted or fished for.
#    Default 1 (True)
#    AuctionHouseBot.LootTradeGoods
#        Include Trade Goods that can be looted or fished for.
#    Default 1 (True)
#    AuctionHouseBot.OtherItems
#        Include misc. items.
#    Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.OtherTradeGoods
#        Include misc. Trade Goods.
#    Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.Bonding_types
#        Indicates which bonding types to allow seller to put up for auction
#            No_Bind
#             Default 1 (True)
#            Bind_When_Picked_Up
#             Default 0 (False)
#            Bind_When_Equipped
#             Default 1 (True)
#            Bind_When_Use
#             Default 1 (True)
#            Bind_Quest_Item
#             Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisabledItems
#        Disable certain items that are usually unavailable to Players. List of ids separated by space
#    Default "21878 27774 27811 28117 28112" (PTR items)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisablePermEnchant
#        Disable Items with a Permanent Enchantment
#    Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableConjured
#        Disable Conjured Items
#    Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableGems
#        Disable Gems
#    Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableMoney
#        Disable Items that are used as money
#    Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableMoneyLoot
#        Disable Items that have Money as a loot
#    Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableLootable
#        Disable Items that have other items as loot
#    Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableKeys
#        Disable Items that are keys
#    Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableDuration
#        Disable Items with a duration
#    Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableBOP_Or_Quest_NoReqLevel
#        Disable items that are BOP or Quest Item
#        with a Required level that is less than the Item Level
#        (This prevents a level 10 with a level 60 weapon or armor)
#        (May need further refinement)
#    Default 0 (False)

AuctionHouseBot.VendorItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.VendorTradeGoods = 0
AuctionHouseBot.LootItems = 1
AuctionHouseBot.LootTradeGoods = 1
AuctionHouseBot.OtherItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.OtherTradeGoods = 0
AuctionHouseBot.No_Bind = 1
AuctionHouseBot.Bind_When_Picked_Up = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Bind_When_Equipped = 1
AuctionHouseBot.Bind_When_Use = 1
AuctionHouseBot.Bind_Quest_Item = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisablePermEnchant = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableConjured = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableGems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableMoney = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableMoneyLoot = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableLootable = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableKeys = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableDuration = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableBOP_Or_Quest_NoReqLevel = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisabledItems = "21878 27774 27811 28117 28112"
#     These Filters are boolean (0 or 1) and will disable items that are
#     specifically meant for the Class named.
#     (UnusedClass is Class 10, which was skipped for some reason)
#     Default 0 (allowed)

AuctionHouseBot.DisableWarriorItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisablePaladinItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableHunterItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableRogueItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisablePriestItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableDKItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableShamanItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableMageItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableWarlockItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableUnusedClassItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableDruidItems = 0

#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsBelowLevel
#        Prevent Seller from listing Items below this Level
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsAboveLevel
#        Prevent Seller from listing Items above this Level
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsBelowLevel
#        Prevent Seller from listing Trade Goods below this Level
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsAboveLevel
#        Prevent Seller from listing Trade Goods above this Level
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsBelowGUID
#        Prevent Seller from listing Items below this GUID
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsAboveGUID
#        Prevent Seller from listing Items above this GUID
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsBelowGUID
#        Prevent Seller from listing Trade Goods below this GUID
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsAboveGUID
#        Prevent Seller from listing Trade Goods above this GUID
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsBelowReqLevel
#        Prevent Seller from listing Items below this Required Level
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsAboveReqLevel
#        Prevent Seller from listing Items above this Required Level
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsBelowReqLevel
#        Prevent Seller from listing Trade Goods below this Required Level
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsAboveReqLevel
#        Prevent Seller from listing Trade Goods above this Required Level
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsBelowReqSkillRank
#        Prevent Seller from listing Items below this Required Skill Rank
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsAboveReqSkillRank
#        Prevent Seller from listing Items above this Required Skill Rank
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsBelowReqSkillRank
#        Prevent Seller from listing Trade Goods below this Required Skill Rank
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsAboveReqSkillRank
#        Prevent Seller from listing Trade Goods above this Required Skill Rank
#    Default 0 (Off)

AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsBelowLevel = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsAboveLevel = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsBelowLevel = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsAboveLevel = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsBelowGUID = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsAboveGUID = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsBelowGUID = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsAboveGUID = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsBelowReqLevel = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsAboveReqLevel = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsBelowReqLevel = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsAboveReqLevel = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsBelowReqSkillRank = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsAboveReqSkillRank = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsBelowReqSkillRank = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsAboveReqSkillRank = 0


Quest, Zone, Misc, and database fixes:

A lot of improvements have been made related to zones, quests, and misc-related things around the world. Below, you will find the changes:​


• Fixed correct questender npc for "Face To Face With Consequences" (Jade Forest).​

• Fixed Jade Forest Quest "Priorities!" (Phasing Issue).​

• Fixed wrong respawn timer for Hozen Groundpounder in Jade Forest.​

• Increased drop rate for "Fistful of Bird Guts" (Jade Forest Quest "Furious Fowl").​

• Fixed Jade Forest quest "Fire Is Always The Answer" allowing to get the questcredit more than once per ammunition used.​

• Fixed Ancient Mogu Statue parts being invisible once you finished Jade Forest quest "Seein Red".​

• Adjusted spawns and respawn timers for Jade Forest npc "Sha-Infested Prowler".​


• Fixed "Tushui Trainee" npc not sharing quest credit between players in the same group -> related to "The Lesson of Stifled Pride".​

• Fixed "The Lesson of the Burning Scroll" (Panda starting zone quest).​

• Reworked the entire phasing system for "The Dawning Valley, Pu's Fond, Cave of Meditation, Tranquil Grotto and Shang Xi Training Ground".​

• Quest "Aysa of the Tushui".​

• Quest "Items of Utmost Importance".​

• Quest "The Missing Driver".​

• Quest "The Way of the Tushui".​

• Quest "Kindling the Fire".​

• Quest ""Fanning the Flames".​

• Quest "The Spirit's Guardian".​

• Quest "Only the Worthy Shall Pass".​

• Quest "Huo, the Spirit of Fire" (including missing phasing).​

• Quest "The Passion of Shen-zin Su".​

• Quest chain "Finding Shu" including the entire phasing system for "The Singing Pools" Area (and all other areas involved into the quest chain).​

• Quest chain "Waking Wugou" including the entire phasing system.​

• Quest chain "Finding Dafeng" including the entire phasing system for "Morning Breeze Village" area (and all other areas involved in the quest chain).​

• Fixed Wandering Island's Quest "The Wood of Staves" including the entire phasing system.​

• Added cosmetic's to "Master Li Fei Fight" in Shrine of Inner-Light (bow emote and text upon defeating him).​

• Fixed Wandering Island's NPC "Tushui Monk" one shotting the player.​

• Fixed cosmetic phasing for Wandering Island's NPC "Jojo Ironbrow" during the quest chain.​

• Fixed a core crash related to the Wandering Isle quest "The Lesson of the Burning Scroll".​

• Phasing: Further adjustments to Wandering Isles phasing overall (especially related to the Masters Flame).​

• Fixed "Master Li Fei" being attackable during Wandering Isle quest "The Way of the Tushui".​

• Polished Wandering Isle phasing in "Cave of Mediation".​

• Removed 17 duplicate spawns in the Wandering Isle.​

• Fixed Nourished Yak and Carts not properly getting summoned to transport the player to the next area (The Dai-Lo Farmstead) required for Wandering Isle Quest "The Source of Our Livelihood".​

• Fixed Nourished Yak and Carts not properly getting summoned to transport the player to the next area (Temple of Five Dawn) required for Wandering Isle Quest "The Spirit and Body of Shen-Zin".​

• Fixed a server crash caused by The Wandering Isle npc "Shang Xi's Hot Air Balloon".​

• Properly rescripted The Wandering Isle Quest "Passing Wisdom".​


• Fixed Gilneas Quest "Evacuate the Merchant Square".​

• Added cosmetics (text, emotes) to Gilneas npc "Prince Liam Greymane".​

• Added combat AI script to Gilneas creatures: "Prince Liam Greymane, Gilneas City Guard, Rampaging Worgen".​

• Fixed class quests in Gilneas (hit a bloodfang worgen with steady shot, frost nova etc.).​

• Quest "By the Skin of His Teeth".​

• Quest "The Rebel Lord's Arsenal".​

• Quest "From the Shadows".​

• Quest "Save Krennan Aranas".​

• Quest "Sacrifices".​

• Quest "Last Stand".​

• Fixed cosmetic event after turning in Gilneas Quest "Last Stand".​

• Fixed Duskhaven Quest "You Can't Take 'Em Alone".​

• Fixed Duskhaven Quest "Save the Children!".​

• Quest "Two By Sea".​

• Quest "Leader of the Pack".​

• Quest "Gasping for Breath".​

• Quest "The Hungry Ettin".​

• Polished Phasing for Gilneas.​

• Quest "Grandma's Cat".​

• Quest "To Greymane Manor".​

• Quest "Exodus".​

• Quest "Stranded at the Marsh".​

• Quest "Instructions Are in Order".​

• Quest "Take Back What's Ours".​

• Fixed correct reward for Gilneas Quest "Neither Human Nor Beast" (Two Forms (racial)".​

• Fixed correct stealth aura upon using "Krennan's Potion of Stealth" - related to Gilneas Quest "Betrayal at Tempest's Reach".​

• Added combat scripts to "Baron Ashbory" and "Lord Walden" involved into Gilneas.​

• Quest "Betrayal at Tempest's Reach".​

• Quest "Flank the Forsaken".​

• Quest "Liberation Day".​

• Added combat scripts to "Brothogg the Slavemaster" involved into Gilneas Quest "Slaves to No One".​

• Quest "The Battle For Gilneas".​

• Quest "The Hunt For Sylvanas".​

• Quest "Slowing the Inevitable".​

• Quest "They Have Allies, But So Do We".​

• Quest "Rut'theran Village".​

• Fixed Gilneas npcs "Gilneas Survivors" wandering around instead of standing still.​

• Fixed Gilneas npcs "Duskhaven Watchman", "Forsaken Invader", "Bloodfang. Worgen" and "Gilnean Royal Guard" not engaging in combat until a player walks in their "line of sight".​

• Fixed Gilneas npc "Lord Godfrey" properly running his cosmetic event after turning in "Betrayal at Tempest's Reach" quest (he jumps off a cliff and dies).​

• Several improvements to Gilneas Quest "The Battle For Gilneas".​


• Fixed Phasing for Kezan Quest "447".​

• Correct Scene for Kezan Quest "Life Savings".​

• Correct teleport from Kezan to Lost Isles and fixed Lost Isles Quest "Don't Go Into The Light!".​

• Cosmetic reworks to Kezan & Lost Isles.​


• Quest "Goblin Escape Pods".​

• Quest "Monkey Business".​

• Fixed wrong phasing for gameobjects related to "Get Our Stuff Back".​

• Quest "Capturing the Unknown".​

• Quest "Miner Troubles".​

• Quest "Weed Whacker".​

• Quest "To the Cliffs".​

• Quest "Precious Cargo".​

• Quest "Warchief's Revenge".​

• Quest "Up, Up & Away!" including cosmetic pre event with Trade Prince Gallywix.​

• Quest "Town-In-A-Box" including phasing.​

• Quest "The Biggest Egg Ever".​

• Quest "A Goblin in Shark's Clothing".​

• Quest "Irresistible Pool Pony".​

• Added scripts to "Faceless of the Deep" creature related to Lost Isles Quest "Surrender or Else!".​

• Fixed phasing and cosmetics for Lost Isles Quest "Get Back To Town".​

• Quest "Town-In-A-box: Under Attack".​

• Added several cosmetics to creatures in "Town-In-A-Box".​

• Quest "Free The Captives".​

• Added script to "Yngwie" creature related to Lost Isles Quest "Send a Massage".​

• Fixed Phasing for Lost Isles Quest "Oomlot Dealt With".​

• Quest "Zombies vs. Super Booster Rocket Boots".​

• Quest "Volcanoth!".​

• Fixed phasing system for "Volcanoth!".​

• Quest "Old Friends".​

• Quest "The Pride Of Kezan".​

• Quest "Let's Ride".​

• Quest "Kaja'Cola gives you IDEAS! (TM)!.​

• Quest "Morale Boost".​

• Quest "Throw It On the Ground".​

• Quest "Wild Mine Cart Ride".​

• Added "Portal to Orgrimmar" on the Yacht before leaving to Lost Isles.​

• Quest "Release the Valves".​

• Quest "Good-bye, Sweet Oil".​

• Added AI Script to "Chip Endale" npc, related to Lost Isles Quest "What Kind of Name is Chip, Anyway?".​

• Quest "Escape Velocity".​

• Added AI Script to "Candy Cane" npc, related to Lost Isles Quest "She Loves Me, She Loves Me NOT!".​

• Quest "Final Confrontation".​

• Quest "Victory!".​

• Quest "Warchief's Emissary".​


• Corrected phasing for Orgrimmar's "The Art Of War" quest​


• Quest chains for Krasarang Wild's area "Zhu's Watch".​

• Quest "What's Eating Zhu's Watch?".​

• Quest "Finding Yi-Mo".​

• Quest "Cheer Up, Yi-Mo".​

• Quest "Borderlands".​

• Quest "Apply directly to the Forehead".​

• Quest "Zhu's Despair".​

• Quest "Into The Wilds".​

• Fixed correct areatrigger to receive Krasarang Wilds Quest "The Arcanic Oubliette".​

• Fixed Quest chain for Krasarang Wild Area "The Incursion".​

• Quest "The Pools of Youth" (including cosmetic event).​

• Quest "Immortality?" (cosmetic event).​

• Fixed Quest chain for Krasarang Wilds Area "Crane Wing Refuge".​

• Moved Krasarang Wilds Quest "Zhu's Despair" to C++ instead of SAI, to make it smoother.​

• Added waypoint movement to "Thunder Cleft Sunwalker" in Krasarang Wilds Area "Thunder Cleft".​

• Quest chain for Krasarang Wilds Area "Thunder Cleft".​

• Added "Kang Bramblestaff" escorting the player in Ruins of Dojan (Krasarang Wilds) and added cosmetics.​

• Quest "Life" Quest in Thunder Cleft (Close to blizzlike scene).​

• Added phasing to Krasarang Wilds Area "Thunder Cleft" (related to previous fix).​

• Quest "Unsafe Passage".​

• Quest "Sha Can Awe".​

• Quest "In The House of the Red Crane".​

• Quest "For the Tribe".​

• Quest chains for Krasarang Wilds Area "Dawnchaser Retreat".​

• Added combat scripts to creatures involved into Krasarang Wilds Quest "The Mantid".​

• Quest "The Stoneplow Convoy".​

• Quest "For Family".​


• Quest Chain for Valley of the Four Winds Area "Nesingwary's Safari".​

• Quest "Parental Mastery".​


• Quest "The Spring Drifter"​

• Added several cosmetics to Binan Village npc's in Kun-Lai Summit (emotes, waypoint movement, combat scripts)​

• Quest "Hit Medicine"​

• Fixed phasing for Kun-Lai Summit area "Binan Village"​

• Quest "Eastwind Rest"​

• Quest "Challenge Accepted"​

• Quest chain for Kun-Lai Summit area "Binan Village"​

• Quest chain for Kun-Lai Summit area "Eastwind Rest"​

• Quest "Round 'Em Up" (Alliance & Horde version)​

• Quest "Farmhand Freedom"​

• Added combat script to npc "Cookie McYaungol" involved into Kun-Lai Summit Quest "...and the Pot, too!"​

• Quest "Pandaren Prisoners"​

• Quest "Barrels of Fun"​

• Fixed correct scene trigger for alliance and horde (hub swap and phasing) after quest "Challenge Accepted" got rewarded.​

• Added combat scripts to all npc's inside "Fire Camp Ordo" - adjusted phasing aswell.​

• Fixed spawns, emotes, cosmetics for Kun-Lai Summit Area "One Keg".​

• Quest "Instant Courage".​

• Quest "Comin' Round the Mountain".​

• Quest "One Traveler's Misfortune".​

• Quest "Seeker's Folly".​

• Quest "The Tongue of Ba-Shon".​

• Fixed Kun-Lai Summit Taxipath for "Mishi" in Seeker's Folly.​

• Quest "Staying Connected".​

• Quest "Breaking the Emperor's Shield".​

• Quest "Stealing Their Thunder King".​

• Quest "Lessons from History" including correct cutscene.​

• Fixed Mishi's gossip and flight path for Kun-Lai Summit Quest "Fisherman's Tale".​

• Quest "Fisherman's Tale".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Begin Your Training: Master Cheng".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Practice Makes Perfect: Master Cheng".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Continue Your Training: Master Woo".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Practice Makes Perfect: Master Woo".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Continue Your Training: Master Kistane".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Practice Makes Perfect: Master Kistane".​

• Added missing "Zen Healing" phase to Training Grounds npc "Master Kistane".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Continue Your Training: Master Yoon".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Practice Makes Perfect: Master Yoon".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Continue Your Training: Master Cheng" (lvl 60).​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Practice Makes Perfect Master Cheng" (lvl 60).​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Continue Your Training: Master Tsang".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Practice Makes Perfect: Master Tsang".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Continue Your Training: Master Hsu's".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Practice Makes Perfect: Master Hsu's".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Complete Your Training: The Final Test".​


• Finished the entire rework of "Silverpine Forest", which includes spawns, combat AI, gossips, creature_text, npc_text, proper combatAI, random movement, waypoint movement, proper RP, proper quest scripting, quest chain orders & phasing.​


• Fixed Dread Wastes npc "Ai-Li Skymirror" being immune to stun, interrupt, casting "Unstable Serum" while she shouldn't & also fixed her "Chi Burst" not properly being casted.​


• Adjusted phasing for Eastern Plaguelands quest "Visitors".​

• Fixed 37 duplicated spawns in "Eastern Plaguelands".​

• Adjusted phasing for Eastern Plaguelands quest "Tarenar Sunstrike".​

• Added proper combatAI to Eastern Plaguelands npcs "Death's Step Putrifier" and "Death's Step Miscreation".​


• Quest "Mission Improbable".​

• Quest "We're Here to Do one Thing, maybe Two...".​


• Fixed Silithus npc "Calandrath" not properly updating the player's new hearthstone location, also adjusted her npc text.​


• Properly adjusted droprate for "Dark Iron Head" item required for Badlands quest "The Moron's League".​

• Adjusted quest chain for New Kargath npc "Rhea".​

• Fixed phasing for New Kargath npc "Rhea".​


• Fixed sha energy bar display of Grand Empress Shek' Zeer and now multiple windblades can fixate on the same target if free non-fixated targets are not available.​


• Adjusted respawntimer for "Fathom-Stome" gameobject.​


• Added cosmetics for "Darnell" in Tirisfal Glades.​


• Fixed Client Crash in "Azurelode Mine".​


• Npc's will now correctly deal the right amount of damage. (Basic Attacks).​


• Fixed Brawler's Guild Npc "Fran" not being visible.​


• Fixed Pet Trainer having messed up summons for "Beetle" and "Monkey", also added Crane.​

• Fixed Stormwind Rogue Trainer teaching Dual spec to every class.​

• Fixed "Aysa Cloudsinger" randomly floating in the air.​

• Fixed proper spellschool for Mindbender npc.​

• Adjusted Garrosh Hellscream, Honor Guards, Ishi, Beige Sugar, T16 vendors, and Miss Jadepaw being visible to players (Shrine of Two Moons).​


• Adjusted maxcount for Mists Of Pandaria Herb's (Drop amount).​

• Adjusted maxcount for Mists Of Pandaria Ore's (Drop amount) - only Kyparite and Ghost Iron Ore.​



• Fixed an issue with loading the honor/conquest reward values for first win/lose of the day.​

• Rated BGs will now grant 192 rating gain per win instead of 96, up until 1500 rating.​

• Fixed an issue that could cause a speed desync of pet speed when their owner is out of combat in a battleground/arena.​

• Corrected Shadow Sight spawn location in Blades Edge arena.​

• Fixed Shadow Sight (Arenas) recently showing as a buff, whle it should be a debuff​

• Define spells which should get removed upon entering the arena.​


• Fixes an occasional behavior with periodic triggered channeled spellcasts, that was causing some of these spells to not get their last spell cast at the aura last tick. (Like penance only ticking 2 times instead of 3, even though the spell has channeled for its entire duration).​

• Fully fixed recent spellqueue issue of being able to queue up locked spells.​

• Fixed cc's getting applied with a weird 1000ms delay.​


• Implemented AHBot for Version 4!​

• Fixed the Autobroadcast system for Version 4!​

• Removed Dampening Effects from Raids.​

• Fixed client crashes after using Transports (Boat's, Zeppelin's etc.).​

• Optimized some MoP scripts.​

• Implemented Glyphhandler -> you are no longer able to equip Glyph's that require a specific spec while having another spec active. (e.g no longer equip Demonology Warlock Glyphs while having Destruction spec active.​

• Having the same enchantment on both weapons will no longer proc them permanently.​

• Implemented a mechanic/function to make Vehicle scripting easier in the future.​

• Implemented follower list and allow follow angles to be chosen based on the amount of followers.​

• Further polishing towards the entire pet system.​

• Correctly fixed AoELoot now stacking up the same items dropped my multiple npc's in the AoeLoot range.​

• Added missing change to MMap path calculation for ConfusedMovementGenerator, will fix issues such as blind and scatter shot occasionally dropping people under the map terrain.​

• Fixed guild members randomly getting kicked out of guilds if they had fully maxed profession while joining.​

• Removed 382 overall duplicated npcs in different low-lvl areas (pre pandaria).​

• Players under the effect of Convert can now be attacked.​

• Improve pathfinding for underwater environments. Charge should now be able to be used and underwater creatures can now chase targets properly.​

• Fixed achievement comparing.​

• Improvement on the knockback destination calculation, fixes (maybe?) a bug where it might cause players to fall trough the terrain (experimental)​

• Added some misc LFG dungeon reward credit checks on Coren Direbrew and Headless horseman scripts. (Elioth).​

• Noise Canceling Zones for Force and Verve had their effectiveness adjusted to match spell DBC data.​

• Fixes an issue with character creation.​

• base haste should be additive to aura mods, not multiplicative.​

• Updated Min/Max base damage for 292 creatures.​

• Pets and Guardians should now prefer attacking non-player/non-guardian/non-pets targets from behind.​

• Implements client movement time sync. Fixes weird behavor of players teleporting while moving even with near zero latency.​

• Some extra changes to movements.​

• Fixed a server crash related to worgen form​

• Fixed Mogu'Shan Palace "Harthak Stormcaller" npc's not following when you LoS them​

• Fixed a Playerbot mounting crash​

• Temporarily fixed a crash related to Crossroads Caravan quest (hack)​

• Fix a Guild bank gold loading flow​

• Improved Bot behaviro for Shadopan Monastery​

• Fixed some translations​

• Updated Throne of Thunder strategies for Council and Horridon encounter​

• Repaired bot armor on respawn​

• Implemented DB rotation loading for bots​

• Some playerbot aura improvements​

• Movement:​

* Switch all movement packet handling from THREADSAFE to INPLACE for faster handling.​



Core main fixes (Classes/Spells, Instances & Raids):

In this section, a lot of work related to spells, general mechanics, etc, has been added.​


• Fixed Deathknight Glyph "Glyph Of The Geist" -> your Ghoul will now correctly transform into a Geist while using the glyph.​


• Fixed Shaman Glyph "Glyph Of Flaming Serpents".​

• Fixed Shaman Glyph "Glyph of Spirit Raptors".​


• Fixed Druid Glyph "One With Nature".​

• Fixed Resto Druid's Glyph Of Regrowth - it will no longer increase the critical strike chance of Regrowth by 100%.​

• Fixed movement speed increase for druid talent "Displacer Beast"Core/Spells: Might of.​

• Ursoc should now keep the % current health gained when swapping between cat and bear forms.​

• Might of Ursoc should now keep the % current health gained when swapping between cat and bear forms.​

• Fixes talents like Soul of The Forest doubling the base haste amount as well, on top of the added aura benefits.​


• Make Bandages break rogues stealth.​


• Fixed Paladin's Glyph of Mounted King.​

• Fixed Paladin's Glyph of Contemplation.​

• Fixed Paladin's Glyph of the Luminous Charger.​

• Lays on Hands should now properly heal for an amount equal to the caster's maximum health.​

• Fixed an issue regarding execution sentence not dealing its big damage/heal if the aura duration got reduced/increased due to whatever modifier.​


• Fixed Warlock's "Glyph of Felguard" -> now correctly equipping a two-handed axe, sword, or polearm from the owner's backpack​

• Fixes Grimoire of Supremacy pets name generation.​


• Reworked the Logic behind how "Glyph of Blitz" will search for targets upon charging.​

• Fixed the Warrior's intimidating shout -> it will now fear the target properly and also won't update the target's orientation towards the warrior.​

• Fixed warrior weird fear behavior on shapeshifted druids.​

• Spells: Don't allow intervene being cast while rooted​


• Fixed Hunter's "Glyph of Fetch" not teaching "Fetch".​

• Fixed a combat bug with pets in PvP combat, They will now behave in the same way they do in PvE combat.​


• Fixed Windwalker Monk's "Flying Serpent Kick" and "Roll" not using their 10% passive movement speed in the calculation when increasing movement speed.​

• Fixes Crackling Jade Lightning damage.​


• Improvements to Cascade script, improve the fix from last time to try and solve the same crash.​

• Limit Faerie Swarm main aura duration to 20 seconds in PvP, slow duration remains at 15s as normal.​

• Fixes an issue with "fearful" and "confusing" spells like Scatter Shot and Fear where the movement generated by the targets with these spells was not being properly reported to the caster's client.​

• Exhale can now be intercepted by any party member, making the original target remain stunned but not receiving the damage.​


• Fixed correct removal of the invisible wall after defeating "Commander Vo'jak" in Siege of Niuzao Temple.​

• Fixed Siege of Niuzao Temple NPCs "Shado Pan Prisoner" being clickable multiple times (required for Quest "Somewhere Inside").​

• Commander Vo'jak should now have its Rising Speed stacks removed when passing through Caustic Tar.​

• Killing Wing Leader Neronok should now properly end the dungeon for LFG groups.​


• Fixed Gates Of The Setting Sun Weak Spot & corrected small cosmetics (Raigonn Encounter).​

• Adjusted vehicle logic for Gates Of The Setting Sun Vehicle "Weak Spot" (Raigonn Encounter).​


• Fixed Mogu'shan Vaults "Flanking Order" -> The Mogu Guards now correctly move. • and will no longer split up or leave weird holes in their flanking line.​

• Polished Mogu'Shan Vault's "Flanking Orders" -> they will no longer return to their starting position after hitting a player.​

• Adjusted Mogu'shan Vault's melee combat range for "Feng the Accursed".​

• First fix to "Maddening Shout" (Spirit Kings encounter in Mogu'Shan Vault) -> requires further player testing.​

• Fixed Mogu'Shan Vault causing a client crash when entering.​

• Picking up either shroud of reversal or nullification barrier should make Feng engage in combat.​

• Garajal's cosmetic intro totems should no longer make the players get stuck in combat after the encounter is over.​

• Elegon's Celestial Protector should now spawn on the edge of the outer ring of the platform instead of near Elegon.​

• Elegon's Empyreal Focus should now have laser beam visually linking each pair and will now only deactivate when both are destroyed.​

• Elegon will now spawn a bit higher above the platform.​

• Added missing RestoreFaction call in maddening shout RemoveAura hook.​

• Stone Guards will now check for other nearby stone guards every 200ms instead of every 2000ms. Partial improvement.​

• Fixed Elegon's Cosmic Sparks despawn issue.​


• Fix heroic timer for phases.​

• Pets should not be affected by arcane ressonance.​

• Remove all souls on applying the nullification barrier.​

Spirit Kings:

• Massive attacks shouldn't be blocked, dodged, or resisted.​

• Correct the Massive attacks damage on each difficulty.​

• Zian spell shouldn't target pets as mentioned in the spell itself.​


• Fixed Stormstout Brewery Alemental NPC's not following when you LoS them.​

• Fixed Stormstout Brewery encounter "Ook-Ook" instantly attacking players.​

• Fixed Stormstout Brewery encounter "Ook-Ook" not being immune to knockbacks.​

• Fixed possible XP exploits in Stormstout Brewery.​

• Habanero brew barrels will no longer try to engage in melee combat or turn around if taunted by an AoE spell that deals no damage.​

• OokOok will no longer get damaged by barrels before he enters combat, he is also immune to the knockback effect.​

• Fixed the gushing brew visual on the barrels in the room after hoptallus.​

• Added missing text lines to the hozen bouncers after OokOok.​

• Carbonation visuals from alementals during the yanzhu battle are now fixed and displayed properly.​

• Update mechanic immune mask for Hoptallus and Yan-Zhu.​


• Fixed Scholomance "Boneweaver" NPC's not following when you LoS them.​


• Corrupted water NPCs will no longer mysteriously not engage in combat when spawned.​

• Fixed Wash away spell angle calculation and animation.​


• Fixed Deadmines NPC "Glubtok" (reduced damage).​

• Fixed Deadmines Boss "Glubtok" (Heroic Version) almost instakilling players.​

• Adjusted deadmines creatures no longer dropping 1 gold per mob in non-heroic version.​

• Adjusted Deadmines NPC overall damage values in non-heroic versions.​

• Properly adjusted Deadmines NPC "Mine Bunny", now displaying the Tray & cocktails, including the cocktail spellclicks.​


• Entirely reworked Ragefire Chasm, including spawns, gossips, creature, proper difficulty changes.​

• level adjustments, health, damage from previous heroic version, proper waypoint movement, proper creature formations, overall cosmetics & boss loot.​

• Fixed Ragefire Chasm NPC AI "Mature Flame Hound" including proper Quest Credit upon saving a specific Scout from being "eaten" (No Orc Left Behind Quest).​

• Properly scripted Ragefire Chasm Gameobject "Scout Cage" for quest "No Orc Left Behind".​

• Fixed cosmetic event after killing "Lava Guard Gordoth" in Ragefire Chasm.​

• Fixed missing orcs for Ragefire Chasm quest "No Orc Left Behind" including proper scripting.​


• Fixed Shado Pan Monastery NPC "Sha of Violence" always having 100% hp instead of 85%.​


• Fixed Shadowfang Keep NPC "Spitebone Skeleton" almost insta-killing players.​

• Fixed Shadowfang Keep NPC "Ghostly Cook" almost insta-killing players.​


• Adjusted spawn timers for objects in Utgarde Pinnacle, required for "Junk in My Trunk".​


• Adjusted Blackrock Caverns NPC's (pre-first boss) to proper damage & health values for both NHC and HC.​


• Fixed Heart of Fear's Amber Shaper: Transformed players can now be properly attacked.​

• Fixed Garalon in Heart of Fear not being visible.​

• Garalon leg cooldowns now work in a way that each leg will respawn 30s between each other, instead of 30s after they have been killed,​

which could result in 2 or more legs being respawned at the same time if they were killed at the same time.​

• Imperial Vizier Zor'Lok.​

• Grand Empress Shek'Zeer.​

• Fixes timers on Dissonance Fields spawns on the first phase, first pair 30s after engage, second pair 1 minute after the first.​

Players can now go inside the Dissonance Field to cast spells without having the Cry of Terror debuff.​

• Windblades now get slowed upon fixating on a target, and they will now only pick one target at a time.​


• Fixed Tsulong in Terrace of Endless Spring being auto-attackable during his day phase.​

• Fixed serpent wave and jade serpent wave trajectory.​

• Fixes timers for kaolan's defiled ground to match the DBM addon and 5.4.8 videos. The initial cast is now within 5 seconds from gaining the ability (down from 9s)​

and following cassts are within 15.5s (up from 15s).​

• Tsulong sunbeam will now tick every 150ms instead of 1000ms, allowing for faster cleansing of Dread Shadows.​

• Lei shi will now remove stalking auras from herself upon using Hide.​


• Ominous cackle timer should now match DBM data, 40s for LFR25, 10N, and 10HC, 25.5s for the rest.​

• Dread Spray had its timer corrected and will now be fired on the angles.​


• Fixes a crash in onyxias instance.​


• Fixed "Orb of Naxxramas" not being clickable until you have cleared all wings, you should be able to go into Naxxramas, click the orb, and instantly get to the next floor in Mists of Pandaria).​


As always - Big thanks to all the supporters, who help with the goal of making the repack become as blizzlike as possible.​

Best Regards,
ExO & Emucoach team,
Last edited:


Trial Member
Why dont u copy the PQR profiles from retail mop? They are already optimized to do tank/heal/dps rotations at 99% efficiency like a real player. The current bot rotations are depressing, even in v4 (as we can see in stormgarde).


Single Player
Silver Supporter
MoP Premium
Verified Member
Why dont u copy the PQR profiles from retail mop? They are already optimized to do tank/heal/dps rotations at 99% efficiency like a real player. The current bot rotations are depressing, even in v4 (as we can see in stormgarde).

Retail MoP?
  • Like
Reactions: ExO


Gold Supporter
Verified Member

Fixes an issue with character creation -​

Does it mean that characters can be created in languages other than English?


Elune Adore (FR)
Gold Supporter
Epic Member

This includes the changelog for the Mists of Pandaria VIP 4.0 repack that coming shortly. See the countdown by clicking

You can prepare for the release, and obtain access for 22 USD by clicking here.

Changelog (Note, this is from version 4.0 - the latest MoP VIP version)

Get access to the release by becoming Premium here:

View attachment 2620

MoP VIP Repack Version 4.0 - Changelog list:



-- In Version 4, the Emucoach team has really done a lot of updates in order to improve the Playerbots, so that you can get the highest amount of quality gameplay. The specific updates can be found down below:​

- Added Pathing to the Playerbots for Open World in the following zones:​

-- Jade Forest​

-- Valley of the Four Winds​

-- Isle of Thunder​

-- Kun-Lai Summit​

-- Valley of Eternal Blossoms​

-- Dread Wastes​

-- Townlong Steppes​

-- Timeless Isle​

-- Draenei starting sone​

-- Blood Elf starting zone​

-- Tauren staring zone​

-- Mulgore (Level 5-10)​

-- Ghostlands​

-- Southern Barrens​

-- Redridge Mountains​

-- Westfall​

-- Duskwood​

- Increased the maximum Playerbots support from 500 to 5000.​

This means that you can now have 5000 active Playerbots ingame, instead of only 500!​

- Added a new system for dynamically populating the world with bots, loading the data from the database​

- Implemented a few bot dungeon strategies for Pandaria dungeon bosses, to prevent them from wiping as much as before, and to play more authentic now.​

- Fixed issues with alt bots being stuck out of the world after completing a dungeon​

- Fixed an issue with bots queuing for LFG not being considered as in use​

- Improve the way bots are spread around the player when following​

- Fix Playerbots keeping their XP bar when being set to a different level​

- Fix Death Knight bots being set to a level below their starting level​

- Fix Hunter Pets for the Hunter Bots​

- Implemented new arena bots strategies, so they will focus on the player with the lowest health on the opposite team​

- Fix issues caused by bots casting spells differently to regular players​

- Fix brawlgar arena blat summons speed​

- Added missing class race combinations for bots​

- Fixed an issue with bots interrupting their out-of-combat spells​

- Fixed issues with players being able to make bots inside of arenas and BGs logout​

- Fixed a path issue on Playerbots​

- Added console output for bot system setup on startup​

- Fixed a bug with bots being filled too much into BGs​

- Converted some errors upon load-up to warnings.​

- Fixed an issue with bots having spells of higher levels than they actually are​

- Made a lot of Bot AI Spec reworks based on the following topic:​

-- https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/★-playerbots-missing-spells-rotation-updated-to-v3-★.9947/.​

* This includes the following spell rotation changes:​

- SPECS COMBAT + SUBTETLY (assassination is actually using it correctly)​

- Rogues have to use poison which is their principal damage source​

- Should use Deadly Poison. - (actually, it's not used)​

- Should use Preparation - (actually it's not used)​


-- Should use Vendetta on CD - (actually it's not used)​


-- Should not use dagger only mace and axe due to Combat Potency - (actually it's not used)​

-- should use Blade Flurry while fighting 3+ enemy - (actually it's not used)​


-- Should use Renewing Mist (id : 115151) on CD - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Revival (id 115310) - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Chi Wave (id 115098) on CD - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Surging Mist (id 116694) while casting Soothing Mist (id 115175) for greater heal on mono target - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Life Cocoon (id 116849) on PV < 30% - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Thunder Focus Tea (id 116680) on CD - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Chi Brew (id 115399) on CD - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Expel Harm (id 115072) on CD - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Blackout Kick (id 100787) to maintain 100% uptime on the Serpent's Zeal self-buff that it applies - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use (id 100887) Tiger Palm (which costs 1 Chi), to maintain 100% uptime on the Tiger Power self-buff; - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Rushing jade wind on tier 6 talents since Chi torpedo is too complex to use for bots Rushing Jade Wind (id 116847) - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Rushing jade wind on aoe healing Rushing Jade Wind (116847) - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use tea of mana when mana < 50% or mana tea stack > 15 Mana Tea (id 115294) - (actually it's not used)​

-- Take maximum advantage of Eminence and Serpent's Zeal bystaying in melee range of the boss for as long as possible, dealing damage. - (actually it's not used)​


-- Should use Fists of Fury on cooldown (133656) - (actually it's not used on CD)​

-- Should use Tiger Power, refresh every 20 sec - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Tigereye Brew (116740) should be used whenever you have 10 or more stacks - (actually it's used with 5 stacks)​

-- Should use Touch of Karma (122470) on target in critical life moments - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Fortifying Brew (115203) for increase life in critical life moments like 20% pv - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Storm, Earth, and Fire (137639) on AOE- (actually it's not used)​

-- Should Use Expel Harm on CD - (actually it's not used)​


-- Should use Tiger Power, refresh every 20 sec - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Purifying Brew for remove aura "HEAVY STAGGER" on self (spell id 124273) - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Fortifying Brew (115203) for increase life in critical life moments like 20% pv - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Elusive Brew should be used with 8+ stack- (actually it's not used)​

-- Should Use Expel Harm on CD - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should Use Breath of Fire DoT up on 3+targets - (actually it's not used)​


-- Should change for talent Incarnation: Chosen of Elune instead of Soul of the Forest on tier 4 since is too complex to perform for bot​

-- Should use Incarnation: Chosen of Elune on CD - (actually it's not used on CD)​

-- Should use Celestial Alignment on CD - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Nature's Vigil on CD - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should useTranquility as raid cooldown if raid pv down to < 30% - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Rejuvenation on self when health < 50% and debuff missing - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Healing Touch on self if health < 30% - (actually it's not used)​


-- Should use Mangle (id 33878) on CD / PRINCIPAL ABILITIES - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Thrash on CD / PRINCIPAL ABILITIES - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Swipe on cooldown on 3+ targets - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Survival Instincts for reduce damage in critical life moments < 20% pv - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Savage Defense if rage > 80 (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Berserk on cd - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Healing Touch with proc of Dream of Cenarius (id 145162)​


-- Should use ALWAYS DOT PLAYERS WITH rejuvenation Rejuvenation (id 774) on < 90% pv (! IMPORTANT)​

-- Should use Ironbark on target or self when health down to -40%​


-- Should use Guardian of Ancient Kings Icon Guardian of Ancient Kings when life < 50 % (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Ardent Defender Icon Ardent Defender when life < 20% pv (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Avenging Wrath Icon Avenging Wrath on CD (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Eternal Flame Icon Eternal Flame when life < 70 % or with 3+ stacks of Bastion of Glory Icon Bastion of Glory (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Lay on Hands Icon Lay on Hands in critical life moments like 10% pv if Divine Shield Icon Divine Shield is on cooldown​

-- Should use Hammer of Wrath Icon Hammer of Wrath on CD (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Seal of Insight Icon Seal of Insight (actually seal of truth is used and it's bad for tanking)​

-- Should use Holy Avenger Icon Holy Avenger on cd (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Hammer of the Righteous Icon Hammer of the Righteous instead of Crusader Strike Icon Crusader Strike for 3+ ennemy​


-- Should use Lay on Hands Icon Lay on Hands in critical life moments like 10% pv if Divine Shield Icon Divine Shield is on cooldown - (actually it's not used on CD)​

-- Should use Flash of Light Icon Flash of Light if life < 20% - (actually it's not used on CD)​


-- Should use a pet​

-- Should use Deterrence when health < 30% (actually it's not used)​


-- Should use Stampede on cd - (actually it's not used on CD)​

-- Should use Deterrence when health < 30% (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use a pet​


-- Should use Stampede on cd (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use a pet​

-- Should use Deterrence when health < 30% (actually it's not used)​


-- Cast Pyroblast when Pyroblast! and Heating Up are up.​

-- Cast Inferno Blast when Heating Upprocs and Inferno Blast is off cooldown.​

-- When moving, cast Scorch instead of Fireball.​

-- Cast Evocation (spell id 12051) for Refresh Invoker's Energy every 60 secs​


-- Should use Frost Armor Icon Frost Armor​

-- Should use Ice Lance Icon Ice Lance with 1 or 2 charges of Fingers of Frost Icon Fingers of Frost (! IMPORTANT)​

-- Should use Evocation Icon Evocation (spell id 12051) for Refresh Invoker's Energy Icon Invoker's Energy every 60 secs (! IMPORTANT)​


-- Should use Mage Armor Icon Mage Armor​

-- Should use Arcane Explosion Icon Arcane Explosion' instead of blizzard on 3+ targets​

-- Should use Evocation (spell id 12051) for Refresh Invoker's Energy every 60 secs (! IMPORTANT)​

Frost DK

-- Should use Army of the Dead on CD​

-- Should use Anti-Magic Shell on CD​

-- Should use Death Grip when ennemy is out of melee range​

-- Should use Death Strike when life < 30 %​

-- Should use Icebound Fortitude when life < 30%​

-- Should use Strangulate for decast ennemy spell​


-- Should use Unholy Frenzy Icon Unholy Frenzy on CD​

-- Should use Summon Gargoyle Icon Summon Gargoyle on CD​

-- Should use Army of the Dead Icon Army of the Dead on CD​

-- Should use Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell on CD​

-- Should use Death Grip Icon Death Grip when ennemy is out of melee range​

-- Should use Death Strike Icon Death Strike when life < 30 %​

-- Should use Icebound Fortitude Icon Icebound Fortitude when life < 30%​

-- Should use Strangulate Icon Strangulate for decast ennemy spell​

-- Should use Death and Decay Icon Death and Decay for AOE​


-- Should use Rune Tap when life < 50%.​

-- Should use Vampiric Blood when life <40%​

-- Should use Icebound Fortitude when life < 30%​

-- Should use Strangulate for decast ennemy spell​

-- Should use Death and Decay for AOE​

-- Should use Army of the Dead on CD​

-- Should use Anti-Magic Shell on CD​

-- Should use Death Grip when ennemy is out of melee range​

-- Should use Blood Boil with procs of Crimson Scourge​


-- Should use Lightning Shield Icon Lightning Shield instead of water shied​

-- Should use Earth Shock Icon Earth Shock with 6 or 7 charges of Lightning Shield​

-- Should use Healing Surge Icon Healing Surge for critical life < 30%​


-- Should use Lightning Shield instead of water shied​

-- Should use Feral Spirit Icon Feral Spirit on CD​

-- Should use Fire Nova on 2+ ennemy​

-- Should use Stormblast Icon Stormblast during Ascendance Icon Ascendance​


-- Should use Curse of the Elements against any new target​

-- Should use Unending Resolve when life < 40%​

-- Should use with procs of Molten Core.​


-- Should use Curse of the Elements against any new target​

-- Should use Shadowburn on CD​

-- Should use Rain of Fire on aoe​

-- Should use Fire and Brimstone against 5+ ennemy​

-- Should use Unending Resolve when life < 40%​


-- Use Drain Soul instead of Malefic Grasp on target below 20% pv​

-- Should use Curse of the Elements against any new target​

-- Should use Unending Resolve when life < 40%​


-- Should use Chakra: Sanctuary Icon Chakra: Sanctuary​

-- Should use Circle of Healing Icon Circle of Healing on CD​

-- Should use Holy Word: Sanctuary Icon Holy Word: Sanctuary on CD​

-- Should use Lightwell on CD​

-- Should use Shadowfiend on CD​

-- Should use Hymn of Hope if mana < 20 %​


-- Should use Shadowfiend on CD​

-- Should use Dispersion Icon Dispersion on critical life < 10% pv​

-- Should Use Vampiric Embrace Icon Vampiric Embrace on critical life moments < 40% pv​

-- Should use Power Word: Shield when life < 60%​

-- Should use Prayer of Mending when life < 30%​

-- Should Use Renew when life < 30%​


-- Should Use Archangel Icon Archangel with 5 stack of Evangelism Icon Evangelism​

-- Should use Penance Icon Penance on cooldown (dps rotation+ heal)​

-- Should use Power Word: Barrier Icon Power Word: Barrier when life < 30%​

-- Should use Pain Suppression Icon Pain Suppression when life < 20%​

-- Should use Inner Focus Icon Inner Focus on CD​

-- Should use Shadowfiend on CD​

-- Should use Hymn of Hope if mana < 20 %​

-- Should use Flash Heal instead of Heal. (He does when target is on low hp)​


With the V3, here are a total of the configuration possibilities for Playerbots and AHBot. (We have tried to make them more flexible, hence more options):​

#     PlayerBots.PlayerbotAmount
#     Set amount of playerbots logged in
#     Default - 500
#     Max 5000
#     0 - disable

PlayerBots.PlayerbotAmount = 500
PlayerBots.PlayerbotEnableAlts = 1
PlayerBots.PlayerbotEnableLfg = 1
PlayerBots.PlayerbotEnableBg = 1
PlayerBots.90MinItemLevelLfg = 480
PlayerBots.90MaxItemLevelLfg = 588
PlayerBots.90MinItemLevelBG = 480
PlayerBots.90MaxItemLevelBG = 588

PlayerBots.IdleAssignDelay = 125
PlayerBots.LoginDelay = 100

PlayerBots.DuelingAmount = 15
PlayerBots.CityAmount = 25
PlayerBots.ZoneAmount = 25

PlayerBots.DuelingMinLevel = 10
PlayerBots.DuelingMaxLevel = 90

PlayerBots.CityMinLevel = 1
PlayerBots.CityMaxLevel = 90

PlayerBots.OldOpenWorldBots = 0

PlayerBots.CopyMount = 0

#    AuctionHouseBot.DEBUG
#        Enable/Disable Debugging output
#    Default 0 (disabled)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DEBUG_FILTERS
#        Enable/Disable Debugging output from Filters
#    Default 0 (disabled)
#    AuctionHouseBot.EnableSeller
#        Enable/Disable the part of AHBot that puts items up for auction
#    Default 0 (disabled)
#    AuctionHouseBot.EnableBuyer
#        Enable/Disable the part of AHBot that buys items from players
#    Default 0 (disabled)
#    AuctionHouseBot.EnableBuyerNeutral
#        Wether or not the AHBot should buy auctions at the neutral auctionhouses. Allows players to transfer items
#        between factions (which is what the neutral auctionhouse is for) without the bot getting involved
#        NOTE: Only works if EnableBuyer is enabled
#    Default 0 (disabled - do not allow buying at neutral auctionhouse)
#    AuctionHouseBot.UseBuyPriceForSeller
#        Should the Seller use BuyPrice or SellPrice to determine Bid Prices
#    Default 0 (use SellPrice)
#    AuctionHouseBot.UseBuyPriceForBuyer
#        Should the Buyer use BuyPrice or SellPrice to determine Bid Prices
#    Default 0 (use SellPrice)
#    Auction House Bot character data
#        AuctionHouseBot.Account is the account number
#         (in realmd->account table) of the player you want to run
#         as the auction bot.
#        AuctionHouseBot.GUID is the GUID (in characters->characters table)
#         of the player you want to run as the auction bot.
#    Default: 0 (Auction House Bot disabled)
#    AuctionHouseBot.ItemsPerCycle
#        Number of Items to Add/Remove from the AH during mass operations
#    Default 200

AuctionHouseBot.DEBUG = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DEBUG_FILTERS = 0
AuctionHouseBot.EnableSeller = 1
AuctionHouseBot.EnableBuyer = 1
AuctionHouseBot.EnableBuyerNeutral = 0
AuctionHouseBot.UseBuyPriceForSeller = 0
AuctionHouseBot.UseBuyPriceForBuyer = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Account = 1
AuctionHouseBot.GUID = 279
AuctionHouseBot.ItemsPerCycle = 200

#    AuctionHouseBot.VendorItems
#        Include items that can be bought from vendors.
#    Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.VendorTradeGoods
#        Include Trade Goods that can be bought from vendors.
#    Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.LootItems
#        Include items that can be looted or fished for.
#    Default 1 (True)
#    AuctionHouseBot.LootTradeGoods
#        Include Trade Goods that can be looted or fished for.
#    Default 1 (True)
#    AuctionHouseBot.OtherItems
#        Include misc. items.
#    Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.OtherTradeGoods
#        Include misc. Trade Goods.
#    Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.Bonding_types
#        Indicates which bonding types to allow seller to put up for auction
#            No_Bind
#             Default 1 (True)
#            Bind_When_Picked_Up
#             Default 0 (False)
#            Bind_When_Equipped
#             Default 1 (True)
#            Bind_When_Use
#             Default 1 (True)
#            Bind_Quest_Item
#             Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisabledItems
#        Disable certain items that are usually unavailable to Players. List of ids separated by space
#    Default "21878 27774 27811 28117 28112" (PTR items)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisablePermEnchant
#        Disable Items with a Permanent Enchantment
#    Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableConjured
#        Disable Conjured Items
#    Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableGems
#        Disable Gems
#    Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableMoney
#        Disable Items that are used as money
#    Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableMoneyLoot
#        Disable Items that have Money as a loot
#    Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableLootable
#        Disable Items that have other items as loot
#    Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableKeys
#        Disable Items that are keys
#    Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableDuration
#        Disable Items with a duration
#    Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableBOP_Or_Quest_NoReqLevel
#        Disable items that are BOP or Quest Item
#        with a Required level that is less than the Item Level
#        (This prevents a level 10 with a level 60 weapon or armor)
#        (May need further refinement)
#    Default 0 (False)

AuctionHouseBot.VendorItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.VendorTradeGoods = 0
AuctionHouseBot.LootItems = 1
AuctionHouseBot.LootTradeGoods = 1
AuctionHouseBot.OtherItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.OtherTradeGoods = 0
AuctionHouseBot.No_Bind = 1
AuctionHouseBot.Bind_When_Picked_Up = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Bind_When_Equipped = 1
AuctionHouseBot.Bind_When_Use = 1
AuctionHouseBot.Bind_Quest_Item = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisablePermEnchant = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableConjured = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableGems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableMoney = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableMoneyLoot = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableLootable = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableKeys = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableDuration = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableBOP_Or_Quest_NoReqLevel = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisabledItems = "21878 27774 27811 28117 28112"
#     These Filters are boolean (0 or 1) and will disable items that are
#     specifically meant for the Class named.
#     (UnusedClass is Class 10, which was skipped for some reason)
#     Default 0 (allowed)

AuctionHouseBot.DisableWarriorItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisablePaladinItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableHunterItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableRogueItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisablePriestItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableDKItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableShamanItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableMageItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableWarlockItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableUnusedClassItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableDruidItems = 0

#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsBelowLevel
#        Prevent Seller from listing Items below this Level
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsAboveLevel
#        Prevent Seller from listing Items above this Level
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsBelowLevel
#        Prevent Seller from listing Trade Goods below this Level
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsAboveLevel
#        Prevent Seller from listing Trade Goods above this Level
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsBelowGUID
#        Prevent Seller from listing Items below this GUID
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsAboveGUID
#        Prevent Seller from listing Items above this GUID
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsBelowGUID
#        Prevent Seller from listing Trade Goods below this GUID
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsAboveGUID
#        Prevent Seller from listing Trade Goods above this GUID
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsBelowReqLevel
#        Prevent Seller from listing Items below this Required Level
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsAboveReqLevel
#        Prevent Seller from listing Items above this Required Level
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsBelowReqLevel
#        Prevent Seller from listing Trade Goods below this Required Level
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsAboveReqLevel
#        Prevent Seller from listing Trade Goods above this Required Level
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsBelowReqSkillRank
#        Prevent Seller from listing Items below this Required Skill Rank
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsAboveReqSkillRank
#        Prevent Seller from listing Items above this Required Skill Rank
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsBelowReqSkillRank
#        Prevent Seller from listing Trade Goods below this Required Skill Rank
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsAboveReqSkillRank
#        Prevent Seller from listing Trade Goods above this Required Skill Rank
#    Default 0 (Off)

AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsBelowLevel = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsAboveLevel = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsBelowLevel = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsAboveLevel = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsBelowGUID = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsAboveGUID = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsBelowGUID = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsAboveGUID = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsBelowReqLevel = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsAboveReqLevel = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsBelowReqLevel = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsAboveReqLevel = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsBelowReqSkillRank = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsAboveReqSkillRank = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsBelowReqSkillRank = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsAboveReqSkillRank = 0


Quest, Zone, Misc, and database fixes:

A lot of improvements have been made related to zones, quests, and misc-related things around the world. Below, you will find the changes:​


• Fixed correct questender npc for "Face To Face With Consequences" (Jade Forest).​

• Fixed Jade Forest Quest "Priorities!" (Phasing Issue).​

• Fixed wrong respawn timer for Hozen Groundpounder in Jade Forest.​

• Increased drop rate for "Fistful of Bird Guts" (Jade Forest Quest "Furious Fowl").​

• Fixed Jade Forest quest "Fire Is Always The Answer" allowing to get the questcredit more than once per ammunition used.​

• Fixed Ancient Mogu Statue parts being invisible once you finished Jade Forest quest "Seein Red".​

• Adjusted spawns and respawn timers for Jade Forest npc "Sha-Infested Prowler".​


• Fixed "Tushui Trainee" npc not sharing quest credit between players in the same group -> related to "The Lesson of Stifled Pride".​

• Fixed "The Lesson of the Burning Scroll" (Panda starting zone quest).​

• Reworked the entire phasing system for "The Dawning Valley, Pu's Fond, Cave of Meditation, Tranquil Grotto and Shang Xi Training Ground".​

• Quest "Aysa of the Tushui".​

• Quest "Items of Utmost Importance".​

• Quest "The Missing Driver".​

• Quest "The Way of the Tushui".​

• Quest "Kindling the Fire".​

• Quest ""Fanning the Flames".​

• Quest "The Spirit's Guardian".​

• Quest "Only the Worthy Shall Pass".​

• Quest "Huo, the Spirit of Fire" (including missing phasing).​

• Quest "The Passion of Shen-zin Su".​

• Quest chain "Finding Shu" including the entire phasing system for "The Singing Pools" Area (and all other areas involved into the quest chain).​

• Quest chain "Waking Wugou" including the entire phasing system.​

• Quest chain "Finding Dafeng" including the entire phasing system for "Morning Breeze Village" area (and all other areas involved in the quest chain).​

• Fixed Wandering Island's Quest "The Wood of Staves" including the entire phasing system.​

• Added cosmetic's to "Master Li Fei Fight" in Shrine of Inner-Light (bow emote and text upon defeating him).​

• Fixed Wandering Island's NPC "Tushui Monk" one shotting the player.​

• Fixed cosmetic phasing for Wandering Island's NPC "Jojo Ironbrow" during the quest chain.​

• Fixed a core crash related to the Wandering Isle quest "The Lesson of the Burning Scroll".​

• Phasing: Further adjustments to Wandering Isles phasing overall (especially related to the Masters Flame).​

• Fixed "Master Li Fei" being attackable during Wandering Isle quest "The Way of the Tushui".​

• Polished Wandering Isle phasing in "Cave of Mediation".​

• Removed 17 duplicate spawns in the Wandering Isle.​

• Fixed Nourished Yak and Carts not properly getting summoned to transport the player to the next area (The Dai-Lo Farmstead) required for Wandering Isle Quest "The Source of Our Livelihood".​

• Fixed Nourished Yak and Carts not properly getting summoned to transport the player to the next area (Temple of Five Dawn) required for Wandering Isle Quest "The Spirit and Body of Shen-Zin".​

• Fixed a server crash caused by The Wandering Isle npc "Shang Xi's Hot Air Balloon".​

• Properly rescripted The Wandering Isle Quest "Passing Wisdom".​


• Fixed Gilneas Quest "Evacuate the Merchant Square".​

• Added cosmetics (text, emotes) to Gilneas npc "Prince Liam Greymane".​

• Added combat AI script to Gilneas creatures: "Prince Liam Greymane, Gilneas City Guard, Rampaging Worgen".​

• Fixed class quests in Gilneas (hit a bloodfang worgen with steady shot, frost nova etc.).​

• Quest "By the Skin of His Teeth".​

• Quest "The Rebel Lord's Arsenal".​

• Quest "From the Shadows".​

• Quest "Save Krennan Aranas".​

• Quest "Sacrifices".​

• Quest "Last Stand".​

• Fixed cosmetic event after turning in Gilneas Quest "Last Stand".​

• Fixed Duskhaven Quest "You Can't Take 'Em Alone".​

• Fixed Duskhaven Quest "Save the Children!".​

• Quest "Two By Sea".​

• Quest "Leader of the Pack".​

• Quest "Gasping for Breath".​

• Quest "The Hungry Ettin".​

• Polished Phasing for Gilneas.​

• Quest "Grandma's Cat".​

• Quest "To Greymane Manor".​

• Quest "Exodus".​

• Quest "Stranded at the Marsh".​

• Quest "Instructions Are in Order".​

• Quest "Take Back What's Ours".​

• Fixed correct reward for Gilneas Quest "Neither Human Nor Beast" (Two Forms (racial)".​

• Fixed correct stealth aura upon using "Krennan's Potion of Stealth" - related to Gilneas Quest "Betrayal at Tempest's Reach".​

• Added combat scripts to "Baron Ashbory" and "Lord Walden" involved into Gilneas.​

• Quest "Betrayal at Tempest's Reach".​

• Quest "Flank the Forsaken".​

• Quest "Liberation Day".​

• Added combat scripts to "Brothogg the Slavemaster" involved into Gilneas Quest "Slaves to No One".​

• Quest "The Battle For Gilneas".​

• Quest "The Hunt For Sylvanas".​

• Quest "Slowing the Inevitable".​

• Quest "They Have Allies, But So Do We".​

• Quest "Rut'theran Village".​

• Fixed Gilneas npcs "Gilneas Survivors" wandering around instead of standing still.​

• Fixed Gilneas npcs "Duskhaven Watchman", "Forsaken Invader", "Bloodfang. Worgen" and "Gilnean Royal Guard" not engaging in combat until a player walks in their "line of sight".​

• Fixed Gilneas npc "Lord Godfrey" properly running his cosmetic event after turning in "Betrayal at Tempest's Reach" quest (he jumps off a cliff and dies).​

• Several improvements to Gilneas Quest "The Battle For Gilneas".​


• Fixed Phasing for Kezan Quest "447".​

• Correct Scene for Kezan Quest "Life Savings".​

• Correct teleport from Kezan to Lost Isles and fixed Lost Isles Quest "Don't Go Into The Light!".​

• Cosmetic reworks to Kezan & Lost Isles.​


• Quest "Goblin Escape Pods".​

• Quest "Monkey Business".​

• Fixed wrong phasing for gameobjects related to "Get Our Stuff Back".​

• Quest "Capturing the Unknown".​

• Quest "Miner Troubles".​

• Quest "Weed Whacker".​

• Quest "To the Cliffs".​

• Quest "Precious Cargo".​

• Quest "Warchief's Revenge".​

• Quest "Up, Up & Away!" including cosmetic pre event with Trade Prince Gallywix.​

• Quest "Town-In-A-Box" including phasing.​

• Quest "The Biggest Egg Ever".​

• Quest "A Goblin in Shark's Clothing".​

• Quest "Irresistible Pool Pony".​

• Added scripts to "Faceless of the Deep" creature related to Lost Isles Quest "Surrender or Else!".​

• Fixed phasing and cosmetics for Lost Isles Quest "Get Back To Town".​

• Quest "Town-In-A-box: Under Attack".​

• Added several cosmetics to creatures in "Town-In-A-Box".​

• Quest "Free The Captives".​

• Added script to "Yngwie" creature related to Lost Isles Quest "Send a Massage".​

• Fixed Phasing for Lost Isles Quest "Oomlot Dealt With".​

• Quest "Zombies vs. Super Booster Rocket Boots".​

• Quest "Volcanoth!".​

• Fixed phasing system for "Volcanoth!".​

• Quest "Old Friends".​

• Quest "The Pride Of Kezan".​

• Quest "Let's Ride".​

• Quest "Kaja'Cola gives you IDEAS! (TM)!.​

• Quest "Morale Boost".​

• Quest "Throw It On the Ground".​

• Quest "Wild Mine Cart Ride".​

• Added "Portal to Orgrimmar" on the Yacht before leaving to Lost Isles.​

• Quest "Release the Valves".​

• Quest "Good-bye, Sweet Oil".​

• Added AI Script to "Chip Endale" npc, related to Lost Isles Quest "What Kind of Name is Chip, Anyway?".​

• Quest "Escape Velocity".​

• Added AI Script to "Candy Cane" npc, related to Lost Isles Quest "She Loves Me, She Loves Me NOT!".​

• Quest "Final Confrontation".​

• Quest "Victory!".​

• Quest "Warchief's Emissary".​


• Corrected phasing for Orgrimmar's "The Art Of War" quest​


• Quest chains for Krasarang Wild's area "Zhu's Watch".​

• Quest "What's Eating Zhu's Watch?".​

• Quest "Finding Yi-Mo".​

• Quest "Cheer Up, Yi-Mo".​

• Quest "Borderlands".​

• Quest "Apply directly to the Forehead".​

• Quest "Zhu's Despair".​

• Quest "Into The Wilds".​

• Fixed correct areatrigger to receive Krasarang Wilds Quest "The Arcanic Oubliette".​

• Fixed Quest chain for Krasarang Wild Area "The Incursion".​

• Quest "The Pools of Youth" (including cosmetic event).​

• Quest "Immortality?" (cosmetic event).​

• Fixed Quest chain for Krasarang Wilds Area "Crane Wing Refuge".​

• Moved Krasarang Wilds Quest "Zhu's Despair" to C++ instead of SAI, to make it smoother.​

• Added waypoint movement to "Thunder Cleft Sunwalker" in Krasarang Wilds Area "Thunder Cleft".​

• Quest chain for Krasarang Wilds Area "Thunder Cleft".​

• Added "Kang Bramblestaff" escorting the player in Ruins of Dojan (Krasarang Wilds) and added cosmetics.​

• Quest "Life" Quest in Thunder Cleft (Close to blizzlike scene).​

• Added phasing to Krasarang Wilds Area "Thunder Cleft" (related to previous fix).​

• Quest "Unsafe Passage".​

• Quest "Sha Can Awe".​

• Quest "In The House of the Red Crane".​

• Quest "For the Tribe".​

• Quest chains for Krasarang Wilds Area "Dawnchaser Retreat".​

• Added combat scripts to creatures involved into Krasarang Wilds Quest "The Mantid".​

• Quest "The Stoneplow Convoy".​

• Quest "For Family".​


• Quest Chain for Valley of the Four Winds Area "Nesingwary's Safari".​

• Quest "Parental Mastery".​


• Quest "The Spring Drifter"​

• Added several cosmetics to Binan Village npc's in Kun-Lai Summit (emotes, waypoint movement, combat scripts)​

• Quest "Hit Medicine"​

• Fixed phasing for Kun-Lai Summit area "Binan Village"​

• Quest "Eastwind Rest"​

• Quest "Challenge Accepted"​

• Quest chain for Kun-Lai Summit area "Binan Village"​

• Quest chain for Kun-Lai Summit area "Eastwind Rest"​

• Quest "Round 'Em Up" (Alliance & Horde version)​

• Quest "Farmhand Freedom"​

• Added combat script to npc "Cookie McYaungol" involved into Kun-Lai Summit Quest "...and the Pot, too!"​

• Quest "Pandaren Prisoners"​

• Quest "Barrels of Fun"​

• Fixed correct scene trigger for alliance and horde (hub swap and phasing) after quest "Challenge Accepted" got rewarded.​

• Added combat scripts to all npc's inside "Fire Camp Ordo" - adjusted phasing aswell.​

• Fixed spawns, emotes, cosmetics for Kun-Lai Summit Area "One Keg".​

• Quest "Instant Courage".​

• Quest "Comin' Round the Mountain".​

• Quest "One Traveler's Misfortune".​

• Quest "Seeker's Folly".​

• Quest "The Tongue of Ba-Shon".​

• Fixed Kun-Lai Summit Taxipath for "Mishi" in Seeker's Folly.​

• Quest "Staying Connected".​

• Quest "Breaking the Emperor's Shield".​

• Quest "Stealing Their Thunder King".​

• Quest "Lessons from History" including correct cutscene.​

• Fixed Mishi's gossip and flight path for Kun-Lai Summit Quest "Fisherman's Tale".​

• Quest "Fisherman's Tale".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Begin Your Training: Master Cheng".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Practice Makes Perfect: Master Cheng".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Continue Your Training: Master Woo".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Practice Makes Perfect: Master Woo".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Continue Your Training: Master Kistane".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Practice Makes Perfect: Master Kistane".​

• Added missing "Zen Healing" phase to Training Grounds npc "Master Kistane".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Continue Your Training: Master Yoon".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Practice Makes Perfect: Master Yoon".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Continue Your Training: Master Cheng" (lvl 60).​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Practice Makes Perfect Master Cheng" (lvl 60).​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Continue Your Training: Master Tsang".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Practice Makes Perfect: Master Tsang".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Continue Your Training: Master Hsu's".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Practice Makes Perfect: Master Hsu's".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Complete Your Training: The Final Test".​


• Finished the entire rework of "Silverpine Forest", which includes spawns, combat AI, gossips, creature_text, npc_text, proper combatAI, random movement, waypoint movement, proper RP, proper quest scripting, quest chain orders & phasing.​


• Fixed Dread Wastes npc "Ai-Li Skymirror" being immune to stun, interrupt, casting "Unstable Serum" while she shouldn't & also fixed her "Chi Burst" not properly being casted.​


• Adjusted phasing for Eastern Plaguelands quest "Visitors".​

• Fixed 37 duplicated spawns in "Eastern Plaguelands".​

• Adjusted phasing for Eastern Plaguelands quest "Tarenar Sunstrike".​

• Added proper combatAI to Eastern Plaguelands npcs "Death's Step Putrifier" and "Death's Step Miscreation".​


• Quest "Mission Improbable".​

• Quest "We're Here to Do one Thing, maybe Two...".​


• Fixed Silithus npc "Calandrath" not properly updating the player's new hearthstone location, also adjusted her npc text.​


• Properly adjusted droprate for "Dark Iron Head" item required for Badlands quest "The Moron's League".​

• Adjusted quest chain for New Kargath npc "Rhea".​

• Fixed phasing for New Kargath npc "Rhea".​


• Fixed sha energy bar display of Grand Empress Shek' Zeer and now multiple windblades can fixate on the same target if free non-fixated targets are not available.​


• Adjusted respawntimer for "Fathom-Stome" gameobject.​


• Added cosmetics for "Darnell" in Tirisfal Glades.​


• Fixed Client Crash in "Azurelode Mine".​


• Npc's will now correctly deal the right amount of damage. (Basic Attacks).​


• Fixed Brawler's Guild Npc "Fran" not being visible.​


• Fixed Pet Trainer having messed up summons for "Beetle" and "Monkey", also added Crane.​

• Fixed Stormwind Rogue Trainer teaching Dual spec to every class.​

• Fixed "Aysa Cloudsinger" randomly floating in the air.​

• Fixed proper spellschool for Mindbender npc.​

• Adjusted Garrosh Hellscream, Honor Guards, Ishi, Beige Sugar, T16 vendors, and Miss Jadepaw being visible to players (Shrine of Two Moons).​


• Adjusted maxcount for Mists Of Pandaria Herb's (Drop amount).​

• Adjusted maxcount for Mists Of Pandaria Ore's (Drop amount) - only Kyparite and Ghost Iron Ore.​



• Fixed an issue with loading the honor/conquest reward values for first win/lose of the day.​

• Rated BGs will now grant 192 rating gain per win instead of 96, up until 1500 rating.​

• Fixed an issue that could cause a speed desync of pet speed when their owner is out of combat in a battleground/arena.​

• Corrected Shadow Sight spawn location in Blades Edge arena.​

• Fixed Shadow Sight (Arenas) recently showing as a buff, whle it should be a debuff​

• Define spells which should get removed upon entering the arena.​


• Fixes an occasional behavior with periodic triggered channeled spellcasts, that was causing some of these spells to not get their last spell cast at the aura last tick. (Like penance only ticking 2 times instead of 3, even though the spell has channeled for its entire duration).​

• Fully fixed recent spellqueue issue of being able to queue up locked spells.​

• Fixed cc's getting applied with a weird 1000ms delay.​


• Implemented AHBot for Version 4!​

• Fixed the Autobroadcast system for Version 4!​

• Removed Dampening Effects from Raids.​

• Fixed client crashes after using Transports (Boat's, Zeppelin's etc.).​

• Optimized some MoP scripts.​

• Implemented Glyphhandler -> you are no longer able to equip Glyph's that require a specific spec while having another spec active. (e.g no longer equip Demonology Warlock Glyphs while having Destruction spec active.​

• Having the same enchantment on both weapons will no longer proc them permanently.​

• Implemented a mechanic/function to make Vehicle scripting easier in the future.​

• Implemented follower list and allow follow angles to be chosen based on the amount of followers.​

• Further polishing towards the entire pet system.​

• Correctly fixed AoELoot now stacking up the same items dropped my multiple npc's in the AoeLoot range.​

• Added missing change to MMap path calculation for ConfusedMovementGenerator, will fix issues such as blind and scatter shot occasionally dropping people under the map terrain.​

• Fixed guild members randomly getting kicked out of guilds if they had fully maxed profession while joining.​

• Removed 382 overall duplicated npcs in different low-lvl areas (pre pandaria).​

• Players under the effect of Convert can now be attacked.​

• Improve pathfinding for underwater environments. Charge should now be able to be used and underwater creatures can now chase targets properly.​

• Fixed achievement comparing.​

• Improvement on the knockback destination calculation, fixes (maybe?) a bug where it might cause players to fall trough the terrain (experimental)​

• Added some misc LFG dungeon reward credit checks on Coren Direbrew and Headless horseman scripts. (Elioth).​

• Noise Canceling Zones for Force and Verve had their effectiveness adjusted to match spell DBC data.​

• Fixes an issue with character creation.​

• base haste should be additive to aura mods, not multiplicative.​

• Updated Min/Max base damage for 292 creatures.​

• Pets and Guardians should now prefer attacking non-player/non-guardian/non-pets targets from behind.​

• Implements client movement time sync. Fixes weird behavor of players teleporting while moving even with near zero latency.​

• Some extra changes to movements.​

• Fixed a server crash related to worgen form​

• Fixed Mogu'Shan Palace "Harthak Stormcaller" npc's not following when you LoS them​

• Movement:​

* Switch all movement packet handling from THREADSAFE to INPLACE for faster handling.​



Core main fixes (Classes/Spells, Instances & Raids):

In this section, a lot of work related to spells, general mechanics, etc, has been added.​


• Fixed Deathknight Glyph "Glyph Of The Geist" -> your Ghoul will now correctly transform into a Geist while using the glyph.​


• Fixed Shaman Glyph "Glyph Of Flaming Serpents".​

• Fixed Shaman Glyph "Glyph of Spirit Raptors".​


• Fixed Druid Glyph "One With Nature".​

• Fixed Resto Druid's Glyph Of Regrowth - it will no longer increase the critical strike chance of Regrowth by 100%.​

• Fixed movement speed increase for druid talent "Displacer Beast"Core/Spells: Might of.​

• Ursoc should now keep the % current health gained when swapping between cat and bear forms.​

• Might of Ursoc should now keep the % current health gained when swapping between cat and bear forms.​

• Fixes talents like Soul of The Forest doubling the base haste amount as well, on top of the added aura benefits.​


• Make Bandages break rogues stealth.​


• Fixed Paladin's Glyph of Mounted King.​

• Fixed Paladin's Glyph of Contemplation.​

• Fixed Paladin's Glyph of the Luminous Charger.​

• Lays on Hands should now properly heal for an amount equal to the caster's maximum health.​

• Fixed an issue regarding execution sentence not dealing its big damage/heal if the aura duration got reduced/increased due to whatever modifier.​


• Fixed Warlock's "Glyph of Felguard" -> now correctly equipping a two-handed axe, sword, or polearm from the owner's backpack​

• Fixes Grimoire of Supremacy pets name generation.​


• Reworked the Logic behind how "Glyph of Blitz" will search for targets upon charging.​

• Fixed the Warrior's intimidating shout -> it will now fear the target properly and also won't update the target's orientation towards the warrior.​

• Fixed warrior weird fear behavior on shapeshifted druids.​

• Spells: Don't allow intervene being cast while rooted​


• Fixed Hunter's "Glyph of Fetch" not teaching "Fetch".​

• Fixed a combat bug with pets in PvP combat, They will now behave in the same way they do in PvE combat.​


• Fixed Windwalker Monk's "Flying Serpent Kick" and "Roll" not using their 10% passive movement speed in the calculation when increasing movement speed.​

• Fixes Crackling Jade Lightning damage.​


• Improvements to Cascade script, improve the fix from last time to try and solve the same crash.​

• Limit Faerie Swarm main aura duration to 20 seconds in PvP, slow duration remains at 15s as normal.​

• Fixes an issue with "fearful" and "confusing" spells like Scatter Shot and Fear where the movement generated by the targets with these spells was not being properly reported to the caster's client.​

• Exhale can now be intercepted by any party member, making the original target remain stunned but not receiving the damage.​


• Fixed correct removal of the invisible wall after defeating "Commander Vo'jak" in Siege of Niuzao Temple.​

• Fixed Siege of Niuzao Temple NPCs "Shado Pan Prisoner" being clickable multiple times (required for Quest "Somewhere Inside").​

• Commander Vo'jak should now have its Rising Speed stacks removed when passing through Caustic Tar.​

• Killing Wing Leader Neronok should now properly end the dungeon for LFG groups.​


• Fixed Gates Of The Setting Sun Weak Spot & corrected small cosmetics (Raigonn Encounter).​

• Adjusted vehicle logic for Gates Of The Setting Sun Vehicle "Weak Spot" (Raigonn Encounter).​


• Fixed Mogu'shan Vaults "Flanking Order" -> The Mogu Guards now correctly move. • and will no longer split up or leave weird holes in their flanking line.​

• Polished Mogu'Shan Vault's "Flanking Orders" -> they will no longer return to their starting position after hitting a player.​

• Adjusted Mogu'shan Vault's melee combat range for "Feng the Accursed".​

• First fix to "Maddening Shout" (Spirit Kings encounter in Mogu'Shan Vault) -> requires further player testing.​

• Fixed Mogu'Shan Vault causing a client crash when entering.​

• Picking up either shroud of reversal or nullification barrier should make Feng engage in combat.​

• Garajal's cosmetic intro totems should no longer make the players get stuck in combat after the encounter is over.​

• Elegon's Celestial Protector should now spawn on the edge of the outer ring of the platform instead of near Elegon.​

• Elegon's Empyreal Focus should now have laser beam visually linking each pair and will now only deactivate when both are destroyed.​

• Elegon will now spawn a bit higher above the platform.​

• Added missing RestoreFaction call in maddening shout RemoveAura hook.​

• Stone Guards will now check for other nearby stone guards every 200ms instead of every 2000ms. Partial improvement.​

• Fixed Elegon's Cosmic Sparks despawn issue.​


• Fix heroic timer for phases.​

• Pets should not be affected by arcane ressonance.​

• Remove all souls on applying the nullification barrier.​

Spirit Kings:

• Massive attacks shouldn't be blocked, dodged, or resisted.​

• Correct the Massive attacks damage on each difficulty.​

• Zian spell shouldn't target pets as mentioned in the spell itself.​


• Fixed Stormstout Brewery Alemental NPC's not following when you LoS them.​

• Fixed Stormstout Brewery encounter "Ook-Ook" instantly attacking players.​

• Fixed Stormstout Brewery encounter "Ook-Ook" not being immune to knockbacks.​

• Fixed possible XP exploits in Stormstout Brewery.​

• Habanero brew barrels will no longer try to engage in melee combat or turn around if taunted by an AoE spell that deals no damage.​

• OokOok will no longer get damaged by barrels before he enters combat, he is also immune to the knockback effect.​

• Fixed the gushing brew visual on the barrels in the room after hoptallus.​

• Added missing text lines to the hozen bouncers after OokOok.​

• Carbonation visuals from alementals during the yanzhu battle are now fixed and displayed properly.​

• Update mechanic immune mask for Hoptallus and Yan-Zhu.​


• Fixed Scholomance "Boneweaver" NPC's not following when you LoS them.​


• Corrupted water NPCs will no longer mysteriously not engage in combat when spawned.​

• Fixed Wash away spell angle calculation and animation.​


• Fixed Deadmines NPC "Glubtok" (reduced damage).​

• Fixed Deadmines Boss "Glubtok" (Heroic Version) almost instakilling players.​

• Adjusted deadmines creatures no longer dropping 1 gold per mob in non-heroic version.​

• Adjusted Deadmines NPC overall damage values in non-heroic versions.​

• Properly adjusted Deadmines NPC "Mine Bunny", now displaying the Tray & cocktails, including the cocktail spellclicks.​


• Entirely reworked Ragefire Chasm, including spawns, gossips, creature, proper difficulty changes.​

• level adjustments, health, damage from previous heroic version, proper waypoint movement, proper creature formations, overall cosmetics & boss loot.​

• Fixed Ragefire Chasm NPC AI "Mature Flame Hound" including proper Quest Credit upon saving a specific Scout from being "eaten" (No Orc Left Behind Quest).​

• Properly scripted Ragefire Chasm Gameobject "Scout Cage" for quest "No Orc Left Behind".​

• Fixed cosmetic event after killing "Lava Guard Gordoth" in Ragefire Chasm.​

• Fixed missing orcs for Ragefire Chasm quest "No Orc Left Behind" including proper scripting.​


• Fixed Shado Pan Monastery NPC "Sha of Violence" always having 100% hp instead of 85%.​


• Fixed Shadowfang Keep NPC "Spitebone Skeleton" almost insta-killing players.​

• Fixed Shadowfang Keep NPC "Ghostly Cook" almost insta-killing players.​


• Adjusted spawn timers for objects in Utgarde Pinnacle, required for "Junk in My Trunk".​


• Adjusted Blackrock Caverns NPC's (pre-first boss) to proper damage & health values for both NHC and HC.​


• Fixed Heart of Fear's Amber Shaper: Transformed players can now be properly attacked.​

• Fixed Garalon in Heart of Fear not being visible.​

• Garalon leg cooldowns now work in a way that each leg will respawn 30s between each other, instead of 30s after they have been killed,​

which could result in 2 or more legs being respawned at the same time if they were killed at the same time.​

• Imperial Vizier Zor'Lok.​

• Grand Empress Shek'Zeer.​

• Fixes timers on Dissonance Fields spawns on the first phase, first pair 30s after engage, second pair 1 minute after the first.​

Players can now go inside the Dissonance Field to cast spells without having the Cry of Terror debuff.​

• Windblades now get slowed upon fixating on a target, and they will now only pick one target at a time.​


• Fixed Tsulong in Terrace of Endless Spring being auto-attackable during his day phase.​

• Fixed serpent wave and jade serpent wave trajectory.​

• Fixes timers for kaolan's defiled ground to match the DBM addon and 5.4.8 videos. The initial cast is now within 5 seconds from gaining the ability (down from 9s)​

and following cassts are within 15.5s (up from 15s).​

• Tsulong sunbeam will now tick every 150ms instead of 1000ms, allowing for faster cleansing of Dread Shadows.​

• Lei shi will now remove stalking auras from herself upon using Hide.​


• Ominous cackle timer should now match DBM data, 40s for LFR25, 10N, and 10HC, 25.5s for the rest.​

• Dread Spray had its timer corrected and will now be fired on the angles.​


• Fixes a crash in onyxias instance.​


• Fixed "Orb of Naxxramas" not being clickable until you have cleared all wings, you should be able to go into Naxxramas, click the orb, and instantly get to the next floor in Mists of Pandaria).​


As always - Big thanks to all the supporters, who help with the goal of making the repack become as blizzlike as possible.​

Best Regards,
ExO & Emucoach team,
just amazing ty Exo great releaseand good job =)


Verified Member

This includes the changelog for the Mists of Pandaria VIP 4.0 repack that coming shortly. See the countdown by clicking

You can prepare for the release, and obtain access for 22 USD by clicking here.

Changelog (Note, this is from version 4.0 - the latest MoP VIP version)

Get access to the release by becoming Premium here:

View attachment 2620

MoP VIP Repack Version 4.0 - Changelog list:



-- In Version 4, the Emucoach team has really done a lot of updates in order to improve the Playerbots, so that you can get the highest amount of quality gameplay. The specific updates can be found down below:​

- Added Pathing to the Playerbots for Open World in the following zones:​

-- Jade Forest​

-- Valley of the Four Winds​

-- Isle of Thunder​

-- Kun-Lai Summit​

-- Valley of Eternal Blossoms​

-- Dread Wastes​

-- Townlong Steppes​

-- Timeless Isle​

-- Draenei starting sone​

-- Blood Elf starting zone​

-- Tauren staring zone​

-- Mulgore (Level 5-10)​

-- Ghostlands​

-- Southern Barrens​

-- Redridge Mountains​

-- Westfall​

-- Duskwood​

- Increased the maximum Playerbots support from 500 to 5000.​

This means that you can now have 5000 active Playerbots ingame, instead of only 500!​

- Added a new system for dynamically populating the world with bots, loading the data from the database​

- Implemented a few bot dungeon strategies for Pandaria dungeon bosses, to prevent them from wiping as much as before, and to play more authentic now.​

- Fixed issues with alt bots being stuck out of the world after completing a dungeon​

- Fixed an issue with bots queuing for LFG not being considered as in use​

- Improve the way bots are spread around the player when following​

- Fix Playerbots keeping their XP bar when being set to a different level​

- Fix Death Knight bots being set to a level below their starting level​

- Fix Hunter Pets for the Hunter Bots​

- Implemented new arena bots strategies, so they will focus on the player with the lowest health on the opposite team​

- Fix issues caused by bots casting spells differently to regular players​

- Fix brawlgar arena blat summons speed​

- Added missing class race combinations for bots​

- Fixed an issue with bots interrupting their out-of-combat spells​

- Fixed issues with players being able to make bots inside of arenas and BGs logout​

- Fixed a path issue on Playerbots​

- Added console output for bot system setup on startup​

- Fixed a bug with bots being filled too much into BGs​

- Converted some errors upon load-up to warnings.​

- Fixed an issue with bots having spells of higher levels than they actually are​

- Made a lot of Bot AI Spec reworks based on the following topic:​

-- https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/★-playerbots-missing-spells-rotation-updated-to-v3-★.9947/.​

* This includes the following spell rotation changes:​

- SPECS COMBAT + SUBTETLY (assassination is actually using it correctly)​

- Rogues have to use poison which is their principal damage source​

- Should use Deadly Poison. - (actually, it's not used)​

- Should use Preparation - (actually it's not used)​


-- Should use Vendetta on CD - (actually it's not used)​


-- Should not use dagger only mace and axe due to Combat Potency - (actually it's not used)​

-- should use Blade Flurry while fighting 3+ enemy - (actually it's not used)​


-- Should use Renewing Mist (id : 115151) on CD - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Revival (id 115310) - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Chi Wave (id 115098) on CD - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Surging Mist (id 116694) while casting Soothing Mist (id 115175) for greater heal on mono target - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Life Cocoon (id 116849) on PV < 30% - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Thunder Focus Tea (id 116680) on CD - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Chi Brew (id 115399) on CD - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Expel Harm (id 115072) on CD - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Blackout Kick (id 100787) to maintain 100% uptime on the Serpent's Zeal self-buff that it applies - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use (id 100887) Tiger Palm (which costs 1 Chi), to maintain 100% uptime on the Tiger Power self-buff; - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Rushing jade wind on tier 6 talents since Chi torpedo is too complex to use for bots Rushing Jade Wind (id 116847) - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Rushing jade wind on aoe healing Rushing Jade Wind (116847) - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use tea of mana when mana < 50% or mana tea stack > 15 Mana Tea (id 115294) - (actually it's not used)​

-- Take maximum advantage of Eminence and Serpent's Zeal bystaying in melee range of the boss for as long as possible, dealing damage. - (actually it's not used)​


-- Should use Fists of Fury on cooldown (133656) - (actually it's not used on CD)​

-- Should use Tiger Power, refresh every 20 sec - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Tigereye Brew (116740) should be used whenever you have 10 or more stacks - (actually it's used with 5 stacks)​

-- Should use Touch of Karma (122470) on target in critical life moments - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Fortifying Brew (115203) for increase life in critical life moments like 20% pv - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Storm, Earth, and Fire (137639) on AOE- (actually it's not used)​

-- Should Use Expel Harm on CD - (actually it's not used)​


-- Should use Tiger Power, refresh every 20 sec - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Purifying Brew for remove aura "HEAVY STAGGER" on self (spell id 124273) - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Fortifying Brew (115203) for increase life in critical life moments like 20% pv - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Elusive Brew should be used with 8+ stack- (actually it's not used)​

-- Should Use Expel Harm on CD - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should Use Breath of Fire DoT up on 3+targets - (actually it's not used)​


-- Should change for talent Incarnation: Chosen of Elune instead of Soul of the Forest on tier 4 since is too complex to perform for bot​

-- Should use Incarnation: Chosen of Elune on CD - (actually it's not used on CD)​

-- Should use Celestial Alignment on CD - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Nature's Vigil on CD - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should useTranquility as raid cooldown if raid pv down to < 30% - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Rejuvenation on self when health < 50% and debuff missing - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Healing Touch on self if health < 30% - (actually it's not used)​


-- Should use Mangle (id 33878) on CD / PRINCIPAL ABILITIES - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Thrash on CD / PRINCIPAL ABILITIES - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Swipe on cooldown on 3+ targets - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Survival Instincts for reduce damage in critical life moments < 20% pv - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Savage Defense if rage > 80 (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Berserk on cd - (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Healing Touch with proc of Dream of Cenarius (id 145162)​


-- Should use ALWAYS DOT PLAYERS WITH rejuvenation Rejuvenation (id 774) on < 90% pv (! IMPORTANT)​

-- Should use Ironbark on target or self when health down to -40%​


-- Should use Guardian of Ancient Kings Icon Guardian of Ancient Kings when life < 50 % (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Ardent Defender Icon Ardent Defender when life < 20% pv (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Avenging Wrath Icon Avenging Wrath on CD (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Eternal Flame Icon Eternal Flame when life < 70 % or with 3+ stacks of Bastion of Glory Icon Bastion of Glory (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Lay on Hands Icon Lay on Hands in critical life moments like 10% pv if Divine Shield Icon Divine Shield is on cooldown​

-- Should use Hammer of Wrath Icon Hammer of Wrath on CD (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Seal of Insight Icon Seal of Insight (actually seal of truth is used and it's bad for tanking)​

-- Should use Holy Avenger Icon Holy Avenger on cd (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use Hammer of the Righteous Icon Hammer of the Righteous instead of Crusader Strike Icon Crusader Strike for 3+ ennemy​


-- Should use Lay on Hands Icon Lay on Hands in critical life moments like 10% pv if Divine Shield Icon Divine Shield is on cooldown - (actually it's not used on CD)​

-- Should use Flash of Light Icon Flash of Light if life < 20% - (actually it's not used on CD)​


-- Should use a pet​

-- Should use Deterrence when health < 30% (actually it's not used)​


-- Should use Stampede on cd - (actually it's not used on CD)​

-- Should use Deterrence when health < 30% (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use a pet​


-- Should use Stampede on cd (actually it's not used)​

-- Should use a pet​

-- Should use Deterrence when health < 30% (actually it's not used)​


-- Cast Pyroblast when Pyroblast! and Heating Up are up.​

-- Cast Inferno Blast when Heating Upprocs and Inferno Blast is off cooldown.​

-- When moving, cast Scorch instead of Fireball.​

-- Cast Evocation (spell id 12051) for Refresh Invoker's Energy every 60 secs​


-- Should use Frost Armor Icon Frost Armor​

-- Should use Ice Lance Icon Ice Lance with 1 or 2 charges of Fingers of Frost Icon Fingers of Frost (! IMPORTANT)​

-- Should use Evocation Icon Evocation (spell id 12051) for Refresh Invoker's Energy Icon Invoker's Energy every 60 secs (! IMPORTANT)​


-- Should use Mage Armor Icon Mage Armor​

-- Should use Arcane Explosion Icon Arcane Explosion' instead of blizzard on 3+ targets​

-- Should use Evocation (spell id 12051) for Refresh Invoker's Energy every 60 secs (! IMPORTANT)​

Frost DK

-- Should use Army of the Dead on CD​

-- Should use Anti-Magic Shell on CD​

-- Should use Death Grip when ennemy is out of melee range​

-- Should use Death Strike when life < 30 %​

-- Should use Icebound Fortitude when life < 30%​

-- Should use Strangulate for decast ennemy spell​


-- Should use Unholy Frenzy Icon Unholy Frenzy on CD​

-- Should use Summon Gargoyle Icon Summon Gargoyle on CD​

-- Should use Army of the Dead Icon Army of the Dead on CD​

-- Should use Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell on CD​

-- Should use Death Grip Icon Death Grip when ennemy is out of melee range​

-- Should use Death Strike Icon Death Strike when life < 30 %​

-- Should use Icebound Fortitude Icon Icebound Fortitude when life < 30%​

-- Should use Strangulate Icon Strangulate for decast ennemy spell​

-- Should use Death and Decay Icon Death and Decay for AOE​


-- Should use Rune Tap when life < 50%.​

-- Should use Vampiric Blood when life <40%​

-- Should use Icebound Fortitude when life < 30%​

-- Should use Strangulate for decast ennemy spell​

-- Should use Death and Decay for AOE​

-- Should use Army of the Dead on CD​

-- Should use Anti-Magic Shell on CD​

-- Should use Death Grip when ennemy is out of melee range​

-- Should use Blood Boil with procs of Crimson Scourge​


-- Should use Lightning Shield Icon Lightning Shield instead of water shied​

-- Should use Earth Shock Icon Earth Shock with 6 or 7 charges of Lightning Shield​

-- Should use Healing Surge Icon Healing Surge for critical life < 30%​


-- Should use Lightning Shield instead of water shied​

-- Should use Feral Spirit Icon Feral Spirit on CD​

-- Should use Fire Nova on 2+ ennemy​

-- Should use Stormblast Icon Stormblast during Ascendance Icon Ascendance​


-- Should use Curse of the Elements against any new target​

-- Should use Unending Resolve when life < 40%​

-- Should use with procs of Molten Core.​


-- Should use Curse of the Elements against any new target​

-- Should use Shadowburn on CD​

-- Should use Rain of Fire on aoe​

-- Should use Fire and Brimstone against 5+ ennemy​

-- Should use Unending Resolve when life < 40%​


-- Use Drain Soul instead of Malefic Grasp on target below 20% pv​

-- Should use Curse of the Elements against any new target​

-- Should use Unending Resolve when life < 40%​


-- Should use Chakra: Sanctuary Icon Chakra: Sanctuary​

-- Should use Circle of Healing Icon Circle of Healing on CD​

-- Should use Holy Word: Sanctuary Icon Holy Word: Sanctuary on CD​

-- Should use Lightwell on CD​

-- Should use Shadowfiend on CD​

-- Should use Hymn of Hope if mana < 20 %​


-- Should use Shadowfiend on CD​

-- Should use Dispersion Icon Dispersion on critical life < 10% pv​

-- Should Use Vampiric Embrace Icon Vampiric Embrace on critical life moments < 40% pv​

-- Should use Power Word: Shield when life < 60%​

-- Should use Prayer of Mending when life < 30%​

-- Should Use Renew when life < 30%​


-- Should Use Archangel Icon Archangel with 5 stack of Evangelism Icon Evangelism​

-- Should use Penance Icon Penance on cooldown (dps rotation+ heal)​

-- Should use Power Word: Barrier Icon Power Word: Barrier when life < 30%​

-- Should use Pain Suppression Icon Pain Suppression when life < 20%​

-- Should use Inner Focus Icon Inner Focus on CD​

-- Should use Shadowfiend on CD​

-- Should use Hymn of Hope if mana < 20 %​

-- Should use Flash Heal instead of Heal. (He does when target is on low hp)​


With the V3, here are a total of the configuration possibilities for Playerbots and AHBot. (We have tried to make them more flexible, hence more options):​

#     PlayerBots.PlayerbotAmount
#     Set amount of playerbots logged in
#     Default - 500
#     Max 5000
#     0 - disable

PlayerBots.PlayerbotAmount = 500
PlayerBots.PlayerbotEnableAlts = 1
PlayerBots.PlayerbotEnableLfg = 1
PlayerBots.PlayerbotEnableBg = 1
PlayerBots.90MinItemLevelLfg = 480
PlayerBots.90MaxItemLevelLfg = 588
PlayerBots.90MinItemLevelBG = 480
PlayerBots.90MaxItemLevelBG = 588

PlayerBots.IdleAssignDelay = 125
PlayerBots.LoginDelay = 100

PlayerBots.DuelingAmount = 15
PlayerBots.CityAmount = 25
PlayerBots.ZoneAmount = 25

PlayerBots.DuelingMinLevel = 10
PlayerBots.DuelingMaxLevel = 90

PlayerBots.CityMinLevel = 1
PlayerBots.CityMaxLevel = 90

PlayerBots.OldOpenWorldBots = 0

PlayerBots.CopyMount = 0

#    AuctionHouseBot.DEBUG
#        Enable/Disable Debugging output
#    Default 0 (disabled)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DEBUG_FILTERS
#        Enable/Disable Debugging output from Filters
#    Default 0 (disabled)
#    AuctionHouseBot.EnableSeller
#        Enable/Disable the part of AHBot that puts items up for auction
#    Default 0 (disabled)
#    AuctionHouseBot.EnableBuyer
#        Enable/Disable the part of AHBot that buys items from players
#    Default 0 (disabled)
#    AuctionHouseBot.EnableBuyerNeutral
#        Wether or not the AHBot should buy auctions at the neutral auctionhouses. Allows players to transfer items
#        between factions (which is what the neutral auctionhouse is for) without the bot getting involved
#        NOTE: Only works if EnableBuyer is enabled
#    Default 0 (disabled - do not allow buying at neutral auctionhouse)
#    AuctionHouseBot.UseBuyPriceForSeller
#        Should the Seller use BuyPrice or SellPrice to determine Bid Prices
#    Default 0 (use SellPrice)
#    AuctionHouseBot.UseBuyPriceForBuyer
#        Should the Buyer use BuyPrice or SellPrice to determine Bid Prices
#    Default 0 (use SellPrice)
#    Auction House Bot character data
#        AuctionHouseBot.Account is the account number
#         (in realmd->account table) of the player you want to run
#         as the auction bot.
#        AuctionHouseBot.GUID is the GUID (in characters->characters table)
#         of the player you want to run as the auction bot.
#    Default: 0 (Auction House Bot disabled)
#    AuctionHouseBot.ItemsPerCycle
#        Number of Items to Add/Remove from the AH during mass operations
#    Default 200

AuctionHouseBot.DEBUG = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DEBUG_FILTERS = 0
AuctionHouseBot.EnableSeller = 1
AuctionHouseBot.EnableBuyer = 1
AuctionHouseBot.EnableBuyerNeutral = 0
AuctionHouseBot.UseBuyPriceForSeller = 0
AuctionHouseBot.UseBuyPriceForBuyer = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Account = 1
AuctionHouseBot.GUID = 279
AuctionHouseBot.ItemsPerCycle = 200

#    AuctionHouseBot.VendorItems
#        Include items that can be bought from vendors.
#    Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.VendorTradeGoods
#        Include Trade Goods that can be bought from vendors.
#    Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.LootItems
#        Include items that can be looted or fished for.
#    Default 1 (True)
#    AuctionHouseBot.LootTradeGoods
#        Include Trade Goods that can be looted or fished for.
#    Default 1 (True)
#    AuctionHouseBot.OtherItems
#        Include misc. items.
#    Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.OtherTradeGoods
#        Include misc. Trade Goods.
#    Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.Bonding_types
#        Indicates which bonding types to allow seller to put up for auction
#            No_Bind
#             Default 1 (True)
#            Bind_When_Picked_Up
#             Default 0 (False)
#            Bind_When_Equipped
#             Default 1 (True)
#            Bind_When_Use
#             Default 1 (True)
#            Bind_Quest_Item
#             Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisabledItems
#        Disable certain items that are usually unavailable to Players. List of ids separated by space
#    Default "21878 27774 27811 28117 28112" (PTR items)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisablePermEnchant
#        Disable Items with a Permanent Enchantment
#    Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableConjured
#        Disable Conjured Items
#    Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableGems
#        Disable Gems
#    Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableMoney
#        Disable Items that are used as money
#    Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableMoneyLoot
#        Disable Items that have Money as a loot
#    Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableLootable
#        Disable Items that have other items as loot
#    Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableKeys
#        Disable Items that are keys
#    Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableDuration
#        Disable Items with a duration
#    Default 0 (False)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableBOP_Or_Quest_NoReqLevel
#        Disable items that are BOP or Quest Item
#        with a Required level that is less than the Item Level
#        (This prevents a level 10 with a level 60 weapon or armor)
#        (May need further refinement)
#    Default 0 (False)

AuctionHouseBot.VendorItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.VendorTradeGoods = 0
AuctionHouseBot.LootItems = 1
AuctionHouseBot.LootTradeGoods = 1
AuctionHouseBot.OtherItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.OtherTradeGoods = 0
AuctionHouseBot.No_Bind = 1
AuctionHouseBot.Bind_When_Picked_Up = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Bind_When_Equipped = 1
AuctionHouseBot.Bind_When_Use = 1
AuctionHouseBot.Bind_Quest_Item = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisablePermEnchant = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableConjured = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableGems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableMoney = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableMoneyLoot = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableLootable = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableKeys = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableDuration = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableBOP_Or_Quest_NoReqLevel = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisabledItems = "21878 27774 27811 28117 28112"
#     These Filters are boolean (0 or 1) and will disable items that are
#     specifically meant for the Class named.
#     (UnusedClass is Class 10, which was skipped for some reason)
#     Default 0 (allowed)

AuctionHouseBot.DisableWarriorItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisablePaladinItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableHunterItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableRogueItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisablePriestItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableDKItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableShamanItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableMageItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableWarlockItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableUnusedClassItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableDruidItems = 0

#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsBelowLevel
#        Prevent Seller from listing Items below this Level
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsAboveLevel
#        Prevent Seller from listing Items above this Level
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsBelowLevel
#        Prevent Seller from listing Trade Goods below this Level
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsAboveLevel
#        Prevent Seller from listing Trade Goods above this Level
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsBelowGUID
#        Prevent Seller from listing Items below this GUID
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsAboveGUID
#        Prevent Seller from listing Items above this GUID
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsBelowGUID
#        Prevent Seller from listing Trade Goods below this GUID
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsAboveGUID
#        Prevent Seller from listing Trade Goods above this GUID
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsBelowReqLevel
#        Prevent Seller from listing Items below this Required Level
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsAboveReqLevel
#        Prevent Seller from listing Items above this Required Level
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsBelowReqLevel
#        Prevent Seller from listing Trade Goods below this Required Level
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsAboveReqLevel
#        Prevent Seller from listing Trade Goods above this Required Level
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsBelowReqSkillRank
#        Prevent Seller from listing Items below this Required Skill Rank
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsAboveReqSkillRank
#        Prevent Seller from listing Items above this Required Skill Rank
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsBelowReqSkillRank
#        Prevent Seller from listing Trade Goods below this Required Skill Rank
#    Default 0 (Off)
#    AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsAboveReqSkillRank
#        Prevent Seller from listing Trade Goods above this Required Skill Rank
#    Default 0 (Off)

AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsBelowLevel = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsAboveLevel = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsBelowLevel = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsAboveLevel = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsBelowGUID = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsAboveGUID = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsBelowGUID = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsAboveGUID = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsBelowReqLevel = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsAboveReqLevel = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsBelowReqLevel = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsAboveReqLevel = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsBelowReqSkillRank = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsAboveReqSkillRank = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsBelowReqSkillRank = 0
AuctionHouseBot.DisableTGsAboveReqSkillRank = 0


Quest, Zone, Misc, and database fixes:

A lot of improvements have been made related to zones, quests, and misc-related things around the world. Below, you will find the changes:​


• Fixed correct questender npc for "Face To Face With Consequences" (Jade Forest).​

• Fixed Jade Forest Quest "Priorities!" (Phasing Issue).​

• Fixed wrong respawn timer for Hozen Groundpounder in Jade Forest.​

• Increased drop rate for "Fistful of Bird Guts" (Jade Forest Quest "Furious Fowl").​

• Fixed Jade Forest quest "Fire Is Always The Answer" allowing to get the questcredit more than once per ammunition used.​

• Fixed Ancient Mogu Statue parts being invisible once you finished Jade Forest quest "Seein Red".​

• Adjusted spawns and respawn timers for Jade Forest npc "Sha-Infested Prowler".​


• Fixed "Tushui Trainee" npc not sharing quest credit between players in the same group -> related to "The Lesson of Stifled Pride".​

• Fixed "The Lesson of the Burning Scroll" (Panda starting zone quest).​

• Reworked the entire phasing system for "The Dawning Valley, Pu's Fond, Cave of Meditation, Tranquil Grotto and Shang Xi Training Ground".​

• Quest "Aysa of the Tushui".​

• Quest "Items of Utmost Importance".​

• Quest "The Missing Driver".​

• Quest "The Way of the Tushui".​

• Quest "Kindling the Fire".​

• Quest ""Fanning the Flames".​

• Quest "The Spirit's Guardian".​

• Quest "Only the Worthy Shall Pass".​

• Quest "Huo, the Spirit of Fire" (including missing phasing).​

• Quest "The Passion of Shen-zin Su".​

• Quest chain "Finding Shu" including the entire phasing system for "The Singing Pools" Area (and all other areas involved into the quest chain).​

• Quest chain "Waking Wugou" including the entire phasing system.​

• Quest chain "Finding Dafeng" including the entire phasing system for "Morning Breeze Village" area (and all other areas involved in the quest chain).​

• Fixed Wandering Island's Quest "The Wood of Staves" including the entire phasing system.​

• Added cosmetic's to "Master Li Fei Fight" in Shrine of Inner-Light (bow emote and text upon defeating him).​

• Fixed Wandering Island's NPC "Tushui Monk" one shotting the player.​

• Fixed cosmetic phasing for Wandering Island's NPC "Jojo Ironbrow" during the quest chain.​

• Fixed a core crash related to the Wandering Isle quest "The Lesson of the Burning Scroll".​

• Phasing: Further adjustments to Wandering Isles phasing overall (especially related to the Masters Flame).​

• Fixed "Master Li Fei" being attackable during Wandering Isle quest "The Way of the Tushui".​

• Polished Wandering Isle phasing in "Cave of Mediation".​

• Removed 17 duplicate spawns in the Wandering Isle.​

• Fixed Nourished Yak and Carts not properly getting summoned to transport the player to the next area (The Dai-Lo Farmstead) required for Wandering Isle Quest "The Source of Our Livelihood".​

• Fixed Nourished Yak and Carts not properly getting summoned to transport the player to the next area (Temple of Five Dawn) required for Wandering Isle Quest "The Spirit and Body of Shen-Zin".​

• Fixed a server crash caused by The Wandering Isle npc "Shang Xi's Hot Air Balloon".​

• Properly rescripted The Wandering Isle Quest "Passing Wisdom".​


• Fixed Gilneas Quest "Evacuate the Merchant Square".​

• Added cosmetics (text, emotes) to Gilneas npc "Prince Liam Greymane".​

• Added combat AI script to Gilneas creatures: "Prince Liam Greymane, Gilneas City Guard, Rampaging Worgen".​

• Fixed class quests in Gilneas (hit a bloodfang worgen with steady shot, frost nova etc.).​

• Quest "By the Skin of His Teeth".​

• Quest "The Rebel Lord's Arsenal".​

• Quest "From the Shadows".​

• Quest "Save Krennan Aranas".​

• Quest "Sacrifices".​

• Quest "Last Stand".​

• Fixed cosmetic event after turning in Gilneas Quest "Last Stand".​

• Fixed Duskhaven Quest "You Can't Take 'Em Alone".​

• Fixed Duskhaven Quest "Save the Children!".​

• Quest "Two By Sea".​

• Quest "Leader of the Pack".​

• Quest "Gasping for Breath".​

• Quest "The Hungry Ettin".​

• Polished Phasing for Gilneas.​

• Quest "Grandma's Cat".​

• Quest "To Greymane Manor".​

• Quest "Exodus".​

• Quest "Stranded at the Marsh".​

• Quest "Instructions Are in Order".​

• Quest "Take Back What's Ours".​

• Fixed correct reward for Gilneas Quest "Neither Human Nor Beast" (Two Forms (racial)".​

• Fixed correct stealth aura upon using "Krennan's Potion of Stealth" - related to Gilneas Quest "Betrayal at Tempest's Reach".​

• Added combat scripts to "Baron Ashbory" and "Lord Walden" involved into Gilneas.​

• Quest "Betrayal at Tempest's Reach".​

• Quest "Flank the Forsaken".​

• Quest "Liberation Day".​

• Added combat scripts to "Brothogg the Slavemaster" involved into Gilneas Quest "Slaves to No One".​

• Quest "The Battle For Gilneas".​

• Quest "The Hunt For Sylvanas".​

• Quest "Slowing the Inevitable".​

• Quest "They Have Allies, But So Do We".​

• Quest "Rut'theran Village".​

• Fixed Gilneas npcs "Gilneas Survivors" wandering around instead of standing still.​

• Fixed Gilneas npcs "Duskhaven Watchman", "Forsaken Invader", "Bloodfang. Worgen" and "Gilnean Royal Guard" not engaging in combat until a player walks in their "line of sight".​

• Fixed Gilneas npc "Lord Godfrey" properly running his cosmetic event after turning in "Betrayal at Tempest's Reach" quest (he jumps off a cliff and dies).​

• Several improvements to Gilneas Quest "The Battle For Gilneas".​


• Fixed Phasing for Kezan Quest "447".​

• Correct Scene for Kezan Quest "Life Savings".​

• Correct teleport from Kezan to Lost Isles and fixed Lost Isles Quest "Don't Go Into The Light!".​

• Cosmetic reworks to Kezan & Lost Isles.​


• Quest "Goblin Escape Pods".​

• Quest "Monkey Business".​

• Fixed wrong phasing for gameobjects related to "Get Our Stuff Back".​

• Quest "Capturing the Unknown".​

• Quest "Miner Troubles".​

• Quest "Weed Whacker".​

• Quest "To the Cliffs".​

• Quest "Precious Cargo".​

• Quest "Warchief's Revenge".​

• Quest "Up, Up & Away!" including cosmetic pre event with Trade Prince Gallywix.​

• Quest "Town-In-A-Box" including phasing.​

• Quest "The Biggest Egg Ever".​

• Quest "A Goblin in Shark's Clothing".​

• Quest "Irresistible Pool Pony".​

• Added scripts to "Faceless of the Deep" creature related to Lost Isles Quest "Surrender or Else!".​

• Fixed phasing and cosmetics for Lost Isles Quest "Get Back To Town".​

• Quest "Town-In-A-box: Under Attack".​

• Added several cosmetics to creatures in "Town-In-A-Box".​

• Quest "Free The Captives".​

• Added script to "Yngwie" creature related to Lost Isles Quest "Send a Massage".​

• Fixed Phasing for Lost Isles Quest "Oomlot Dealt With".​

• Quest "Zombies vs. Super Booster Rocket Boots".​

• Quest "Volcanoth!".​

• Fixed phasing system for "Volcanoth!".​

• Quest "Old Friends".​

• Quest "The Pride Of Kezan".​

• Quest "Let's Ride".​

• Quest "Kaja'Cola gives you IDEAS! (TM)!.​

• Quest "Morale Boost".​

• Quest "Throw It On the Ground".​

• Quest "Wild Mine Cart Ride".​

• Added "Portal to Orgrimmar" on the Yacht before leaving to Lost Isles.​

• Quest "Release the Valves".​

• Quest "Good-bye, Sweet Oil".​

• Added AI Script to "Chip Endale" npc, related to Lost Isles Quest "What Kind of Name is Chip, Anyway?".​

• Quest "Escape Velocity".​

• Added AI Script to "Candy Cane" npc, related to Lost Isles Quest "She Loves Me, She Loves Me NOT!".​

• Quest "Final Confrontation".​

• Quest "Victory!".​

• Quest "Warchief's Emissary".​


• Corrected phasing for Orgrimmar's "The Art Of War" quest​


• Quest chains for Krasarang Wild's area "Zhu's Watch".​

• Quest "What's Eating Zhu's Watch?".​

• Quest "Finding Yi-Mo".​

• Quest "Cheer Up, Yi-Mo".​

• Quest "Borderlands".​

• Quest "Apply directly to the Forehead".​

• Quest "Zhu's Despair".​

• Quest "Into The Wilds".​

• Fixed correct areatrigger to receive Krasarang Wilds Quest "The Arcanic Oubliette".​

• Fixed Quest chain for Krasarang Wild Area "The Incursion".​

• Quest "The Pools of Youth" (including cosmetic event).​

• Quest "Immortality?" (cosmetic event).​

• Fixed Quest chain for Krasarang Wilds Area "Crane Wing Refuge".​

• Moved Krasarang Wilds Quest "Zhu's Despair" to C++ instead of SAI, to make it smoother.​

• Added waypoint movement to "Thunder Cleft Sunwalker" in Krasarang Wilds Area "Thunder Cleft".​

• Quest chain for Krasarang Wilds Area "Thunder Cleft".​

• Added "Kang Bramblestaff" escorting the player in Ruins of Dojan (Krasarang Wilds) and added cosmetics.​

• Quest "Life" Quest in Thunder Cleft (Close to blizzlike scene).​

• Added phasing to Krasarang Wilds Area "Thunder Cleft" (related to previous fix).​

• Quest "Unsafe Passage".​

• Quest "Sha Can Awe".​

• Quest "In The House of the Red Crane".​

• Quest "For the Tribe".​

• Quest chains for Krasarang Wilds Area "Dawnchaser Retreat".​

• Added combat scripts to creatures involved into Krasarang Wilds Quest "The Mantid".​

• Quest "The Stoneplow Convoy".​

• Quest "For Family".​


• Quest Chain for Valley of the Four Winds Area "Nesingwary's Safari".​

• Quest "Parental Mastery".​


• Quest "The Spring Drifter"​

• Added several cosmetics to Binan Village npc's in Kun-Lai Summit (emotes, waypoint movement, combat scripts)​

• Quest "Hit Medicine"​

• Fixed phasing for Kun-Lai Summit area "Binan Village"​

• Quest "Eastwind Rest"​

• Quest "Challenge Accepted"​

• Quest chain for Kun-Lai Summit area "Binan Village"​

• Quest chain for Kun-Lai Summit area "Eastwind Rest"​

• Quest "Round 'Em Up" (Alliance & Horde version)​

• Quest "Farmhand Freedom"​

• Added combat script to npc "Cookie McYaungol" involved into Kun-Lai Summit Quest "...and the Pot, too!"​

• Quest "Pandaren Prisoners"​

• Quest "Barrels of Fun"​

• Fixed correct scene trigger for alliance and horde (hub swap and phasing) after quest "Challenge Accepted" got rewarded.​

• Added combat scripts to all npc's inside "Fire Camp Ordo" - adjusted phasing aswell.​

• Fixed spawns, emotes, cosmetics for Kun-Lai Summit Area "One Keg".​

• Quest "Instant Courage".​

• Quest "Comin' Round the Mountain".​

• Quest "One Traveler's Misfortune".​

• Quest "Seeker's Folly".​

• Quest "The Tongue of Ba-Shon".​

• Fixed Kun-Lai Summit Taxipath for "Mishi" in Seeker's Folly.​

• Quest "Staying Connected".​

• Quest "Breaking the Emperor's Shield".​

• Quest "Stealing Their Thunder King".​

• Quest "Lessons from History" including correct cutscene.​

• Fixed Mishi's gossip and flight path for Kun-Lai Summit Quest "Fisherman's Tale".​

• Quest "Fisherman's Tale".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Begin Your Training: Master Cheng".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Practice Makes Perfect: Master Cheng".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Continue Your Training: Master Woo".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Practice Makes Perfect: Master Woo".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Continue Your Training: Master Kistane".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Practice Makes Perfect: Master Kistane".​

• Added missing "Zen Healing" phase to Training Grounds npc "Master Kistane".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Continue Your Training: Master Yoon".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Practice Makes Perfect: Master Yoon".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Continue Your Training: Master Cheng" (lvl 60).​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Practice Makes Perfect Master Cheng" (lvl 60).​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Continue Your Training: Master Tsang".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Practice Makes Perfect: Master Tsang".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Continue Your Training: Master Hsu's".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Practice Makes Perfect: Master Hsu's".​

• Properly rescripted Training Grounds quest "Complete Your Training: The Final Test".​


• Finished the entire rework of "Silverpine Forest", which includes spawns, combat AI, gossips, creature_text, npc_text, proper combatAI, random movement, waypoint movement, proper RP, proper quest scripting, quest chain orders & phasing.​


• Fixed Dread Wastes npc "Ai-Li Skymirror" being immune to stun, interrupt, casting "Unstable Serum" while she shouldn't & also fixed her "Chi Burst" not properly being casted.​


• Adjusted phasing for Eastern Plaguelands quest "Visitors".​

• Fixed 37 duplicated spawns in "Eastern Plaguelands".​

• Adjusted phasing for Eastern Plaguelands quest "Tarenar Sunstrike".​

• Added proper combatAI to Eastern Plaguelands npcs "Death's Step Putrifier" and "Death's Step Miscreation".​


• Quest "Mission Improbable".​

• Quest "We're Here to Do one Thing, maybe Two...".​


• Fixed Silithus npc "Calandrath" not properly updating the player's new hearthstone location, also adjusted her npc text.​


• Properly adjusted droprate for "Dark Iron Head" item required for Badlands quest "The Moron's League".​

• Adjusted quest chain for New Kargath npc "Rhea".​

• Fixed phasing for New Kargath npc "Rhea".​


• Fixed sha energy bar display of Grand Empress Shek' Zeer and now multiple windblades can fixate on the same target if free non-fixated targets are not available.​


• Adjusted respawntimer for "Fathom-Stome" gameobject.​


• Added cosmetics for "Darnell" in Tirisfal Glades.​


• Fixed Client Crash in "Azurelode Mine".​


• Npc's will now correctly deal the right amount of damage. (Basic Attacks).​


• Fixed Brawler's Guild Npc "Fran" not being visible.​


• Fixed Pet Trainer having messed up summons for "Beetle" and "Monkey", also added Crane.​

• Fixed Stormwind Rogue Trainer teaching Dual spec to every class.​

• Fixed "Aysa Cloudsinger" randomly floating in the air.​

• Fixed proper spellschool for Mindbender npc.​

• Adjusted Garrosh Hellscream, Honor Guards, Ishi, Beige Sugar, T16 vendors, and Miss Jadepaw being visible to players (Shrine of Two Moons).​


• Adjusted maxcount for Mists Of Pandaria Herb's (Drop amount).​

• Adjusted maxcount for Mists Of Pandaria Ore's (Drop amount) - only Kyparite and Ghost Iron Ore.​



• Fixed an issue with loading the honor/conquest reward values for first win/lose of the day.​

• Rated BGs will now grant 192 rating gain per win instead of 96, up until 1500 rating.​

• Fixed an issue that could cause a speed desync of pet speed when their owner is out of combat in a battleground/arena.​

• Corrected Shadow Sight spawn location in Blades Edge arena.​

• Fixed Shadow Sight (Arenas) recently showing as a buff, whle it should be a debuff​

• Define spells which should get removed upon entering the arena.​


• Fixes an occasional behavior with periodic triggered channeled spellcasts, that was causing some of these spells to not get their last spell cast at the aura last tick. (Like penance only ticking 2 times instead of 3, even though the spell has channeled for its entire duration).​

• Fully fixed recent spellqueue issue of being able to queue up locked spells.​

• Fixed cc's getting applied with a weird 1000ms delay.​


• Implemented AHBot for Version 4!​

• Fixed the Autobroadcast system for Version 4!​

• Removed Dampening Effects from Raids.​

• Fixed client crashes after using Transports (Boat's, Zeppelin's etc.).​

• Optimized some MoP scripts.​

• Implemented Glyphhandler -> you are no longer able to equip Glyph's that require a specific spec while having another spec active. (e.g no longer equip Demonology Warlock Glyphs while having Destruction spec active.​

• Having the same enchantment on both weapons will no longer proc them permanently.​

• Implemented a mechanic/function to make Vehicle scripting easier in the future.​

• Implemented follower list and allow follow angles to be chosen based on the amount of followers.​

• Further polishing towards the entire pet system.​

• Correctly fixed AoELoot now stacking up the same items dropped my multiple npc's in the AoeLoot range.​

• Added missing change to MMap path calculation for ConfusedMovementGenerator, will fix issues such as blind and scatter shot occasionally dropping people under the map terrain.​

• Fixed guild members randomly getting kicked out of guilds if they had fully maxed profession while joining.​

• Removed 382 overall duplicated npcs in different low-lvl areas (pre pandaria).​

• Players under the effect of Convert can now be attacked.​

• Improve pathfinding for underwater environments. Charge should now be able to be used and underwater creatures can now chase targets properly.​

• Fixed achievement comparing.​

• Improvement on the knockback destination calculation, fixes (maybe?) a bug where it might cause players to fall trough the terrain (experimental)​

• Added some misc LFG dungeon reward credit checks on Coren Direbrew and Headless horseman scripts. (Elioth).​

• Noise Canceling Zones for Force and Verve had their effectiveness adjusted to match spell DBC data.​

• Fixes an issue with character creation.​

• base haste should be additive to aura mods, not multiplicative.​

• Updated Min/Max base damage for 292 creatures.​

• Pets and Guardians should now prefer attacking non-player/non-guardian/non-pets targets from behind.​

• Implements client movement time sync. Fixes weird behavor of players teleporting while moving even with near zero latency.​

• Some extra changes to movements.​

• Fixed a server crash related to worgen form​

• Fixed Mogu'Shan Palace "Harthak Stormcaller" npc's not following when you LoS them​

• Movement:​

* Switch all movement packet handling from THREADSAFE to INPLACE for faster handling.​



Core main fixes (Classes/Spells, Instances & Raids):

In this section, a lot of work related to spells, general mechanics, etc, has been added.​


• Fixed Deathknight Glyph "Glyph Of The Geist" -> your Ghoul will now correctly transform into a Geist while using the glyph.​


• Fixed Shaman Glyph "Glyph Of Flaming Serpents".​

• Fixed Shaman Glyph "Glyph of Spirit Raptors".​


• Fixed Druid Glyph "One With Nature".​

• Fixed Resto Druid's Glyph Of Regrowth - it will no longer increase the critical strike chance of Regrowth by 100%.​

• Fixed movement speed increase for druid talent "Displacer Beast"Core/Spells: Might of.​

• Ursoc should now keep the % current health gained when swapping between cat and bear forms.​

• Might of Ursoc should now keep the % current health gained when swapping between cat and bear forms.​

• Fixes talents like Soul of The Forest doubling the base haste amount as well, on top of the added aura benefits.​


• Make Bandages break rogues stealth.​


• Fixed Paladin's Glyph of Mounted King.​

• Fixed Paladin's Glyph of Contemplation.​

• Fixed Paladin's Glyph of the Luminous Charger.​

• Lays on Hands should now properly heal for an amount equal to the caster's maximum health.​

• Fixed an issue regarding execution sentence not dealing its big damage/heal if the aura duration got reduced/increased due to whatever modifier.​


• Fixed Warlock's "Glyph of Felguard" -> now correctly equipping a two-handed axe, sword, or polearm from the owner's backpack​

• Fixes Grimoire of Supremacy pets name generation.​


• Reworked the Logic behind how "Glyph of Blitz" will search for targets upon charging.​

• Fixed the Warrior's intimidating shout -> it will now fear the target properly and also won't update the target's orientation towards the warrior.​

• Fixed warrior weird fear behavior on shapeshifted druids.​

• Spells: Don't allow intervene being cast while rooted​


• Fixed Hunter's "Glyph of Fetch" not teaching "Fetch".​

• Fixed a combat bug with pets in PvP combat, They will now behave in the same way they do in PvE combat.​


• Fixed Windwalker Monk's "Flying Serpent Kick" and "Roll" not using their 10% passive movement speed in the calculation when increasing movement speed.​

• Fixes Crackling Jade Lightning damage.​


• Improvements to Cascade script, improve the fix from last time to try and solve the same crash.​

• Limit Faerie Swarm main aura duration to 20 seconds in PvP, slow duration remains at 15s as normal.​

• Fixes an issue with "fearful" and "confusing" spells like Scatter Shot and Fear where the movement generated by the targets with these spells was not being properly reported to the caster's client.​

• Exhale can now be intercepted by any party member, making the original target remain stunned but not receiving the damage.​


• Fixed correct removal of the invisible wall after defeating "Commander Vo'jak" in Siege of Niuzao Temple.​

• Fixed Siege of Niuzao Temple NPCs "Shado Pan Prisoner" being clickable multiple times (required for Quest "Somewhere Inside").​

• Commander Vo'jak should now have its Rising Speed stacks removed when passing through Caustic Tar.​

• Killing Wing Leader Neronok should now properly end the dungeon for LFG groups.​


• Fixed Gates Of The Setting Sun Weak Spot & corrected small cosmetics (Raigonn Encounter).​

• Adjusted vehicle logic for Gates Of The Setting Sun Vehicle "Weak Spot" (Raigonn Encounter).​


• Fixed Mogu'shan Vaults "Flanking Order" -> The Mogu Guards now correctly move. • and will no longer split up or leave weird holes in their flanking line.​

• Polished Mogu'Shan Vault's "Flanking Orders" -> they will no longer return to their starting position after hitting a player.​

• Adjusted Mogu'shan Vault's melee combat range for "Feng the Accursed".​

• First fix to "Maddening Shout" (Spirit Kings encounter in Mogu'Shan Vault) -> requires further player testing.​

• Fixed Mogu'Shan Vault causing a client crash when entering.​

• Picking up either shroud of reversal or nullification barrier should make Feng engage in combat.​

• Garajal's cosmetic intro totems should no longer make the players get stuck in combat after the encounter is over.​

• Elegon's Celestial Protector should now spawn on the edge of the outer ring of the platform instead of near Elegon.​

• Elegon's Empyreal Focus should now have laser beam visually linking each pair and will now only deactivate when both are destroyed.​

• Elegon will now spawn a bit higher above the platform.​

• Added missing RestoreFaction call in maddening shout RemoveAura hook.​

• Stone Guards will now check for other nearby stone guards every 200ms instead of every 2000ms. Partial improvement.​

• Fixed Elegon's Cosmic Sparks despawn issue.​


• Fix heroic timer for phases.​

• Pets should not be affected by arcane ressonance.​

• Remove all souls on applying the nullification barrier.​

Spirit Kings:

• Massive attacks shouldn't be blocked, dodged, or resisted.​

• Correct the Massive attacks damage on each difficulty.​

• Zian spell shouldn't target pets as mentioned in the spell itself.​


• Fixed Stormstout Brewery Alemental NPC's not following when you LoS them.​

• Fixed Stormstout Brewery encounter "Ook-Ook" instantly attacking players.​

• Fixed Stormstout Brewery encounter "Ook-Ook" not being immune to knockbacks.​

• Fixed possible XP exploits in Stormstout Brewery.​

• Habanero brew barrels will no longer try to engage in melee combat or turn around if taunted by an AoE spell that deals no damage.​

• OokOok will no longer get damaged by barrels before he enters combat, he is also immune to the knockback effect.​

• Fixed the gushing brew visual on the barrels in the room after hoptallus.​

• Added missing text lines to the hozen bouncers after OokOok.​

• Carbonation visuals from alementals during the yanzhu battle are now fixed and displayed properly.​

• Update mechanic immune mask for Hoptallus and Yan-Zhu.​


• Fixed Scholomance "Boneweaver" NPC's not following when you LoS them.​


• Corrupted water NPCs will no longer mysteriously not engage in combat when spawned.​

• Fixed Wash away spell angle calculation and animation.​


• Fixed Deadmines NPC "Glubtok" (reduced damage).​

• Fixed Deadmines Boss "Glubtok" (Heroic Version) almost instakilling players.​

• Adjusted deadmines creatures no longer dropping 1 gold per mob in non-heroic version.​

• Adjusted Deadmines NPC overall damage values in non-heroic versions.​

• Properly adjusted Deadmines NPC "Mine Bunny", now displaying the Tray & cocktails, including the cocktail spellclicks.​


• Entirely reworked Ragefire Chasm, including spawns, gossips, creature, proper difficulty changes.​

• level adjustments, health, damage from previous heroic version, proper waypoint movement, proper creature formations, overall cosmetics & boss loot.​

• Fixed Ragefire Chasm NPC AI "Mature Flame Hound" including proper Quest Credit upon saving a specific Scout from being "eaten" (No Orc Left Behind Quest).​

• Properly scripted Ragefire Chasm Gameobject "Scout Cage" for quest "No Orc Left Behind".​

• Fixed cosmetic event after killing "Lava Guard Gordoth" in Ragefire Chasm.​

• Fixed missing orcs for Ragefire Chasm quest "No Orc Left Behind" including proper scripting.​


• Fixed Shado Pan Monastery NPC "Sha of Violence" always having 100% hp instead of 85%.​


• Fixed Shadowfang Keep NPC "Spitebone Skeleton" almost insta-killing players.​

• Fixed Shadowfang Keep NPC "Ghostly Cook" almost insta-killing players.​


• Adjusted spawn timers for objects in Utgarde Pinnacle, required for "Junk in My Trunk".​


• Adjusted Blackrock Caverns NPC's (pre-first boss) to proper damage & health values for both NHC and HC.​


• Fixed Heart of Fear's Amber Shaper: Transformed players can now be properly attacked.​

• Fixed Garalon in Heart of Fear not being visible.​

• Garalon leg cooldowns now work in a way that each leg will respawn 30s between each other, instead of 30s after they have been killed,​

which could result in 2 or more legs being respawned at the same time if they were killed at the same time.​

• Imperial Vizier Zor'Lok.​

• Grand Empress Shek'Zeer.​

• Fixes timers on Dissonance Fields spawns on the first phase, first pair 30s after engage, second pair 1 minute after the first.​

Players can now go inside the Dissonance Field to cast spells without having the Cry of Terror debuff.​

• Windblades now get slowed upon fixating on a target, and they will now only pick one target at a time.​


• Fixed Tsulong in Terrace of Endless Spring being auto-attackable during his day phase.​

• Fixed serpent wave and jade serpent wave trajectory.​

• Fixes timers for kaolan's defiled ground to match the DBM addon and 5.4.8 videos. The initial cast is now within 5 seconds from gaining the ability (down from 9s)​

and following cassts are within 15.5s (up from 15s).​

• Tsulong sunbeam will now tick every 150ms instead of 1000ms, allowing for faster cleansing of Dread Shadows.​

• Lei shi will now remove stalking auras from herself upon using Hide.​


• Ominous cackle timer should now match DBM data, 40s for LFR25, 10N, and 10HC, 25.5s for the rest.​

• Dread Spray had its timer corrected and will now be fired on the angles.​


• Fixes a crash in onyxias instance.​


• Fixed "Orb of Naxxramas" not being clickable until you have cleared all wings, you should be able to go into Naxxramas, click the orb, and instantly get to the next floor in Mists of Pandaria).​


As always - Big thanks to all the supporters, who help with the goal of making the repack become as blizzlike as possible.​

Best Regards,
ExO & Emucoach team,
hopefully they fix errors or at least come out with something about fixing error 0xc0150002 or make it happen less. I havent been able to play in about 2 and half months because of it


Trial Member
I know this is a smaller detail but for us OCD folks, is there any progress on transmogrification? I didn't see anything about it in the V4 notes, but it would be so cool if we got that working. Again, it's just a small detail. Keep up the good work!


MoP Premium
Veteran Member
hopefully they fix errors or at least come out with something about fixing error 0xc0150002 or make it happen less. I havent been able to play in about 2 and half months because of it
Hi I Didn't see your original post , is this in reference to crashes ?curious