- 5,119
- 2014
- 1,639

This includes the changelog for VIP 17.0 that is available for regular VIPS and VIP Gold.
You can obtain access for 18.95€ by clicking here.
Changelog (Note, this is from version 17.0 - the latest Cataclsm VIP version)
Get access to the release by becoming a VIP here:

Cata VIP Repack Version 17.0 - Changelog list:

-- I'm happy to introduce that the unique Playersbots from MoP, are now included in the official Cataclysm VIP V17 release. This means that you will be able to get advanced gameplay together with the Playerbots, including Dungeons and Battlegrounds/PvP against/with the bots! Please note that they will be updated as we go, and become more advanced with new specs and rotations.
This includes the following:
- Dungeons and Raids together with the Playerbots
- Battlegrounds and Arenas with the Playerbots
- Leveling and assistance with the Playerbots
- Open world rotation and pathing on the Playerbots
- Dueling and PvP against the Playerbots
- And much more! Happy gaming, just like with the MoP premium repack.
Dungeons and Raids:
The Stonecore
• Stonecore Sentry will now properly run to alert Stonecore Warbringers of player presence, and are now also immune to taunts.
• Devout followers pre-adds on last boss are now kneeling.
• Fixes Captain Cookie spawning.
• Admiral Ripsnarl's summoned Vapors should no longer use their condensation mechanic in the low level, normal mode dungeon.
• Fixes helix gearbreaker reset behavior if a wipe occurs during phase 2
• Fixes helix gearbreaker damage taken mechanic (he should not take damage while mounted on the oaf, but should take damage when out of it)
• Players will now no longer get stuck in the instance if they fail to complete the nightmare event from Vanessa.
• Failing to complete the event will now make Vanessa skip her initial intro on further tries.
• Fixed a crash on glubtok nightmare event.
• Players can now use the cannons around the gunship to shoot at enemies.
• Cannons will no longer leave their "ground hit" indicator after their npc operators have been killed.
• Added a visual indicator for the ropes during vanessa second phase.
Hour of Twilight
• Fixed some issues with invisible triggers engaging in combat with players.
• Thrall first and second escort version will now properly use its skills: Lava Burst, Chain Lightning, Healing Wave for first escort, and Rising Totem, Lava burst for the second escort.
• During the third escort, if thrall remains out of combat for more than 1 minute after the second wave of adds has been defeated, he will continue with the event regardless if the last 3 adds were killed.
Bastion of Twilight
• Twilight crossfire npc will now use its spells on the players
• Fixes twilight crossfire damage.
• Halfus should now always properly wake up 3 drakes/whelps
• Implements Phase Shift sphere AI behavior
• Activating the time warden will now result in Time Dillation being properly applied to the proto behemoth.
• When time warden is inactive, the proto behemoth will use its single-target Fireball spell.
• Valiona and theralion should no longer be able to have their casts interrupted.
• Valiona and theralion will now have proper landing and takeoff animations.
• Fixes the spawning of unstable twilights.
• Fixes the spawning of twilight fiends.
• Valiona and Theralion missile spells will now land in the correct time.
• Unstable collapsing portals will now appear spread out across the room, rather than only in the center
• Players now have proper phasing and can see what is happening outside the twilight realm.
• Improvements to valiona and theralion script.
• Players now have proper phasing and can see what is happening outside the twilight realm.
• Implements Evolved Drakonnar pathing.
• Players now have proper phasing and can see what is happening outside the twilight realm.
• Bound Deluge will now have its Icy Shroud properly removed when standing on top of Bound Inferno's Flamestrike.
• Bound Deluge's Frost Whirl can now be interrupted after removing Icy Shroud.
• Valiona and theralion are no longer attackable from the twilight realm.
• Players now have proper phasing and can see what is happening outside the twilight realm.
• Common used spells by valiona and theralion will prefer targeting players outside the twilight realm.
• Unstable twilight will no longer chase players.
• Fixed valiona Devouring Flames spell.
• Twilight Fiend now moves faster and will no longer engage in combat with players.
• Bound Deluge's Frost Whirl will no longer be interrupted by damage from spells or normal attacks.
• Improvements on faceless guardian mob.
• Adjustments to the bosses spell target selector predicate, make sure targets outside of the twilight realm are preferred.
• Fixes Valiona Devouring Flames orientation.
• Implemented Dazzling Destruction bonus damage mechanic for targets hit while in the twilight realm.
• Dazzling destruction animation will now disappear upon the missile landing.
• Ignacius Inferno Rush should now work properly.
• Fix bad script assignment to Feludius's aqua bomb dummy npc.
• Fixes Feludius Water bomb and Glaciate mechanics. Also remove some badly added cryogenic aura on water bomb npc
• Fixes flame imbued and frost imbued proc mechanics. Since we lack official data, make it so that they proc for 10% of the damage dealt by the player.
• Fixes reset issue with ascendant council.
• Fixes arion Disperse mechanic.
• Fixes elemental mostrosity lava seed mechanic.
• Fixes Arion's Call Wind Mechanic, the dummy npc should move.
• Fixes gravity crush lift/drop mechanic.
• Fixes Cryogenic Aura Spawning and grow behavior.
• Fixes electrical instability mechanic.
• Fixes an issue that prevented the instance progress from being carried out after killing the elementium monstrosity.
• Fixes Shadow Mending heal from Twilight Shadow Mender.
• Shifted Reality debuff should now be applied on the enemy target, and not on the caster
• Fixes flame orders and shadow orders mechanic on cho'gall.
• Cho'gall Corrupting Adherents will now be properly summoned and will no longer have pathing issues during the encounter.
• Fixes issue with Aegis Of Flame from Ignacius.
• Fix Bastion of Twilight Heroic Creatures
• Proto behemoth will now properly cast its single Fireball.
• Valiona breath damage should now be reduced according to her distance from the player.
• Make Cryogenic Aura dummy trigger grow a bit slower.
• Improvements on Ignacius Flame Aegis to try and make sure he casts it before Rising Flames.
• Flame Torrent Should now remove the waterlogged debuff.
• Feludius Glaciate will now properly freeze targets affected by waterlogged.
• Improvements on summoning relocation spells such as flame orders and fire orders. Also make sure that the portals will now be despawned after 2 seconds.
• Fester blood mechanic on corrupting adherents will now work properly.
• Fixed darkened creations spawns.
• Lava seed will now be fired 4 times for each player, and spread out around their position
• Increased the amount of water bombs spawned and make it more spread out around the caster.
• Burning adrenaline rush should now be properly applied to ignacious after Inferno Rush.
• Forcecast aegis of flames to avoid aura application failure.
• Fixes darkened creation displayId
• Fixes Chogall's Twisted devotion targetting, and make darkened creations spawn in a 20yd around chogall.
• Implements valiona and theralion pre room event with chogall.
• Add missing stuff to valiona and theralion pre event
• Fixes an issue that was causing valiona and theralion deaths to not count towards the raid progression.
• Fixes Chogall's Twisted devotion targetting, and make darkened creations spawn in a 20yd around chogall.
• Halfus will now have a 2000ms base attack time.
• Halfus drakes will now melee the target and fly a bit above ground level.
• Blackout will now only be applied to players.
• Devouring magic will now only be applied to caster dps and healers.
• Twilight Meteorite will now have its damage properly split between the targets it hit.
• Some adjustments to Inferno Rush mechanic on ascendant council to make sure the boss actually jumps on someone.
• Chogall's Darkened Creations will now prefer targets that still dont have a debilitating beam on, and will no longer fall trough the ground (presumably).
• Twilight Meteorite will now have its damage properly split between the targets it hit.
• Halfus drakes can now be interacted with on heroic mode, also fix the melee damage of the units in the encounter for all difficulties.
• Updated the melee damage for valiona and theralion.
• Valiona and theralion will now spawn twilight sentries every 30s (still have to fix their positioning logic)
• Dazzling Destruction will now despawn the visual spell dummy trigger.
• Twilight Shift will now properly send the tank to the twilight ream upon reaching 5 stacks.
• Add missing spellscripts to valiona and theralion multiple spell difficulty entries.
• Twilight Sentries will now spawn every 30 seconds in a random position 30yd around valiona or theralion.
• Twilight Shift auras will now be properly removed upon exiting a portal.
• The portal exit that happens to be on the stairs will be 0.5yd above ground level to avoid players falling trough the terrain.
• Implements Flame Strike and Frost Orb heroic mechanics for Ignacius and Feludius
• Implements Static overload and Gravity core mechanics for Arion and Terrastra
• Some Adjustments made to Gravity Crush from elementium monstrosity.
• Convertion should now keep the player in place.
• Worshipping can now be interrupted.
• Debilitating Beam can now be interrupted, and also now add corruption in heroic mode.
• Most spells that should be applying corruption now do it properly in heroic mode.
• Sinestra is now spawned and can be engaged.
• Both theralion and valiona will now drop loot.
• Try to fix a small visual issue at the beginning of valiona's Devouring Flames cast.
• Change hook and cast shifting reality earlier so that the affected players can see the damage received in their screens and also get properly teleported to the twilight realm.
• Fixes an HP difference between valiona and theralion.
• Feludius will no longer cast frost orb during phase 1 after a reset in heroic mode.
• Frozen orb will now have its speed increased over time.
• Inferno Rush damage from Ignacious should now properly remove Waterlogged debuff in heroic mode.
• Fixes health of Elementium Monstrosity and…make sure it cannot cast Heroic phase 2 spells like frost orb.
• Fix loot drop for elementium monstrosity in heroic mode.
• Fixes Warlord Zon'ozz sphere movement.
• Thrall first and second escort version will now properly use its skills: Lava Burst, Chain Lightning, Healing Wave for first escort, and Rising Totem, Lava burst for the second escort.
• During the third escort, if thrall remains out of combat for more than 1 minute after the second wave of adds has been defeated, he will continue with the event regardless if the last 3 adds were killed.
Shadowfang Keep
• Lord Godfrey's door should now properly open when he evades after a wipe.
Vortex Pinnacle
• Make sure all players are moved from the slipstream if more than one of them jumps into it. Also some improvements to the anti cheat detection.
Blackwing Descent
• Force spawn Z pos for random movement on blackwing descent, vmaps height calc for that map is a bit off.
• Fixes an issue with a creature trigger model in blackwing descent.
• Lava parasites will now be slower and players will have their parasitic infection auras removed on a wipe
• Fixes atramedes move animation when on ground or flying
• Fixes Absolute Zero mechanic.
• Fixes various bugs regarding encounter reset, evade bugs, and other issues with nefarian boss encounter
• Elevator will now move properly on all phases.
• Nefarian will now use his eletrocute properly.
• Magmaw's head will no longer disappear and kick players out of the vehicle.
• Maloriak should now be susceptible to interrupts and disease application from DKs
• Fixes an issue with spawning GameObjects like traps in BWD.
• Fixes immune mask for nefarian and atramedes.
• Fixes Shadowblaze Spark mechanic in nefarian encounter.
• Maloriak's Flash Freeze will now affect only 1 player and only spawn 1 ice shard npc.
• Fixes atramedes model bouding radius and combat reach.
• Fixes maloriak green vial mechanic.
• Make sure nefarian always summons 5 bone warriors on phase 1 before landing.
• Magmaw should now properly impale himself on the spike, instead of doing it in another location (needs further testing)
• Make sure nefarian always summons 5 bone warriors on phase 1 before landing.
• Magmaw will now use its Massive Crash spell in the location highlighted in the ground, instead of using it in another location.
• Magmaw will now spawn with its proper orientation set.
• Magmaw's pincers will no longer be damaged by the players Parasitic Infection if they decide to enter in the pincers.
• Magmaw's pincers and Head vehicles will now properly drop the player in a safe spot.
• Magmaw's Lava parasites will now properly despawn when the encounter has failed, or is finished.
• Magmaw's Lava parasites will no longer keep spawning if the Magmaw encounter has been finished, or failed. They will continue to spawn from dead players during the encounter though, as they should.
• Fixes a mistake from previous patch regarding Shadowblaze Spark mechanic. The mechanic will no longer indefinitelly spawn millions of flames in a short period of time, and will no longer target Animated Bone warriors that are already in combat, instead, if no bone warriors are found, it will target a random position around the platform to spawn the flames.
• Fixes maloryak green vial spell targeting and visual.
• Fix lava parasite can now be slowed and when no longer has a slow no longer gains burst speed
Grim Batol
• Battered drakes will now have a 1s cooldown for engulfing flames (not shown in the client) and creatures hit by it will no longer regenerate health (except bosses).
Throne of The Tides
• Fixed Mindbender Gursha damage
• Fixes ozumat evade behavior and ozumat chest spawning.
• Remove dumb spell link event that was causing mindbender to deal bonus damage by casting the enslave aura into himself.
• Fixes faceless watcher ground pound and void rip spells
• Make sure mindbender can be attacked when he is engaged in combat
• Nazjar tempest witch should now attack the players properly.
• Casting void rip should no longer make faceless watchers follow you up to the ceiling.
• Changes ozumat entry to the one that actually has proper health and Heroic entry in database.
• Add some extra failsafe measures for mindbender gursha
• Fixes a possible crash when checking for current enslaved target health, checking pointer validation every update call can be risky.
• Fixes lady nazjar immunities on heroic mode.
Throne of The Four Winds
• Fixes Al'akir phase 3 player flight mechanic
• Fixes a relocation crash in alakyr encounter
• Fixes alakyr squall line.
• Fixes alakyr "chest" spawning.
• Fixes alakyr squall line.
• Fixed entrance LFG level
Scarlet Enclave
• Prevent the teleporter inside the instanced acherus from being used after players have completed quest 12757, they are supposed to just get the griphon and go down to the lich king
• Lower the fight durating for the battle for light hopes chapel from 5 minutes to 2 minutes.
• Darion will now respawn and offer the quest again after 3 minutes.

Quest, Zone, Misc, and database fixes:
• Prevent pets from engaging in combat when they are aggroed by CC effects such as fear.
• Attempt fixing a crash on Spell Queue
• Further improvements on the Spell Queue System
• Fixes a crash involving .pinfo someone that have been muted.
• Improve the movement system for playing. Now, when you see other players around (ie. your friends/family) moving, then it will be much smoother, rather than looking laggy and spikey.
• Fixes player not being able to switch raid difficulties outside of a group.
• Pets should not put their owner in combat when they start attacking an enemy.
• Fixes spirit healer teleport location for players that die after the volcanoth quest has been completed.
• Fixes a crash on packet processing.
• Fixes another crash related to packets
• Fixes a logic error on the goblin graveyard fix.
• Use dbc recminlevel instead of reclevel for pooling dungeons for players in the LFG tool. it was wrongfully skipping some dungeons for them.
• Improve a bit the issue with lightened up spell icons after spam queueing too many spells.
• LFG implementation for Stormwind Stockades. Players will now be able to finish the dungeon by killing the bosses and leaving without getting deserter if the dungeon is already completed.
• Allow only one spell to be queued at a time, we will not be able to replace a queued spell but maybe its for the best for now, players tend to spam the cast packet and there is no safe way to prevent it in the handler without causing further issues...
- Fixes also an issue regarding not be able to auto attack after swapping forms as druid.
• Swap the modscale implementation aura, and prevents its saving
• Fix a crash
• Fixes a crash in deleting group binds.
• Fixes a bug with quest The Day Deathwing Came and allow players to at least complete the quest.
• Remove Autocomplete flag from the Draenei version of "A Special Surprise"
• Adjust havenshire horses faction for Grand Theft Palomino quest.
• Remove player controlled flag and add npc spellclick back to the grand theft palomino quest horses when they respawn.
• Remove unseletable fralg from Giant Mushrooms when they respawn
• Initialize siamat killcount variable for servants of tiamat, just in case.
• Fixes quest all our friends are dead.
• Don't despawn original anduin on asking him to follow you..
• Fixed a crash in XP Gain
• Fixed a crash
• Fixes a crash in calendar handler.
• Fixes buff stacking rule for most of the class spells.
This includes the following:• Fixes spell_group stack rules for player debuffs.
This includes the following:• Add missing engineeering recipes to trainers.
• Anticheat: Try to not be too strict when checking for player teleport hacks, and prevent stop movesplines from being sent when a unit is leaving a vehicle.
• Anticheat: Fixes an issue that caused players to be kicked by the anticheat after using flight masters, or by dismounting from some specific mounts.
• Make sure we reset seer back to the player when a tempsummon gets despawned, to avoid relocation crashes.
• Anticheat: Some further tuning on the anticheat.
• Battlegrounds:
- Tentative fix for an issue in SOTA where some of the plaeyrs from the attacking side could not interact with the relic due to being crossfactioned.
- SOTA demolishers will now be immune to all kinds of CC, except for slows, but will not get slowed below 70% movement speed.
- Players can now pick up bombs in strand of the ancients.
• Fearing a mind controlled target should no longer allow the target to move freely when the mind control expires and the fear remains present.
• Fixes some weird issues with mind control where the previous UNIT_STATE was not restored after being feared/confused, also fixes an issue that allowed the target of a root spell to move freely if he was being mind controlled.
• Added an extra check layer for veryfying if the player is allowed to fly in certain areas or not.
• Remove "arena" auras when entering battlegrounds.
• Make sure we reset seer back to the player when a tempsummon gets despawned, to avoid relocation crashes.

In this section, a lot of work related to spells, general mechanics, etc, has been added.
• Death Grip should be resisted by rogues under the effects of Cloak of Shadows.
• Glyph of Resillient Grip should now work properly.
• Increase the arc on Death Grip a bit based on the Z pos variation between the caster and the target, so that it doesnt snaps too much to the ground.
• Improve Glyph of Resilient Grip
• Dont enable or disable Runic Strike through script when player has Blood Presence
• Removed Death Grip 8yd minimum range.
• Death Pact should prioritize killing the ghoul instead of the gargoyle when both summons are up, unless the gargoyle is specifically targeted for the spell.
• Fixed a rare crash involving blood presence.
• Remove AP coeff from obliterate, the spell base damage is based only in the player weapon damage and normalized weapon damage.
• Fixed an issue regarding Scourge Strike hitting targets with 100% damage reduction.
• Added a 15s cooldown to avalanche procs, and a 30s cooldown to wrath of tarecgosa procs.
• Fixed an issue regarding Scourge Strike hitting targets with 100% damage reduction.
• Fixed an issue regarding Scourge Strike hitting targets with 100% damage reduction.
• Fixes elemental shaman talent Feedback.
• Fixes windfury weapon proc chance, from 100% to 20% with a 3 second cooldown (just like it is on client data)
• Fixed Druid's Rip damage scaling
• Rank 2 of Gift of the earthmother should now work properly.
• Using moonfire while Lunar Shower is active will now give lunar energy instead of solar energy if the lunar eclipse marker is active.
• Druid's Ferocious bite will no longer consume its maximum amount of energy without taking into consideration the presence of "Clearcasting" or "Berserk"
* Clearcasting will prevent any energy from being used and will consider that ferocious bite was used with the maximum amount of extra energy possible (35).
* Berserk will halve both the initial cost of Ferocious Bite and its extra energy used, but will consider the total energy used for the calculation of the bonus damage.
• Rupture should no longer benefit from spell power.
• Fixed Smoke bomb range.
• Don't allow current rupture to be overwritten if the new rupture has less duration than the current one.
• Rogues should no longer be able to use mounts when under the effects of Shadow Dance.
• Rogues will now be able to evade mage Flame/Frostfire orbs targeting using Smoke Bomb, unless the orb was already attacking the rogue.
• Shiv should will now attempt to remove Bestial Wrath, Beast Within, Tigers Fury and Savage Roar from the target.
• Hand of Salvation should no longer pop player outs of Invisibility, stealth, and Camouflage
• Fixed hammer of wrath damage.
• Sacred shield proc check will now be done only after damage, and not before.
• Aura mastery will now properly increase the resistances from Resistance Aura.
• Backdraft charges should no longer be consumed by Shadow Bolt and Incinerate if the warlock has a Backlash proc active (chaos bolt will consume backdraft charge as normal under this situation)
• Felguard's abilities should now account for disarm effects in order to be used
• Warlock imp will now be able to trigger Burning Embers.
• Felguard's abilities should now account for disarm effects in order to be used
• Charge will now properly reset the player's atack timer upon reaching the target.
• Glyph of Freezing Trap should now apply its debuff on the trapped target, not on the glyph owner.
• Fix Glyph of Kill Shot (would be good to do some extra testing).
• Silencing Shot now travels faster and Glyph of Silencing shot will only refund focus if the target has been interrupted.
• Add ranged attack power coefficient for serpent sting applied trough serpent spread.
• Fixes SPELL_AURA_MOD_SPELL_POWER_PCT group stacking logic. Fix ungrouped spells like Arcane Brilliance.
• Fixes Shadow Orb
• Arcane Explosion should not remove arcane blast debuff, but must benefit from it regardless.
• Adjust flame/frostfire orb initial flight height
• Fixes flame/frostfire orb movement. (Orb will still ocassionally start up higher or lower, depending on the end position.
• Some improvements to mage orb, better movement, pathing and Height.
• Fixes spell hit rating for Flame and Frostfire orb.
• Fixes flame/frostfire orb movement. (Orb will still ocassionally start up higher or lower, depending on the end position.
• Fixes Echo of Light.
• Echo of Light should not work under a HoT "Banking" system, the aura must be replaced.
• Fixes shadowmeld stealth amount.
• Fixes Echo of Light.

As always - Big thanks to all the supporters, who help with the goal of making the repack become as blizzlike as possible. This includes the work done by Moonshard - big thanks to them!
Best Regards,
ExO & Emucoach team,
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