- 5,119
- 2014
- 1,639

This includes the changelog for VIP 12 that is available for regular VIPS and VIP Gold.
You can obtain access for just 16.95$ by clicking here.
Changelog (Note, this is from version 12. Version 11 fixes are also included in this version, but the fixes from v11 is not listed here, so there are even more fixes done in the recent versions, than what you can read below)
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v12 Changelog list:

- Firelands!
After Firelands not being scripted even near to completion on the previous repack versions, we are happy to announce that Firelands has had a complete rework and most of the issues are now fixed! This means there should only be small issues remaining, if anything. It took a lot of time, but we agreed that it would be worth it, as we feel like Firelands is a big part of Cataclysm and hereby of Emucoach. Happy raiding!
-- This includes a rework to every of the Firelands bosses, blizzlike details, the gates that were previously not used.
-- Now there are also the blizzlike fire gates, that only open after you kill the bosses, so you can't skip parts of Firelands to get to the end part.
-- The Firelands bridge is also fully functional now, and so is the cinematic, when you click the bridge object.

4.3 Dungeons:
- End Time is now available! Complete rework:
-- (Spells, bosses, loot, misc fixing, spawns, events blizzlike details & quest-givers)
- Well of Eternity is now available! Complete rework:
-- (Spells, bosses, loot, misc fixing, spawns, events blizzlike details & quest-givers)
- Hour of Twilight is now available! Complete rework:
-- (Spells, bosses, loot, misc fixing, spawns, events blizzlike details & quest-givers)

- Improvements on Dragonsoul.
-- This includes improvements to the looting system, both Normal & Heroic version.
-- Improvements to the individual bosses and more safe-checks.
-- A hackfix on Ultraxion, where he wasn't possible to select.
There are however still some ToDo's in Dragonsoul.
- Throne of the Four Winds entrance platform no longer disappears, meaning that you won't risk falling underground before entering.

NPCBots Updates:
- Fixed NPCBots mana regen (beta).
- Fixed NPCBots endlessly buffing until their mana is low, when there's a hunter with a pet near.

- ".title add command" fixed, as many have reported and requested:
Added a Worldserver.conf possibility to disable the automated title verification system. More info below:
Currently, if you do .title add on a player account, the title will be removed upon equipping because the player is not "eligble" for it. That's a "protection" system on titles to prevent cheating etc.
We have however gotten reports of people wanting to change this, so they can add titles from .title add to their players that are not GMS.
Due to that, we have now expanded the system and given you the possibility to disable the Title Protection System.
If you would like to disable it, go into Worldserver.conf, search for Config.No.Title.Requirements = 0 and change the value from 0 to 1 and restart server.

- Fixed a crash with channeling spells.
- Protector of the Innocent proc fix.
- Fixed Hand of Sacrifice with Dragon's Breath.
Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/cataclysm-reports/6639-hand-sacrifice.html
- Fixed an issue where Glyph of Exorcism would proc the DoT, even when the player did not have the glyph.
- Fixed Eye for an Eye paladin talent. It now procs properly.
- Fixed Glyph of Resilient Grip

- Ensure that the fishing bobber expires when the Fishing channeling ends, and don't allow fish to be hooked in the instant the spell is cast. (TrinityCore#23448) (Thanks Wyrseth)
- Fixed Stable Masters
- Fixed an issue where you would die when using .unstuck
Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/cataclysm-reports/6804-die-unstuck.html

- Fixed quest Rundown in Vashj'ir / Shimmering Expanse:
-- The quest item no longer targets (and kills) yourself.
- Fixed NPC - Innkeeper Wylaria:
-- She was missing her Bind option.
- Fixed NPC - Innkeeper Teenycaugh:
-- She was missing her Bind option.
- Fixed Skitterweb Menace Quest:
-- After completing, there will now be the UI auto complete quest pop up.
- Fixed Fresh From The Hills Quest:
-- The Solid Ice is now targetable.
- Fixed Coach Crosscheck text
- Fixed Exodus quest.

Now I would like to take the opportunity to thank @dolgan. He has made a huge list of DB fixes towards the repack, that benefits all of us. Make sure to him him an applauds, he definitely deserves the credit! Thank you for that.
Dolgan's update list (Emucoach team already reviewed it and approved, meaning that it's already included in Version 12):

-- Creature ID 14026 is a trigger dummy, does not need equipment
-- Creature ID 58135 needs to have the same unit_class as ID 56236 (Same mob, different difficulty)
-- Creature ID 58136 needs to have the same unit_class as ID 56236 (Same mob, different difficulty)
-- Creature ID 365550 faction_h set to 2203, creature not spawned anywhere, not sure it's meant to exist. could be duplicate of creature 36550 (Both creatures are "Mountain Horse")
-- Creature 53856 unit_class set to 1
-- Creature ID 49874, low level quest mob in northshire, might not be correct to not have equipment, but doesn't really need it.
-- Creature 53903 unit class set to 1
-- Creature 37662 needs to have more max gold than min gold, values swapped.

-- Creature 53858 unit class set to 1
-- Creature ID: 36829, set to have a max gold
-- Creature ID: 37028, set to have a max gold
-- Creature ID: 37029, set to have a max gold
-- Creature ID: 37031, set to have a max gold
-- Creature ID: 38094, set to have a max gold
-- Creature ID 41183, swap min and max gold values
-- Creature ID 41657, Swap min and max gold values

-- Following Creature ID's are beasts, no equip needed: 2031, 36507, 16900, 105, 107, 4346, 4347
-- Following Creature ID's Difficulty set by script: 48502, 47120, 48419, 48505, 47162, 48445, 48445, 52409, 53635, 53095, 53096, 53115, 53120, 53121, 53127, 53134, 53141, 53167, 53185, 53188, 53206, 53223, 53224, 53244, 53500, 53545, 53575, 53617, 53619, 52498, 53639, 53640, 53691, 53732, 53813, 53814, 53815, 53832, 54161, 54165, 56167, 16168, 16173, 16265, 59836, 59837, 42355, 43778, 39959, 39994, 40004, 54073, 53493, 53901, 47297, 54153, 53222, 56471, 53119, 48502

-- NPC: 28833, Scarlett Cannon, Has movement generator, but is non-moving
-- NPC: 54061, Voracious Hatchling, unit_class should equal 1, not 2 has no mana
-- NPC: 53509, Voracious Hatchling, unit_class should equal 1, not 2 has no mana
-- NPC: 53494, 57890, Difficulty set by script
-- NPC: 48804, Defias Reaper, Match the flags over difficulties
-- NPC: 50107, Hurricane (2), Factions should be 35 each, to make friendly to both
-- NPC: 52032, Sinzi Sparkscribe, give her bottles to hold
-- NPC: 53825, Tormented Protector, Difficulty set by script
-- NPC: 53968, Majordomo Staghelm (Heroic 10), unit_class should equal 1, not 2 has no mana
-- NPC: 56516, Hideous Amalgamation, match unit class to others of same mob
-- NPC: 57773, Kohcrom, Has mana, set unit_class = 2
-- NPC: 55524, Tyrande Whisperwind (Well of Eternity) give equipment
-- Set Unit Classes for Mana Void versions

-- Remove linked respawns that are not linked to anything
-- Quest 10639, Teron Gorefiend I am, make choice of reward happen
-- Quest 10645, Teron Gorefiend I am, make choice of reward happen
-- Quest 13567 does not give rep
-- Quest 13568 does not give rep
-- Quest 13597 does not give rep

-- Quest 10182 requires exploration or event flag
-- Quest 14071 isn't meant to cast a spell when finished
-- Quest 24591 should be auto complete, not auto reward
-- Quest 24813 only has 1 required item.
-- Quest 26058 put in needed to kill npc
-- Quest 26058 put in one type of needed to kill npc, but should be either 15 of either 45016 or 42015

-- Quest 12845 needs exploration or event flag
-- Quest 10564 needs exploration or event flag
-- Quest 14491 needs exploration or event flag

-- Quest 13506 started from item, gameobject 44979 does not exist
-- Gameobject 208790 is now a questgiver
-- Change some creature spawns to match mobs around
-- Remove equipment from all spawns of mobs that don't have equip but db says that has equipment entry
-- Give various spawns their equipment
-- Make sure some objects drops req. quest item
-- Fix some creature sayings
-- Fix phase masks for some objects
-- Remove gameobjects for quest that you can't get any more

-- Fix Completed Text for Quest 25934
-- Remove 9 Duplicate Spawns that shouldn't exist
-- Fix quest number for quest starter
-- Removed quests from 2 creatures that shouldn't give them
-- NPC 38018 should to be spawned by script, and be friendly to Alliance

-- Add flavour text to npc id 44267
-- Fix npc flavour text for NPC 48309
-- Spawn required mob for quest
-- Fix 11 Npc Sayings
-- Fix NPC Gossip Text for quest

-- NPC (ID 9623) should look dead, and not move when clicked
-- Cause loot chance to be 100% on game object for quest
-- Add Required Previous Qusst to quests 24724, 24725
-- Fix Phasemask for Gameobjects
-- Create Quest Malfurion's Return (ID 13573)
-- Fix ZulGurub Tele Location

-- Remove 1 Duplicate Spawn that shouldn't exist
-- Set 2 trigger NPCs to be invisible to players
-- Make Quest: Zeth'gor Must Burn (10895) take back quest item
-- Set NPC Colonel Jules (ID: 22432) only have male model
-- Fix 27 NPC "say" texts (Most of them just spelling errors)

-- Add correct sound id to 2 NPC "say"
-- Fix 3 NPC Emote states
-- Set quests 25202 and 25244 to be female characters only (Goblin starting zone: Lost Isles)
-- Set quests 25203 and 25243 to be male characters only (Goblin starting zone: Lost Isles)

-- Remove 37 pool entries for non existent game object spawns
-- Set item Tainted Helboar Meat (ID 23270) to only drop when you have the quest for them
-- Remove invalid waypoint for Crithto (ID: 51938)

-- Remove 3 Duplicate Spawn that shouldn't exist
-- Set 2 trigger NPCs to be invisible to players
-- Make Ulduar Teleporter clickable
-- Make Araj's Phylactory Clickable

-- Fix gossip text to say Rut'theran Village instead of Auberdine
-- Remove Quest from NPC that isn't supposed to give it
-- Fix 2 NPC sayings
-- Make Quest 26916 require you to actually do what it wants you to.
-- Fix 2 Gossip options.

-- Remove 4 spells from a trainer that isn't supposed to give them
-- Made an innkeeper be able to set hearth location
-- Fix NPC's Name (Kudos to @TQPS for pointing this one out)
-- Infected Deer in EPL shouldn't be mounted on a bear.

-- Add money loot to item Hidden Stash (61387)
-- Quests are meant to be repeatable. (NOTE: You're meant to only be able to have one of the buffs from these active at a time, not sure how the do that, so a minor exploit here until it can be fixed)
-- Add item Hidden Stash to 12 creature's loot tables that it was missing from
-- Added conditions for each creature that drops Hidden Stash, so that you are required to have the buff for it to drop.

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