- 5,119
- 2014
- 1,639

This includes the changelog for VIP 15.0 that is available for regular VIPS and VIP Gold.
You can obtain access for 18.95€ by clicking here.
Changelog (Note, this is from version 15.0 - the latest VIP version)
Get access to the release by becoming a VIP here:

VIP Repack Version 15.0 - Cataclysm Changelog list:

V15 had a lot of focus into Stability and crash fixing:
Overall, it means the server should be running more stable (and with less crashes).
Note: In case you still encounter crashes, let me know by posting a Topic or sending a PM, and we'll look into it.
Here are the crash fixes in detail:
- Fixed an Aura related crash on Removal
- Fixed a crash related to IntersectRay
- Fixed a crash related to Combat (HostileRefManager)
- Fixed a crash related to item bags
- Fixed a crash by NPC entry 32871
- Fixed a crash regarding player visibility
- Fixed Karazhan Prince Malchezaar Summon Infernal crash
- Fixed a crash related to Glyph of Resilient Grip
- Fixed a Map crash
- Fixed Grim Batol crash issue,
- Fixed a crash related to Throne of the Four Winds
- Fixed a crash from below:
Optimized server error logs:
On V15, we made sure to fix a lot of the ugly console error logs on the start-up.
Fixing it, is a manual and boring task, but it means the error log is now 38 KB, from around ~~90 KB before.
As a result, it makes the load of the Worldserver faster, more clean, and we solved database issues that will also solve bugs ingame. Our goal for V15.1 is to fix it fully, with a maximum of 5KB (meaning almost no errors on load). It's a step in the right direction towards a more clean and smooth experience upon loading.
Dungeon/Raid related fixes:
- Dragonsoul: Fixed a gossip issue on the boat/ship, between factions (Alliance/Horde)
- Grim Batol: Fixed dragons transport (https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/v14-grim-batol-dragons-inactive.8006/)
- Fixed Karazhan Raid first boss damage issue: https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/karazhan-raid-first-boss-midnight.7875/
Blackwing Descent:
* Saved progress on death of Omnotron defense system (Kuramaj)
* Limit the stacking amount of Parasite Infection in a single player to 4.
* Magmaw will no longer have its pincers enabled for riding at the beginning of the fight.
* Magmaw will no longer gets stuck in his stand position if the players are too quick to impale him while hes on his Massive Crash animation.
* Visual chains that bind magmaw to the stake now have proper targeting and wont be applied on pretty much any unit nearby.
* Magmaw head is once again targetable and attackable when he is impaled.
* Fixed Power Generator mechanic from omnotrom defense system encounter.
Implemented Throne of the Tides dungeon scripts (Huge improvement). The update involves the following bosses:
-- Lady Nazjar
-- Commander Ulthok
-- Erunak Stonespeaker
-- Neptulon
Implemented Throne of the Four Winds raid scripts (improvements). The update involves the following bosses:
-- Alakir
-- Conclave of Wind
-- Misc/general fixes for the raid.
- Fixed an issue in Blood Furnace Boss.
- Firelands: Fixed a big platform issue related to Alysrazor boss encounter
- Fixed Deadmines issue related to the Cookie boss:
TBC raid/dungeon fixes related to (thanks to kuramajssken!):
- Underbog (Misc fixes)
- Mana Tomb (Misc fixes)
- Karazhan (Events, spell and misc fixes)
- AuchenaiCrypts (Misc fixes)
- Magtheridon's Lair (Magtheridon and misc fixes)
Serpentshrine Cavern:
This includes improvements to the following bosses:
- Fathomlord Karathress
- Hydross the Unstable
- Lurker Below
- Morogrim Tidewalker
Fixed 25 Man/10H/25H difficulty on a lot of Cataclysm raids, with the following details:
- Fixed for entire Firelands.
- Fixed for a lot of BoT
- Fixed several for Baradin Hold
- Fixed several for Throne of the Four Winds
- Blackwing Descent was already appearing fine, but I fixed a few missing ones.
- Dragonsoul was also appearing fine, but I fixed a few too.
- Firelands Text fixes regarding Baleroc (Kuramajssken)
Note: I updated the missing difficulty entries in a mass update, so the HC version will use another npc entry (blizzlike).
But I did not check that the new HC entry also had the right new health/damage. However that (should) be working already, as I believe it's based on sniffs.
However if I'm wrong, and you still notice the same health/damage in Normal/HC raid on V15, let me know!
(But don't worry - it'll definitely be improved by a bunch after this update already though).
Random spell fixes:
- Flametongue Weapon
- Arcane Mana issue
- Fixed Aura Mastery with Resistance Aura.
- Tidal Surge
- Shadow Cleave damage
- Glyph of Frost Shock
- Revitalize proc fix
- Ribbon Snake wow item
- Torment of the Worgen Karazhan (Kuramaj)
Quest fixes:
- Fixed respawn of quest: "A Gap In Their Armor"
- Fixed quest: "Wooly Justice"
- Fixed quest: "Leave no One Behind"
- Fixed quest: "The Leaders of Jin'Alai"
- Fixed quest: "In with a Bang", https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/v14-quest-bug.7889/
- Temp fixed an invisible issue by the quest: "Deathwing came above".
- Fixed quest: The Battle of Thandol Span,
- Fixed quest: "Onwards to Menethil",
- Fixed Quest Prayer to Elune:
- Fixed item: "Gidwins-Hearthstone":
- Fixed quest: "Into the Flames",
- Fixed quest: "Pamelas Doll",
- Fixed quest: "The Captive Scouts",
- Fixed UI completion of quest: "Out of the Ziggurat",
- Fixed UI completion quest: Cataclysm,
- Fixed UI completion quest: To kill with Purpose
- Fixed UI completion quest: Dark Garb:
- Fixed UI completion quest: "Bagging Bisp",
- Fixed UI completion quest: The good people of hearthglen,
- Fixed UI completion quest: Unusual Behavior even for Gnolls,
- Fixed UI completion quest: Taelan Fordrings Legacy,
- Fixed quest: "Retribution",
- Fixed quest: "The Great Fras Siabi",
- Fixed quest: "Angry Scrubbing Bubbles",
- Fixed quest: "Relios the Relic Keeper",
- Fixed quest issue with: "What tomorrow brings",
- Fixed quest issue with: "On Whose Orders",
- Fixed quest issue with: "Dreadwatch Outpost",
- Fixed quest issue with: "Seek and Destroy",
- Fixed quest issue with: Iterating Upon Success:
Improved the entire event for V15:
Implemented Smooth pathing for it
Implemented text events
Hack-fixed the credit count (by using the other Vile Fins)
Implemented go-back feature (blizzlike)
Fixed the speed
-- Report: https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/v14-iterating-upon-success.7825/
- Fixed quest: "Out to the Front",
- Fixed quest: "Breaking Waves of Change",
- Fixed quest: "Survey Alcaz Island",
- Fixed quest: "Gluttonous Lurkers",
- Fixed quest: "Pa'troll",
- Fixed quest ID 28217,
- Fixed quest: "Traitor's Bait",
- Fixed Quest: "In With a Bang"
- Fixed Quest: "The Winds of Loch Modan"
- Fixed Quest: "What I do Best".
- Fixed Quest: "Cho'war the Pillager"
Misc fixes:
- Fixed NPC: "Foreman Milos",
- Fixed the levels of Gordok Bushwacker in Dire Maul,
- Fixed the levels of Jandice Barov Illusions,
- Fixed some missing Spirit Healer spawns (eg. in Durotar), and some multiple ones in Hillsbrad Foothills.
- Therazane in Deepholm.
- Fixed a Twilight Highlands NPC issue: https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/twilight-highlands-npc.7951/
- Fixed Main/off-hand weapon stack weapon damage exploit (Kuramaj)
- Extended condition on entry (31) with GUID
- Fixed some random spell aura exploits
Community Fixes:
@OMGhixD fixes:
1.) Removes a Spell Value used in the DB that doesn't exist per the DBC
2.) Defias Overseers was set to a "null" AIName creature, and these dungeon creatures are usually ALWAYS SmartAI's unless they are a boss (Then we take use of a scriptname instead).
3.) Custom creature information was present in Creature_Template_Addon even tho it doesn't exist in Creature_Template at all.
4.) Creature_Template_Addon doesn't like it when we use 0's as auras as it does still count it as a probable ID, thus it was changed to "nothing"
5.) Removed data from Creature_Formations which holds info for 2 LeaderGuids and about 18 followup MemberGuids (None of these are spawned, thus that data is also unused and just throws a console error)
6.) Removed a duplicate Den Grunt in Valley of Trials and gave the remaining Den Grunt its proper Waypoints, MovementType and a Path_ID.
7.) Removed a Duplicate Cactus Apple gameobject which is used in the quest Calgar's Cactus Apple Surprise (more of these dupes might exist and we should expect that they do, Keep a lookout for them
@Stiga fixes:
- Faction problems in Dragon Soul:
Twilight Assaulters - some are friendly > moved to hostile otherwise hard to complete the event
Wrymrest Captain & Defenders are hostile > moved to friendly
Loot https://www.wowhead.com/item=77952/elementium-gem-cluster missing from bosses & chests in Dragon Soul
Dragon Soul bosses on v14 are not dropping elementium-gem-cluster items. Again only tested normal not heroic.
Baradin Hold:
- Diverse issues with boss spawn, loot etc. in Baradin Hold:
Occu'thar 52363 / 54229 spawn had spawn 62363 which is an instant kill and no loot template.
Alizabal 55869 (other versions 57270 have no loot template or AIscript) had spawn 65869 which is an instant kill, no AIscript and no loot template.
Argaloth 47120 / 51350 not spawned > so found an unused creature spawn GUID in the range BH. Also added 25man difficulty entry (missing)
Stratholme Service Gate:
- Issues:
Two last ziggernaut doors remain closed.
The event before with the ramstein clone mobs doesn't open the door for Ramstein and killing Ramstein doesn't open the last door to Baron Rivendare
No https://classic.wowhead.com/npc=10439/ramstein-the-gorger spawn
-- Workaround: Make both doors open state & spawn https://classic.wowhead.com/npc=10439/ramstein-the-gorger
Elwyn Forrest:
- Issue:
Missing camp just south of Goldshire (same issue on v13.1) Note: Mulgore camp is spawned.
-- Spawned npcs, gameobjects (gates, wagons, tents etc) and the portal.
Tol Barad:
- Issues:
Missing gameojects for daily quests
Missing Stormwind portal (alliance camp)
-- Both are fixed
Darkmoon Faire:
- Missing NPC Darkmoon Fair > Mola npc whack-a-mole event
- Updated Darkmoon Greeter and information NPCs (they will also now give the Darkmoon Adventurers Guide)
- Most Darkmoon Fair events are not working (whack-a-mole,shotting rnage, cannon etc etc.)
-- So quick work-a-round to just auto-complete quests (for rep etc.) Not great I know, but the events will probably require a lot of work.
- https://www.wowhead.com/npc=14846/lhara - corrected sold items and subname (darkmoon pets & mounts)
Abyssal Depths:
- NPC spawns:
-- Missing NPCS there are now added
- Quests:
Items were not working (work-a-round).
https://www.wowhead.com/npc=41648/ickthys-the-unfathomable for quest https://www.wowhead.com/quest=26111/it-will-come
-- Gameobject was not working. Spawned manually now.
-- Fixed Hostile issue.
-- Items were not working (work-around).
-- Submarine event was not working (work-a-round)
-- Missed spawn after event.
Simmering Expanse:
- Missing creature spawns:
Info Format: NPC / related quest
-- Missed gameobject (same for alliance quest)
-- Missed NPC spawn
-- Spawned but not visible > phasemask issue (Fixedon V15).
-- Missed NPC spawn
- Missed NPC spawn
-- Missed NPC spawn
-- Missed NPC spawn
- Event not working so work-a-round
- Event not working so work-a-round
- Event not working so work-a-round
- Event seahorse not working work-a-round (in fact seahorse works but the event location on arrival doesn't)
- Switch incorrect npc hidden markers for quest
- Plane not spawned with quest: https://www.wowhead.com/npc=47054/schnottz-bomber
Mount Hyjal:
- Quests:
- Quest loot missing https://www.wowhead.com/item=55809/twilight-armor-plate from https://www.wowhead.com/npc=41030/twilight-dragonkin-armorer
- Item not working https://www.wowhead.com/item=52828/orb-of-ascension
Twilight Highlands:
- Missing NPC spawn https://www.wowhead.com/npc=49003
- Missing npc (not necessary for quest as you can fly directly, but npc missing nevertheless)
- Missing NPC spawns for quest https://www.wowhead.com/quest=27303/mercy-for-the-bound
- https://www.wowhead.com/quest=27508/far-from-the-nest:
(Spell to summon eggs not working https://www.wowhead.com/item=61317/vermillion-egg):
Work-around add eggs to npc loot template -- https://www.wowhead.com/npc=45649/twilight-abductor
- https://www.wowhead.com/quest=27491/korkron-drop
Missed hidden trigger npc spawn on tower
- https://www.wowhead.com/npc=46611/magmatooth
Missed npc for quest https://www.wowhead.com/quest=27745/a-fiery-reunion
- Quest: https://www.wowhead.com/quest=29570/rescuing-the-expedition
Missed npc & event Claw not working)
- Fix correct modelid in spawns for https://www.wowhead.com/npc=17734/underbog-lord
- Missing or Inadequate No. Spawns Underbog
Western Plaguelands:
- Missng npc and wrong faction for quest (however requires Val'kyr see above): https://www.wowhead.com/quest=27089/ace-in-the-hole
Eastern Plaguelands:
- Quest: https://www.wowhead.com/npc=16115/crusade-commander-eligor-dawnbringer
Missed npc https://www.wowhead.com/npc=16115/crusade-commander-eligor-dawnbringer
- Quest: https://www.wowhead.com/quest=27462/to-take-the-barracks
Missed npc https://www.wowhead.com/npc=16112/crusade-commander-korfax
Silverpine Forest:
- Quest & Spawns for quest: Steel Thunder
There are sea dog crates (gameobjects) spawned but the quest according to the DB info and wowhead requires a npc Orc Crate.
Therefore modified the faction and spawned 5 crates.
- Quest: https://www.wowhead.com/quest=27098/lordaeron event doesn't run animation and unable to complete.
As simple accompany quest I made it auto-complete with spawn npc https://www.wowhead.com/npc=46124/lady-sylvanas-windrunner
- Quest: https://www.wowhead.com/quest=27232/the-waters-run-red
Was unable to mount cannon 45263 -- https://www.wowhead.com/npc=45263/horde-cannon
- Quest: https://www.wowhead.com/quest=27518/transdimensional-warfare-chapter-iii
Event doesn't activte with npc https://www.wowhead.com/npc=2120/archmage-ataeric - work-a-round solution
- Quest: https://www.wowhead.com/quest=27594/on-her-majestys-secret-service
Missed npc and bugged event https://www.wowhead.com/npc=46027/commander-lorna-crowley
- Quest: https://www.wowhead.com/quest=27601/cities-in-dust
Accompany & event not working so auto complete temp fix work-a-round
Fixes by @orangefire:
Wrath of the Lich King Dungeon fixes:
- Fixed incorrect levels in the following instances:
Utgarde Keep, Azjol-Nerub, Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom, Drak'Tharon Keep, The Violet Hold, Gundrak, The Halls of Stone
The Burning Crusade Dungeon fixes:
- Fixed incorrect levels in the following instances:
Hellfire Ramparts, The Blood Furnace, The Underbog, Mana Tombs, Auchenai Crypts, Escape From Durnholde Keep, Sethekk Halls
- Escape From Durnholde unit flag fixes.
Fixes by @kureji:
- Valor and Justice Quartermasters Inventory update (updated for 4.3.4, great work).
- Goram NPC: The guild vendor now sells items.
- Corrected NPC scaling of Jandice Barov in Scholomance.
- Items from Brazie's Black Book of Secrets didn't have their pages assigned, so they were unreadable. (Fixed now).
- Fixed some issues in Icecrown Crusaders Pinnacle.
- Corrected NPC scaling of Crystalline Frayers in "The Nexus".
- Zul'drak faction fix.
Fixes by @kuramajssken:
- Fixed Weapon Chance of Lionheart Executioner
- Fixed quest: "Missing Friends"
- Fixed quest: "Escape from the Staging Grounds"
Big thanks to all the contributors, who helps the goal of making the repack become as blizzlike as possible.
Best Regards,
ExO & Emucoach team,
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