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Cataclysm VIP repack cannot log in

Hi there,

I have recently purchased the cataclysm repack and cannot log in.

I am getting the following error:


I have followed the instructions and am able to launch the MySQL bat file, authserver and worldserver successfully. I have edited the realmlist.wtf and config.wtf files in my client as well.

Please help!



Gold Supporter
Your config.wtf should just be exactly
set realmlist

I don't remember having to change my config.wtf, but it's been awhile... the ip address in line 2 should be the same
SET realmList ""

Just to double check the fundamentals, make sure the line in your config file isn't commented out with a leading #.. if you see # before the word set, remove it and try again.
Some clients will have other private server information prepopulated... comment out by adding a # at the start of the line, or just plain delete any other lines in your config.wtf file.

Other thing to check would be to make sure you are using a client made for your version of cataclysm.. I downloaded reign and it did just fine.
Scroll down on the page, under full installers, it is the second option. Any 4.3.4 client should work though.

I haven't been at this for too long... so my troubleshooting is woefully basic. Hopefully someone with more xp will chime in and make suggestions.