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Burning Crusade Dungeons Mob Level Fix (Updated 9/10/2021)


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Hello! Having gotten some stuff setup the way I wanted it, I decided to finally try actually leveling a character in Outlands and figured I'd actually run a dungeon, starting at the beginning with Hellfire Ramparts. Well, that all went well until I met a level 66 and a mob with a skull as its level. That wasn't quite how I remembered the dungeon going, and it sounded similar to the issue in the Nexus that Kureji posted a fix for recently, so I decided to check the database, where the Bleeding Hollow Scryers were apparently set with a maxlevel of 71. Luckily that was a pretty easy fix.

That was the only level issue in that dungeon, but I decided to run Blood Furnace while I had my test character up, and found a fair few instances of the same issue with mobs in there. I believe I got all of them fixed as well. I don't have their intended levels memorized so I can't be 100% sure these are the accurate maximum levels of stuff, but this places stuff within the level range of the dungeon at least so it shouldn't be too far off.

I went through Slave Pens and Underbog as well. Slave Pens seemed free of this issue, but I caught a few more in Underbog.

-- Hellfire Ramparts

UPDATE creature_template SET maxlevel=61 WHERE entry=17478; -- fixes Bleeding Hollow Scryer level

-- The Blood Furnace

UPDATE creature_template SET maxlevel=62 WHERE entry=17399; -- fixes Secuctress level
UPDATE creature_template SET maxlevel=62 WHERE entry=19016; -- fixes Hellfire Familiar level
UPDATE creature_template SET maxlevel=63 WHERE entry=17400; -- fixes Fellguard Anihilator level
UPDATE creature_template SET maxlevel=61 WHERE entry=17401; -- fixes Fellhound Manastalker level
UPDATE creature_template SET maxlevel=63 WHERE entry=17429; -- fixes Fel Orc Neophyte level
UPDATE creature_template SET maxlevel=63 WHERE entry=17653; -- fixes Shadowmoon Channeler level

-- The Underbog

UPDATE creature_template SET maxlevel=64 WHERE entry=17730; -- fixes Murkblood Healer level
UPDATE creature_template SET maxlevel=65 WHERE entry=19632; -- fixes Lykul Stinger level
UPDATE creature_template SET maxlevel=64 WHERE entry=17732; -- fixes Lykul Wasp level
UPDATE creature_template SET minlevel=63, maxlevel =64 WHERE entry=22299; -- fixes Spore Strider level
UPDATE creature_template SET maxlevel=64 WHERE entry=17990; -- fixes Underbog Mushroom level (NEW)

-- Mana Tombs

UPDATE creature_template SET maxlevel=65 WHERE entry=18314; -- fixes Nexus Stalker level
UPDATE creature_template SET maxlevel=65 WHERE entry=18430; -- fixes Ethereal Apprentice level
UPDATE creature_template SET maxlevel=65 WHERE entry=18431; -- fixes Ethereal Beacon level
UPDATE creature_template SET maxlevel=65 WHERE entry=18394; -- fixes Ethereal Wraith level

-- Auchenai Crypts

UPDATE creature_template SET maxlevel=66 WHERE entry=18498; -- fixes Unliving Soldier level
UPDATE creature_template SET maxlevel=66 WHERE entry=18499; -- fixes Unliving Sorcerer level
UPDATE creature_template SET maxlevel=66 WHERE entry=18500; -- fixes Unliving Cleric level
UPDATE creature_template SET maxlevel=66 WHERE entry=18501; -- fixes Unliving Stalker level
UPDATE creature_template SET maxlevel=66 WHERE entry=18503; -- fixes Phantasmal Possessor level

-- Escape From Durnholde Keep

UPDATE creature_template SET maxlevel=68 WHERE entry=23176; -- fixes Tarren Mill Guardsman level
UPDATE creature_template SET maxlevel=68 WHERE entry=18093; -- fixes Tarren Mill Protector level
UPDATE creature_template SET maxlevel=68 WHERE entry=23180; -- fixes Tarren Mill Protector level (NEW)
UPDATE creature_template SET maxlevel=68 WHERE entry=23178; -- fixes Tarren Mill Protector level (NEW)

-- Sethekk Halls

UPDATE creature_template SET maxlevel=69 WHERE entry=19203; -- fixes Syth Fire Elemental level
UPDATE creature_template SET maxlevel=69 WHERE entry=19204; -- fixes Syth Frost Elemental level
UPDATE creature_template SET maxlevel=69 WHERE entry=19205; -- fixes Syth Arcane Elemental level
UPDATE creature_template SET maxlevel=69 WHERE entry=19206; -- fixes Syth Shadow Elemental level

I may update this thread if I catch this issue with other Burning Crusade dungeons.
Last edited:


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A ton of the mobs/bosses that summon other mobs summon them at really high levels. I noticed it in Nexus-Prince Shaffar (final boss of Mana Tombs) and the enemies that summon "Unliving" enemies all over Auchenai Crypts as well. Haven't run the other BC dungeons yet. I should have put in a bug report but my internet was down when I saw it. Thank you for sharing!


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No problem!

Shaffar's summons should have been in the fixes already, as Ethereal Apprentices and Ethereal Beacons. I just took a look at the Unliving mobs in Auchenai crypts and they did also have the level issue. I added a fix for those to the original post as well. Thanks for letting me know about them!


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Executed in V15, thanks! Great job.
Thanks! If it's not too late to slip more in, I just caught a couple more.

UPDATE creature_template SET maxlevel=64 WHERE entry=17990; -- fixes Underbog Mushroom level
UPDATE creature_template SET maxlevel=68 WHERE entry=23180; -- fixes Tarren Mill Protector level
UPDATE creature_template SET maxlevel=68 WHERE entry=23178; -- fixes Tarren Mill Protector level