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Bug reports from Burning Troll Studios


Senior User
Veteran Member
Wroclaw, Poland

I'm an owner and founder of YT channel and livestreams Burning Troll Studios. Currently I gathered some friends and we're gathering information about what's working and what's not, and what is partially working aswell.
To avoid creating trash can out of Bug Reports section, I'll keep updating all our reports in this threadm so please look here sometimes - we're eager to create an awesome server - to do so, we'll find as many bugs as we can and help you fix them.

Currently the first report is being made to send to me so I can translate it into English (we're all Poles :D), but I found some bugs myself, regarding my favorite class - mage.

Mirror Image spell - mirrors spawn and they move with me, but:

1. instead of looking like myself, they look like me without any transmog gear
2. they do not attack at all, unless I'm really close to target - then maybe one of images will cast a single spell
3. Glyph of Mirror Image - http://wowhead.com/item=45739 - which should cause images to cast arcane blast or fireball (depending on my spec) is not doing it

Ignite talent - it pops up, but not as often as it should do

Hot Streak talent - it doesn't always pop up after two direct (no dot) crits

I hope you'll find those useful, I'll keep you updated on our discoveries.


Senior User
Veteran Member
Wroclaw, Poland
Shaman's set bonus t13 2set isn't working at all for any spec

Shaman's set bonus t13 4set isn't working for enh and ele

Shaman's set bonus t13 4set for resto increases the duration of Spiritwalker's Grace by 5 seconds, but it doesn't provide additiona 30% haste

Searing Totem attacks everything except your current target - instead, most likely the closest one, avaible to target

Fire Elemental, according to my friend, while having 13,5k spell power, does 2,3k dps on target dummywhen it should do three times the amount.

Insignia of the Corrupted Mind trinket procs too often (every 2-3 seconds)


Senior User
Veteran Member
Wroclaw, Poland
While playing as Shaman, Justice and Valor NPCs don't show Shaman items but Paladin ones instead.

While playing as Paladin, it is possible to have two Blessings at the same time (where you should only have one active)

Warlock's T13 4set bonus isn't working at all.

Doomguard pet isn't casting shadow bolts and he does melee instead.

Bane of Doom spell doesn't spawn any demons.

Druid's T12 4set bonus for Balance doesn't work.

Gurthalak, Voice of the Deeps item's summoned Tentacles of the Old aren't channeling their respective spell, but rather attack by melee.

Ti'tahk, the Steps of Time item proc occurs too often (just like in Insignia of the Corrupted Mind case)

Mobs Skarr and Karkin in Molten Front are not the right mobs - also, they are not tameble (and they should be)

Mobs Ankha i Magria buff should increase their damage, basing on their target's armor

While playing as Hunter and having for. e.g. 4 pets, when logging out with pet nr 3 active, Hunter should be able to log in with pet nr 3 aswell. Instead, Hunter is logging in with the first pet he had, rather than last one active.

Item Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest gives a chance to duplicate a spell cast by owner - that effect doesn't work at all.


Senior User
Veteran Member
Wroclaw, Poland
Alright, here's another part of our bugtracking hunt. Enjoy (if I can say that) and please - bring us the Ultimate, Fixed, Fully Scripited, Working, Hiper Mega Super Awesome Cataclysm Repack (damn, that's a lot of adjectives xD)

Trash mobs in Molten Core drops quest item Narain's Scrying Goggles, even when quest is not in a quest log because we didn't even take it.

Molten Core's bosses drop 3-6 epic items, instead of 1-2.

There's a strange box floating at Majordomo Executus' encouter site, which is impossible to delete. Also, you can loot items from the encounter even before it even started.

It's not possible to start Ragnaros encounter in Molten Core - Majordomo is not appearing at Ragnaros' Lair to summon him.

It's not possible to sign up for Dungeon Finder or Raid Finder. The windows pops up, it shows what it should show, but all the buttons except for close are just to click, not to do anything.

It is possible (and it shouldn't be) to have two same glyphs active.

NPCs Orgrimmar Grunt, the ones which should fly around the city, are just floating idly over it in their formations.

There are hardly any NPCs in Cleft of Shadows in Orgrimmar, aside trainers.

Arcane Concentration talent procs almost all the time, even when it's 1/3 and should give 3% chance to proc when 1/3.

Mage's T13 2set bonus should give to Frostbolt, Fireball, Pyroblast and Frostfire Bolt only 50% chance to stack haste bonus. Also, stacked bonus should disappear after using Arcane Power, Combustion or Icy Veins. Instead, It procs all the time and those 3 spells, which should reset stacks, don't do it.
Also, T13 4set bonus and those haste stacks should decrease cooldowns of those 3 spells, but it doesn't do it.

Uldum is swarmed with Template NPCs with blue dragonflight skins. I can't delete them.

In Death Knight starting zone quest windows are bugged a litte - you have to close it manually to get another quest - the just don't update upon completion.

Shaman's Chain Heal is not healing in chain as it should, but it works as a single-target heal. Animation is working, tho.

Searing Totem misses the target almost all the time, despite hit cap.

Flame Orb doesn't explode at the end of duration, even when mage has Fire Power talent at 3/3, which should give 100% chance of Flame Orb's explosion.

Blink doesn't teleport as it should if there's an obstacle in a way - all it does is porting you vertically up a little. If there's no obstacle in a way, Blink teleports forward AND vertically up a little at destination.

Troll's Flight Form does look like Tauren's bird instead of a bat.

Shadow Priest's talent Twisted Faith, which converts all spirit into hit rating is, not working.

Hunter's T13 4set bonus activates all the time, rather than have a chance to activate.

In The Eye raid, none of bosses nor mobs drop any loot.

In The Eye raid it's possible to get Hellscream's Reach reputation (it's a cata rep from Tol Barad).

In Tempest Keep boss Kael'thas is stuck in a dialogue loop - it's impossible to start the encounter.

In Blackwing Descent NPC Nefarian is standing at the entrance and talking - he's visible only as a floating staff and, he shouldn't be there on the normal mode to begin with.

You get 1 Valor Point for killing boss in Blackwing Descent instead of 70.

At the Omnotron Defense System encounter we found couple of bugs:
- there's no loot at all from this encounter
- at the start of the encounter, when the second robot is activating and the first one should be taunted and pulled away, the first one is just becoming inactive. Later on, there are two robots switching as they should
- when robots are in transition phase, the one which was for longer period of time should cast a shield - they don't

At Chimareon encounter you loot 1 item only

There should be three dragons at the entrance to each encounter in Blackwing Descent: Pyrecraw, Ivoroc and Maimgor. They're not there.

Drakonid Slayer mob at Blackwing Descent swings the invisible axe.

Atramedes encounter also has couple of bugs:
- boss doesn't fly to the platform after hitting the gong - he's already there
- there's no Dark Iron Council Dwarves on the platform
- it's possible (and it shouldn't be) to target participants of the cutscene before Atramedes encounter - also, they don't do any gestures
- Boss' Sonic Breath skill is not chasing any player
- Gongs are interupting Atramedes' abilities, but they don't reset Sound level
- During phase II boss just floats in the air and the breath he casts isn't chasing any player, but it's rather cast in front of the boss

Maloriak encounter aswell:
- it's impossible to interrupt any of his spells
- boss drop heroic items on normal difficulty
- Maloriak's Growth Catalyst buff stays on player after encounter

And finally, Nefarian and Onyxia encounter:
- platform, where the whole encounter is happening keeps lifting and descending all the time
- Onyxia stands IN the platform, rather than ON
- Nefarian doesn't fly around the platform at the beginning of the encounter and he attacks right away

For the Icecrown Citadel encounter, we have these:
- there's no loot from anything (bosses, mobs, whatever)
- player keeps dying for no reason from time to time
- no Gunships encounter (platform to walk on a gunship is empty)
- Deathbringer Saurfang and all other NPC involved in the encounter just stands where they are and it's impossible to start the encounter (can't talk to the High Warlord Saurfang)
- it's possible to target all bosses during Blood Prince Encounter
- Rotface's Sticky Ooze isn't working
- Profesor Putricide's:
- Malleable Goo
doesn't do any damage
- 10 and 25man achievements are avaible to get at 10man alone
- phase III is not working
- there are no oozes

- It's impossible to start Valithria Dreamwalker encounter
- there's no Sindragosa or Lich King bosses


Senior User
Mirror Image should be fixed in the next update.

Thank you for your unceasing bug report thread, very much appreciated.


Senior User
Veteran Member
Wroclaw, Poland
Will of Unbinding - doesn't proc from DoT and channel spells

Shadowy Apparition - It should crit for 150% of normal dmg and have 15% of crit

Shadowfiend - it attacks every 2 seconds instead of 1,5 seconds

Character visual bug, where character have map opened animation all the time, even when the map has been closed long time ago

Another visual bug, where character has it's hand raised after getting on mount.

Priest's T13 2set bonus is not working.

Priest's 4set bonus is not working.

None of T13s are working in general.

End Time encounter:

- Jaina can be feared by Physic Horror (and she shouldn't be).

- Trash mobs before Sylvanas encounter doesn't move at all and the big one doesn't cast Wall of the Dead.

-Blighted Arrows doesn't do damage or slow by 50%

-Risen Ghouls are friendly and therefore unkillable

-Wracking Pain doesn't do damage and there is no connection wall between ghouls

-Risen Ghouls didn't approach Sylvanas at the same time

-Sacrifice doesn't do damage

-Achievment Serverd Ties is acquired automatically after the encounter

- Trash before Murozond should patrol surroundings of the Hourglass and cast their rays at it

- Murozond encounter:

-Murozond should appear on the sage after the trash is killed

-Distortion Bomb should disappear when the boss is killed

-Rewind Time doesn't reset cooldowns

-Distortion Bomb should disappear after Rewind Time

-Achievement after killing the boss doesn't work

- Darkglow Embriodery (tailoring) doesn't have a cooldown, where it should have a 50 sec one

- Priest's T12 2set bonus (Shadow) - Shadowfiend doesn't deal additional 20% fire damage

- Priest's T12 4set bonus (Shadow) - doesn't work


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
Hey some t13 sets should be fixed by Pewz in the next "update" I am guessing. I had some fixes for t13 and handed them over though I am not a part of the repack I am sure Pewz has some added