Changelog 6.0 Fixes
- The
Elemental Reach talent for Shamans doesn’t extend the range of any of the skills listed.
(Added 12-10-2015) -
Fixed for v6.0 release.
- The
Empowered Touch talent for Druids doesn’t increase the direct healing done by your Healing Touch, Regrowth and Nourish spells by 10%, and grant those spells a 50%/100% chance to refresh the duration of your Lifebloom on targets.
(Added 12-10-2015) -
Fixed by Exo for v6.0 release.
- The
Lifebloom spell has the ability to be stacked up to three times on unlimited amount of targets even out of tree form. It should only be able to be stacked on one target at a time.
(Added 12-10-2015) -
Fixed by Exo for v6.0 release.
Theramore Spies – The NPC's you need to kill in order to get kill credit are very few and far between. I looked for the NPC's for about 20 minutes and only was able to find 2/9. It's verified you do get kill credit for the quest when you kill them.
(Added 12-31-2015)
Fel to Pieces – Infernal Debris have a very low drop rate. Killed 40 NPC’s and only received 1. This needs to be raised. (Added 1-20-2016)
Fixed for v6.0 by Valoran
Questioning Reethe – When accepting the quest from Ogrn it supposed to trigger an event for you and Ogrn to find Reethe and question him. Upon accepting the quest it auto-completes. You can talk to Orgn again to hand it in and claim your reward.
(Added 12-31-2015) Fixed for v6.0 release. - LKArthas
Prime Slim – The creature "The Direglob" doesn’t spawn at it's specified location so a Direglob Sample can't be looted.
(Added 12-31-2015) (Fixed for v6.0 release. - LKArthas)
Stomp To My Beat – Use wardrums to invigorate the soldiers. The wardrum buff gets casted on the soldiers, but it doesn’t give quest credit.
(Added 12-31-2015) Fixed for v6.0 release.
Enraged Spirits of Water - in Shadowmoon Valley doesn’t work. When you try to activate the totem to collect watery souls, it tells you you’re in the wrong zone.
(Added 12-22-2015)
Thirst Unending - When you try and use Arcane Torrent on a Mana Wyrm it doesn't give you credit.
(Added 12-10-2015) Fixed for v6.0 release.
Unstable Mana Crystals - When trying to retrieve the mana crystals out of the baskets your character (no matter what class you are) instead casts a phantom Shaman lighting shield around them while automatically canceling the loot window. The only way to loot these baskets to complete the quest is by shift clicking the baskets to activate the "loot all" function. Even that sometimes didn't work.
(Added 12-10-2015) Fixed for v6.0 release. by LKArthas)
By Hook or By Crook – You can’t talk to Razormane Prisoner to interrogate him.
(Added 12-10-2015) Fixed for v6.0 release. - LKArthas
Rescue the Fallen –
Medicated Salves do not work on the the downed defenders NPC’s .
(Added 12-10-2015) (Fixed!)
Through Fire and Flames – You are tasked to free wolves from chains. The wolves do not become free after clicking the post, however you can complete it by killing the wolves.
(Added 12-10-2015) Fixed for v6.0 release. by LKArthas
Dungeon bosses loot/currency tables that are incorrect: (Added 1-20-2016)
- All bosses in Magister's Terrace for normal and heroic.
Fixed for v6.0 by Valoran
- All bosses in Auchenai Crypts for normal and heroic.
Fixed for v6.0 by Valoran
- All bosses in Mana-Tombs for normal and heroic.
Fixed for v6.0 by Valoran
- All bosses in Sethekk Halls for normal and heroic.
Fixed for v6.0 by Valoran
- All bosses in Shadow Labyrinth for normal and heroic.
Fixed for v6.0 by Valoran
- All bosses in Opening of the Dark Portal for normal and heroic.
Fixed for v6.0 by Valoran
- All bosses in The Escape from Durnholde for normal and heroic.
Fixed for v6.0 by Valoran
- All bosses in The Slave Pens for normal and heroic.
Fixed for v6.0 by Valoran
- All bosses in The Steamvault for normal and heroic.
Fixed for v6.0 by Valoran
- All bosses in The Underbog for normal and heroic.
Fixed for v6.0 by Valoran
- All bosses in Hellfire Ramparts for normal and heroic.
Fixed for v6.0 by Valoran
- All bosses in The Blood Furnacel for normal and heroic.
Fixed for v6.0 by Valoran
- All bosses in The Shattered Halls for normal and heroic.
Fixed for v6.0 by Valoran
- All bosses in The Arcatraz for normal and heroic.
Fixed for v6.0 by Valoran
- All bosses in The Botanica for normal and heroic.
Fixed for v6.0 by Valoran
- All bosses in The Mechanar for normal and heroic.
Fixed for v6.0 by Valoran
***Exo changed the drop percentage to reflect***
Raid bosses loot/currency tables that are incorrect: (Added 1-29-2016)
- All bosses in Gruul's Lair.
Fixed for v6.0 by Valoran
- All bosses in Magtheridon's Lair.
Fixed for v6.0 by Valoran
- All bosses in Serpentshrine Cavern.
Fixed for v6.0 by Valoran
- All bosses in Tempest Keep (The Eye).
Fixed for v6.0 by Valoran
Dire Maul:
- The instances will not allow you to zone in, no matter what level you are. It says “Must be at least level 31 upon zoning in”.
(Added 12-22-2015)
- Dying in Stratholme spawns your ghost in the Barrens. You also DC every time you zone into Stratholme.
(Added 12-22-2015) Fixed for v6.0 release.
Magtheridon's Lair:
-Mobs missing up until the boss. Boss fight working as it should.
(Added 12-10-2015) Fixed by LKArthas for v6.0 release.