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BFA 8.3.7 Black Empire Servers Free Repack without limits


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
Fixed more raids and bfa dungeons, added quest fixes, server use less than 3gb of ram, stable and spell class fixed


Veteran Member
-- BFA dungeons full working
-- Zone Kultiras

-- ShrineOfTheStorm --> Completed
-- TolDagor --> Completed
-- FreeHold --> Completed
-- WaycrestManor --> Completed
-- Siegeofboralus --> Completed

-- Zone Zandalar

-- Atal'Dazar --> Completed
-- TheMotherlode --> Completed
-- TheUnderrot --> Completed
-- KingsRest --> Completed

-- mechagon 4 first bosses

-- TempleOfSethraliss 3 first bosses


Veteran Member
Added Repack Launcher v.3 with new options to Create/Apply Account backups to the repack.
Join us in discord if you want to know the daily updates and join us in the no free repack.
LatinCore | BfA 8.3.7 Core



Mythical User
Super Moderator
Gold Supporter
-- BFA dungeons full working
-- Zone Kultiras

-- ShrineOfTheStorm --> Completed
-- TolDagor --> Completed
-- FreeHold --> Completed
-- WaycrestManor --> Completed
-- Siegeofboralus --> Completed

-- Zone Zandalar

-- Atal'Dazar --> Completed
-- TheMotherlode --> Completed
-- TheUnderrot --> Completed
-- KingsRest --> Completed

-- mechagon 4 first bosses

-- TempleOfSethraliss 3 first bosses
I find this hard to believe.


Mythical User
Super Moderator
Gold Supporter
I will not recommend anyone to donate to the LatinCore team, as i was just banned in matter of minutes for asking the differences between their core and BFAcore.
There's no way to test their changelog, other than joining Blackempire | live server | which would take ages to do.
The free repack is absolut trash, as everything is broken, true facts.

Besides that, the team is extremely unfriendly.
So be carefull of what you're asking/saying, because you might be banned from their discord if you're questioning the repack as well as the fixes done to it.

I know the team will respond to this message saying i was talking shit etc.
They can go right ahead, i had no intention to offend anyone.
this team cannot take criticism.

Over and out.
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Veteran Member
I will not recommend anyone to donate to the LatinCore team, as i was just banned in matter of minutes for asking the differences between their core and BFAcore.
There's no way to test their changelog, other than joining Blackempire | live server | which would take ages to do.
The free repack is absolut trash, as everything is broken, true facts.

Besides that, the team is extremely unfriendly.
So be carefull of what you're asking/saying, because you might be banned from their discord if you're questioning the repack as well as the fixes done to it.

I know the team will respond to this message saying i was talking shit etc.
They can go right ahead, i had no intention to offend anyone.
this team cannot take criticism.

Over and out.
You and your friend werent friendly since start. You have custioned since minute 0 this repack even withouth you know something about it (in this forum and in discord). I told you everything that you need to know. You have freerepack for checking the basic content + changelog for knowing every fix implemented in donator repack and in live server. You have the community discord for asking what works and what not. You dont need to compare a project with others,you only need to know if the content that you like/want is working. You have the live server for testing every fix implemented in changelog. And you have a log with the content working in discord too (It is impossible to test everything in live server but it isnt impossible for testing it in freerepack? So you have tested the full freerepack for getting a opinion about it there,incoherent....nice,nice ^^).
Telling to someone that his work is shit withouth you test, it isnt a constructive criticism I guess,is it?
If you want that people are friendly with you,you have to learn to be friendly with them.I tryed to be friendly with you even when I knew that you was going to dont be it but your behaviour isnt wellcome because you only wanted to focus in drama there instead of showing interest in the project.
I hope that you find the repack what you are searching for.
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Mythical User
Super Moderator
Gold Supporter
You and your friend werent friendly since start. You have custioned since minute 0 this repack even withouth you know something about it (in this forum and in discord). I told you everything that you need to know. You have freerepack for checking the basic content + changelog for knowing every fix implemented in donator repack and in live server. You have the community discord for asking what works and what not. You dont need to compare a project with others,you only need to know if the content that you like/want is working. You have the live server for testing every fix implemented in changelog. And you have a log with the content working in discord too (It is impossible to test everything in live server but it isnt impossible for test it in freerepack?So you have tested the full freerepack for getting a opinion about it there....nice,nice ^^).
Telling to someone that his work is shit withouth you test, it isnt a constructive criticism I guess,is it?
If you want that people are friendly with you,you have to learn to be friendly with them.I tryed to be friendly with you even when I knew that you was going to dont be it but your behaviour isnt wellcome because you only wanted to focus in drama there instead of showing interest in the project.
I hope that you find the repack what you are searching for.
I'm not even gonna read all that.
I got screenshots of it all ?

I'm aware of the bad blood between LatinCore and BFAcore.
But you shouldn't take this out on newcomers.


Veteran Member
I'm not even gonna read all that.
I got screenshots of it all ?

I'm aware of the bad blood between LatinCore and BFAcore.
But you shouldn't take this out on newcomers.
Well I would like that you post the full conversation so,withouth edit it,I havent anything to hide.
I didnt take anything in newcorners,I taked care about toxicity in the discord channel.If you and your friend want to create drama and disrespect someone,you can join others discords.
And what you dont want to read what I said prooves that you arent very respectfull person,I dont care really.Im done with you.


Verified Member
The mega link is way outdated and even on the Discord link, I can seem to see any download for the limitless repack - Only the minimal and full clients?


Veteran Member
You just proved me being right all along :)
Scammed your whole community xD
There are people who payed 250$ to BFAcore like you and they dont sux his balls all time,grow up.You havent tested our project so you dont know about it.You wanted the donator repack free for 1 month and i told you that it isnt possible so you got mad and you are talking bullshit coz it.
Some donator gave 10,others 15,others 20 and others 25$.We gave them a repack with a lot of fixes worked for more than 4 months + 3 months of free updates. That isnt scam.You have payed 250-300 € for the same thing in BFACore and you have gotten only 2 weeks more of updates (and that project is BlackEmpire source/db with a little more fixes only,if you know it,they leaked our project.Its fun when i read that the project is better than our when its basically our project :)).

Rhadagast we have stopped the project because we havent sufficient time to it now.