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Beware of scammer Splicho

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You don't even know my website, retarded smug, i'm not using WarcryCMS i am using a totally rewritten website that's not even FusionCMS and is not WarcryCMS AT ALL, you're the one talking without knowing nothing about me or what i am currently using, i prolly know more than you of how a website is structured, i'm using different images for my many different parts of the website, even if the navbar header and header are using the same labels and css layouts, the CSS between each new page is changed and uses a rand function to switch images, EVEN some HEADER parts are CHANGED ON EACH NEW PAGE for the images part, THE IMAGES ARE SWITCHED AND NEED TO BE DIFFERENT AND NEEDED TO BE NEW RE-DESIGNED ONES AS REQUESTED (GUESS WHAT IDIOT, HE DIDN'T RE-DESIGNED THIS IMAGES, WHEN I MOVED THE FORWARDED GARBAGE ONTO THE WEBSITE THE IMAGES WEREN'T THERE, EVEN THE ORIGINAL IMAGES WERE REMOVED, PROBABLY BECOUSE HE WAS SO LAZY THAT HE DIDN'T EVEN STARTED TO DO THE JOB ON THAT PART, ASWELL AS ON MOST PARTS, THERE WEREN'T ANY LOADED IMAGES AT ALL WHEN I AM SWITCHING TO THE OTHER PAGES SO THE WEBSITE CODE IS JUST LOADING THE BLACK CSS DISPLAY WHEN NO IMAGE IS AVAILABLE, so, THERE'S NO WORK DONE BY HIM even on this area, footer is just using some images that HE ALSO DIDN'T DONE AT ALL, BODY IS JUST DIFFERENT DESIGN, USING DIFFERENT IMAGES AND LAYOUTS AND CSS FOR EACH PAGE, AND I HAVE MORE THAN 25-30 DIFFERENT ONES, you are the one that should just STFU BEFORE TALKING WITHOUT KNOW SHIT, we all don't use leaked websites that are crap and talk nonsense, mental handicapped guy.
are you mentally handicapped?
You confirmed it yourself here man

What do you don't understand?

true, you don't need to care either, because you will never get help, no matter from whom

You have proven here often enough that you are demonstrably lying :)

Gz, you destroyed your whole rep :D


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are you mentally handicapped?
You confirmed it yourself here man

What do you don't understand?

true, you don't need to care either, because you will never get help, no matter from whom

You have proven here often enough that you are demonstrably lying :)

Gz, you destroyed your whole rep :D

You are crazy, do you even speak english? You are using google translate or something?

Where i was asking for help? lmao

You proved you're retarded and you have a mental handicap, that's it, you can't even read LMAO.

Nah, i'll ignore you from this moment, my rep has been and will be intacted since i did nothing wrong, cya retard.


Verified Member

Telling me in discord design is done (since he has no more jobs for me at the moment) and that he pays at the end of the month.

Now he says it was not done.

Ok dude.

Edit: Also why ur lying about what cms u use? You are clearly using WarcryCMS. I have a mirrored version of your web root, it has the same folder structure as a stock warcrycms copy.

Next lie😂
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Go fuck yourself. Are you really that dumb ?

i guess yes. Because you obviously don’t know what scamming is. Where in the fuck does that maxcheaters topic show that I am a scammer? This guy was exactly the same piece of shit like you.

We had an agreement that he pays me on Monday. He wasn’t paying, so he didn’t get the logo. Deal ended, no logo for him, even tho it was finished. So I reported him to the community. What’s the scam here ?

You retard man. Zero brain and zero knowledge how to proper understand connections.

Are you 12 years old or mentally challenged ? I’m honestly questioning myself already.

It’s funny how you try to destroy my reputation with all possible ways, but you won’t. Good luck on that but you will not proceed in any way.
I'm done with you, you got posted also on mmopro, ownedcore and couple Facebook pages of people, deal with it.

What makes me a scammer here lol? I gave u the files, you didn’t give me nothing but 50€ from the agreed 400€

You are truly brain dead, if you still don’t understand.
Also im not a dictator as you call me. The bans towards you and ON were justified and was in agreement with Jargs. He is also on the same page as everyone here thinking you are the one scamming here, which is the bitter truth.
I never abused any mod powers.

The replies from ON were removed because he simply spread misinformation and bad reputation.

He was temporarily banned for 7 days, unlike you. You are perm banned, because that’s how we deal with scammers.

You didn't gave them to me you just posted a link on workupload, i answered you about i was not going to download them and i just sent O.N. the message about this, then he forwarded me the files, didn't saw your shitty replies since i had you ignored but someone told me you were just replying with your lies again, no one forced you to paste the files on a workupload file and it was you on your own will, and you did this since you were trying to have an excuse just to ban me passing me the link and tell "i gave him the files, he ows me 350€ he is a scammer" not even doing the work at all, you are the true piece of shit here that is just doing an effort to breathe and not shit yourself in the pants just by an effort trying to think the way of hidding your tracks on and on..

You are a dictator, you just banned a guy becouse he was just pointing at you covering your tracks, deleting the posts and locking threads due, to you didn't sent me the files i ordered from you, kept my 50€ and tried to sell my files, you just did this becouse you didn't wanted to loose your ac-web moderator rank, that's a thing that would damage more your reputation than loosing some shitty files you did in 2-3 days, that's the reason you just pasted that link on a private message on ac-web and just banned me 3 minutes later becouse the link was expirated, the thing is i pasted the screenshot of your "Shove it up your ass" even not knowing that on this link you uploaded the not even half-designed stuff you did, and then i got the files forwarded by that user, then, is when i got the files and i did checked by myself, that from the very beginning you were telling me you ended ALL the work, i just got fooled by your previews that were just showing me the index, i even told you needed to create an account in order to do the design the stuff, and you didn't even created an account to do the job on the website, you're a total fake guy.

He is not also as everyone here, he keeps banned and you clearly abused your mod powers, shame on you, yeah, i got perma banned by you, and no official reply from Jargs, and if there is an official reply and authorization from Jargs, at least, i didn't saw it, your words mean nothing here, that's how you deal with people that contradict you and with people you get hated with.

As a child not being able to fix this things privately between, you were the one that moved this to public, period.
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Sorry but I’m just trying to defend myself here because he keeps bringing lies on the table and I won’t tolerate that, since he tries to destroy my reputation with clueless lies.

I wanted to just end this here and as u see he came up again with obviously lies.

@ExO pleaseeeee lock this or it will never end.

Pleeeease lock, i'm not able myself to ban this guy, he is just telling lies of meeee, eternal crying, since you cannot do the same you did on ac-web, i still got the original posts on ac-web, even if you deleted them, and yes, this will never end since i have the right to defend myself, i wrote a letter becouse you wrote a thread on ac-web selling the files i ordered you, telling lies about i scammed Darksider and posting private info about my project and about myself, i wasn't the one who told you where going to ignore, you already told this 4-5 times and you are still here, lier even for that basic shit.

And for each answer you make i'll make one answering to your lies, so if you continue this will never end, and i will use all the weapons i have to stop your tyranny, you can't do shit out of ac-web (thankfully)
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Telling me in discord design is done (since he has no more jobs for me at the moment) and that he pays at the end of the month.

Now he says it was not done.

Ok dude.

Edit: Also why ur lying about what cms u use? You are clearly using WarcryCMS. I have a mirrored version of your web root, it has the same folder structure as a stock warcrycms copy.

Next lie😂

Do you want me to ask Darksider and tell you which is the CMS i use since i ordered from him?

Again i have to ask for Darksider to tell you better shut your stupid mouth before just telling lies so you don't have to receive a message from him again telling you to just dont lie and remove messages like the one you did about the deal i had with Darksider (about css) that didn't even existed and you had to remove that "scamming" acusation since it wasn't true at all?

I didn't ordered any css change from Darksider, you used a thing i told you in our Discord chats against me and made you look untrustful as fuck, (i told you, that when you ended the design, i was going to order CSS changes in order to fit your design, and, since you never did the work, i didn't ordered the CSS from Darksider)

Here we can tell few things about you, Splicho:

- You will use personal info, data and conversations against the ones that are get in touch with you, you will use this in your own profit and just to save your ass of not getting exposed.

- You won't do work if you can, or you'll do the less work you can, and get new orders, you are a lazy guy, you like money (as we all do) but you don't like to work for it.

- You'll claim as completed jobs, orders that are not even ended.

- You'll lie about others just to confront and save your ass about getting exposed.

- You'll never return money, even if you get exposed and claimed as scammer.

- You'll block the ones that are getting scammed or are not okay with your deals, to avoid a confrontation that may cause you get your reputation harmed.

- If you get exposed on ac-web, you'll just delete threads, lock threads, ban users and delete anything that may cause you get your reputation harmed, since that will mean you will get less orders or even none orders, making you loose money.

- You'll call every possible buyer a scammer and try to humilliate him, and if he tries to defend himself, you'll continue trying to humilliate him.

This is Splicho, nothing less, nothing more, and here are just some proofs of this:


Since you removed original thread, thanks god i still have the original thread, so i am able to just prove this, and of course, there's actually not any Discord chat between you and me that proves that i didnt needed the design anymore, i still need a proper design today, design i'll get from a real bussiness and not a internet troll.


Edited (20-04-22 14:35 GMT +1) Darksider response:


Darksider is the one who coded my website and i aswell coded some parts of it, ask him if my CMS is WarcryCMS? Or he is also a lier? (He should already told you this, idiot)


Let's save this image as a prove here, in case you just remove your message or edit it trying to fool others and covering your tracks, the same way you did on ac-web, lies, scams and bullshit.

I don't care about your opinions on me, but i think you actually have some respect about the guy that told me you were a serious designer, he's a good friend of me, i know him probably during a lot more time that you even know him, i did deals probably even before you knew about him, i did more than 10-15 deals with him that are worth more than 1200-1500€, and you are telling me and calling me a scammer?

I can call more people with who i had deals also, at least, i dont need to pay a troll user like that one that is just insulting here to defend myself.

You're stupid or what? Did you found any single case or scamming report about me in any single forum (ac-web, mmopro, ownedcore emucoach, wowcreador)?

I have never been involved with any drama as buyer or seller, never, becouse i always had been transparent, legit and honest, not like you.

With just a single search yesterday i found out that you were at the same situtation at the same timestamp with other random guy in internet that was just identical issue i had with you, coincidence?


This is just Splicho, being himself, a wannabe-bully bullying his "customers" the same way he tried with that guy, the same he tried with me

I don't think this is just a coincidence.

I don't use WarcryCMS, and if you have a mirrored HTTRACK (HILARIOUS STUFF EVER) then paste here your copy of my website, so we can all laugh at this and compare your HTTRACK copy to a WarcryCMS leak that is available publicly on github, if it's WarcryCMS, then i bet this will deffinetly show you're right and i'm wrong, why not do that?

And of course it doesn't have the same structure, prove it.

Just prove, and stop just writting garbage, you are taking texts from our conversations on Discord to make you look legit, i am pasting full chats so anyone can check full conversations, you look fake as fuck, i'm transparent, since we start the deal, you didn't done the work at all, tried to scam me asking for 400€ when you didn't even done the work, you're a lier and i'm just proving this with words, facts, images and ENTIRE Discord chatlogs and not just convenient cuts, you're proving nothing but just reinforcing this, and you're involving again Darksider which will shut your mouth very soon about you lying again and again.

I edited this images and this is all fake right? Come on, just tell it please, i beg you, lmao.

You can't cover your tracks that good, Splicho, as i told you, i have saved every single word every post and everything about this, and you won't fool no single one here, you're getting exposed as you deserve, for scammer, lier, dictator, bad persons, dishonest, untrustful and scumbag you are.

You are boring.
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You are crazy, do you even speak english? You are using google translate or something?

Where i was asking for help? lmao

You proved you're retarded and you have a mental handicap, that's it, you can't even read LMAO.

Nah, i'll ignore you from this moment, my rep has been and will be intacted since i did nothing wrong, cya retard.

damn, you used the Google Translator insult? while your texts are complete and utterly full of grammatical errors and typos???
oof.. now that is ironically funny.


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You said this: https://prnt.sc/N-BYq2dbVpP1 [screenshot link]

But in this image i quoted Darksider clearly says: "it's FusionCMS" like wtf, so you are lying then? you clearly stated it wasn't neither FusionCMS or WarcryCMS.
I just think this entire thread is hilarious honestly, I'm kinda enjoying this now. I just don't read Focus his messages, because they are not proper English and give a headache.

But the images and stuff are fun.

However truth be told, it's not something that should be handled on a forum, that has nothing to do with the drama from a different forum.


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You said this: https://prnt.sc/N-BYq2dbVpP1 [screenshot link]

But in this image i quoted Darksider clearly says: "it's FusionCMS" like wtf, so you are lying then? you clearly stated it wasn't neither FusionCMS or WarcryCMS.
I just think this entire thread is hilarious honestly, I'm kinda enjoying this now. I just don't read Focus his messages, because they are not proper English and give a headache.

But the images and stuff are fun.

However truth be told, it's not something that should be handled on a forum, that has nothing to do with the drama from a different forum.
Becouse it is totally rewritten, thats why i told this, it's base was an original FusionCMS not even a leak and of course, you can use CodeIgniter as a base as other CMSs are using framework, anyways, it's not WarcryCMS, anyways, this even matters at all?
Pointless debate, the subject is totally other one, what i stated are just different things here, the ones like you telling about my english skills, well, i am trying my best to just explain myself, even if i am not doing it perfectly, if you're having fun then no problem about it, i can understand that.
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Why does Darksider then say that it is FusionCMS?
do you accuse him of lying? Or are you lying?

if it's completely rewritten, it's not FusionCMS or WarCry cms

wasn't it rewritten? why would he say that then?

Mr. Satan

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I'm going to lock this thread. A bunch of unnecessary insults going everywhere.
If you want to accuse someone of scamming you, do it respectfully (or as respectful as one can be in that situation).
There's way too much being posted here for really anyone to care enough to read who is right or wrong. I might even delete this thread after further examination of it, depending on what's been said.

I have a friend who recently hired Splicho, as was recommended by other previous customers, and there didn't seem to be any issue and was rather satisfied. Both your situation, and my friend's situation are anecdotal, AND any scamming that may have occurred from Splicho did not happen through EmuCoach, so I cannot take any action against them.
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