Stupid lines of text that aren't proving nothing but reinforcing everything I have already said previously.
Of course no one forced me to post this here (redneck) neither way anyone forced you to post the files and sell them on ac-web (untrustful) you just ended quickly between 03-01-22 and 07/8-01-22 and marked the job as completed (scammer) and the rest of the time was only you crying to get your money when you didn't even had done what i ordered for (scammer)
Didn't you ended and you were done on ac-web then what are you doing here telling you ignore me, over and over? Just go fuck yourself and stop sending Discord chats that only show the parts of the chat that interest you to make me look bad and omitting the parts that may hurt your reputation, actually, show the entire conversations, isn't it?
You told here just you were ignoring me and all that?
Just go away and pass, i'm not even answering yourself but to others and i
ended with you long ago you have nothing more to say here,
gtfo and
stfu for a goddamn time, you are just crying and whinning of being "held back

" "waited enough

" "he is ignoring me buaaaa

" and blablabla when you were just doing other stuff by the time you ended my stuff, no single one helded you back for nothing you were at your basement just playing videogames as i saw multiple times and doing other orders since you were so stupid to tell me "look i did this it looks good" "Opinion?", just bullshit i already answered at, you call it excuses, excuse yourself against your claimed as done work that isn't done and you were claiming at it was done marking it as DONE,
i had no chance to know if the files were actually ended until i got the files forwarded by the user you banned,
you will not have ever the money and
the files i got are useless and i won't be able to use them since you lied when you told you ended the work, and as a prove, i attached just an example of a comparison between original files and the ones in touch by you on one of my previous answers, of like 30 buttons on that image,
you re-designed just 4 out of 30 buttons, is that a work completed? And that's just only one of the maaaaaaany images on the theme.
That's you sending me you were working on several things and not even 15 days passed, my order wasn't completed and was FAR from being done, and you were already doing othet stuff for other people, "i was being held back

" you're a psycho with no life, it's okay, i don't care about it, "you ignore me

You're not that important, the world does not revolve around you, you're not even a good seller and that's something we all saw on previous posts, you're someone that's actually working for less money to get orders, becouse the real designers like Zafire or EvilSystem that are expensive and really professional don't make troubles and do fine works, i even ordered from Zafire and EvilSystem some stuff, received files, payed for them and no single problem was made, wow, isn't that a coincidence? Do i have to prove this too? Lmao
I received amazing logo from EvilSystem which i ordered from him
I received amazing logo and work done by Zafire that i ordered from him
BOTH WITHOUT ANY PROBLEM, WORK DONE, MONEY SENT, ALL HAPPY, and i can just send them messages to prove i had ordered with them without any problem, and received amazing and top notch designed content, not like you.
In fact, if i ever ordered something from you is just becouse both are actually not doing wow-related designs and they are busy irl, i didn't chosed you becouse i was interested on your work, i was not impressed by it, if i was telling you any kind of compliment was just becouse i was being polite with you, yeah, it's probably the only thing i was not honest with you.
If you pay for a cheaper service, you get poor quality or none, and poor service, i made a mistake by hiring a guy that is actually cheap, this was my fail, to hire a sub/pseudo-designer, i got what i payed for.
You attached a screenshot
where i am telling you "
Its one of the few reasons i told you about, i mean i told you up this", on this reasons i told that i had facing financial problems derivated from my marriage (thing at starting you didn't had any problems about it, you were agree when i sent you the first payment, are you going to paste this), anyways, i don't care anymore about this, you won't convince me, very interesting IRL problem blablabla, blame yourself about not being able even to re-design an order and claim money when work was clearly not done.
You forgot this also:
And this:
You didn't even completed the work at all, scammer.
All of the bullshit you are excusing and telling yourself is not even making sense since you were claiming for money when you didn't done that work, and if told i was agreed and i thought it was ended was just becouse you were just sending previews from index, a website isn't just composed by just an index, wow CMS's are not just portolios or static websites where you have a unique and main index, wow CMS's have SEVERAL pages, you didn't even ended the index, what the fuck are you actually trying to convince me?
Thanks god i didn't payed for it, taking the example you used on ac-web, would you pay for a chocolate cake that was ordered to have chocolate, nuts, fruits, and you go to pick it up and you just receive a cake that doesn't even have chocolate or fruits but just nuts and its not even a complete cake but maybe half the cake and they are claiming you to pay for it as a completed order? Wouldn't you feel scammed? You would, idiot.
Just stop whinning, i am answering to my post and i will post this not only here but aswell on other forums and you'll get posted on Facebook about this, the next time you'll behave better, i don't care about my account on ac-web anymore since i don't want to be there anymore due to this incident, now that i see that you can get banned just by contradicting you, like it happened with O.N. user, user you didn't even talked about anymore, moron.
I won't do any activity on my alt accounts on ac-web since i'm not interested on what is moving on ac-web, plus, not posting also nothing related to my server since my server is just nothing more than an idea i have if i ever consider to make a server, thing it probably don't happen, or until you get your rank removed or you leave, i'm pretty sure this will happen sooner or later, and if not, it was happy until It lasted, ac-web is nearly a dead forum with maybe 5-6 replies per day or maybe a new topic, so you won't ever know which are my alts since i'm not even using them lmao.
Did you found them already? You won't, if they are ever accessed, it will be via VPN and not by the IP shared with my banned account, you're not smart enough, just a poor guy that thinks can fool others, you fooled me 50€'s and that's it, end of the story.
You told 3 times you weren't answering anymore, will you repeat this a 4th time?
Yeah, at least you have apologized to someone, if you hadn't moved this to public on ac-web and started to sell the files, i wouldn't had created any topic on emucoach, so yes, I think your apology is mandatory, but not here, apologyze the ac-web users, apologyze the guy you banned just for telling your behave was a shame, that's the place you should create an apologyze letter, and not here.
Move on, psychopath and stop stalking me.
Oh wow, just found out that Splicho tried to scam other guys at the same time he was just doing the deal with me since its dated as of January of 2022, this was also a lie about him, i'm not the first one that points at Splicho as a untrustful and scammer seller, it happened the same thing with me, i'm not the only guy having this exact same problem that i had with Splicho.
I'm not requesting a ban for this guy but still wanna warn the community in case some seller here doing business with him. In short words, this guy just can't stand his words and probably won't pay you. He ordered a logo from me last week which I finished the same day he ordered. He said he will ...