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Beware of scammer Splicho

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Veteran Member
Since @Splicho is registered here as a normal user without any moderator powers, i'll just paste my experience with this guy about "hiring" and ordering his services for a website re-design for a WarcryCMS look like style that is actually a rewritten and totally custom FusionCMS worked over many years by Darksider, and original theme and it's images that were actually designed by EvliSystem originally and coded by Darksider, with some edits, tweaks, coded stuff and implemented things by myself, fixes and modules created and applied for my project that made my website unique for my project, it's not just a style but a new cms that is not even FusionCMS anymore, and just needed a re-design from scratch of the images that were originally designed by EvilSystem, and not creating it entirely from scratch since it had already proportions, sizes and the CSS and website was already done, i'll hide the insults and bad words as much as i can and the references that can break any forum rule here on emucoach, and if i break unintentionally any rule here, please, tell me so i can edit and the message that i am trying to convey stays for the purpose is written, and make this clear for anyone who is interested on this, i'm normally attached to my things and i never get into dramas with no one, but this went that far that i must warn other persons that can actually end doing any type of deal with this guy, this is just my personal experience, and not from anyone else, since he offers his services in most of wow emulation-based forums, this is something that is more than likely to be of interest to many people around, and i must admit this before you continue reading, this is written with some hint of anger, and, if you find the time to read to this wall of text, you'll understand why i wrote this the way i did.

Letter to Splicho from AC-*** forum

Been banned from ac-*** for being a "Scammer"?

I think you're not even using your brain, and you don't even know what the term "scammer" actually means, after all, i didn't ever scam no single person on my many years on ac-*** aswell as on other forums i am registered at, people paid me for the services i did and i payed people for the services i requested if it ensured what i was looking for, (more than 7 years doing succesful deals with many people) and no single problem happened EVER, i've been CRYSTAL CLEAR, HONEST and TRUSTFUL, with anyone i ever talked and with anyone with whom I have been associated, it's what i bring to the table, and it's the same what i expect from everyone else, some legitimacy, and i have people who can stand up for me, if necessary.

Since cordiality ended with your hostile and untrustful actions against me on that forum and since you banned me, and you also banned couple guys more on that forum just becouse we marked your scamming and untrustful methods as a designer and becouse you were deleting the threads and posts made by other users to mark your abusing moderator rank perks such as baning people, deleting threads to cover your feets and locking messages not allowing me and other people to reply you, i'll tell you this out of the comfort of your lovely ac-***:

I would have regreted so much paying you for that garbage "re-design" if there is a chance we can call it this way, and thanks god i could not becouse i did an effort paying that miserable 50€ that i sent you in advance without receiving any single file (i was an idiot for trusting in you, i admit) out of 400€ and WERE going to do a BIG effort by paying you the 350€ remaining (yes, a redesign of a WarcryCMS template, not even a design from scratch, but a simple redesign of some images that already had proportions, sizes, and were already created by someone), but the quality is in NO WAY near what i asked for (there are images that weren't even touched you lier and ass****), you are a total clow* and a joke, marking as a finished work something that was clearly unfinished YOU ARE THE SCAMMER, F***, many buttons and parts of the design are actually the original ones that aren't even edited and many of then are just layered with a color filter, thing that doesnt even require image designing knowledge, i could do that myself or even my 9 years old sister that barely knows to use GIMP (he sent me the files at the end looks like moved by the pressure of loosing his moderator rank on ac-*** and then, when i carefully looked at the edited images, i realized this, if i had payed all the money, i would have been 100% scammed))

Me, in fact, never asked him to send me nothing until he finished the design, and until i payed him the full amount, which kind of scammer wants to scam you paying you money in advance and telling you TO NOT SEND NOTHING TO ME until i payed you the full amount?

So, basically when he was forced to send me the files (looks like the situation, pressure and consecuences, made him do this) sent the files via a forum private message and he attached the files in a WorkUpload link with a kind message attached to it "Shove it up your ass" (hilarious) and then couple minutes later, banned my account with the following reason "scammer"

I must be the worst scammer ever, dont you think so?

Are you even sane, or are you simply just that stup**?

Darksider sells better designs not being a designer himself, mor**, not being able to refute or argue against my replies to your thread in which you tried to sell the work you had done for me, then used your moderator powers on ac-*** abusing your rank to silence me and couple users that i didn't even knew and that, after reading my statements against you defending myself (by that post created where you were showing personal info about me and bringing a deal that should have stayed private between us moved all this to a public forum, then, with the same freedom you did, i'll do this too), they clearly understood the situation and asked you to politely and respectfully refund my 50€ back and sell your garbage, or end the deal with me and take all the money from me after really finishing the design, and to stop locking threads not allowing other users to reply on their freedom of speech that your behaviour was completely wrong and that you should had fixed that, and no single person of them was disrespectful against you, yet you banned those Who contradicted you)

You simply deleted that threads to cover your feets to not let more users read what i stated and argued against you, and banned those users that were against your dictatorship, you're just a stu*** little guy that can handle adult situations and needs to ban, block and delete what you can't argue against or handle, and thats the reason you do designs on a wow-pirate forum for little and shitty quantitys of money and not for big projects, or, at least, real projects (i would easily bet why)

Trusted in your services becouse i trusted Darksider, but not you, i regret that, but i don't blame Darksider, he's totally a good friend that is wrong by trusting in you (people can be wrong, but what matters are their HONEST intentions), you'll get what you deserve sooner or later, you are deffinetly garb*** that was not worth the time i invested even for explaining what i needed for the design, i lost my time and i should had search for someone else somewhere, thing i regret and that won't happen again, not even capable of doing a work that was already pre-done, i wish you good luck, you will need it, scu****.

You should ask Darskider to tell you what do "loyalty" "friendship" "trustful" "legit" "work" terms actually mean, that, are, after all, terms that won't represent you ever, i bet you didn't even knew this terms until now or if you did, you ignored them, at least, you learnt something today.

Don't worry about it, i saved both original posts you deleted on ac-*** forum on several screenshots and several html files, so, in fact, i can post this in case i need to, so everyone knows the kind of thr*** you actually are, so, i'll post this letter on the other forums that are used by most of the guys that actually use ac-***.

You have been banned for the following reason: "Scammer"
You have been banned for the following reason: "No need to recreate an account, we see all your new accounts, you are not welcomed here anymore."

I have 2 more accounts there, find them, D**, you should continue moderating the ac-*** forum, it clearly needs your attention for those who may contradict you, they need to be punished, isn't it?

Att. An unhappy "Scammer" Customer.
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Verified Member
No idea who is who in that wall of text you posted, are you the scammer or did you get scammed?


Verified Member
What the hell are you trying to achieve with this? I sent you the files, you owe me 350€ (since january btw)

So you are the scammer here. You are not welcomed on ac-web anymore, we don't like scammers.

Also, EmuCoach has nothing to do with all this, so please @ExO, would you like remove that please.

Edit: The reason why I sent you the files is because we had an agreement, design for money. Also don't tell me something about being trustworthy, reliable and what not because you don't know a shit about me, nothing.. not even 1%. I have dozens of customers who trust me, either way they wouldn't order from me.

Unlike you, still owes me the money you promised me, scamming piece of shit.


^ You said you don't want the files when I sent you the link. You lied, you downloaded them. I set the download for 1 time download only, and after download the files gets removed from their servers. And as you see, it was just downloaded. Just in case you say you never received them, there is the proof that u did.

And you lied again.
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Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
What the hell are you trying to achieve with this? I sent you the files, you owe me 350€ (since january btw)

So you are the scammer here. You are not welcomed on ac-web anymore, we don't like scammers.

Also, EmuCoach has nothing to do with all this, so please @ExO, would you like remove that please.

Edit: The reason why I sent you the files is because we had an agreement, design for money. Also don't tell me something about being trustworthy, reliable and what not because you don't know a shit about me, nothing.. not even 1%. I have dozens of customers who trust me, either way they wouldn't order from me.

Unlike you, still owes me the money you promised me, scamming piece of shit.


^ You said you don't want the files when I sent you the link. You lied, you downloaded them. I set the download for 1 time download only, and after download the files gets removed from their servers. And as you see, it was just downloaded. Just in case you say you never received them, there is the proof that u did.

And you lied again.


In fact, since i shared the screenshot just to show that user the "Shove it up your ass" hilarious message, and told that user that, the user you banned that was pointing to your abuse on that forum, IS the one who downloaded it and then, he, later forwarded me the files, yes, a guy that is in no relation with me and that i didn't knew until he came across your thread to ask you politely and RESPECTFULLY, to refund me the money or end your work with me and to STOP and FIX your abusing methodology on ac-web, a deal you actually ended by yourself and, with that, all our deal and previous agreements, since i didn't end nothing, he's the one that adviced me to report your rank abuse to the owner of ac-web and to ask for a refund from you.

I don't owe you NOTHING, since i wasn't the guy who downloaded it, so, what the hell are you talking about? IN ANY CASE, you owe me 50€, but, as you told me in that message, "Shove it up your ass" and profit about that miserable 50€'s, i even told you i was not interested on that money, but the LEAST you could do is to remove ANY REFERENCES TO ME ON THAT POST, AND YOU DIDN'T UNTIL THE VERY END WHEN YOU BANNED ME FROM THE FORUM ABUSING YOUR MODERATOR RANK AND STATUS, AND BANING ME WITH THE FOLLOWING REASON "SCAMMER"

Yeah, i'm not welcome by YOU and only BY YOU on ac-web, i know, it's not a huge deal, there are pretty much like a dozen of other wow-emulation based forums where i can stay safely and that i am member during the same years that i had been on ac-web that respect freedom of speech and that their moderators or staff members don't abuse their powers and cover their tracks when they get pointed to something, i am fine with the rest of the people that is on ac-web, but since you're the only active moderator on ac-web, seems you have the absolute power there to actually do whatever you want there, but, NOT HERE, (it itches, isn't it, to not be able to ban or to silence the ones that contradict you?)

Emucoach has nothing to do with this, but this is a forum in which you can talk in freedom of speech without getting abused by some guy that has ZERO toleration to disidence and that will use every tool that got in hands to abuse the ones that are getting involved in any trouble with you, and that's something that got REALLY CLEAR when you banned the user O.N. just by pointing this,, so since my original message was not containing any reference actually to ac-web, and only to you pointing your stupidness, tyranny, scamming process on me, and also, the clear abuse you did, and i was even censoring my insults to avoid breaking any rule and as my original message contains a statement, that if i wrote something that was breaking any forum rule here on emucoach and since, before you readed and answer your bullshit, lies and stupidness here, Exo already readed this message, i believe in the good practies, neutrality and let me just tell my point of view and let this message be a warning to those who could contact Splicho to know MY experience with him, that has nothing to do with the experiences of all, but MINE, and just, ask in any case, to remove the Splicho reply to this thread, or at least, moderate the insults that he is doing to me just for pointing out this, since in my original thread all the insults are already hidden by myself to avoid breaking any rule, and if Exo, if i break any rule on this message, tell me about it so i can also edit my message, but, since he did insulted me and treated me the way he is doing, the less i can do is to answer in the same way and with the same freedom he has done.

If you had any reading comprehension you could have pointed this out, Splicho, but since, clearly you miss that, i have nothing more to talk about this.

Edit: The reason why I sent you the files is because we had an agreement, design for money. Also don't tell me something about being trustworthy, reliable and what not because you don't know a shit about me, nothing.. not even 1%. I have dozens of customers who trust me, either way they wouldn't order from me.

We had an agreement UNTIL you unilaterally broke the deal and unilaterally started to sell the files on a public post on ac-web that also contained personal info about my project, my server and myself (which in most countries nowadays is something i can even lawswuit you, idiot, and i have this on html files and screenshots) while i was at the hospital due to a intoxication by eating fish in bad state and, just decided that since i was not answering Discord messages, you were "missing your time" "and getting ignored" and was reason enough to sell the files i ordered you, post my info on a place that is getting readed by dozens if not hundreds of persons a day and even, tell lies about me, and i have all this messages sent on Discord to me, and also the original html files and screenshots that proves this on the post you created on ac-web, also even telling i scammed Darksider, and, you know what? Darksider can certify also this.

I don't care about your other happy customers and we don't know if others could have been already treated like this in the past, but i care for myself that i had been clearly abused on that forum and got banned by just simply ask respectfully and politely to remove any reference to my project and my server and the personal info about my marriage and info that had CLEARLY NOTHING RELATED to the files you partially re-designed for me, that weren't even ended AT ALL, and AS I ALREADY TOLD YOU, my intention was not nothing about you since i have never been interested in you, just in my re-design done properly and following the instructions and the orders you had, that, you clearly DIDN'T FOLLOW, DIDN'T ENDED, AND DIDN'T RESPECT AT ALL.

^ You said you don't want the files when I sent you the link. You lied, you downloaded them. I set the download for 1 time download only, and after download the files gets removed from their servers. And as you see, it was just downloaded. Just in case you say you never received them, there is the proof that u did.

And you lied again.


That was just 3 minutes before you banned me and that's the screenshot i sent to O.N. user that you already banned, as we can see here:


I already answered you that, ask workupload about the ip address of the guy that downloaded or to provide any data about that download done, at the end, i got the files, but i wasn't the one who downloaded, and thanks god at the end i had them teven if i wasn't the one that downloaded it, at least (i could check myself that you lied during 3 months telling me that the work was done, all was a MISERABLE LIE THAT LASTED MONTHS), i didn't throw to the bin a day of work to let it end on the hands of a scammer that didn't even ended the work that was ordered for, that didn't ensured at all the quality i looked for, and that asked for a money when YOU CLEARLY KNEW THAT THE WORK WASN'T EVEN ENDED, i was stupid to send you nothing, but 50€ are not a huge deal, thanks god also it only was that quantity and not 400€.

Oh, wait, I just realized that you do not deny that you abuse your moderation powers on that forum against others, thanks for clarifying this also.

What i am trying to achieve? Simple:

What i am doing is just telling my experience with you with my freedom of speech the same way you did with me posting my personal data, private info, selling the order that i had already payed (with a BIG DIFFERENCE, in any case i did this with you, and i still got your real name and your bank account, i could do this, but i won't, i'm not that miserable, i won't be doing the same shit you did with me, don't worry, there's a huge difference between you and me and that clears, each word you write is making you fall more and let others see what you really are), i clearly know that you won't ever change your behaviour so that's not part of the achievement, and nothing can be changed of what happened the only thing, and, what i am trying to do is to let you real face be shown and to let know many users that are here that are also on ac-web, that i got banned by you for all the stated above, and, that if something happens between you and other user, even for just pointing to your abusing, you can also get banned, even if you argued it politely and respectfully, that's what i am trying to do, and that's what i am going to do, here, and in other forums, and that's something you won't stop, actually, i am not angry at all, just pointing to this calmly, not a huge deal either to undercover a person that points at himself as "truthful" "professional" "legit" "friendly" and let others know what you really are.

You even asked to @ExO to remove my post? For real? For what reason? Becouse you can't delete the post here or ban me here? Yeah, it's just, becouse you can't abuse here.

If you think what i am trying to do is to ask for my money back (hilarious) or that you unban me from ac-web (hilarious) or beg you for something or something related directly to you, you are a total fool, this is for the sake of comunity, and that's something i got told by O.N. and couple people more i told about this, that, i should write this to let this be known on other places that are also used by people that also use ac-web, since ac-web is a place i was getting censored, aswell as other guy got also censored by this.

Didn't you told on ac-web and on other messages that it was the end of the discussion and that you weren't going to be talking more about this? Then what are you doing here? To contradict yourself over and over?

If all what i am telling here is a lie, and i am a scammer and that "piece of shit" why you even care at all what i posted on a place that's not ac-web?
What fear do you have and why do you care so much, and why do you even ask to Exo to remove my post?
Pointless to answer when you have the truth on your side, isn't it?
Why are you even so triggered by this?

I won't ask Exo to remove your message (i'll only ask for moderation when is necessary if it breaks forum rules, and if your insults break forum rules, then let it happen) since i have no fear, i have so much evidence against you and so many proofs about this, that i don't need someone to silence you (you clearly beg to get my message deleted since you have too much things to cover, maybe, becouse what i stated here, (same thing i stated on ac-web, can seriously put you down to earth finally) can affect your sales dramatically if this gets know, and, no matter how much you try to avoid this, next time, speak with honesty, speak with the truth, and let your work speak about you, and not your words, that's what a professional means, less talking and more REAL work)

Try to digest that answer, scu****.
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Verified Member

In fact, since i shared the screenshot just to show that user the "Shove it up your ass" hilarious message, and told that user that, the user you banned that was pointing to your abuse on that forum, IS the one who downloaded it and then, he, later forwarded me the files, yes, a guy that is in no relation with me and that i didn't knew until he came across your thread to ask you politely and RESPECTFULLY, to refund me the money or end your work with me and to STOP and FIX your abusing methodology on ac-web, a deal you actually ended by yourself and, with that, all our deal and previous agreements, since i didn't end nothing, he's the one that adviced me to report your rank abuse to the owner of ac-web and to ask for a refund from you.

I don't owe you NOTHING, since i wasn't the guy who downloaded it, so, what the hell are you talking about? IN ANY CASE, you owe me 50€, but, as you told me in that message, "Shove it up your ass" and profit about that miserable 50€'s, i even told you i was not interested on that money, but the LEAST you could do is to remove ANY REFERENCES TO ME ON THAT POST, AND YOU DIDN'T UNTIL THE VERY END WHEN YOU BANNED ME FROM THE FORUM ABUSING YOUR MODERATOR RANK AND STATUS, AND BANING ME WITH THE FOLLOWING REASON "SCAMMER"

Yeah, i'm not welcome by YOU and only BY YOU on ac-web, i know, it's not a huge deal, there are pretty much like a dozen of other wow-emulation based forums where i can stay safely and that i am member during the same years that i had been on ac-web that respect freedom of speech and that their moderators or staff members don't abuse their powers and cover their tracks when they get pointed to something, i am fine with the rest of the people that is on ac-web, but since you're the only active moderator on ac-web, seems you have the absolute power there to actually do whatever you want there, but, NOT HERE, (it itches, isn't it, to not be able to ban or to silence the ones that contradict you?)

Emucoach has nothing to do with this, but this is a forum in which you can talk in freedom of speech without getting abused by some guy that has ZERO toleration to disidence and that will use every tool that got in hands to abuse the ones that are getting involved in any trouble with you, and that's something that got REALLY CLEAR when you banned the user O.N. just by pointing this,, so since my original message was not containing any reference actually to ac-web, and only to you pointing your stupidness, tyranny, scamming process on me, and also, the clear abuse you did, and i was even censoring my insults to avoid breaking any rule and as my original message contains a statement, that if i wrote something that was breaking any forum rule here on emucoach and since, before you readed and answer your bullshit, lies and stupidness here, Exo already readed this message, i believe in the good practies, neutrality and let me just tell my point of view and let this message be a warning to those who could contact Splicho to know MY experience with him, that has nothing to do with the experiences of all, but MINE, and just, ask in any case, to remove the Splicho reply to this thread, or at least, moderate the insults that he is doing to me just for pointing out this, since in my original thread all the insults are already hidden by myself to avoid breaking any rule, and if Exo, if i break any rule on this message, tell me about it so i can also edit my message, but, since he did insulted me and treated me the way he is doing, the less i can do is to answer in the same way and with the same freedom he has done.

If you had any reading comprehension you could have pointed this out, Splicho, but since, clearly you miss that, i have nothing more to talk about this.

We had an agreement UNTIL you unilaterally broke the deal and unilaterally started to sell the files on a public post on ac-web that also contained personal info about my project, my server and myself (which in most countries nowadays is something i can even lawswuit you, idiot, and i have this on html files and screenshots) while i was at the hospital due to a intoxication by eating fish in bad state and, just decided that since i was not answering Discord messages, you were "missing your time" "and getting ignored" and was reason enough to sell the files i ordered you, post my info on a place that is getting readed by dozens if not hundreds of persons a day and even, tell lies about me, and i have all this messages sent on Discord to me, and also the original html files and screenshots that proves this on the post you created on ac-web, also even telling i scammed Darksider, and, you know what? Darksider can certify also this.

I don't care about your other happy customers and we don't know if others could have been already treated like this in the past, but i care for myself that i had been clearly abused on that forum and got banned by just simply ask respectfully and politely to remove any reference to my project and my server and the personal info about my marriage and info that had CLEARLY NOTHING RELATED to the files you partially re-designed for me, that weren't even ended AT ALL, and AS I ALREADY TOLD YOU, my intention was not nothing about you since i have never been interested in you, just in my re-design done properly and following the instructions and the orders you had, that, you clearly DIDN'T FOLLOW, DIDN'T ENDED, AND DIDN'T RESPECT AT ALL.


That was just 3 minutes before you banned me and that's the screenshot i sent to O.N. user that you already banned, as we can see here:


I already answered you that, ask workupload about the ip address of the guy that downloaded or to provide any data about that download done, at the end, i got the files, but i wasn't the one who downloaded, and thanks god at the end i had them teven if i wasn't the one that downloaded it, at least (i could check myself that you lied during 3 months telling me that the work was done, all was a MISERABLE LIE THAT LASTED MONTHS), i didn't throw to the bin a day of work to let it end on the hands of a scammer that didn't even ended the work that was ordered for, that didn't ensured at all the quality i looked for, and that asked for a money when YOU CLEARLY KNEW THAT THE WORK WASN'T EVEN ENDED, i was stupid to send you nothing, but 50€ are not a huge deal, thanks god also it only was that quantity and not 400€.

Oh, wait, I just realized that you do not deny that you abuse your moderation powers on that forum against others, thanks for clarifying this also.

What i am trying to achieve? Simple:

What i am doing is just telling my experience with you with my freedom of speech the same way you did with me posting my personal data, private info, selling the order that i had already payed (with a BIG DIFFERENCE, in any case i did this with you, and i still got your real name and your bank account, i could do this, but i won't, i'm not that miserable, i won't be doing the same shit you did with me, don't worry, there's a huge difference between you and me and that clears, each word you write is making you fall more and let others see what you really are), i clearly know that you won't ever change your behaviour so that's not part of the achievement, and nothing can be changed of what happened the only thing, and, what i am trying to do is to let you real face be shown and to let know many users that are here that are also on ac-web, that i got banned by you for all the stated above, and, that if something happens between you and other user, even for just pointing to your abusing, you can also get banned, even if you argued it politely and respectfully, that's what i am trying to do, and that's what i am going to do, here, and in other forums, and that's something you won't stop, actually, i am not angry at all, just pointing to this calmly, not a huge deal either to undercover a person that points at himself as "truthful" "professional" "legit" "friendly" and let others know what you really are.

You even asked to @ExO to remove my post? For real? For what reason? Becouse you can't delete the post here or ban me here? Yeah, it's just, becouse you can't abuse here.

If you think what i am trying to do is to ask for my money back (hilarious) or that you unban me from ac-web (hilarious) or beg you for something or something related directly to you, you are a total fool, this is for the sake of comunity, and that's something i got told by O.N. and couple people more i told about this, that, i should write this to let this be known on other places that are also used by people that also use ac-web, since ac-web is a place i was getting censored, aswell as other guy got also censored by this.

Didn't you told on ac-web and on other messages that it was the end of the discussion and that you weren't going to be talking more about this? Then what are you doing here? To contradict yourself over and over?

If all what i am telling here is a lie, and i am a scammer and that "piece of shit" why you even care at all what i posted on a place that's not ac-web?
What fear do you have and why do you care so much, and why do you even ask to Exo to remove my post?
Pointless to answer when you have the truth on your side, isn't it?
Why are you even so triggered by this?

I won't ask Exo to remove your message (i'll only ask for moderation when is necessary if it breaks forum rules, and if your insults break forum rules, then let it happen) since i have no fear, i have so much evidence against you and so many proofs about this, that i don't need someone to silence you (you clearly beg to get my message deleted since you have too much things to cover, maybe, becouse what i stated here, (same thing i stated on ac-web, can seriously put you down to earth finally) can affect your sales dramatically if this gets know, and, no matter how much you try to avoid this, next time, speak with honesty, speak with the truth, and let your work speak about you, and not your words, that's what a professional means, less talking and more REAL work)

Try to digest that answer, scumbag.
Wall of text and full of bullshit, lol.


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
Wall of text and full of bullshit, lol.

You can call it bullshit if that makes you feel better, i don't care at all, now move on to your beloved ac-web, pretty sure they miss you there.

PS. Did you found my other 2 accounts? Still waiting you to ban them.


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
A question

If he sends you the link but you didn't download the files, then YOU must have forwarded the link?

It's not his fault
Why are you forwarding the link and lying that you didn't receive the files?


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
A question

If he sends you the link but you didn't download the files, then YOU must have forwarded the link?

It's not his fault
Why are you forwarding the link and lying that you didn't receive the files?
Read again please, i didnt forwarded the link, i forwarded the screenshot of the message, which contained pretty friendly message.

Why i forwarded the private message which contained that friendly "Shove It Up your ass" and that also contained the link?

Becouse i wanted to show the guy his behaviour against me, the same way he could paste my personal data on a public forum, as stated, he sent the files on his own will, both things are a thing that he done himself on his own will, its not his fault to paste private info about me on a forum?

Since our deal ended and that was stated by him, there was and there is nothing actually that i debt or that he debts me.

Its not also his fault to send the files when no payment was fulfilled completely by me?

Its all already perfectly explained here, i got all the proofs, bank justify with the original amount of 50€ sent to him in advance without receiving nothing, original threads in which he started to sell the files i ordered to him to other people on ac-web when i was at hospital (action that ended our deal, he is the one that decided to sell them and paste my personal info, original private messages between 2 different users that told me to claim my 50€ back since i didnt received nothing until this moment even if payed something in advance)

We're adults here, if you had readed carefully, at the end i got the files since the user who downloaded them forwarded them to me and then, even if i could, as stated by him, the link was only to use on a single download, so i could not have download them even if i wanted to.

At the end i have some files, that are actually that garbage quality that i cant even use them since there arent AT ALL finished, he told he finished them during months that was asking me to pay him and It was all a lie, imagine you order some stuff, get asked to pay, then you pay and you move the images to your website and check that those images are not even designed completely and that have a poor quality that you cant even use, what would you even think? That you got scammed, right?

Even for 50€ i payed, its not even worth at all, since i wont be able to use that ever, since if i want to have something properly done ill have to look to someone else to finish those images or to do new ones and pay again, this is a bad joke, i have some files that i cant even use, its like i throwed 50€ to the bin.

There are plenty of proofs, those 2 screenshots are just the top of the iceberg about all this drama, no lies are made here, the funny answer by him is that when i answered on ac-web and here, he stated that "Wall of text and all bullshit here"

He just can argue against the evidence, proofs and facts, for him, everything is a "wall of text" and "bullshit" if that doesn't mean me to tell i scammed him, thing, that only exists on his imagination.

Its all clear, just perfectly explained everything on my two answers and i think there's pretty not much additional things to explain actually.
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it's amazing what goes on around here

It truely is, and all this happened becouse he moved this to public places, if he had respected our deal and fixed this on private between me and him, all this wont have ever happened.


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Read again please, i didnt forwarded the link, i forwarded the screenshot of the message, which contained pretty friendly message.

Why i forwarded the private message which contained that friendly "Shove It Up your ass" and that also contained the link?

Becouse i wanted to show the guy his behaviour against me, the same way he could paste my personal data on a public forum, as stated, he sent the files on his own will, both things are a thing that he done himself on his own will, its not his fault to paste private info about me on a forum?

Since our deal ended and that was stated by him, there was and there is nothing actually that i debt or that he debts me.

Its not also his fault to send the files when no payment was fulfilled completely by me?

Its all already perfectly explained here, i got all the proofs, bank justify with the original amount of 50€ sent to him in advance without receiving nothing, original threads in which he started to sell the files i ordered to him to other people on ac-web when i was at hospital (action that ended our deal, he is the one that decided to sell them and paste my personal info, original private messages between 2 different users that told me to claim my 50€ back since i didnt received nothing until this moment even if payed something in advance)

We're adults here, if you had readed carefully, at the end i got the files since the user who downloaded them forwarded them to me and then, even if i could, as stated by him, the link was only to use on a single download, so i could not have download them even if i wanted to.

At the end i have some files, that are actually that garbage quality that i cant even use them since there arent AT ALL finished, he told he finished them during months that was asking me to pay him and It was all a lie, imagine you order some stuff, get asked to pay, then you pay and you move the images to your website and check that those images are not even designed completely and that have a poor quality that you cant even use, what would you even think? That you got scammed, right?

Even for 50€ i payed, its not even worth at all, since i wont be able to use that ever, since if i want to have something properly done ill have to look to someone else to finish those images or to do new ones and pay again, this is a bad joke, i have some files that i cant even use, its like i throwed 50€ to the bin.

There are plenty of proofs, those 2 screenshots are just the top of the iceberg about all this drama, no lies are made here, the funny answer by him is that when i answered on ac-web and here, he stated that "Wall of text and all bullshit here"

He just can argue against the evidence, proofs and facts, for him, everything is a "wall of text" and "bullshit" if that doesn't mean me to tell i scammed him, thing, that only exists on his imagination.

Its all clear, just perfectly explained everything on my two answers and i think there's pretty not much additional things to explain actually.
stop writing endless bullshit texts

you have forwarded the screen with the link

this is your fault!
you got the files, you didn't download them even though you could have

you leaked the download link to someone and now you say you didn't get the files?

who are you kidding here?

if you're too stupid to download the files, that's all your fault

Its not also his fault to send the files when no payment was fulfilled completely by me?

could it be that you are mentally ill? on ac-web you accused him of not having received any files

now you accuse him of having sent you the files?
do you realize how stupid you are?


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I won't even answer anymore to you just this time and this is it, if you understood nothing about it, it's your fault, clearly stated, nothing more to say, he leaked first my private info, and begin to sell the files even when the deal between him and me was vigent, he posted my project name and server name url when i told him i wanted to keep my info private, and he, as a untruthful seller posted all the info that he had in his hands (things like i got married, and trip, etc) just becouse i was afk at discord and his only arguments are that i was "ignoring him" and "making loose his time" "he kept me" (what a bunch of shitty arguments.

He did first broke the deal, not me, he was adult enough (i bet) to know every action have it's consecuences, THOSE, and THIS, are the consecuences, now, deal with them.

I lost 50€ for files that are worth nothing, leaking of files that are actually only usable by me since i am the only owner of that cms that is just built for me? Not only not being able to use files even paying for them, but if i ever want to use them i have to look to someone else to rework them paying more money becouse he didn't even fulfilled at all our deal?

Telling me about stupidness? Look yourself at the mirror, and tell that guy to look himself at the mirror before pointing to others, and if you are going to write something, the least you could do is to read and understand what you are actually reading, and if not, better just dont do a pointless answer, anyways, thanks for reading.
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Veteran Member
I won't even answer anymore to you just this time and this is it, if you understood nothing about it, it's your fault, clearly stated, nothing more to say, he leaked first my private info, and begin to sell the files even when the deal between him and me was vigent, he posted my project name and server name url when i told him i wanted to keep my info private, and he, as a untruthful seller posted all the info that he had in his hands (things like i got married, and trip, etc) just becouse i was afk at discord and his only arguments are that i was "ignoring him" and "making loose his time" "he kept me" (what a bunch of shitty arguments.

He did first broke the deal, not me, he was adult enough (i bet) to know every action have it's consecuences, THOSE, and THIS, are the consecuences, now, deal with them.

I lost 50€ for files that are worth nothing, leaking of files that are actually only usable by me since i am the only owner of that cms that is just built for me? Not only not being able to use files even paying for them, but if i ever want to use them i have to look to someone else to rework them paying more money becouse he didn't even fulfilled at all our deal?

Telling me about stupidness? Look yourself at the mirror, and tell that guy to look himself at the mirror before pointing to others, and if you are going to write something, the least you could do is to read and understand what you are actually reading, and if not, better just dont do a pointless answer, anyways, thanks for reading.
ok, one can tell that you are really mentally retarded

you can't even see your mistake

everyone else is to blame
you screw up and the others are to blame and then you tell lies

you canceled the deal by not getting in touch for months

you can't go to the repairman and say: fix it, pay half of the price, he'll do it and then not report you for months and then say: they scammed me!

you are rlly dumb af


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Veteran Member
ok, one can tell that you are really mentally retarded

you can't even see your mistake

everyone else is to blame
you screw up and the others are to blame and then you tell lies

you canceled the deal by not getting in touch for months

you can't go to the repairman and say: fix it, pay half of the price, he'll do it and then not report you for months and then say: they scammed me!

you are rlly dumb af

Screw up becouse i wasn't able physically to answer?

A deals get cancelled when i just get afk by justified reasons? Medical reasons? Are you even sane or what?

If you leave your car on the repairman or any tangible good on any repairman and pay half of the price, he will do the repair, and if you got payed him, he will keep the tangible goods that have been repaired and the money until you come back and pay the rest, and if you don't ever come, he will keep your car or your repaired stuff, you used the same stupid argument that I have already dismantled to Splicho, there's a difference between tangible goods and non-tangible goods, in any case, i didn't got nothing just until the very end, when our deal had already finished by him unilaterally, when the deal was vigent, i payed him in advance, in what world is that a reason to ban me from ac-web as Scammer? I wonder the reason in which the other user got also banned, just mad.

Do you live under a rock to be that ignorant or where you born like that?

Worthless comment ever, makes me wonder who made alt account or got told to tell same bullshit as Splicho did, cya.
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Verified Member
Also he says files are garbage, but I have discord chat history with him where he says that the design looks amazing and that it is what he wanted.


This guy need serious help lmao. Should get himself a psychotherapist

Also says I’m untruthful seller lol… why should people still order from me when I am a scammer ? I never scammed anyone, like never. Nor I scammed you.

I am repeating again. I sent u the files because we had an agreement, you in fact, only sent me 50€ from 400€.

scamming shit

Yeah of course man, I have nothing better to do to tell people to defend me here. You just make yourself look stupid as fuck here.


He's just constantly lying here. Saying design was not done and shit, but here we see it was in fact done, like he stated.
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Veteran Member
Also he says files are garbage, but I have discord chat history with him where he says that the design looks amazing and that it is what he wanted.

This guy need serious help lmao. Should get himself a psychotherapist

Also says I’m untruthful seller lol… why should people still order from me when I am a scammer ? I never scammed anyone, like never. Nor I scammed you.

I am repeating again. I sent u the files because we had an agreement, you in fact, only sent me 50€ from 400€.

scamming shit

Yeah of course man, I have nothing better to do to tell people to defend me here. You just make yourself look stupid as fuck here.

You have discord chat history, that, at that moment, when i didn't got the files but only PREVIEWS about the index page and what you did at that moment looked fine, do you want me to paste a full preview of how do actually, your theme looks like, in reality? It truely sucks, the images are NOT usable AT ALL and the images are not optimized as the original ones are, you did maybe a 30-40% of the work and not even that, and claimed as DONE, this is a thing i could not know, until i had the files, so, in fact, i would have noticed this when i had payed all the amount, you should also have the topic log where you told me that you weren't going to do only just little changes but not to re-design over and over a thing that you marked as completely done?

That's SCAMMING, marking a JOB as DONE and CLAIMING FOR FULL AMOUNT of money when a job wasn't even ended.

This is just an example, marking and circling the parts that are already re-designed, what about the rest, was the rest even re-designed from scratch?
As the chat logs on Discord between you and me mark?

Did you even fulfilled our initial agreement, and what the discord chat logs between you and me tell, what i esentially ordered from you, a "full re-design of all the images of the theme?


I mean, are you talking about this seriously? YOU DIDN'T EVEN RE-DESIGNED FROM SCRATCH NEARLY ANYTHING BUT WHAT YOU DONE BETWEEN DAY 3rd of January and 5-6 of January, you thought i would pay 400€ to get just couple buttons and avatars done, and the rest, just applied a filter above the original images?
Want me to post all the images that you done on an album to check the differences?

You are the one that have a problem, if you couldn't do this, you should had told me to seek for someone that could fit my needs and not just making me loose my time and my money.


You sent me the files becouse people and community on ac-web were telling you, that if you wanted to sell the files, the least you could do is to refund me, and sell them to anyone else, or to end the deal with me, you sent them by your own will when you were marked and pointed that you were clearly abusing of the moderator rank and about the situation when you had money in advance, selling it to others, and then you delivered files in a link, that i didn't myself downloaded.

Psychotherapist? Yeah, the ones that actually need mental health care are the ones that tell others that they need mental health care, that's called projecting.

Why would people still order from you? Becouse you remove, ban and delete threads and comments that may make you look the way you are, and, that's the reason you only sell your stuff on ac-web, what a coincidence, isnt it?

You're the one that makes you look yourself stupid, incompetent, untrustful and scammer, and here's just an example of the work you did, clearly you had all the rights to ask for all the money, you did a great work, as we can tell by this image, this is clearly, what we can call a re-design from scratch.

You even got pointed at ac-web that what you had done was actually looking bad:


Even the background video is something i did in advance, the lich king background webm mp4 files were already there aswell as the fixed and static images, i could continue posting all the images, i have the original theme and the actual files you sent that were forwarded to me by that user you banned, i can't even use this stuff, i just thrown to the bin 50€ for nothing, just GTFO and return back to ac-web, you can try to convince others to look legit and all that, but you won't convince me, i saw that you're banned in ownedcore forum, i guess why.

You're a joke.
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Verified Member
You have discord chat history, that, at that moment, when i didn't got the files but only PREVIEWS about the index page and what you did at that moment looked fine, do you want me to paste a full preview of how do actually, your theme looks like, in reality? It truely sucks, the images are NOT usable AT ALL and the images are not optimized as the original ones are, you did maybe a 30-40% of the work and not even that, and claimed as DONE, this is a thing i could not know, until i had the files, so, in fact, i would have noticed this when i had payed all the amount, you should also have the topic log where you told me that you weren't going to do only just little changes but not to re-design over and over a thing that you marked as completely done?

That's SCAMMING, marking a JOB as DONE and CLAIMING FOR FULL AMOUNT of money when a job wasn't even ended.

This is just an example, marking and circling the parts that are already re-designed, what about the rest, was the rest even re-designed from scratch?
As the chat logs on Discord between you and me mark?

Did you even fulfilled our initial agreement, and what the discord chat logs between you and me tell, what i esentially ordered from you, a "full re-design of all the images of the theme?


I mean, are you talking about this seriously? YOU DIDN'T EVEN RE-DESIGNED FROM SCRATCH NEARLY ANYTHING BUT WHAT YOU DONE BETWEEN DAY 3rd of January and 5-6 of January, you thought i would pay 400€ to get just couple buttons and avatars done, and the rest, just applied a filter above the original images?
Want me to post all the images that you done on an album to check the differences?

You are the one that have a problem, if you couldn't do this, you should had told me to seek for someone that could fit my needs and not just making me loose my time and my money.


You sent me the files becouse people and community on ac-web were telling you, that if you wanted to sell the files, the least you could do is to refund me, and sell them to anyone else, or to end the deal with me, you sent them by your own will when you were marked and pointed that you were clearly abusing of the moderator rank and about the situation when you had money in advance, selling it to others, and then you delivered files in a link, that i didn't myself downloaded.

Psychotherapist? Yeah, the ones that actually need mental health care are the ones that tell others that they need mental health care, that's called projecting.

Why would people still order from you? Becouse you remove, ban and delete threads and comments that may make you look the way you are, and, that's the reason you only sell your stuff on ac-web, what a coincidence, isnt it?

You're the one that makes you look yourself stupid, incompetent, untrustful and scammer, and here's just an example of the work you did, clearly you had all the rights to ask for all the money, you did a great work, as we can tell by this image, this is clearly, what we can call a re-design from scratch.

You're a joke.
Wall of text none cares about, didn’t even read it.
I’ll ignore you from now on because it’s literally like talking to an ape. Full of liars and bullshit.

Scamming piece of shit.


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Veteran Member
Wall of text none cares about, didn’t even read it.
I’ll ignore you from now on because it’s literally like talking to an ape. Full of liars and bullshit.

Scamming piece of shit.

Wall of text that others could care at the hour of thinking about hiring your services, you don't care about it, it's not a problem, i don't care at all, at the end, this is a letter to let the community know what happened when i did hired you.

I agree on the part about talking to an ape, but i disagree on the subject, in fact, i was talking to a wall until the very beginning since you didn't even catched what actually "re-design all images from scratch" mean, and the proofs are just up, and don't worry about, just becouse you answered about it, ill paste the full comparison between the original images, the images that i got forwarded by O.N. and the Discord chat logs when i have the patience to do it, already wasted more time than expected on marking you as the scammer, dictator and worthless person you are, if we can call you "person"

You're a disgrace, worst seller of virtual goods i ever met, a disgrace of guy and a disgrace of work, you point me about lying, i was honest from the very beginning, thing, you, were not, so, YOU ARE THE LIE.

Okay then, thanks for the ignore you're doing me a favor so i stop reading your bullshit, you're also blocked and ignored here too so, something to celebrate
, go and die to somewhere else, scumbag, profit about that 50€, learn what that term "scammer" actually means, imbecile, you have plenty of time for it, i didn't asked for your reply and no one asked also for it here, no single person called you here, what a scumbag asshole, CYA, moron.
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this shit hurts my eyes, Focus I'm sorry, your main language probably isn't English, and it truly shows. Your wall of texts are seriously hard to read with the amount of grammatical errors and typos in it. So I'm not even gonna bother.

I don't know even know Splicho, but from what I have read, it seems to me you are the scammer. Peace!
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