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Battle pet help please


Verified Member
I run a server for about 10 people including myself and we all LOVE the battle pets, everything about them! But sadly the quest lines dont work and half the pets are missing in the world :( does anyone know how to spawn in a battle pet? is it similar to an npc? Ive already grabbed the pet ID'S from the blizzard forums and whenever i spawn a pet in, its just a normal pet not a battle pet so we cant fight/capture it and it takes away alot of content for us :( I have the Paid for version (VIP) Of MOP 5.4.8 any help would be greatly greatly appreciated! I run a 3.3.5 server that i have done ALOT of modifications to so im not a noob when it comes to wow servers and know how to use most things well including sql and heidi. If anyways knows a way to fix the pets i could do all the work i dont mind. i have plenty of time on my hands thanks guys!


Verified Member
Sorry also forgot to say that i spawned in the starter NPC for the questline to start it and force gave myself the quest and i couldnt interact with her and turn in the quest or start it/fight her :/ Id be okay with the quest lines not working if i could just figure out how to fix the pets themselves thanks again!