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AzerothCore-wotlk (Wrath of the Lich King 3.3.5a) with Eluna
* This package is a build from AzerothCore GitHub.
* Azerothcore is always looking for people to contribute, test PRs, or fix database values!
* Test bug fixes: How to test a PR | AzerothCore
* Check out Azerothcore's Discord Channel!
* AzerothCore

Development Status/Notes
Version is here; it's free; and it's yours.
* If you've paid for any of my work, you've been scammed.
Who is this Repack for?
This package was built for the solo player (you know who you are). All configuration files and modules have been adjusted and/or selected with the solo player in mind.
- World, Dungeons, and Raids scaled for solo play
- Set character XP Rate in real time with .xp set x (where x = 0-10)
- Hunter style pets are available for all classes to use starting at level 10 (sometimes we all need a little help)
- Aggro Rate reduced by half
- Creature Flee Assistance disabled
- Creature Assistance Radius reduced to 5 from 10
- Death sickness disabled
- Portal Master
- Eluna lua engine added
- 10 Profession limit for each character instead of 2
- Max skills per/on level
- Set game Day\Night Cycle speed
- Multi Resource Tracking Supported (Ore, and Herbs)
- Solo LFG, RDF
- Auctionhouse Bot (Disabled by default. WIP)
- NPC Enchanter
- NPC Buffer
- NPC Transmog
- NPC Instance, LFG, Dungeon cooldowns reset
- Auto Revive on death +extras (configurable)
Package Information
Platform: Windows x64
Full Compiled Date: 03-12-2020
Database: Stand-alone Mysql 5.7.26
Source Code: Not Included
Download File Size: 956.2MB
Built With:
- cmake-3.16.2-win64-x64
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2019
- OpenSSL 1.1.1d Win64
- Notepad++
- Windows 10 Professional x64
- Mysql 5.7.26
- HeidiSQL
Database Information:
local host =
user = root
password = 123456
port = 3310
wdb = world
cdb = characters
adb = auth
Events, Quests, Dungeons, Raids: Scripted and Available
Portal Master
Solo LFG, RDF: *If you're having issues with the Solo LFG talk with the Instance Reset NPC in any major city (found near the
Portal Master).
AutoRevive on death +extra
- Adjust game Day/Night cycle speed
- Set TimeIsTimePlus in worldserver.conf
- Track Ore and herbs at the same time
*Auctionhouse Bot (Disabled by default. WIP)
*AutoRevive on death
- Adjust settings in AutoRevie.conf
- Death: Revive, Cast Divine Intervention, Remove Cooldowns, Repair Equipment, +more
- Auto clear unfair auras during comabt
- Refresh player health, and mana after combat
- Last Stand: When health reaches x Proc Heroism, and Reset Cooldowns, +more
- Tool Implementation to help solve Solo LFG issues that can occur
- Set custom XP rate in real time
- In wow chat window type .xp set x
- (x = desired rate 0-10)
- Every Class can have a hunter style pet
- Beastmaster is easily found in every major city
- Character must be at least level 10 to get a pet
*AutoBalance (Formerly known as VASAutoBalance)
- In Game, chat window, type .AutoBalance to see a list of settings that can be changed in real time
- Example: .AutoBalance setoffset 2
- The above will increase the challenge in dungeons. If you find the content too easy increase the value.
- Permanent adjustments can be made in AutoBalance.conf line #181 (AutoBalance.playerCountDifficultyOffset)
- How to Enable World Level Auto Scaling:
- 1) Edit AutoBalance.conf
- 2) Line 70: AutoBalance.levelScaling= 2
- 3) Line 83: AutoBalance.levelHigherOffset = 0
- ....Line 84: AutoBalance.levelLowerOffset = 0
- 4) LIne 122: AutoBalance.DungeonsOnly = 0
- 5) Adjust step 3 to find a setting that works for you. With the settings above all mobs will be equal to your level. (bosses will retain their +3 level status, however)
- Caution: This can get weird in multi player environments. The creatures on the map will be scaled according to the highest level player on the map. (I'm not sure if the creatures will scale down after the higher level has left the map or at some point after... needs testing and feedback).
- Any Quest, Any Item, Any Zone at Any Level:
- If you're using the AutoBalance World Level Auto Scaling (^ above) feature, it stands to reason that you would like to be able to take quests and use items at any level too. Below is a simple SQL statement that you can use on your database (backup first... backup files are stored in server/tools/backup). I tried to make the statement simple and easy to read -- I hope that you can extend and get future use out of it as needed.
use world; UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel = 1 WHERE RequiredLevel != 1; UPDATE Quest_Template SET QuestLevel = -1, MinLevel = 1 WHERE QuestLevel != -1 OR MinLevel != 1;
- To undo the changes from the code above, execute server/tools/1_ApplyPatch.bat
- This can be a little buggy
- If your items don't "change" click on your character portrait
Eluna LUA Scripts
No default lua scripts, but they are supported
1) Patcher
2) Backup Database
3) Restore Database Backup
4) Database Maintenance Tool
1) GM Commands (html)
2) Item ID List (html)
3) Quest ID LIst (html)
4) Spell ID list (html)
5) Custom NPC ID list (txt) with sql code to remove them
6) SQL code to enable Any Quest, Any Gear at any Level... best used alongside AutoBalance World Scaling (More any can be found above in the Modules section).
How to Play:
1) Edit your realmlist.wtf file (C:\Wrath of the Lich King 3.3.5a\Data\enUS)
...Edit the first line so it reads: set realmlist
2) Extract the contents of the zip archive into a directory on your local hard disk --
3) Execute "!_Azerothcore Solo Launcher.exe"
4) Log into the game with one of the following accounts:
1. admin : admin
2. player : player
How to Shutdown the server:
1) In the Worldserver console type: "saveall", hit enter. If you ignore this step you could lose some world\character states.
....Close the window with: ctrl c
2) Authserver: ctrl c
3) Database: ctrl c
How to Create a New Account:
1. Player: In the server (Worldserver) console type: account create NAME PASSWORD
2. GM: In the server (Worldserver) console type: account create NAME PASSWORD
....account set gmlevel NAME 3 -1
On Error:
You may need to install the C++ 2017-2019 redistributables from MS. I have also included the file in server->tools->dep
- Full with Maps: AzerothCore_Solo_V1. ~1.00GB
- Patch 1.3.9x - 10 -> 1.3.9x-10_1.3.10.1_patch.7z ~158.7MB
- How To Patch
- Shutdown the repack if it's running.
- Copy the contents of the patch archive into your 1.3.9x or 1.3.10 directory.
- Allow all overwrites to occur.
- Navigate to server\tools
- Execute 1_ApplyPatch.bat
- Wait for the process to finish. It will tell you when it's done.
Optional Downloads
Azerothcore Solo Launcher
- Azerothcore Solo Launcher: !_Azerothcore Solo Launcher 1.1.03 2.3MB
- Place the launcher into the the 1.3.10 directory
- Simple, Single Window Interface
- Input Box to Interact with the World Server
- A Giant Start Button!
- ~30% Faster Load Times
- Proper startup and shutdown of All Servers
- Notice:
- On shutdown, the launcher may 'appear' to freeze (show not responding). This is normal. Let it run.
- The thread is sleeping while the world server shuts down -- sometimes this can take awhile especially if you're running an Ahbot or if you have not run the server in awhile and then quickly shut it down again.
- Split Zip Archive created with 7zip
- File 1 of 5: Enhanced Graphics for 3.3.5a 1.0GB
- File 2 of 5: Enhanced Graphics for 3.3.5a 1.0GB
- File 3 of 5: Enhanced Graphics for 3.3.5a 1.0GB
- File 4 of 5: Enhanced Graphics for 3.3.5a 1.0GB
- File 5 of 5: Enhanced Graphics for 3.3.5a 166.46MB
- =================================
- Wow 3.3.5a Large Address Capable .exe file (Required for Enhanced Graphics) 3.3mb
- Extract the Large Address Capable .exe file into your 3.3.5 (enUS client only) folder (C:\World of Warcraft 3.3.5a)
- Extract the Enhanced Graphics archive into your 3.3.5 (enUS client only) folder (C:\World of Warcraft 3.3.5a\Data)
I repurposed the launcher bat files from conan513's SPP series of repacks. Thanks goes to him for his efforts on those amazing projects.
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