Thanks a lotI updated it already
Thanks a lotI updated it already
I can't seem to recreate your problem have you renamed or moved anything ?Hello, is giving me this issue when i execute the Unicontroller.exe. What could be the problem please.
View attachment 3603
No, i didnt rename nothing , just extract like that. when i click on the Unicontroler, show a message box saying that please move the folder UniserverZ, making sure new path does not contain spaces. I dont know waht to do.I can't seem to recreate your problem have you renamed or moved anything ?
Ok so do you have antivirus running, sometime it will move files to quarantine ? does your folder look like this, if it does then you might want to try running it as an administartor, Right click UniController.exe run as administrator, cause I put this on a different pc and it works fine I can't recreate this problem. Not sure if this will help you can dnld and install this its MS VC drivers Visual C++ RedistributableNo, i didnt rename nothing , just extract like that. when i click on the Unicontroler, show a message box saying that please move the folder UniserverZ, making sure new path does not contain spaces. I dont know waht to do.