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AzerothCore 3.3.5_npcbots_Transmog_Ahbot_Solocraft Repack


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
United States
Ok so other than updating the code on this repack unless I see a new mod I like this will be my last 335 server, I have used a different miniserver than I had on my older repacks this one has greater security and more upgradable components, I installed FusionCms and it's up to you to login and customize it, when you launch the server be advised I set the Playerbots to 200 so if thats to much you need to reset it, Ahbot configured and working. This build was a pain in the @ss LOL because they changed alot in this new code, hope everyone likes it.


I have updated this repack after being notified that the transmog vender was not working, I did give instructions how to fix it but decided I would fix it and reupload it.

Sorry about this anyhow all should be good now thanks

It was brought to my attention that the conf files were misconfigured so I fixed the issue were the mysql executable was not being found.


AZEROTHCORE: 3.3.5 source as of 08/08/24

Mysql pass
acore acore
root root

game accounts

admin admin- GM

My test account Spikey is in there just delete it or change the password

FusionCms installed #http://localhost
CMS Owner is the admin account
security code:: Azeroth

Ok so other than updating the code on this repack unless I see a new mod I like this will be my last 335 server, I have used a different miniserver than I had on my older repacks this one has greater security and more upgradable components, I installed FusionCms and it's up to you to login and customize it, when you launch the server be advised I set the Playerbots to 200 so if thats to much you need to reset it, Ahbot configured and working. This build was a pain in the @ss LOL because they changed alot in this new code, hope everyone likes it.

wallpaper01-index-thum - AzerothCore 335_npcbots_Transmog_Ahbot_Solocraft Repack - RaGEZONE Forums

I have updated this repack after being notified that the transmog vender was not working, I did give instructions how to fix it but decided I would fix it and reupload it.

Sorry about this anyhow all should be good now thanks

It was brought to my attention that the conf files were misconfigured so I fixed the issue were the mysql executable was not being found.


AZEROTHCORE: 3.3.5 source as of 08/08/24

Mysql pass
acore acore
root root

game accounts

admin admin- GM

My test account Spikey is in there just delete it or change the password

FusionCms installed #http://localhost

CMS Owner is the admin account
security code:: Azeroth

CMS Owner is the admin account

Modules newest code

AHBOT configured and working
Playerbots configured and working
Transmog configured and working
Solocraft configured and working

All Mods mentioned are working up to you to tweak how you want them to work.



In addition I was asked for descriptions of these mods so here you go


  • Bots in World (Random bot): We have enhanced the behavior of random bots to make them mimic real players more closely, creating a more authentic player server environment.
  • Bots in Raid: We've empowered bots to conquer challenging raid content by implementing specific strategies for various bosses, making raid encounters more engaging. Additionally, we have enhanced bots' capabilities in various roles such as DPS, healing, and tanking, ensuring they contribute effectively to the success of raid groups.
  • Bots in Battleground: Bots are now capable of actively participating in battlegrounds alongside real players, adding depth and excitement to these PvP scenarios.
  • Interation with Bots: We have improved the interaction between real players and bots, enabling players to complete quests and level up with multiple characters while collaborating with the bot companions.
  • Player Progression Path: We have designed an improved progression path for players, complemented by bots, to offer an alternative and engaging gameplay experience.
  • Stability: Our efforts have focused on enhancing the overall stability of AzerothCore when using the Playerbots module. These improvements aim to prevent server crashes and ensure a smoother experience for all users.
  • Configuration: We have introduced a range of configurable options to cater to players with varying requirements, allowing for a more personalized experience.

Place transmog npc​

With a gm account goto the location you want to add the npc and use this command:

.npc add 190010
That's it.

(Optional) Edit module configuration​

If you need to change the module configuration, go to your server configuration folder (e.g. etc), copy transmog.conf.dist to transmog.conf and edit it as you prefer.

Edit the module configuration and add a player account ID and a character ID. This character will sell and buy items in the auction house so give him a good name.


  • The account used does not need any security level and can be a player account.
  • The character used by the ahbot is not meant to be used ingame. If you use it to browse the auction house, you might have issues like "Searching for items..." displaying forever.

  • Adjusts player stats for raids based on the # of players in the group
  • Configurable debuff for groups trying to overload the difficulty modifier for an instance
  • Adjustable stats modifier in config
  • Config: Difficulty settings for each instance and type
  • Now includes a Spellpower buff: Adjustable modifier in config
  • Saves your modifier settings in database.
  • Max level thresholds can be set to not buff players whose level is too far over the dungeon level
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MoP Premium
Veteran Member
Hello, any tutorial for launching everything ? I can't find any bat file for the SQL & Apache service

EDIT: Because the UniServer thing don't work


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
United States
It works have you tried starting it as an administrator (right click UniController.exe select run as administrator) you probably have antivirus or security software preventing you from executing UniController.exe cause everyone eles seems to be ok with it.


MoP Premium
Veteran Member
It works have you tried starting it as an administrator (right click UniController.exe select run as administrator) you probably have antivirus or security software preventing you from executing UniController.exe cause everyone eles seems to be ok with it.
Hello, no, it was the folder. I move it somewhere else and it worked right after !


Trial Member
Ok so other than updating the code on this repack unless I see a new mod I like this will be my last 335 server, I have used a different miniserver than I had on my older repacks this one has greater security and more upgradable components, I installed FusionCms and it's up to you to login and customize it, when you launch the server be advised I set the Playerbots to 200 so if thats to much you need to reset it, Ahbot configured and working. This build was a pain in the @ss LOL because they changed alot in this new code, hope everyone likes it.

View attachment 3527

AZEROTHCORE: 3.3.5 source as of 08/08/24

Mysql pass
acore acore
root root

game accounts

admin admin- GM

My test account Spikey is in there just delete it or change the password

FusionCms installed #http://localhost

Modules newest code

AHBOT configured and working
Playerbots configured and working
Transmog configured and working
Solocraft configured and working

All Mods mentioned are working up to you to tweak how you want them to work.



In addition I was asked for descriptions of these mods so here you go


  • Bots in World (Random bot): We have enhanced the behavior of random bots to make them mimic real players more closely, creating a more authentic player server environment.
  • Bots in Raid: We've empowered bots to conquer challenging raid content by implementing specific strategies for various bosses, making raid encounters more engaging. Additionally, we have enhanced bots' capabilities in various roles such as DPS, healing, and tanking, ensuring they contribute effectively to the success of raid groups.
  • Bots in Battleground: Bots are now capable of actively participating in battlegrounds alongside real players, adding depth and excitement to these PvP scenarios.
  • Interation with Bots: We have improved the interaction between real players and bots, enabling players to complete quests and level up with multiple characters while collaborating with the bot companions.
  • Player Progression Path: We have designed an improved progression path for players, complemented by bots, to offer an alternative and engaging gameplay experience.
  • Stability: Our efforts have focused on enhancing the overall stability of AzerothCore when using the Playerbots module. These improvements aim to prevent server crashes and ensure a smoother experience for all users.
  • Configuration: We have introduced a range of configurable options to cater to players with varying requirements, allowing for a more personalized experience.

Place transmog npc​

With a gm account goto the location you want to add the npc and use this command:

.npc add 190010
That's it.

(Optional) Edit module configuration​

If you need to change the module configuration, go to your server configuration folder (e.g. etc), copy transmog.conf.dist to transmog.conf and edit it as you prefer.

Edit the module configuration and add a player account ID and a character ID. This character will sell and buy items in the auction house so give him a good name.


  • The account used does not need any security level and can be a player account.
  • The character used by the ahbot is not meant to be used ingame. If you use it to browse the auction house, you might have issues like "Searching for items..." displaying forever.

  • Adjusts player stats for raids based on the # of players in the group
  • Configurable debuff for groups trying to overload the difficulty modifier for an instance
  • Adjustable stats modifier in config
  • Config: Difficulty settings for each instance and type
  • Now includes a Spellpower buff: Adjustable modifier in config
  • Saves your modifier settings in database.
  • Max level thresholds can be set to not buff players whose level is too far over the dungeon level

Hello! Great repack! But I have a problem with transmog NPC, I can’t add it with the command ".npc add 190010". As I understand it, the game cannot find an NPC with this ID. Can you tell me what the problem. Thank you!


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
United States
Ok no one has brought this up to me so far, ok so I have included all the databases for the mods they are in AzerothCore_npcbots_transmog_ahbot_solocraft\data\sql\modules\mod-transmog\data\sql\ update your databases world and characters with these database scripts it should fix your problem.

Let me know if this fix your problem.

I have updated the repack with this fix.

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Verified Member
hmm looking forward to trying this but theres no way to start the sql server like other servers. Ive run 'Unicontroller' but gives me some error about moving a folder called UniserverZ (that doesnt exist!) ???????


Trial Member
opened unicontroller
started apache
started mysql
when i try to open world server it pops up then disappears


Trial Member
Nothing in this repack is configured to work out of the box.
You can only start mysql. The auth & world servers have their configs misplaced and are missing references to the mysql binaries.
Why would you even release something as incomplete as this?


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
United States
Nothing in this repack is configured to work out of the box.
You can only start mysql. The auth & world servers have their configs misplaced and are missing references to the mysql binaries.
Why would you even release something as incomplete as this?
Yeah shit I reuploaded it and used the wrong .conf bundle fixing that now thanks for update, its the line in worldserver.conf and authserver.conf MySQLExecutable = "" needs to be MySQLExecutable = "./core/bin" I will update the repack with this, no idea how that happened first time I uploaded this it was fine. sorry

Repack updated

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Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
United States
Ok so here's what happened the Playerbot.conf was set to update its database setting was enabled and the main db update in the worlserver.conf was disabled long story short the playerbot updates need to be disabled (pulling my hair trying figure this one out) I will update the repack with this fix


Verified Member
Ok so here's what happened the Playerbot.conf was set to update its database setting was enabled and the main db update in the worlserver.conf was disabled long story short the playerbot updates need to be disabled (pulling my hair trying figure this one out) I will update the repack with this fix
I'm really looking forward to the updated repack, thank you for your work and the opportunity to play