Greetings Folks!
It's been some time since I've updated this thread, but links have now been updated - albeit, with some alterations...
It's recently come to my attention that the subject of the 'MOTD' url credit is a matter of contention within the AzerothCore community. And although I've never abstained from giving full credit to the AzerothCore devs in my releases, I've omitted this particular addition in the past, upon request, in the interest of what is considered to be "Blizzlike". So, in respect to the AzerothCore team, going out, I will no longer be omitting this credit from the MOTD blurb.
For the time being, however, I've temporarily replaced the 335 link with that of a TrinityCore repack. Not for any reason associated with the aforementioned concern, but rather because I've had some MySQL compatibility issues recently whilst compiling it. Nevertheless, this particular TrinityCore repack is what I've been recently using, and I fully stand behind it.
As for the 112 core, I've switched to Vmangos , because I personally feel it's much more stable, and the progressive nature of the development is something I fully represent. I truly can't give the Vmangos team enough credit here. They're great.
And in respect to 243, I've remained with CMangos for this release, not only because they stand at the forefront of development for TBC, but also because I feel they've been doing a fantastic job representing that particular expansion.
And finally, I've simplified the repack to no longer require a separate download for Data. This means the Data packet is now included with the Core.
All links are at the head of this post, and if you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to ask.