With the release of v10 for 4.3.4, I'd like to contribute a little more if possible to provide people a better experience when playing. To start off I thought I'd take a look at some cata content. Also to help you guys out, I'll try to provide fixes I find that I don't have to ability to fix myself.
After looking up the problem I seemed to stumble upon: https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/pull/10119. Not sure if this will fix it but I hope it helps in one way or another.
- [Location, Faction, Race] Mount Hyjal, Area 5017 (The Scorched Plain)
- [Name, Type] As Hyjal Burns, Que
- [Problem Description] When taking the quest: As Hyjal Burns, there seems to be a bug after teleporting to Hyjal. Once you are teleported, you fall off the dragon and fall to the ground dying due to fall damage. I'm not sure if the dragon despawned or what.
- [How it should work] You should be flown to the correct location seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5F2zv4-0TM
After looking up the problem I seemed to stumble upon: https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/pull/10119. Not sure if this will fix it but I hope it helps in one way or another.